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Month: September 2024

У США чотирьох активістів визнали винними в причетності до просування російських наративів

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Міністерство юстиції США заявило, що чотирьох активістів визнали винними у змові з метою діяти як незареєстровані агенти на користь Росії

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Канадський кінофестиваль зупиняє покази фільму про російських військових

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Посол України в Канаді Юлія Ковалів висловила жаль щодо того, що «у своїй аргументації у фестивалю не вистачило сміливості прямо визнати свою глибоку помилку»

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Categories: Новини, Світ

МЗС: Монголії оголосили демарш через відмову арештувати Путіна за ордером МКС

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«До монгольської сторони доведено глибоке розчарування України відмовою Монголії як країною-підписанткою Римського статуту виконати виданий Міжнародним кримінальним судом ордер на арешт Путіна»

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Радіо Свобода запускає подкаст «Штатна ситуація» про вибори в США та їхній вплив на Україну

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Україна та війна Росії проти України займали чільне місце на виборчих дебатах між Камалою Гарріс та Дональдом Трампом. Аналіз заяв про Україну та інших основних тем

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Котирування нафти тримаються поблизу мінімуму з кінця 2021 року

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На ціну нафти впливає ймовірне послаблення попиту – через уповільнення економіки Китаю, масований перехід автопарку цієї країни на електромобілі та негативні сигнали про стан світової економіки

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US inflation reaches 3-year low as Federal Reserve prepares to cut interest rates 

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Washington — The post-pandemic spike in U.S. inflation eased further last month as year-over-year price increases reached a three-year low, clearing the way for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates next week.

Wednesday’s report from the Labor Department showed that consumer prices rose 2.5% in August from a year earlier. It was the fifth straight annual drop and the smallest such increase since February 2021. From July to August, prices rose just 0.2%.

Excluding volatile food and energy costs, so-called core prices rose 3.2% in August from 12 months earlier, the same as in July. On a month-to-month basis, core prices rose 0.3% last month, a pickup from July’s 0.2% increase. Economists closely watch core prices, which typically provide a better read of future inflation trends.

For months, cooling inflation has provided gradual relief to America’s consumers, who were stung by the price surges that erupted three years ago, particularly for food, gas, rent and other necessities. Inflation peaked in mid-2022 at 9.1%, the highest rate in four decades.

Fed officials have signaled that they’re increasingly confident that inflation is falling back to their 2% target and are now shifting their focus to supporting the job market, which is steadily cooling. As a result, the policymakers are poised to begin cutting their key rate from its 23-year high in hopes of bolstering growth and hiring.

A modest quarter-point cut is widely expected next week. Over time, a series of rate cuts should reduce the cost of borrowing across the economy, including for mortgages, auto loans and credit cards.

The latest inflation figures could inject themselves into the presidential race in its final weeks. Former President Donald Trump has heaped blame on Vice President Kamala Harris for the jump in inflation, which erupted in early 2021 as global supply chains seized up, causing severe shortages of parts and labor. Harris has proposed subsidies for home buyers and builders in an effort to ease housing costs and backs a federal ban on price-gouging for groceries. Trump has said he would boost energy production to try to reduce overall inflation.

A key reason why inflation eased again in August was that gas prices tumbled by about 10 cents a gallon last month, according to the Energy Inflation Administration, to a national average of about $3.29.

Economists also expect the government’s measures of grocery prices and rents to rise more slowly. Though food prices are roughly 20% more expensive than before the pandemic, they have barely budged over the past year.

Another potential driver of slower inflation is that the cost of new apartment leases has started to cool as a stream of newly built apartments have been completed.

According to the real estate brokerage Redfin, the median rent for a new lease rose just 0.9% in August from a year earlier, to $1,645 a month. But the government’s measure includes all rents, including those for people who have been in their apartments for months or years. It takes time for the slowdown in new rents to show up in the government’s data. In July, rental costs rose 5.1% from a year ago, according to the government’s consumer price index.

Americans’ paychecks are also growing more slowly — an average of about 3.5% annually, still a solid pace — which reduces inflationary pressures. Two years ago, wage growth was topping 5%, a level that can force businesses to sharply raise prices to cover their higher labor costs.

In a high-profile speech last month, Fed Chair Jerome Powell noted that inflation was coming under control and suggested that the job market was unlikely to be a source of inflationary pressure.

Consumers have propelled the economy for the past three years. But they are increasingly turning to debt to maintain their spending and credit card, and auto delinquencies are rising, raising concerns that they may have to rein in their spending soon. Reduced consumer spending could lead more employers to freeze their hiring or even cut jobs.

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European business confidence in China is at an all-time low, report says 

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HONG KONG — China must reprioritize economic growth and reforms and boost investor confidence by leveling the playing field for all companies in the country, a European business group said Wednesday. 

With “business confidence now at an all-time low” over lagging domestic demand and overcapacity in certain industries, the annual European Business in China Position Paper called on China to open its economy and allow a more free market to determine resource allocation. It also recommended introducing policies to boost domestic demand. 

Profit margins in China are at or below the global average for two-thirds of the companies surveyed earlier in the year, according to the paper published Wednesday by the European Chamber of Commerce in China. 

In August, China filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization over European Union tariffs on electric vehicles made in China. It also launched anti-dumping and subsidies investigations of European dairy products, brandy and pork exports. The tit-for-tat actions have raised fears that a trade war may break out. 

Many European businesses are deciding that the returns on investments in the world’s second-largest economy are not worth the risks, due to issues including China’s economic slowdown and a politicized business environment. 

“For some European headquarters and shareholders, the risks of investing in China are beginning to outright the returns, a trend that will only intensify if key business concerns are left unaddressed,” Jens Eskelund, president of China’s European Union Chamber of Commerce, said in a message at the beginning of the paper. 

The European Chamber’s paper proposes over 1,000 recommendations for China to resolve challenges and problems faced by European businesses operating in the country and boost investor confidence. Among them are calls for China to refrain from punishing companies for the actions of their home governments. Others include ensuring that policy packages for attracting foreign investment are followed by implementation, and refraining from “erratic policy shifts.” 

The report also recommended that the EU proactively engage with China and keep its responses “measured and proportionate” when disagreements arise. 

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Іванішвілі очолив список «Грузинської мрії» на майбутніх виборах до парламенту

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Минулого місяця президентка Грузії Саломе Зурабішвілі підписала указ про оголошення 26 жовтня днем парламентських виборів, назвавши їх вибором між «рабством Росії і співпрацею з Європою»

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Categories: Новини, Світ