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Category: Новини

US to Prioritize Cases of Refugees Delayed by Travel Ban

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President Donald Trump’s administration has agreed to speed up the cases of some former interpreters for the U.S. military in Iraq and hundreds of other refugees whose efforts to move to the United States have been in limbo since he announced his travel bans three years ago.The news was contained in a settlement filed in federal court in Seattle on Monday. It concerned more than 300 refugees who were on the verge of being permitted to come to America in 2017 when their applications were halted as part of Trump’s efforts to restrict travel from several mostly Muslim nations.Some of those affected are close relatives of refugees who are already in the U.S., while others are from 11 countries, including Egypt, Iran and Somalia, that Trump singled out, citing security reasons.”The government tried to keep refugee families apart under the pretense of national security,” said Lisa Nowlin, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington, which sued along with several other organizations. “This settlement aims to undo the harmful effects of the illegal and misguided ban on refugees.”The restrictions on refugees from the 11 countries and on relatives of those already in the U.S. — known as “follow-to-join” refugees — were companion measures to Trump’s broader travel ban on those seeking visas to enter the U.S., which the Supreme Court eventually allowed.U.S. District Judge James Robart in Seattle — the same judge who blocked Trump’s initial, broader travel ban in early 2017 — blocked the companion refugee restrictions late that year in consolidated lawsuits that were brought by the ACLU, Jewish Family Services, International Refugee Assistance Project and other organizations. They alleged that the refugee bans were discriminatory and arbitrary and that they violated due process rights.By the time Robart agreed to block the bans, hundreds of refugees had their cases upended, leaving them in administrative limbo. For many, background checks, medical clearances or other required documentation had expired by the time the bans were revoked. That meant they had to begin the process over again.The plaintiffs included former interpreters for the U.S. military in Iraq, who sued under pseudonyms because they could face threats if their identities became public. Others were refugees who had petitioned to have their spouses and children join them in the U.S. from camps in Kenya, Uganda and elsewhere.One plaintiff, Allen Vaught, an Iraq war veteran from Dallas, said the refugee ban “derailed efforts to get my last surviving Iraqi translator, who served bravely alongside U.S. military forces for many years, to the United States.”Under the settlement, the refugees won’t automatically be admitted to the U.S., but the government agreed to move their cases to the front of the line for processing.”What the administration did really messed up their cases,” said Mariko Hirose, litigation director of the New York-based International Refugee Assistance Project. “This settlement is aimed at making sure that people who were affected by the ban are able to get their cases adjudicated and hopefully come to the U.S. very quickly.”

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Міністр юстиції США: до інформації від України треба ставитися дуже обережно

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Міністр юстиції США Вільям Барр підтвердив, що американське Міністерство юстиції отримало інформацію від особистого адвоката президента США Дональда Трампа Руді Джуліані напередодні листопадових виборів. Водночас, за його словами, всьому, що надходить з України, не можна довіряти беззастережно.

Як повідомляє агентство Reuters, Барр заявив про це на пресконференції після того, як голова юридичного комітету Сенату Ліндсі Ґрем в ефірі CBS News сказав, що Міністерство юстиції розпочало процес, тому Джуліані може надати інформацію, і міністерство визначить, чи її можна верифікувати.

«Ми маємо бути дуже обережними в тому, що стосується будь-якої інформації з України. В Україні є дуже багато порядків денних. Є багато течій, і ми не можемо беззастережно довіряти всьому, що отримуємо з України», – сказав Барр.

Барр додав, що Міністерство юстиції почало процес, у рамках якого приймає й оцінює інформацію стосовно України, зокрема ту, яку може надати Джуліані.


При цьому заступник директора ФБР Девід Боудіч не уточнив, чи йдеться про офіційне розслідування щодо Байденів.

Минулого тижня Сенат проголосував за виправдання президента США у процесі про імпічмент. Трампа звинувачували у зловживанні повноваженнями і перешкоджанні розслідуванню Конгресу через те, що під час телефонної розмови він попросив українського президента Володимира Зеленського почати розслідування діяльності політичного опонента Трампа Джо Байдена і його сина Гантера, який працював в енергетичній компанії в Україні.

Адвокат Трампа Джуліані шукав інформацію про Байденів в Україні. 


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Categories: Новини, Світ

Президент Казахстану звільнив губернатора регіону, де через міжетнічні сутички загинули 10 людей

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Президент Казахстану Касим-Жомарт Токаєв звільнив губернатора південного регіону Жамбил після того, як внаслідок сутичок між етнічними казахами та дунганами (меншиною мусульман китайського походження) минулого тижня тут загинули 10 людей, десятки були поранені.

Пресслужба Токаєва 10 лютого повідомила, що президент видав укази про звільнення Аскара Марзахметова і призначення замість нього віце-прем’єра Бердібека Сапарбаєва.

Представники влади Киргизстану раніше повідомили місцевій службі Радіо Свобода, що після спалаху міжетнічного насильства в Жамбилі близько 4 500 людей залишили Казахстан через казахстансько-киргизький кордон.

Протягом 8 і 9 лютого 34 громадянин Казахстану потрапили до киргизьких лікарень, 13 людей перебувають там досі. Ще 39 людей госпіталізували в Казахстані, в тому числі трьох урядових працівників із вогнепальними пораненнями.


За даними прикордонної служби Киргизстану, більшість казахів, які перетинали кордон протягом днів сутичок – жінки, діти і літні люди. За повідомленнями, селяни з прикордонних киргизьких селищ зустріли їх на кордоні, надали гарячу їжу та притулок.

У терміновому телевізійному зверненні президент Казахстану Касим-Жомарт Токаєв заявив, що наказав безпековим службам розслідувати поширення мови ненависті, «провокативних чуток та дезінформації».

9 лютого урядові служби повідомили, що до участі в сутичках причетні близько 300 людей і проти них вже відкрили кримінальні провадження.

Увечері 7 лютого в декількох селах Жамбилської області стався етнічний конфлікт між етнічними казахами і дунганами, причини якого наразі невідомі. Села Масанчі, Сортобе, Аухатти, в яких сталися заворушення, розташовані поруч з кордоном Киргизстану. Значну частину населення цих прикордонних населених пунктів складають представники дунганської меншини. 

Увечері 8 лютого влада Казахстану оголосила надзвичайну ситуацію «техногенного характеру місцевого масштабу».


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New England State Looks Ahead to First-In-Nation Primary

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The Northeastern state of New Hampshire votes on a Democratic Party nominee for President Tuesday.  The vote is the nation’s second contest for the Democratic nomination, since Iowa conducted its caucuses last week, but the first primary of the year.  VOA’s Carolyn Presutti is in New Hampshire, where she spent the week talking to numerous voters who explained why they are waiting make up their minds.

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Швейцарці на референдумі проголосували за поправку, що захищає ЛГБТ-спільноту

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До Кримінального кодексу Швейцарської конфедерації буде внесена поправка, яка захищатиме представників ЛГБТ-спільноти від дискримінації.

Поправка також забороняє дискримінацію за ознакою расової належності. Порушення закону каратиметься штрафом або тюремним ув’язненням до трьох років.

Цю поправку на референдумі 9 лютого підтримали 63,1 відсотка швейцарців, проти проголосували 36,9 відсотка. З 26 кантонів лише три, Аппенцелль-Іннерроден, Швіц та Урі, проголосували проти поправки.

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Крамп-Карренбауер не стане наступницею Меркель – ЗМІ

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Лідер провідної партії німецької правлячої коаліції – Християнсько-демократичного союзу – Аннегрет Крамп-Карренбауер не буде на виборах в 2021 році балотуватися на пост федерального канцлера. Про це повідомляють німецькі ЗМІ та інформаційні агентства з посиланням на джерела в партії.

Крамп-Карренбауер у грудні 2018 року змінила Ангелу Меркель на посту лідера ХДС. Її називали найімовірнішою наступницею Меркель і на посту канцлера – в разі перемоги партії на майбутніх виборах. Крамп-Карренбауер, однак, так і не змогла завоювати достатню популярність як серед публіки, так і у власній партії. Недавній скандал в Тюрінгії, де ХДС підтримала кандидатуру місцевого прем’єра разом з правопопулістською «Альтернативою для Німеччини», також не сприяв популярності лідера партії.

На з’їзді Християнсько-демократичного союзу 7 грудня 2018 року новою главою партії обрали Аннегрет Крамп-Карренбауер. На чолі партії Крамп-Карренбауер змінить Ангелу Меркель, яка займала цю посаду протягом 18 років.

Крамп-Карренбауер відома своєю принциповістю в політиці. Вона, крім іншого, запропонувала в відповідь на дії Росії в Керченській протоці закрити порти західних країн для російських кораблів з Азовського моря, поки Росія «блокує» вхід в нього для українських кораблів.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

New Hampshire Voters to Cast Ballots in First in the Nation Primary

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Brothers Jesse and Alex Khoury walked into a Manchester, New Hampshire, sports bar and waded through a dense crowd.  They aren’t here to try the craft beer. It is Saturday, 8 in the morning, and they are here to canvas neighborhoods on behalf of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders.Older brother Alex, 28, said he told his brother just days ago, “Hey, we gotta do this.”Jesse, 25, likes Sanders’ talk of climate change and health care for all. “A lot of people would consider that radical,” Jesse said, “but I think it is necessary.”Brothers Alex and Jesse Khoury are prepping to canvas for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders who narrowly leads most New Hampshire polls. (VOA/Carolyn Presutti) Steven Yeaton is decades older. With a long white beard, he stands with a cane to maintain balance on his prosthetic leg.  He also likes Sanders’ health care pitch and does not worry about polls showing a tight race.  “They’re gonna come out of the woodwork like we did last time,” he said.”Last time” was 2016 when Sanders overwhelmingly won the New Hampshire primary but lost the national party nomination to Sen. Hillary Clinton.Hundreds of thousands undeclaredFor Tuesday, the state’s primary election day, about 413,000 voters are undeclared voters, meaning they can support a candidate from either party.  In addition, voters can register to vote Tuesday.  Most voters spent the past month studying the candidates before deciding whom to support. Some call themselves procrastinators. Others just say they need more facts before choosing.  Ann McColgan spent two days developing a spreadsheet to gauge the candidates on the issues and then to rank them, coordinating the number of issues that resonate with her beliefs.  “There are just too many candidates to keep straight this year,”said McColgan who works as a nurse at an urgent care facility.Dante Scala is a professor of political science at New Hampshire University.  He is not surprised McColgan and others are overwhelmed by the large field.  Scala says it has become very difficult for any one or two candidates to become dominant. “Even a former vice president such as Joe Biden has struggled in New Hampshire to become the leader,” he said.  Procrastinator or educatorSo many wait to meet (or at least see) candidates numerous times in person before deciding on their candidate. The Ed Brand forms chocolate into Easter eggs. The Granite State Candy Shoppe Chocolatier will support South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg. (VOA/Carolyn Presutti)Tech visionSeveral autonomous robots hum audibly as they carry out their programmed missions, gliding with intermittent stops and traversing around the test track on their omni-directional wheels. Jason Walker is co-founder and CEO of  Waypoint Robotics, which last October moved from a facility a fourth of the size of the new warehouse in Nashua, New Hampshire.  Walker says technology is a huge part of our economy so he’s looking for a presidential candidate who incorporates it into their vision.”If people don’t really understand tech, it’s hard to steer things in a direction that will be meaningful and successful,” he said.  On Tuesday, New Hampshire residents will cast their ballots.  A New Hampshire winner will propel the candidate onto more state voting contests.  Up next is the Nevada caucus on Saturday, February 22, followed by the South Carolina primary on Saturday February 29.  

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Taiwanese Go Wild for Face Masks to Stop Deadly Virus from Nearby China

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Taiwanese people are leading an Asian face mask craze this month to ward off threats from a deadly virus they fear will jump from its nearby source country China into a local population that was already extra cautious about getting sick.Local vendors normally produce 1.9 million masks a day and they’re now pushing out 3.2 million to 40 million, according to government Industrial Development Bureau figures. The island’s 80 mask producers have raised production to meet rising demand despite a rationing of sales to ensure no one hoards the supplies, a bureau official said.Many people in Taiwan, which is 160 kilometers from China, worry that a novel coronavirus discovered in December will eventually infect their own population. All 18 known cases known in Taiwan so far are linked to travel from China, where hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese work and invest.Chinese authorities had reported a cumulative 908 coronavirus deaths among 40,171 cases Sunday.“Taiwan because of its geography is close to mainland China and in addition you have Taiwanese people going back and forth quite frequently, whether tourists or Taiwanese, then add that we’re in winter, the season most suitable for the spread of disease,” said Chiu Cheng-hsun, a professor and doctor with the Linkou Chang Gung hospital children’s respiratory disease department. “As soon as mainland China has no way to control this epidemic, then Taiwan could become the first place to get hit,” Chiu said.People throughout much of East Asia have bought up surgical face masks as a precaution against catching the virus. A mask, the same type found in hospitals throughout the world, stops droplets coughed out by an infected person from landing on other people. Demand for masks has surged particularly in countries such as Malaysia and Thailand that get high numbers of Chinese tourists.Masks jumped in popularity last month so fast that the Taiwan government asked factories to raise production and rationed purchases. Shoppers must swipe their National Health Insurance cards in approved pharmacies to get their maximum of two masks, every two days. The swipe leaves a computerized purchase record.Two vendors wear face masks and wait for customers at a night market in Taipei, Taiwan, Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020.Pharmacists said last week the government was also controlling supplies to their stores, for example 200 masks per day.Lines of 50 people or more have formed outside the pharmacies – only to find in some cases that stock has sold out.  People in Taipei say they support the rationing as a way to ensure no one hoards supplies.“Some people have time to shop for  masks  and others don’t have time, so now there is a computerized record,” said Lee Kuo-bin, 58, a Taipei man who uses masks even when there’s no specific virus threat. He checked a cluster of pharmacies behind a hospital last week but found nothing.Bernie Huang, 31, a Taipei high school teacher, uses two  masks  per week and fears his compatriots are overreacting.“Due to the prevailing fear for the new coronavirus, many Taiwanese people buy  masks  in bulk and hoard the  masks. However, healthy people don’t have to wear  masks  all the time, and the hoarding of  masks  will cut out  people who actually need to wear  masks, such as people with chronic diseases and respiratory infections,” he said. “The face  mask  rationing policy ensures that the  masks  are definitely available for people who actually need the  masks,” Huang said.Mask users are motivated by television images of people wearing the own and news about the rising death count in China, said George Hou, a mass communications lecturer at Taiwan-based I-Shou University. “In almost every televised image you have demonstrations of people using face masks,” he said.  Local scarcity prompts people to worry all the more, he added.Taiwanese were already using masks before the coronavirus outbreak on a perception the gear could block pollution and any germs suspended in the air.  The island with a dense population where multiple generations live under the same roof is prone to influenza and a contagious gastrointestinal illness that has killed small children, all raising fear of disease.  The 10% of people who once wore masks in Taipei now exceeds 50%.Taiwanese also recall the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic of 2003, said Huang Kwei-bo, vice dean of the international affairs college at National Chengchi University in Taipei. SARS originated in China and spread to Taiwan, killing 73 on the island.Some of the government’s rules, such as a two-week delay in starting the new public-school semester, are confusing or excessive, he said. Children clumped together risk spreading disease, but the semester delay has caused childcare headaches for some families.“If there are people who think the Tsai Ing-wen government is a bit over the top about this outbreak, I think as long as it’s not too exaggerated of an overkill, I can accept it,” he said.

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Зонд Solar Orbiter почав подорож до Сонця

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Ракета-носій Atlas V з космічним зондом Solar Orbiter о шостій ранку 10 лютого за Києвом стартувала з космодрому на мисі Канаверал у Флориді. Про це повідомили у Національному аерокосмічному агентстві США.

«Космічний апарат починає свою подорож, щоб зробити перші знімки північного та південного полюсів Сонця», – мовиться у повідомленні.


Експедиція Solar Orbiter є спільним проєктом НАСА та Європейського космічного агентства. Місія триватиме два роки, за цей час зонд має здійснити близько 22 обертань навколо Сонця.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Сутички в Казахстані: біженці почали повертатися додому з Киргизстану

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Понад тисяча громадян Казахстану перетнули кордон з боку Киргизстану 9 лютого після того, як протягом вихідних кілька тисяч втекли туди від міжетнічних сутичок в казахській провінції Жамбил, повідомляють місцеві кореспонденти Радіо Свобода.

Представники влади Киргизстану повідомили місцевій службі Радіо Свобода, що після спалаху міжетнічного насильства в Жамбилі кордон близько 4 500 людей залишили Казахстан через казахстансько-киргизький кордон.

Наразі точно невідомо, скільки саме громадян Казахстану, які повертаються до своєї країни, залишили її саме через конфлікт. Внаслідок сутичок між етнічними казахами та дунганами (меншиною мусульман китайського походження) загинули 10 людей.

Протягом 8 і 9 лютого 34 громадянина Казахстану потрапили до киргизьких лікарень, 13 людей перебувають там досі. Ще 39 людей госпіталізували в Казахстані, в тому числі трьох урядових працівників із вогнепальними пораненнями.

За даними прикордонної служби Киргизстану, більшість казахів, які перетинали кордон протягом днів сутичок – жінки, діти та люди похилого віку. За повідомленнями, селяни з прикордонних киргизьких селищ зустріли їх на кордоні, надали гарячу їжу та притулок.


У терміновому телевізійному зверненні президент Казахстану Касим-Жомарт Токаєв заявив, що наказав безпековим службам розслідувати поширення мови ненависті, «провокативних чуток та дезінформації».

9 лютого урядові служби повідомили, що до участі в сутичках причетні близько 300 людей і проти них вже відкрили кримінальні провадження.

Увечері 7 лютого в декількох селах Жамбилської області стався етнічний конфлікт між етнічними казахами і дунганами, причини якого наразі невідомі. Села Масанчі, Сортобе, Аухатти, в яких сталися заворушення, розташовані поруч з кордоном Киргизстану. Значну частину населення цих прикордонних населених пунктів складають представники дунганської меншини. Всі згорілі будинки належать дунганам.

Увечері 8 лютого влада Казахстану оголосила надзвичайну ситуацію «техногенного характеру місцевого масштабу».

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Actor Robert Conrad of TV’s Wild Wild West, Dies at 84

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Actor Robert Conrad, who starred in several hit television series from the 1950s through the 1970s, has died just a month short of his 85th birthday.The Chicago-born Conrad came to Hollywood in the late 1950s to work as a stuntman, but soon became the star of 1959’s Hawaiian Eye, a police detective series whose setting was the newest American state.The show with its exotic backgrounds and simple plots became a huge success and ran for five years.Conrad was back the following season with his best-remembered role — James T. West in The Wild Wild West. Conrad’s West was teamed with disguise master Artemus Gordon, played by the late Ross Martin. The pair played secret agents employed by U.S. President Ulysses Grant.The surrealistic series was set in the 1870s, but featured 20th century gadgets and strange villains, all done with a sense of humor that kept the series on for another five years.Conrad also played real-life World War II pilot Gregory “Pappy” Boyington in TVs Baa Baa Black Sheep, renamed Black Sheep Squadron from 1976 thorough 1978.The short but powerfully built Conrad had an off-screen reputation for arguments and fistfights. But his daughter said that was because her father was a hard worker who had no patience for people who weren’t doing their jobs.Conrad enjoyed making fun of his tough-guy persona and told an interviewer in 2008, “If you treat me nicely, I’ll treat you nicer.”

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Trump to Propose Cuts in Foreign Aid, Social Safety Nets in Budget, Officials Say

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U.S. President Donald Trump will propose on Monday a 21% cut in foreign aid and slashes to social safety net programs in his $4.8 trillion budget proposal for fiscal 2021, according to senior administration officials.The budget will seek an increase in funds to counter developing economic threats from China and Russia, but will also raise funds by targeting $2 trillion in savings from mandatory spending programs in the United States. The budget assumes revenues of $3.8 trillion.Trump, a Republican, sought in his budget proposal last year to slash foreign aid but faced steep resistance from Congress and did not prevail.The president’s latest blueprint for administration spending proposals is unlikely to be passed by the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, particularly in an election year.Trump, who campaigned for the presidency in 2016 on a promise to build a wall along the U.S. Border with Mexico, will seek $2 billion in funding for further construction on that project, substantially less than the $8.6 billion he requested a  year ago. The administration shifted resources to the project from the military last year after Congress refused Trump’s request. The White House will not seek further funds from the military for the wall, a senior administration said.The budget seeks $1 trillion to fund an infrastructure spending bill that both Democrats and Republicans have said is a priority. The two sides are unlikely to agree on any major legislation this year, though, as the two sides fight for control of the White House and Congress in the November elections.The budget would raise military spending by 0.3% to $740.5 billion for the fiscal year 2021, starting Oct. 1 and propose higher outlays for defense and veterans, administration officials confirmed. But former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen raised concerns about how the foreign aid cuts would affect the U.S. civilian footprint around the world that helps reduce the need for military intervention.”This is a moment when more investment in diplomacy and development is needed not less,” he wrote in a letter to top congressional leaders.Trump’s foreign aid proposal seeks $44.1 billion in the upcoming fiscal year compared with $55.7 billion enacted in fiscal year 2020, an administration official said.Spending cutsThe White House proposes to slash spending by $4.4 trillion over 10 years.That includes $130 billion from changes to Medicare prescription-drug pricing, $292 billion from cuts in safety net programs – such as work requirements for Medicaid and food stamps – and $70 billion from clamping down on eligibility rules for federal disability benefits. Those changes are likely to spur Democrats’ ire.The U.S. government ended fiscal year 2019 with the largest budget deficit in seven years as gains in tax receipts were offset by higher spending and growing debt service payments, the Treasury department said on Friday.The budget forecasts $4.6 trillion in deficit reduction over 10 years and assumes economic growth will continue at annual rate of roughly 3 percent for years to come, officials said.Trump has taken credit for the strength of the U.S. economy thanks in part to tax cuts he championed and Congress passed earlier in his term. The budget funds an extension of those cuts over a 10-year period with $1.4 trillion.Aid to Ukraine would remain at its 2020 levels under the new foreign aid proposal. Trump was acquitted last week of impeachment charges that he withheld aid to Ukraine to spur Kiev to investigate political rival Joe Biden, a Democratic presidential candidate and former U.S. vice president.Administration officials told Reuters that Trump would request an increase in funding for the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) to $700 million from $150 million the previous year. 

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Oscars Seen as Slow to Embrace Diversity

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Minorities account for two of the 20 actors and actresses nominated for Oscars this year, and no women were nominated in the Best Director category. Upon announcing the Oscar nominations, actress Issa Rae underscored these facts by remarking, “Congratulations to those men.”But why is there this lack of female and minority representation four years after the Academy announced it would strive for greater diversity?Despite the academy’s unanimous 2016 vote “to double the number of women and diverse members of the Academy by 2020,” for a fourth consecutive year, change is being made but it has been slower than anticipated. According to the academy, 842 members were added in 2019, bringing the total membership of women to 32% and people of color to 16%.In the past four years, no woman has received an Oscar nomination in the category of Best Director, while, this year, Cynthia Erivo was the only nonwhite actress to receive a nomination for Harriet in the acting categories. Other lead actresses and actors of color, such as Jennifer Lopez for Hustlers, Lupita Ny’ongo in Us, and Eddie Murphy in Dolemite is my Name, did not make the cut.The reason behind this setback? “The percentages are still overwhelmingly white and male,” said Cynthia Fuchs, Associate Director of Film and Video studies at George Mason University near Washington.She said the academy is making strides, but not fast enough. She pointed to Hollywood’s reluctance to take risks by investing in films about minorities and women out of fear such projects might not yield great profit. Fuchs pointed to box-office successes such as Black Panther and Get Out, however, both featuring extensive black casts, as well as this year’s Bong Joon Ho’s South Korean film Parasite, which received six Oscar nominations this year.“Most people around the world think it is the Best Picture,” she said of Parasite.The cast and crew of “Parasite” arrive at the Oscars, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles, California, Feb. 9, 2020.Fuchs said Oscar nominees often are Hollywood insiders, who can afford extensive advertising campaigns. Their very names become a virtual endorsement of their work, such as Martin Scorsese, nominated for The Irishman, or Quentin Tarantino for his Hollywood nostalgia movie, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.Many of these insiders also gain momentum from buzz generated after they receive coveted awards before the Oscars, such as British Academy of Film and Television Arts, Screen Actors Guild, Golden Globe, and Critics Choice awards. As always, money also talks, putting films such as Todd Phillips’s billion-dollar box office hit Joker more on people’s radar than a small independent film, according to Fuchs.While the academy is slowly warming up to minorities and women, it may be too little, too late. Younger generations are tuning out the Oscars, leading to lackluster ratings in recent years, according to Richard Craig, Associate Professor of Communication at George Mason University.“I think the academies are going to shift. Maybe we’ll see more streaming in regards to categories or something of that nature,” he said.WATCH: Related video by VOA’s Angelina BagdasaryanSorry, but your player cannot support embedded video of this type, you can
download this video to view it offline. Embed” />CopyFuchs agreed. More and more streaming companies are producing and showcasing diverse, smaller films, from all over the world, allowing their subscribers, for a relatively small monthly fee, access to movies from around the world, she said. Higher viewership could lead to higher recognition and consequently more awards for some of these films.At his Golden Globes award speech for Parasite, Bong drove that point home, saying through a translator, “Once you overcome the 1-inch-tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.”All that is from the comfort of a couch, or from anywhere really, using mobile technology.“People are watching movies in a variety of ways now and people who make movies watch movies in a variety of ways now. Not everybody goes to the theater,” Fuchs said, adding, “Netflix is aware of that, Amazon Prime is aware of that, Hulu is aware of that, Disney is aware of that.”Fuchs noted that as more movies are being produced outside Hollywood, using different technologies for multi-media audiences, Hollywood’s role as the epicenter of the film industry could wane — and so could the Oscars, with younger generations wanting to see a more diverse and decentralized award system, embracing women’s roles and ethnic diversity in the film industry. 

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Thailand Mourns Victims of ‘Unprecedented’ Shooting Rampage

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Buddhist monks in northeast Thailand, joined by throngs of mourners, burned candles, prayed and chanted Sunday for the victims of the country’s worst mass shooting.A soldier angered over a financial dispute gunned down pedestrians and bystanders as he sped down a street in an army Humvee Saturday in Nakhon Ratchasima, leaving 29 dead and nearly 60 wounded in his wake. Security forces shot and killed the soldier after a 12-hour standoff inside a shopping mall Sunday.The victims included a 13-year-old boy riding his motorbike and a young mother driving with her son.Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha said he hopes the shooting “is the only one and the last incident, and that it never happens again. No one wants this to happen.” He called such bloodshed in Thailand “unprecedented.”Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha visits an injured man in a hospital following a shooting rampage involving a Thai soldier, in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, Feb. 9, 2020.Officials identified the gunman as Sergeant Major Jakrapanth Thomma. Prayut and police say he was in the middle of a financial dispute with a relative of his commanding officer at an army camp involving the sale of a house.Jakrapanth gunned down the officer and his relative, stole a load of guns from the camp, and took off in a Humvee, shooting his victims as he sped to the mall, where he continued to fire at people inside and outside the shopping center.Jakrapanth holed himself up in the Terminal 21 Korat shopping center, an airport-themed mall filled with colorful Lego sculptures, a merry-go-round and huge replicas of landmarks from around the world.Armed commando soldiers move a person out of Terminal 21 Korat mall in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, Feb. 9, 2020.After most mall employees and shoppers were evacuated, a joint police and military team swept the shopping center for Jakrapanth and killed him.
Officials say Jakrapanth was a trained sharpshooter who took special army classes on ambushing the enemy.Hours before his bloody attack, Jakrapanth went on Facebook to tear into those he called greedy people, saying they cannot spend money in hell and adding that death is inevitable for everyone.Facebook shut down his page almost immediately.The death toll surpassed Thailand’s last major attack on civilians, a 2015 bombing at Bangkok’s Erawan Shrine that killed 20.Nakhon Ratchasima 

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Партія президента Азербайджану отримує більшість у парламенті – екзит-поли

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Правляча партія президента Азербайджану Ільгама Алієва отримує більшість у новому парламенті, свідчать дані екзит-полів.

Партія «Новий Азербайджан» здобула 69 місць зі 125. До цього вона мала 65.

За даними екзит-полів, ще 41 місце отримали номінально незалежні кандидати, більшість з яких підтримує політику правлячої партії. Єдиний опозиційний кандидат, який може отримати місце в новому парламенті, – це Еркін Ґадірлі з «Республіканської Альтернативи».

Голосування було бойкотоване кількома опозиційними партіями на знак протесту через обмеження роботи медіа та права на мирні зібрання.

За даними Центральної виборчої комісії Азербайджану, за дві години до кінця голосування явка становила 44,84%.

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Іран запустив супутник, але він не зміг досягти орбіти Землі

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Іран запустив свій супутник «Зафар», але він не зміг досягти орбіти Землі, повідомило іранське державне телебачення.

За словами речника космічної програми Міністерства оборони Ахмада Хоссеїні, «Зафар» не досяг орбіти, тому що не набрав необхідної швидкості.

Це щонайменше третій невдалий запуск супутника в Ірані з початку 2019 року.

Американська влада вважає, що запуск супутника є частиною програми розвитку балістичних ракет. На думку США, технологія зможе застосовуватися під час використання ядерних боєголовок. Іран заперечує звинувачення.

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Democratic Presidential Contenders Spar Just Ahead of New Hampshire Vote

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Democratic presidential contenders jabbed at each Sunday two days ahead of the crucial New Hampshire party primary, attempting to undercut each others’ credentials to take on Republican President Donald Trump in the November national election.Both former Vice President Joe Biden, now in a fight for his political life, and ex-South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg both claimed on ABC News’ “This Week” show that the race against Trump will be more difficult to win if Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, one of the leading Democratic contenders, is the Democratic nominee because he is a self-declared democratic socialist.New day-to-day tracking polling in the rural northeastern state showed Sanders leading Buttigieg in a top pairing, with Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts in a clear second tier standing and Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota trailing further in fifth.Tuesday’s vote comes a week after Buttigieg edged Sanders in the farm state of Iowa at Democratic caucuses in the race for eventual delegates to the party’s July national presidential nominating convention, with the other three candidates trailing well behind.Democratic presidential candidate former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg speaks during a Democratic presidential primary debate, Feb. 7, 2020.Buttigieg claimed that “it’ll be a lot harder” for Democrats to oust Trump from the White House after a single term with Sanders heading the ticket if they are forced to democratic socialism to voters.Still, Buttigieg said, “I’d be the most progressive president we’ve had in a half century.”Biden said that a Sanders-led ticket would be “a bigger uphill climb” to defeat Trump.With the Democrats continuing their fight among themselves for the right to take on Trump, the president on Sunday basked again in his acquittal last week on two impeachment charges, retweeting praise from supporters and criticizing Democrats.”The Dems are crazed, they will do anything. Honesty & truth don’t matter to them. They are badly wounded. Iowa vote count was a disaster for them!,” Trump said.Biden, Sanders and Warren all attacked Buttigieg, who a year ago was an unknown political figure throughout the country. Until recently he was the mayor of  a city of 100,000 people, the fourth largest in the Midwest state of Indiana. With his Iowa win, he will be the first openly gay presidential candidate to win delegates for the national party nomination.Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden is surrounded at a campaign event, Feb. 5, 2020, in Somersworth, N.H.Biden, citing his long experience in Washington as his calling card to take on Trump, belittled Buttigieg’s South Bend mayoral experience and said he “hasn’t been able to unify the black community” in the city. In the U.S., African-Americans overwhelmingly vote for Democratic presidential candidates, but in 2016 a lower than expected black turnout hurt Hillary Clinton’s chances against Trump.Buttigieg said that on his first day in the White House if he is elected, he would initiate “a systemic plan” to curb racism in the country.Buttigieg has collected campaign funds from billionaires, saying he needed the donations in order to build a national political operation, but both Warren and Sanders, who have relied on smaller donations, attacked Buttigieg for the practice.“The coalition of billionaires is not exactly what’s going to carry us over the top,” Warren said on ABC. “The way I see it now right now is that we have a government that works great for a thinner and thinner slice at the top. That’s been true for decades and it’s gotten worse and worse and worse.”She said that the national government is run by billionaires “that make big campaign contributions or reach in their own pockets like Michael Bloomberg does. If it’s going taking sucking up to billionaires or being a billionaire to get the Democratic nomination to run for president, then all I can say is, ‘Buckle up America,’ because our government is going to work even better for billionaires and even worse for everyone else.”Her reference to Bloomberg, a former mayor of New York, comes as he has spent a reported $250 million of his own money to campaign first for the Democratic nomination in the 14 states that are voting in party contests on March 3, while skipping the four Democratic elections in February, including New Hampshire.Sanders assailed Buttigieg’s fundraising on the “Fox News Sunday” show, saying, “Here’s the problem, everybody knows this, whether you’re a conservative or progressive: It is the billionaires and the  big money interests that control what goes on what goes on politically, what goes on legislatively in this country.””And if you do as Mayor Buttigieg does, take huge amounts of contributions from the CEOs of the pharmaceutical industry, from financiers in fossil fuel industry, from the insurance companies, from Wall Street, does anybody seriously believe you’re going to stand up to the powerful interests and represent working people?” Sanders said.He said he is “enormously proud of the fact that my campaign today, as of today, has received more campaign contributions from more people, averaging all of $18.50 than any candidate in the history of the United States of America. We are a campaign of the working class, by the working class, and for the working class.”Sanders asked rhetorically, “Do you think when the CEOs of major pharmaceutical companies contribute to your campaign that you are really going to take them on? I think common sense suggests that when you take money and you are dependent on billionaires, you’re not going to stand up to them and you’re not going to effectively represent working families.”

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У Москві затримали активістів-супротивників системи розпізнавання облич

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Російські силовики затримали у Москві під час пікетів проти використання системи розпізнавання облич художницю Катерину Ненашеву та трьох студентів – Семена Морозова, Степана Гнездилова та Марину Безенкову.

Учасники акції нанесли на обличчя спеціальний грим, що, як вони сподіваються, не дозволять системі їх розпізнати. У мережі вони маркують свої акції хештегом #следуй. 9 лютого представники ініціативи планували провести майстер-клас із такого гримування у Сахаровському центрі, а перед тим, як вони пишуть у фейсбуці, «провести екскурсію».

Як повідомляє російська служба Радіо Свобода, активістів доставили до поліційного відділку нібито за участь у неузгодженій акції. Наразі туди приїхав також їхній адвокат. 

Система розпізнавання облич запрацювала у Москві в 2017 році. У МВС Росії обіцяли, що до неї підключать всі 175 тисяч міських відеокамер (в під’їздах, у дворах і на вулицях). Доступ до камер, крім правоохоронних органів, дали Федеральній службі судових приставів. Також у січні стало відомо, що Москва витратить ще два мільярди рублів на обладнання для системи розпізнавання осіб. Тоді ж активізувався рух #следуй.

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Man Carrying Knife Arrested Outside White House After Threat

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A man carrying a knife was arrested outside the White House after he told a U.S. Secret Service officer that he was there to kill the president, police said.Roger Hedgpeth, 25, was arrested Saturday afternoon on a charge of making threats to do bodily harm, the Metropolitan Police Department said.Hedgpeth approached a Secret Service officer who was patrolling outside the White House and said he was there to “assassinate” President Donald Trump and “I have a knife to do it with,” according to a police report obtained by The Associated Press.Police found a 3 1/2-inch knife in a sheath on his left hip, and Hedgpeth also had an empty pistol holster on his right hip, authorities said.Hedgpeth was taken into custody and brought to a hospital for a mental health evaluation, police said. Officers also impounded his vehicle.A telephone number listed for Hedgpeth in public records rang unanswered on Sunday. It wasn’t immediately clear where he lives or whether he had an lawyer who could comment on his behalf.

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Іран обіцяє запустити супутник «у наступні кілька годин»

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Іранський уряд обіцяє запустити супутник «у наступні кілька годин».

За день до цього ЗМІ повідомляли, що запуск відклали на кілька годин.

Водночас іранський міністр інформації та комунікаційних технологій Мохаммад Джавад Азарі Джагромі повідомив, що «супутник «Зафар» випустять на обіту сьогодні» із міста Семнана.

Минулого року щонайменше два запуски іранських супутників завершилися невдало.

Американська влада вважає, що запуск супутника є частиною програми розвитку балістичних ракет. На думку США, технологія зможе застосовуватися під час використання ядерних боєголовок. Іран заперечує звинувачення.

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З понеділка у Києві частково обмежать рух по мосту Патона – КМДА

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У Києві з 10 лютого обмежать рух крайніми правими смугами мосту Патона, а також заборонять його перетинати вантажному транспорту, у зв’язку з проведенням обстеження конструкції, заявив заступник голови Київської міської адміністрації Микола Поворозник.

За його словами, фахівці ТОВ «Український інститут сталевих конструкцій ім. В. М. Шимановського» визначать залишковий ресурс споруди та складуть рекомендації стосовно подальшої експлуатації мосту.

«Проте для того, щоб почати реконструкцію мосту, необхідно зняти з нього охоронний статус та виключити з переліку об’єктів культурної спадщини місцевого значення. Саме над цим зараз активно працюємо і маємо позитивні зрушення», – цитують Поворозника на сайті КМДА.

Міст Патона збудовано у 1953 році. Це перший у світі суцільнозварений великогабаритний автодорожній міст. Його загальна довжина 1543 м. Ширина проїжджої частини між бордюрами – 21 метр, а тротуарів для пішоходів – 3 метри.

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