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Category: Новини

Slovenia Lifts Many of Its COVID-19 Restrictions

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The Slovenian government has declared an official end to many of its coronavirus limits, becoming the first European country to do so, after authorities confirmed less than seven new coronavirus cases each day for the past two weeks.Speaking to parliament Thursday, Prime Minister Janez Jansa said Slovenia has the best epidemiological picture in Europe and referred to the coronavirus outbreak as an epidemic.The country of two million people, which borders Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia, has reported 1,464 coronavirus cases and 103 deaths.  The government says people now arriving in Slovenia from other European Union countries will no longer be required to go into a quarantine. People arriving from non-EU countries, with some exceptions, will still have to go into 14-day quarantine.The government says social distancing measures will stay in place, and masks are still required in indoor public locations.But they expect some schools, and most businesses, including bars and restaurants open by next week, though public gatherings of over 50 people remain banned.  Financial aid to citizens and firms hit by the coronavirus will expire at the end of May.The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic in March.

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Western Nevada Hit by 6.4-Magnitude Earthquake

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TONOPAH, NEVADA — The U.S. Geological Service is reporting that a magnitude-6.4 earthquake struck in remote western Nevada early Friday.  The temblor was reported at 4:03 a.m. about 35 miles outside Tonopah, just east of the Sierra Nevada range.  The initial quake struck about 4.7 miles (7.6 kilometers) deep, the USGS said, and at least six sizable aftershocks were recorded shortly thereafter, including two with estimated magnitudes of 5.4.People from Salt Lake City, Utah, to California’s Central Valley tweeted that they felt the quake.

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Країни Балтії відкрили поміж собою кордони на тлі послаблення обмежень через COVID-19

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Литва, Латвія і Естонія з 15 травня відкрили кордони між собою, закриті раніше через спалах коронавірусу. Жителі цих країн можуть вільно переміщатися між ними, за умови що протягом останніх 14 днів вони не виїжджали за межі країн Балтії і не контактували з інфікованими. Приїжджі з інших країн повинні, як і раніше, пройти двотижневий карантин.

Ситуація з коронавірусом у трьох країнах Балтії відносно спокійна – жодна з трьох країн не повідомила про більш ніж 7 нових випадки захворювання за минулу добу. В регіоні в цілому зареєстровано менш ніж півтори сотні летальних випадків через коронавірус.

Ініціативу з відкриття внутрішніх кордонів назвали «Baltic Travel Bubble» («Балтійська туристична бульбашка»). В уряді Литви вказали, що це – «можливість для бізнесу знову відкритися і проблиск надії для людей, що життя налагоджується».

Цього тижня були частково зняті обмеження на поїздки між Фінляндією і Естонією, а також між Польщею і Литвою. Але поки ні Польща, ні Фінляндія не поспішають долучатися до туристичної ініціативи зі своїми балтійськими сусідами, попри запрошення зробити це. Крім того, Австралія і Нова Зеландія розглядають можливість відкриття своїх кордонів одне для одного.

Прем’єр-міністр Італії Джузеппе Конте, чия країна одна з найбільш постраждалих від COVID-19 у світі, раніше навіть пригрозив виходом Італії з ЄС, якщо практика «туристичних бульбашок» і «зелених коридорів» буде поширюватися.

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Регулятор вимагає від Google заблокувати новину на сайті російського видання щодо COVID-19

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Російське агентство нагляду за зв’язком і комунікаціями («Роскомнагляд») зажадало від Google заблокувати новину з посиланням на The Financial Times на сайті незалежного онлайн-видання «МБХ медиа» про те, що кількість померлих від COVID-19 в Росії може бути вищою за офіційні дані.

У повідомленні «Роскомнагляду» йдеться, що відомство діє за рішенням Генеральної прокуратури від 13 травня, де визнали, що в новині є «заклики до масових безладів, здійснення екстремістської діяльності, участі в масових (публічних) заходах, що проводяться з порушенням встановленого порядку».

У «МБХ медиа» заявили, що отримали повідомлення від Google днем раніше про запит на блокування статті. За повідомленням онлайн-видання, Google попросив видалити статтю зі свого веб-сайту або зробити її недоступною в Росії. Повідомляється, що безпосередньо до редакції видання «Роскомнагляд» з вимогою не звертався.

Нещодавно західні видання The Financial Times і The New York Times на своїх шпалоьтах повідомили про те, що смертність від коронавірусу в Москві і Санкт-Петербурзі може бути на 70% вищою від офіційної статистики. У МЗС Росії назвали ці публікації «безпідставними спекуляціями» і «черговим сенсаційним антиросійським фейком». Офіційна Москва пригрозила виданням ймовірністю позбавлення акредитації на роботу в Росії.

За офіційними даними, станом на 15 травня в Росії коронавірус виявлено у 262 843 людей, понад 58 тисяч – одужали, 2418 людей померли.

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Гривня зміцнилася ще на 4 копійки щодо долара – НБУ

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Національний банк України оприлюднив опівдні 15 травня довідкове значення курсу 26 гривень 64 копійки за долар, це на чотири копійки менше за офіційний курс на сьогодні.

За даними експертів сайту «Мінфін», НБУ впродовж поточної сесії вже двічі виходив на міжбанківський валютний ринок, викуповуючи надлишок долара по 26 гривень 66 копійок і 26 гривень 63 копійки, не допустивши більшого послаблення американської валюти.

«Попереду період бюджетних платежів, і на фоні дефіциту гривні у більшості компаній та падіння іхньої виручки період концентрації ресурсів під розрахунки з державою для них збільшується. Багато які з них сьогодні вважатимуть за краще не купувати валюту на ринку, а розмістити наявну у них гривню на короткі депозити до терміну сплати податків і накопичувати нацвалюту під бюджетні розрахунки. Це знизить тиск на валютний ринок», – вказують фахівці.

За даними, станом на 14:00 котирування на міжбанківському валютному ринку складали 26 гривень 63–65 копійок за долар.

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Brazil’s Sao Paulo State Building Thousands of Vertical Cemetery Plots

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Brazil’s Sao Paulo state is building thousands of vertical funeral plots in order to meet the demand caused by the surge in coronavirus victims.Heber Vila, director of Evolution Technology Funderaria, the company that manufactures these vertical cemeteries, said the plots being constructed of recyclable materials are safe as it prevents any type of contact between cemetery visitors in the form of liquids or gases from the body.An estimated 13,000 vertical plots are being built in three cemeteries in Sao Paulo state, one of the areas in Brazil hardest-hit by the COVID-19 outbreak.The impact of the virus on Sao Paulo prompted Gov. Joao Doria to repeat his stance of gradually easing lockdown restrictions, although President Jair Bolsonaro has complained that the lockdown measures to contain the spread of the virus have hurt the economy.Brazil leads all Latin America in coronavirus infections with more than 200,000 confirmed cases, and the death toll is nearing 14,000. 

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Communist Rebels Fight Hard as Ever in Philippines As COVID-19 Distracts Government

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Armed communist rebels are exploiting the Philippine government’s fight against COVID-19 to launch attacks, intensifying a violent 50-year-plus struggle with no solution in sight.The New People’s Army, active for 51 years in impoverished rural parts of the archipelago, has sustained the ambushes for which it’s best known while publicly condemning President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration over its handling of the disease outbreak.“That’s part of their basic doctrine. Wherever they have a chance to strike on the enemy, they do it,” said Enrico Cau, Southeast Asia specialist researcher at the Taiwan Strategy Research Association.“That’s basically how they operate. COVID is a strategic opportunity,” he said.Insurgencies in 218 townsIn late March and April, 18 New People’s Army fighters and 31 government soldiers were killed in clashes, domestic media outlet reported. On May 1, the rebel army’s broader organization, the Communist Party of the Philippines, officially ended its own “ceasefire” and ordered attacks, said.Insurgencies were taking place in 219 towns in 31 of the country’s 81 provinces as of April 10, the Communist Party said on its website.The rebels are stepping up verbal criticism too. Their website condemns Duterte’s government over food distribution and a perceived failure to test, trace and isolate people who might have the deadly respiratory disease.“It may be in their interest to try to exploit the situation to show that government is not doing enough, because of course they can tap into the dissatisfaction of a lot of people, particularly those who have not been getting support from various levels of government,” said Maria Ela Atienza, political science professor at University of the Philippines Diliman.As of last month, about 18 million poor households hadn’t received government cash subsidies of $98 as pledged in March, the ASEAN Post online reported.The Communist Party of the Philippines and New People’s Army say they hope to overthrow the government and let working-class Filipinos lead their country. The organization also hopes to eliminate U.S. influence from the Philippines.The group, with an estimated 4,000 combatants, has killed about 30,000 people total.Duterte says he will ‘not hesitate’Today’s fighting is unlikely to earn the rebels much sympathy outside poor regions where people believe in their cause, analysts say. They should take a “more orthodox path” to push their causes, Cau said.Duterte, though, is taking time to hit back at the rebels. He will “not hesitate” to declare martial law if the rebels keep attacking soldiers, presidential office spokesperson Harry Roque said last month.Duterte decided in April against renewing peace talks because the rebels had attacked soldiers who were part of a food delivery mission, domestic media reports say.His government declared martial law over the southern island Mindanao from mid-2017 through last year to help soldiers and national police fight Muslim rebels gaining ground there.Renato Reyes, secretary general of the Manila-based Bagong Alyansang Makabayan alliance of leftist political organizations, said Duterte should say more about COVID-19 and less about the rebels.“It’s just Duterte who thinks the problem of the insurgency is more important than the COVID crisis,” Reyes said. “He devotes a significant time of his weekly speeches to mentioning the NPA.”    

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Кількість нових випадків коронавірусу в Росії знову перевищила 10 тисяч

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Кількість нових випадків інфікування коронавірусом в Росії знову перевищила 10 тисяч, повідомив 15 травня оперативний штаб із боротьби з розповсюдженням коронавірусної інфекції.

Згідно з повідомленням, приріст хворих за минулу добу склав 10 598 осіб, з них 4748 – у Москві.

Усього в Росії від початку спалаху хвороби коронавірус виявлено у 262 843 людей, понад 58 тисяч – одужали, 2418 людей померли.

У світі число заражених коронавірусом перевищує чотири мільйони людей, понад 300 тисяч – померли.


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Узбекистан повернув із Франції 10 млн дол активів дочки експрезидента Гульнари Карімової

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Міністерство юстиції та Генеральна прокуратура Узбекистану повернули з Франції активи дочки колишнього президента країни Гульнари Карімової на суму 10 мільйонів доларів. Повідомила 14 травня пресслужба Мін’юсту країни.

«Ці кошти переведені в державний бюджет Республіки Узбекистан і будуть використані в загальному порядку», – заявили у відомстві.

Також влада повідомила, що продовжує роботу з виведення інших активів, спільно з компетентними органами Швейцарії, США, Франції, Росії та інших країн. Йдеться про решту активів Карімової на суму понад 1,3 мільярда доларів.

Незабаром після смерті першого президента Узбекистану Іслама Карімова в 2017 році його старшу дочку Гульнару Карімову засудили в Узбекистані на 10 років позбавлення волі, визнавши її винною в ухиленні від сплати податків, розкраданні, вимаганні та знищенні документації офшорних компаній. Справи проти Карімової в Узбекистані відкрили після того, як у відмиванні грошей і хабарах її звинуватили в США і кількох країн ЄС.

Після першого вироку Карімова деякий час була під домашнім арештом, але в березні 2019 року її відправили в колонію в Ташкентській області, звинувативши в порушенні умов перебування під вартою. Сама Карімова заперечувалапорушення умов арешту. Незабаром після цього стосовно неї була відкрита ще одна кримінальна справа. У третій кримінальній справі Карімову засудили до 13 років і чотирьох місяців позбавлення волі. Її і ще кілька людей звинуватили в тому, що вони «в складі злочинної організації вчинили злочини, пов’язані з вимаганням, розкраданням бюджетних коштів і легалізацією злочинних доходів в іноземних країнах».

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Nominee to Lead US Media Agency Under Investigation

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The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said Thursday the nonprofit organization run by President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the federal agency with oversight of Voice of America is under investigation by the District of Columbia attorney general’s office.New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez said late Thursday the attorney general’s office is investigating whether Michael Pack’s use of funds from his nonprofit, Public Media Lab, was unlawful and whether he improperly used those funds to benefit himself.The U.S. Agency for Global Media is the agency that oversees U.S. government broadcasting, including the Voice of America, among others.Menendez said that since Pack’s confirmation hearing in September, “Mr. Pack has refused to provide the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with documents it requested that get to the heart of the matter that the OAG (Office of Attorney General) is now investigating, or to correct false statements he made to the IRS.”Menendez said he is urging the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Republican Jim Risch, to put the Pack nomination on hold.There has been no response so far from Pack or the White House to the Menendez statement. VOA has asked for comment from Risch.Trump nominated Pack to take over the USAGM nearly two years ago. 

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Rejection of Detained Iranian Journalist’s Pandemic Release Requests Upsets Wife

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The wife of a detained Iranian journalist from the nation’s Gonabadi Dervish religious minority says she is distressed by authorities’ persistent refusal to temporarily free her husband from a coronavirus-plagued prison.In a Wednesday phone interview with VOA Persian from Tehran, Faezeh Abdipour said she had made repeated requests to Iranian officials to include her husband, Mohammad Sharifi Moghadam, in furloughs granted to tens of thousands of prisoners since late February.Iran’s judiciary approved the prisoner furloughs in part to curb the spread of the virus in its crowded and unsanitary jails, where rights activists first reported outbreaks in early March. But authorities said the temporary releases would not be granted to dissidents with more than five-year prison sentences for engaging in activities designated as security offenses.“We have been following up on (Sharifi Moghadam’s) request for temporary release, have made numerous communications, and even referred his case to an implementation office and spoke with an official in charge of prisons, but all of our efforts failed,” Abdipour said.Sharifi Moghadam has been serving a 12-year sentence, upheld by an appeals court in March 2019, at the Greater Tehran Penitentiary on charges of “spreading propaganda against the government.” A lower court imposed the sentence in August 2018 after authorities detained him earlier that year while he covered street protests by other Gonabadi Dervishes in Tehran.Abdipour said she suspects Iranian officials denied the furlough requests for her husband because his sentence exceeds five years. “Apparently, authorities think prisoners with more than five-year terms never get sick, so they don’t need to let these prisoners be released temporarily,” she said.When such prisoners do get sick, as Abdipour previously said her husband did in 2018, the Great Tehran Penitentiary’s healthcare system is so substandard that inmates cannot get effective treatment there, as she put it.“The spread of this disease inside the prison, the infections of prisoners and the deaths of some of them are so distressing,” Abdipour said. “Health security is our top concern, and at any moment we expect to hear that our loved ones have become infected (with coronavirus),” she added, referring to herself and other relatives of detainees at the prison.Iran has not provided any data on coronavirus infections in its prisons.Sharifi Moghadam was on assignment for the Majzooban-e-Noor news site, which focuses on Iran’s Gonabadi Dervish community, when security forces arrested him on February 19, 2018, as they cracked down on the Dervish protests that erupted in Tehran that day.The protests of February 19-20, 2018, escalated into violent confrontations with security forces, who arrested more than 300 people. Five Iranian security personnel also were killed.In August 2018, a Turkey-based editor of Majzooban-e-Noor told VOA Persian that Iranian authorities had sentenced six of the news outlet’s journalists to prison terms totaling 71 years after detaining them in connection with the protests. The news site said some of the journalists also had been beaten by plainclothes security agents while being arrested.The Dervish protesters had been demanding the release of arrested members of their community and the removal of security checkpoints around the house of their elderly leader, Noor Ali Tabandeh. He later died in December 2019.Members of the Sufi Muslim religious sect long have complained of harassment by Iran’s Shiite Islamist rulers, who view them as heretics.Media rights group Reporters Without Borders (RSF) says Iran has been one of the world’s most repressive countries for journalists for the past 40 years. Iran ranked 173 out of 180 nations in RSF’s 2020 World Press Freedom Index.This article originated in VOA’s Persian Service.

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Asia Democracies Show Alternatives to Beijing’s Heavy-Handed COVID Strategy

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China is touting its success in curbing its outbreak of COVID-19 that has now spread to the rest of the world. But the so-called success came at a steep price: The state’s massive surveillance network now intrudes even further into people’s lives, with more crackdowns on speech and more government critics in prison.  Beijing argues the hard-line measures are needed, but other countries show such extreme measures may not be necessary. VOA State Department correspondent Nike Ching reports.

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Трамп вніс на розгляд Сенату кандидатуру нового посла США в Україні

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Президент США Дональд Трамп вніс на розглят Сенату США кандидатуру нового посла в Україні Кіта Дейтона. Про це 14 травня повідомили у Білому домі.

«Кіта Дейтона призначити надзвичайним і повноважним послом Сполучених Штатів Америки в Україні», – мовиться у повідомленні.


Раніше у Білому домі повідомили, що президент США Дональд Трамп вніс кандидатуру генерал-лейтенанта у відставці Кейта Дейтона на посаду посла в Україні. Згідно з повідомленням, зараз Дейтон є директором Центру імені Джорджа Маршалла в Німеччині і старшим радником з питань оборони США в Україні. Раніше Дейтон був військовим аташе в посольстві у Росії. Розмовляє російською і німецькою мовами.

Наразі США мають в Україні тимчасову повірену ­– Крістіну Квін.

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У ВООЗ закликали Європу готуватися до нової хвилі коронавірусу

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Європі слід готуватися до нової хвилі епідемії коронавірусу. Про це в інтерв’ю британському виданню The Independent сказав директор Європейського бюро Всесітньої організації охорони здоров’я Ганс Клюге.

«Я дуже стурбований з приводу подвійної хвилі: восени у нас може бути друга хвиля захворювання на COVID-19 та ще одна – сезонного грипу та кору», – зазначив Клюге.

Він наголосив, що європейським країнам слід бути обережними під час скасування карантинних обмежень.


Експерт з надзвичайних ситуацій ВООЗ Майк Раян раніше заявив, що новий коронавірус, можливо, не вдасться повністю подолати, і наразі неможливо передбачити, як довго він буде циркулювати.

Станом на 14 травня в світі коронавірусом було інфіковано понад 4,4 мільйона людей. Від COVID-19 померли більш ніж 300 тисяч людей, одужали понад 1,5 мільйона.

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Ще майже три мільйони американців звернулися по допомогу з безробіття через коронавірус

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За останній тиждень майже 3 мільйони американців подали заявку на виплату допомоги з безробіття. Загальне число громадян США, які втратили внаслідок спалаху коронавірусної інфекції, сягнуло близько 36 мільйонів, свідчать дані Міністерства праці США.

Уперше за останні шість тижнів число нових заявок зменшилося (цього разу їх було 2,98 мільйона – порівняно з 3,2 мільйона тижнем раніше).

Оприлюднені два тижні тому дані показали, що американська економіка в першому кварталі скоротилася на 4,8%, це підтверджує думку економістів про затяжний характер майбутнього відновлення.

Кожний шостий американський працівник зараз не має роботи, економісти прогнозують, що рівень безробіття зросте приблизно до 15 або й 20 відсотків. Рекордний рівень за всі роки після Другої світової війни становив 10,8 відсотка, він був зафіксований у листопаді 1982 року.

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WHO Shortfalls Risk Yemen COVID-19 Response  

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The World Health Organization will start shutting down some of its programs in Yemen due to funding shortages, just as the coronavirus is starting to spread in the war-torn country.  “Amidst a pandemic, this is shocking,” U.N. acting deputy humanitarian chief Ramesh Rajasingham said Thursday. “Preventing disease and feeding sick children are the kinds of programs that everyone agrees should be protected at all costs.”  Ramesh Rajasingham, U.N. Deputy Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria crisis, speaks during a news conference near the Turkish-Syrian border, in Hatay province, Turkey, Nov. 28, 2016.He said 31 of 41 major U.N. programs would start closing down in the next few weeks if funding does not quickly arrive. “That means many more people are likely to die,” he told a virtual meeting of the U.N. Security Council.   The development comes as Yemen’s confirmed cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, are starting to rise. The country has recorded 72 cases and 13 deaths. Yemen confirmed its first case on April 10, but 62 of the infections were reported in just the last ten days, indicating community transmission. Half of all medical facilities in the country are not functioning and a large coronavirus outbreak could be devastating for a population already weakened by the effects of five years of war. Despite shortfalls, the U.N. has done what it can to prepare the country for COVID-19. Rajasingham said 38 hospitals are being prepared to handle virus cases. Health workers are being trained and essential supplies delivered — including ventilators, tests and personal protective equipment. But recently established Rapid Response Teams for the virus will have to shut down next month.   More than five years of conflict between the Saudi-backed government and Iranian-supported Houthi rebels have deepened Yemen’s poverty, devastated its infrastructure and caused widespread hunger and suffering. Humanitarians and diplomats agree that the best way to contain the virus is to stop the fighting. The United Nations Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths speaks to the press upon his arrival at Sanaa international airport in Yemen, March 24, 2018.Security Council members on Thursday urged both sides to quickly agree to a nationwide cease-fire put forward by U.N. envoy Martin Griffiths as the best way to end suffering and contain COVID-19. “The United Nations has provided a feasible roadmap,” Griffiths told council members. “It is up to those with arms and power to make the decisions to achieve it.”  He said the cease-fire is part of the broader package that needs to be fully agreed to, but there are some differences on parts of the humanitarian and economic measures. Griffiths said they are not new issues and are necessary and overdue, and could help with containing the virus.   “Parties should be able to agree on how to move forward with them quickly,” he said. On June 6, Saudi Arabia will host a virtual donor conference for Yemen. Aid agencies have estimated they will need $2 billion to cover programs through the end of this year.    

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In Russia, Rumblings of Discontent Grow as Oligarchs Move to Plug Gaps

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Once they scrambled to grab what they could from a disintegrating Soviet state, exploiting the political and economic chaos of the post-communist Boris Yeltsin era to secure state enterprises, oilfields and mineral deposits at knockdown prices. But now Russia’s uber-wealthy oligarchs are rushing to shore up a failing state effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
Rumblings of discontent are growing in Russia over Vladimir Putin’s handling of the pandemic. His approval ratings fell to an historic low for him — down to 59 % last month from 63 % the previous month, according to the independent pollster Levada Center.
Even the normally loyal state-owned broadcaster Russia Today ran a report last week warning that the country risks a double-digit unemployment rate and a “return to the pain of the economic miasma of the Yeltsin years [that] would have unpredictable consequences for President Putin.”
The Russian leader is facing the biggest test of his presidency, but has passed on most of the responsibility for battling the deadly virus to the country’s regional governors.
Tasking regional governors with the main responsibility for tackling the coronavirus reverses the policy Putin has pursued since coming to power, say analysts and Russian media commentators. The Kremlin has over the years curbed the powers of the governors, insisting Russia needs a strong a central government.
“It is in the interest of all of us for the economy to return to normal quickly,” Putin said Monday when announcing the end of the non-working period. But a return to normality seems a long way away. On Tuesday his own spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, checked himself into a hospital after testing positive, the fifth senior official to have to do so.FILE – Russian President Vladimir Putin is seen during a teleconference at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence, outside Moscow, May 11, 2020.Putin is being accused of wanting to distance himself from the pandemic, fearing the political fallout, say some analysts. Earlier this week the Russian leader announced the end of a nationwide “non-working period,” leaving to the governors to decide whether to ease lockdowns in their regions or not. His announcement draw derision from many Muscovites, who pointed out that just hours before his announcement, health authorities reported the biggest one-day increase so far in infections.
“Despite having created a highly centralized political system, he is not going to be the commander-in-chief of this war. Instead, he would rather force local leaders to take the tough decisions, demanding they both save lives and save the economy, while sniping at them from the sidelines,” according to Mark Galeotti, an analyst at Britain’s Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), and a columnist for the Moscow Times.“He is retaining real power, but handing his boyars the burden of coronavirus,” he adds.  
 FILE – Russian steel magnate Alexei Mordashov speaks during an interview at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, in St. Petersburg, Russia, May 25, 2018.In their turn the governors have found Russia’s oligarchs ready to try to help them to plug the holes left by the state in the struggle to curb the virus.  The embrace of social responsibility by some of Russia’s prominent high-rollers — including steel magnate Alexei Mordashov, who instructed four regional governors to lock down their cities where he has mills, and mining magnate Vladimir Potanin, who has spent more than a hundred million dollars on testing kits, protective masks and ventilators — has surprised some.  
When the virus was bearing down on Russia, some independent news outlets reported wealthy Russians were rushing to buy ventilators, adding to shortages. Moscow-based medical pulmonologist Vasiliy Shtabnitskiy, told reporters he was aware of rich Muscovites hoarding ventilators. Although he added that might not do them any good without plenty of supplies of pressured oxygen and other crucial equipment as well as trained staff. But for the super wealthy — especially the mega-rich oligarchs — bespoke medical teams would not be beyond their reach.FILE – Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska is seen outsite his GAZ car production plant in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, April 16, 2019.But in recent weeks as cases have mounted — Russia has the second fastest rate of new infections globally — and discontent increased with a smattering of protests, the oligarchs started to intervene. Metals magnate Oleg Deripaska is funding three COVID-19 clinics in Siberia. The oligarchs have presented their involvement as being motivated by patriotism, avoiding overt criticism of the state strategy, although Deripaska publicly urged in March the Kremlin to seal shut all borders and to impose a 60-day quarantine on the country.
Analysts say oligarchs need to be mindful of the unwritten deal between them and Putin of not getting involved in politics. They have examples to warn them of the danger of breaking the deal, including the case of oil magnate Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who was the world’s 16th richest man when arrested in 2003 on charges of fraud and embezzlement and sentenced to a nine-year prison stretch.   
Patriotism or not, some analysts hazard that the oligarchs are moving now to try to fill in the holes for fear that the system Putin presides over — which also protects their wealth — is facing serious risks.  
The Russian president has had to put on hold his plans to rewrite the Russian constitution, which would allow him another 12 years in office, “while the Kremlin tries to deal with both the virus and a new economic crisis,” says Tatiana Stanovaya, an analyst with the Carnegie Moscow Center, a think tank. “These twin challenges represent the biggest shock the Putin regime has ever faced and are likely to feed popular dissatisfaction,” she adds.  
The economic fallout is mounting. A quarter of working-age Russians say they have lost their jobs or expect they will soon. Six out of ten Russians have no savings. There have been isolated protests and analysts say there’s a real prospect of much wider unrest, once the pandemic starts to accelerate beyond Moscow and St. Petersburg, where hospitals and local health services have been neglected for years.  FILE – Medical personnel wearing protective gear move what appears to be a bag containing a human body, outside a hospital for coronavirus patients, on the outskirts of Moscow, Russia May 12, 2020.On Monday, the Kremlin appeared to understand the danger. Putin made his fifth address to the nation since the coronavirus outbreak, announcing new measures for supporting ordinary Russians as well as small businesses. Among the measures — bonuses for doctors and social workers, benefits for families with children, preferential credit terms for company owners and tax exemptions for small businesses. There had been mounting public criticism of the neglect of small business with preferential treatment going to much bigger concerns previously.
The measures received praise from economists. “For the first time during the crisis we are seeing that the size of payments is at least somewhat in line with what economists wrote about, and what opposition leaders suggested,” Konstantin Sonin, a professor at the University of Chicago and Russia’s Higher School of Economics, told Meduza, an independent news site.
Evsey Gurvich, an economist, agrees, but told Meduza it would have been better “if there had been a large-scale, anti-crisis program announced at the very beginning of the crisis — this would have helped many to decide not to close their businesses.”
Whether the new measures will dampen political frustration is unclear. For working-class Russians the new payments will cover their grocery costs for one month.
And few believe the coronavirus death toll the Kremlin has been publishing. In Moscow alone, the country’s coronavirus hotspot where 52 % of the officially registered confirmed cases have occurred, analysts as well as the city’s mayor say coronavirus-related cases and fatalities are being seriously under-reported.  
Russia confirmed 9,974 new coronavirus infections Thursday, bringing the country’s official tally of cases to 252,245. The total nationwide death toll is put at 2,305 — a mortality rate much lower than other European countries with better reserved and rated health-care systems. The Kremlin says Russia was able to learn lessons from the experiences of western Europe.
Trust in the mortality rate officially given is low. Russia’s first recorded virus-related fatality — an elderly woman who died on March 19 — was reclassified as having died from a blood clot.

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Напружена ситуація в Чорногорії: опозиція планує нові протести

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Поліція в Подґориці затримала людину, котра планувала увечері організувати масовий протест біля храму Воскресіння Христового в центрі Подґориці й відтак блокувати транспорт в столиці. У міністерстві внутрішніх справ заявили, що перевіряють кілька осіб, котрі разом із затриманим готувалися викликати непорядки, повідомляє кореспондент Радіо Свобода.

У звʼязку з ситуацією у Чорногорії президент Сербії Александар Вучич заявив, що «становище Сербії важке: не сміємо втручатися у внутрішні справи іншої держави, а йдеться про Сербську православну церкву (СПЦ) й частину нашого народу». Він додав, що Белград й СПЦ «не розуміють чому (сербського владику) Іоанікія так довго тримають в попередньому увʼязненні».

Йдеться про епіскопа, котрого разом з сімома священиками затримали 12 травня строком на 72 години через порушення правил в епідемії COVID-19. Ієрарх відправляв богослужіння за участю кількохсот вірян й очолив літію на вулицях міста Нікшич.

Через затримання владики просербські й проросійськи партії в Чорногорії увечері 13 травня організували протести в містах Нікшич, Андрієвіца, Беране й Будва. Демонстранти закидали поліцію камінням, вона відповіла сльозогінним газом. За офіційними джерелами, поранення отримали 26 поліцейських. Затримано 60 пікетувальників, проти більшості з них запровадили адміністративні заходи.

Белградські ЗМІ повідомляють, посилаючись на чорногорську опозицію, що до міст на півночі Чорногорії, в котрих значну частину населення становлять серби, направлені підрозділи спецполіції з метою унеможливити будь-які зібрання й протести.

Хоча Белград офіційно заявляє про невтручання в чорногорські справи, сербський посол в Чорногорії щодня спілкується з ієрархами СПЦ в країні й з лідерами чорногорських опозиційних партій.

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У Афганістані внаслідок вибуху вантажівки загинули 5 людей

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У Афганістані внаслідок вибуху замінованої вантажівки загинули щонайменше п’ятеро людей, 14 отримали поранення.

За даними місцевої влади , вибух стався в місті Гардез біля будівлі суду.

«Вибух начиненого вибухівкою автомобіля стався біля будівлі військового суду в Гардезі, в житловому районі. Є побоювання, що загинули або отримали поранення десятки мирних жителів», – сказав прессекретар міністерства внутрішніх справ Афганістану Тарік Аріан.

Представник руху «Талібан» Забіулла Муджахід поширив заяву, в якій говориться про відповідальність угруповання за цей напад. Аріан заявив, що за вибухом стоять бойовики угруповання «Мережа Хаккані», пов’язаного з талібами.


12 травня в результаті нападу групи озброєних людей на пологовий будинок в Кабулі було вбито 24 людини, включаючи породіль і новонароджених. В той же день в результаті нападу смертника на похоронній процесії в провінції Нангархар на сході Афганістану було вбито 32 людини. Відповідальність за напад в цій провінції взяло на себе екстремістське угруповання «Ісламська держава».

Таліби відкинули будь-яку причетність до цих двох нападів, скоєних на тлі спалаху насильства, який загрожує зірвати угоду між талібами і Сполученими Штатами, спрямоване на припинення 18-річного збройного конфлікту в Афганістані.

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Obama Emerges as Central Figure in 2020 Presidential Race

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Nearly eight years after he was last on the ballot, Barack Obama is emerging as a central figure in the 2020 presidential election.Democrats are eagerly embracing Obama as a political wingman for Joe Biden, who spent two terms by his side as vice president. Obama remains the party’s most popular figure, particularly with black voters and younger Democrats, and Biden’s presidential campaign is planning for him to have a highly visible role in the months to come.For President Donald Trump, that means an opportunity to focus the spotlight on one of his favorite political foils. In recent days, Trump and his allies have aggressively pushed conspiracy theories  about Obama designed to fire up the president’s conservative base, taint Biden by association and distract from the glut of grim health and economic news from the coronavirus pandemic.”Partisans on both sides want to make this about Obama,” said Ned Price, who served as spokesperson for Obama’s White House National Security Council.The renewed political focus on Obama sets the stage for an election about the nation’s future that will also be about its past. As Biden looks to Obama for personal validation, he’s also running to restore some of the former president’s legacy, which has been systematically dismantled by Trump. The current president is running in part to finish that job.Yet Trump’s anti-Obama push also frequently takes on a darker, more conspiratorial tone that goes far beyond differences in health care policy and America’s role in the world. His current focus is on the actions Obama, Biden and their national security advisers took in the closing days of their administration, as they viewed intelligence reports about Michael Flynn. Flynn had a short-lived stint as Trump’s national security adviser before being fired for lying to Vice President Mike Pence about his interactions with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S.Trump’s own administration acknowledged on Wednesday that Obama advisers followed proper procedures in privately “unmasking” Flynn’s name, which was redacted in the intelligence reports for privacy reasons. Flynn ultimately pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, though Trump’s Justice Department moved last week to drop the case against him.Despite there being no evidence of wrongdoing by Obama, Biden or other administration officials, Trump is eagerly pushing the notion of an unspecified crime against the former president, branding it “Obamagate.” He’s being backed up by Republican allies, including Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley who took to the Senate floor this week to ask of the Flynn matter: “What did Obama and Biden know, and when did they know it?”Trump’s zeal has sparked fears among some former Obama and Biden advisers about how far he may be willing to go in using the levers of government to push his case against them in an election year. The Justice Department is conducting an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe that ensnared Flynn and other Trump associates.Trump’s renewed focus on Obama comes as Republicans grow increasingly anxious that the rising coronavirus death toll and cratering economy will damage the president’s reelection prospects in November. More than 84,000 Americans have died from the virus, and more than 30 million have claimed unemployment.Biden’s campaign drew a direct connection between the president’s attacks on Obama and the twin crises battering his administration.”It’s no surprise that the president is erratically lashing out at President Obama, desperate to distract from his own failures as commander in chief that have cost thousands of Americans their lives during this crisis,” said TJ Ducklo, a Biden campaign spokesman.Trump’s emphasis on Obama also comes as the former president begins to emerge from a three-year period of political restraint as he prepares to embrace his role as leading surrogate for Biden. Last week, Obama told a large gathering of alumni from his administration that DOJ’s decision to drop the Flynn case put the “rule of law at risk.” He also criticized the Trump White House’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.Biden’s campaign has been eager to get Obama involved in the election, though his exact role is still forming, particularly given that the pandemic has upended the campaign’s plans for rallies and other in-person events in battleground states. The former president is also expected to campaign for Democratic House and Senate candidates across the country.Though Obama campaigned for Democratic candidates in the 2018 midterms, he has mostly tried to avoid overt politics since leaving the White House. He’s spoken out publicly against Trump on rare occasions, frustrating many Democrats who have wanted him to be more aggressive in calling out his successor.But the 2020 election has always loomed as the moment when Obama would step off the sidelines, and he’s told advisers he’s eager to do so. Despite his strident public neutrality during the Democratic primary, he spoke to Biden regularly and has continued to do so as the campaign moves into the general election, according to aides.Biden’s campaign sees Obama as a clear asset as they seek to not only energize Democrats,but to also appeal to independents and more moderate Republicans who may be wary of four more years of Trump in the White House.A recent Monmouth University poll found 57% of Americans say they have a favorable opinion of Obama. That includes 92% of Democrats and 19% of Republicans.Obama’s favorable ratings are higher than either of the men who will be on the ballot in November. The same poll showed 41% of Americans had a favorable opinion of Biden, and 40% viewed Trump in a favorable light. 

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US Military Offers Condolences over Iran Accident Killing 19

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The U.S. military offered condolences Thursday to Iran over a friendly fire incident in the Islamic Republic that saw an Iranian missile kill 19 Iranian troops, identifying the weapon that detonated as an anti-ship cruise missile.Iranian authorities on Monday said that the missile struck the Iranian navy vessel Konarak near the port of Jask, some 1,270 kilometers (790 miles) southeast of Tehran in the Gulf of Oman. Authorities said the Konarak was too close to a target and was accidentally hit Sunday in an incident that also wounded 15 troops.In a statement, Capt. Bill Urban, a spokesman for the U.S. Central Command, said the force offered “our sincere condolences to the Iranian people for the tragic loss of life.” However, Urban also criticized the training for taking place so close to the Strait of Hormuz, the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf through which 20% of all oil passes.”While we are troubled that this mishap occurred in such close proximity to a high-traffic international shipping lane and at a time when most of the region’s focus is on the fight against COVID-19, the unnecessary loss of life is regrettable,” he said.Tensions had been expected to rise after Iran’s government overcame the initial chaos that engulfed its response to the coronavirus pandemic. In April, the U.S. accused Iran of conducting “dangerous and harassing” maneuvers near American warships in the northern Persian Gulf. Iran also had been suspected of briefly seizing a Hong Kong-flagged oil tanker just before that.President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers two years ago, launching a maximum pressure campaign against Iran that has repeatedly pushed the arch-rivals to the verge of conflict.Analysts have warned regional tensions will likely increase again. This week also marks the year anniversary of attacks on oil tankers near the strait that the U.S. blamed on Iran. 

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