Bloomberg: у ЄС обговорюють підняття мита на продовольство та добрива з РФ та Білорусі
Кілька країн-членів закликають блок запровадити значні мита на імпорт сільськогосподарської та рибної продукції з Росії та Білорусі до ЄС
Кілька країн-членів закликають блок запровадити значні мита на імпорт сільськогосподарської та рибної продукції з Росії та Білорусі до ЄС
У статті 4-й цієї угоди зазначається, що в разі, якщо одна із сторін зазнає збройного нападу з боку будь-якої держави або кількох держав і виявиться таким чином у стані війни, то інша сторона негайно надасть «військову й іншу допомогу»
ЦАХАЛ заявив, що ізраїльські винищувачі атакували вночі низку військових об’єктів «Хезболли» для виробництва та зберігання зброї в Бейруті
Військові заявили, що в ході проведених операцій «було нейтралізовано велику кількість терористів
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Якщо північнокорейські війська будуть відправлені на війну в Україну, це «означатиме значну ескалацію підтримки КНДР нелегальної війни Росії»
Міністр внутрішніх справ Туреччини кваліфікував напад як теракт
Кожен з учасників позики надаватиме власний кредит, погашення якого відбуватиметься за рахунок надприбутків від заморожених активів Росії
За словами посла США в Японії, цього року навчання Keen Sword є найбільшими за всю історію
Джо Байден додав, що це ще одне нагадування російському Володимиру Путіну про те, що світ об’єднався за Україну
Від початку повномасштабного вторгнення РФ Україна отримала понад 11,3 млрд доларів США виключно від МВФ
Влада у 2020 році оголосила про перемогу Лукашенка, попри заяви опозиції та багатьох західних урядів, що голосування було сфальсифікованим
EVERETT, Wash. — Boeing reported a loss of more than $6 billion in the third quarter and immediately turned its attention to union workers who will vote Wednesday whether to accept a company contract offer or continue their crippling strike, which has dragged on for nearly six weeks.
New CEO Kelly Ortberg laid out his plan to turn Boeing around after years of heavy losses and damage to its reputation.
In remarks he planned to deliver later Wednesday to investors, Ortberg said Boeing needs “a fundamental culture change in the company.” To accomplish that, he said, company leaders need to spend more time on factory floors to know what is going on and “prevent the festering of issues and work better together to identify, fix, and understand root cause.”
Ortberg repeated that he wants to “reset” management’s relationship with labor “so we don’t become so disconnected in the future.” He expressed hope that machinists will vote to approve the company’s latest contract offer and end their strike.
“It will take time to return Boeing to its former legacy, but with the right focus and culture, we can be an iconic company and aerospace leader once again,” he said.
The strike is an early test for Ortberg, a Boeing outsider who became CEO in August.
Ortberg has already announced large-scale layoffs and a plan to raise enough cash to avoid a bankruptcy filing. He needs to convince federal regulators that Boeing is fixing its safety culture and is ready to boost production of the 737 Max — a crucial step to bring in much-needed cash.
Boeing can’t produce any new 737s, however, until it ends the strike by 33,000 machinists that has shut down assembly plants in the Seattle area.
Ortberg has “got a lot on his plate, but he probably is laser-focused on getting this negotiation completed. That’s the closest alligator to the boat,” said Tony Bancroft, portfolio manager at Gabelli Funds, a Boeing investor.
Boeing hasn’t had a profitable year since 2018, and the situation is about to get worse before it gets better.
Boeing said Wednesday that it lost $6.17 billion in the period ended Sept. 30, with an adjusted loss of $10.44 per share. Analysts polled by Zacks Investment Research were calling for a loss of $10.34 per share.
Revenue totaled $17.84 billion, matching Wall Street estimates.
Shares were flat before the opening bell.
Investors will be looking for Ortberg to project calm, determination and urgency as he presides over an earnings call for the first time since he ran Rockwell Collins, a maker of avionics and flight controls for airline and military planes, in the last decade.
The biggest news of the day, however, is likely to come Wednesday evening, when the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers reveals whether striking workers are ready to go back to their jobs.
They will vote at union halls in the Seattle area and elsewhere on a Boeing offer that includes pay raises of 35% over four years, $7,000 ratification bonuses, and the retention of performance bonuses that Boeing wanted to eliminate.
Boeing has held firm in resisting a union demand to restore the traditional pension plan that was frozen a decade ago. However, older workers would get a slight increase in their monthly pension payouts.
At a picket line outside Boeing’s factory in Everett, Washington, some machinists encouraged colleagues to vote no.
“The pension should have been the top priority. We all said that was our top priority, along with wage,” said Larry Best, a customer-quality coordinator with 38 years at Boeing. “Now is the prime opportunity in a prime time to get our pension back, and we all need to stay out and dig our heels in.”
Best also thinks the pay increase should be 40% over three years to offset a long stretch of stagnant wages, now combined with high inflation.
“You can see we got a great turnout today. I’m pretty sure that they don’t like the contract because that’s why I’m here,” said another picketer, Bartley Stokes Sr., who started working at Boeing in 1978. “We’re out here in force, and we’re going to show our solidarity and stick with our union brothers and sisters and vote this thing down because they can do better.”
Серед кандидатів від «Громадянської коаліції» називають мера Варшави Рафала Тшасковського та міністра закордонних справ Радослава Сікорського
Паркан на східному кордоні буде на пів метра вищим, ніж планувалося раніше, а сітка буде щільнішою. Висота огорожі становитиме 3,5 м
У скарзі, поданій штабом Трампа до Федеральної виборчої комісії США, стверджується, що представники британської партії допомагають вести кампанію Камалі Гарріс, яка балотується на пост президента від демократів
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Ethiopia’s state-owned telecommunications company has started selling shares to the public, in a move aimed at establishing a new national stock market and giving Ethiopians a stake in the company, one of the country’s largest and most profitable.
Ethio Telecom will be the first company listed on the new Ethiopian Securities Exchange, or ESX, which is set to begin operating in November. It will be the country’s first stock market since the 1970s.
Ethiopia Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said last Wednesday that the 130-year-old Ethio Telecom is offering 10% of its shares to the public, 100 million shares in all.
Investors, who must be Ethiopian nationals, can buy up to 3,333 shares of the company at a price of 300 birr, or about $2.50 per share.
CEO Frehiwot Tamiru said the company will now be called Ethio Telecom PLC.
“Today marks a significant milestone as we launch the sale of Ethio Telecom shares, an essential step in our ongoing journey from political revolution to evolution over the past six years,” Abiy said in a post on X.
He said offering the shares lays “the groundwork for Ethiopia’s stock market and expanding access to ownership in one of the nation’s leading state-owned enterprises, which has now evolved into a share company.”
Ethiopia, once a communist country aligned with the Soviet Union, has gradually allowed greater foreign investment and has slowly privatized state companies, though the government still owns and controls key banking, telecom and transportation firms.
Not everyone sees the sale of Ethio Telecom shares as a sure winner for the Ethiopian public. Ethiopian economist and the executive director of Initiative Africa, Kibur Gena, is concerned that only wealthy Ethiopians will be able to invest in the company.
“This raises questions, in my opinion, of fairness and inclusivity,” he said. “Such a move might provide, of course, immediate financial benefits to the government; it could also perpetuate inequalities in wealth distribution and restrict, of course, broader public participation in national assets.”
Kibur argues that this approach to privatization could lead to a “deeper wealth gap” and make it harder for the majority of Ethiopians to gain access to economic opportunities.’
“This would certainly contradict the principles of economic equity, which many argue that, when you sell public assets or public resources, they should be distributed more widely to ensure that economic benefits reach marginalized or less affluent groups.”
Ethio Telecom sees it differently. To help ensure that the share sale is inclusive, investors can buy as few as 33 shares, purchasable for 9,900 birr ($82), according to a company post on Facebook.
However, many Ethiopians don’t even earn $82 in a month, according to World Bank data.
Asked why the privatization of state companies have been slow in Ethiopia, Kibur said it can be seen as a “pragmatic strategy to protect national development goals” and “maintain economic sovereignty.”
“In many ways, privatization may eventually happen and it is happening,’’ he said. ‘’Many economists would argue that it should be done gradually with strong regulatory frameworks in place so that it can ensure that it contributes to long-term development and social stability rather than short-term market efficiency.”
Abiy said Ethio Telecom generated about $829 million in revenue and $239 million in profit during 2023, noting the amount is the most income generated for the state, compared to all other domestic and foreign companies operating in Ethiopia, including commercial banks, combined.
“We are doing this so that people could have confidence in it and join the stock market but it would have continued to be profitable even if we didn’t sell shares,” the prime minister said.
Abiy hinted the government may offer more stakes for sale.
“The sale of shares that we started with Ethio Telecom may continue with Ethiopian Airlines, with hotels and other sectors,” he said.
This story originated in VOA’s Horn of Africa Service.
Співрозмовники видання розповіли, що нещодавно Анкара внесла зміни до своєї митної системи
У повідомленні Армії оборони Ізраїлю йдеться про те, що Сафі ад-Дін був ліквідований унаслідок удару три тижні тому
Мова про численні активи холдингу Наумця «Юнігран», який видобуває корисні копалини з кар’єрів на Житомирщині та виготовляє тротуарну плитку
За словами прессекретаря російського президента Дмитра Пєскова, на зустрічі довго обговорювали ситуацію в Україні