Росія незаконно вивезла з окупованого Мелітополя мільйони тонн українського зерна – мер Федоров
«Ми чітко розуміємо, що кількість вкрадених товарів і техніки лише збільшуватиметься»
«Ми чітко розуміємо, що кількість вкрадених товарів і техніки лише збільшуватиметься»
«Стратегічні об’єкти, де рух вантажного транспорту надзвичайно важливий для життєдіяльності країни і немає альтернативи, відбудовуємо повністю»
«Ми повинні знайти, як ми підійдемо до питання національної безпеки щодо людей, які перетинають кордон із Росії»
Габріелюс Ландсбергіс вважає, що обмеження для громадян РФ у перетині кордону – це питання безпеки європейських країн
Кажуть: кожне таке провадження стосується сум від 500 тисяч до 2 мільйонів гривень
Спільна заява п’яти країн була представлена на зустрічі міністрів закордонних справ країн Євросоюзу, яка проходить у Чехії
За даними ЗМІ, він помер після «важкої і тривалої хвороби»
«Потреби величезні, і ми повинні забезпечити узгодженість цих зусиль», заявив Жозеп Боррель
Корабель дістався порту в Джибуті, яке межує з Ефіопією
«Російська православна церква підтримує війну Росії проти українського народу й щодня благословляє воєнні злочини проти українців»
«Слова Святішого Отця щодо цього драматичного питання потрібно розуміти як голос, піднесений на захист людського життя»
Sri Lanka’s new government plans Tuesday to present an amended budget for the year that slashes expenses and aims to provide relief to people hit hard by the country’s economic meltdown.
President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who is also the finance minister, will present the budget in Parliament, which will voted on it after a debate.
The government is negotiating with a visiting International Monetary Fund team on a program to rescue Sri Lanka from its economic crisis. The government is also preparing to negotiate a restructuring of foreign loans Sri Lanka is unable to repay because of a severe foreign exchange shortage.
Prior to the visit, the IMF said in a statement because Sri Lanka’s public debt is unsustainable, the IMF’s executive board will need assurances by Sri Lanka’s creditors that debt sustainability will be restored before any bailout program begins.
Sri Lanka’s total foreign debt exceeds $51 billion — of which it must repay $28 billion by 2027.
The IMF delegation is expected to conclude its visit Wednesday and the government hopes to reach a preliminary agreement by then.
Sri Lankans have faced acute shortages of essentials like fuel, medicine, and cooking gas for months. Though cooking gas supplies were restored through World Bank support, shortages of fuel, critical medicines and some food items continue.
Long fuel lines are reappearing after a quota system seemed to have brought them under control over the past weeks.
“I thought things are improving,” salesperson Asanka Chandana said. “For several weeks in May and June, we faced severe hardships, but things were getting better over the last two weeks after the introduction of the quota system. Now it looks like the shortage is still there and we are back to the square one.”
Power and Energy Minister Kanchana Wijesekera said lapses in distribution, delays in unloading, and payments for orders by fuel stations have created long lines. He said the issues will be sorted within days.
The new budget comes amid a relative calm following months of public protests that led to the ouster of Wickremesinghe’s predecessor Gotabaya Rajapaksa and his family members from power. Protesters accused the once-powerful Rajapaksa political family of being primarily responsible for the economic crisis through corruption and mismanagement.
Rajapaksa fled the country in July and resigned after protesters stormed his official residence. He is now in Thailand.
Party leaders say Rajapaksa is expected to return from exile early in September and have asked Wickremesinghe to provide him with security and facilities to which a former president is legally entitled.
Wickremesinghe, who was elected president in Parliament mainly through the votes of Rajapaksa’s loyalists, has since cracked down on protesters, arresting leaders and those occupied the president’s official residence and other key state buildings at the height of the demonstrations.
He also had the protest site opposite the president’s office dismantled.
The crackdown and the use of a harsh anti-terror law to detain a protest leader has led to the United States and European Union raising human rights concerns.
Wickremesinghe has also largely silenced those calling for his resignation who believe he is only an extension of Rajapaksas’ administration and protecting the political future of the former ruling family.
At one time besides the president, the prime minister and four other government ministers came from the same family before all of them were forced to resign.
“I don’t see a significant change except there is a new person in the office of the president,” political analyst Jayadeva Uyangoda said.
Rajapaksa’s politics continue because his party still holds the majority in Parliament.
Wickremesinghe has unsuccessfully tried to convince opposition parties to join his government so they could win over international trust.
“No opposition party seems to be willing to join Mr. Wickremesinghe’s proposed all-party government for two reasons; they think Mr. Wickremesinghe lacks legitimacy and they are not happy with the dominance of the Rajapaksa party,” Uyangoda said.
Берлін і Париж пропонують залишити візи доступними для студентів, митців, науковців та інших професіоналів, які хочуть в’їхати до ЄС
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday for a visit focused on semiconductors, the critical chips used in everyday electronics that the island manufactures.
Ducey is on a mission to woo suppliers for the new $12 billion Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. (TSMC) plant being built in the state. He is traveling with the Arizona Chamber of Commerce president and the head of the state’s economic development agency.
Ducey is to meet with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, business leaders and university representatives in the semiconductor industry, Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.
American states are competing to attract a multibillion-dollar wave of investment in chip factories as the U.S. government steps up spending on expanding the U.S. semiconductor industry with a recently passed law. Last week, the Indiana governor visited Taiwan for a similar purpose.
U.S. officials worry that the country relies too heavily on Taiwan and other Asian suppliers for processor chips used in smartphones, medical devices, cars and most other electronic devices.
Those worries have been aggravated by tensions with China over technology and security. The potential for disruption was highlighted by chips shortages due to the coronavirus pandemic that sent shockwaves through the auto and electronics industries.
Taiwan produces more than half the global supply of high-end processor chips.
Beijing, which claims self-ruled Taiwan as its territory, fired missiles into the sea near the island starting on Aug. 4 after U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited, disrupting shipping and air traffic, and highlighting the possibility that chip exports might be interrupted.
A law approved by Congress on July 29 promises more than $52 billion in grants and other aid to develop the U.S. semiconductor industry and a 25% tax credit for investors in chip factories in the United States.
State governments are now promising tax breaks and grants to lure chip factories they hope will become centers for high-tech industry.
Intel Corp., the only major U.S. producer, announced plans in March 2021 to build two chip factories in Arizona at a cost of $20 billion. The company has had another facility in Arizona since 1980.
In January, Intel announced plans to invest $20 billion in a chip factory in Ohio.
TSMC., headquartered in Taiwan and which makes chips for Apple Inc. and other customers, announced plans last year to invest $3.5 billion in its second U.S. manufacturing site in North Phoenix, Arizona.
TSMC’s first U.S. semiconductor wafer fabrication facility is in Camas, Washington. It also operates design centers in San Jose, California, and Austin, Texas.
South Korea’s Samsung Electronics says it will break ground in 2024 for a $17 billion chip factory near Austin, Texas. The state says it is the biggest single investment to date in Texas.
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