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Month: September 2024

Блінкен: RT збирає кошти для армії Росії й намагається втрутитися у вибори в Молдові

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«Ми вважаємо, що RT майже напевно розширить свої приховані спроможності, щоб спробувати маніпулювати наслідками прийдешніх виборів у Молдові»

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Apple faces challenges in Chinese market against Huawei’s tri-fold phone

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Taipei, Taiwan — The U.S.-China technology war is playing out in the smartphone market in China, where global rivals Apple and Huawei released new phones this week. Industry experts say Apple, which lacks home-field advantage, faces many challenges in defending its market share in the country.

The biggest highlight of the iPhone 16 is its artificial intelligence system, dubbed Apple Intelligence, while the Huawei Mate XT features innovative tri-fold screen technology.  But at a starting price of RMB 19,999, about $2,810, the Mate XT will cost about three times as much as the iPhone 16.

According to data from VMall, Huawei’s official shopping site, nearly 5.74 million people in China preordered the Mate XT as of late Thursday, 5½ days after Huawei began accepting preorders.

But in a survey conducted on the Chinese microblogging site Weibo by Radio France International, half of the 9,200 respondents said they would not purchase a Mate XT because the price is prohibitive. An additional 3,500 said they are not in the market for a new phone now.

“I suggest that Huawei release some products that ordinary people can afford,” a Weibo user wrote under the name “Diamond Man Yang Dong Feng.”

The iPhone 16 is not available for preorder until Friday, but some e-commerce vendors in China have promised to deliver the new devices to consumers within half a day to two days of sale.

In the competition between Apple and Huawei, iPhone 16 has some inherent disadvantages, said Shih-Fang Chiu, a senior industry analyst at the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research.

“Apple’s strength is information security and privacy, but this is difficult to achieve in the Chinese market, where the government can control the data in China’s market to a relatively high degree. In the era of AI mobile phones, this will bring challenges to Apple’s development in the Chinese market,” Chiu said.

Apple’s AI service on its iPhone 16 will roll out at a gradual pace in different languages, first in English and other languages later this year. The Chinese version will not be available until 2025.

There are other challenges Apple faces as well, Chiu added, such as regulatory controls, consumer sentiment favoring local brands and weakening spending power amid China’s economic slowdown.

According to Counterpoint Research’s statistics, Huawei held a market share of 15% in the second quarter of 2024, surpassing Apple’s 14% market share. That compares with Apple’s 17.3% share in 2023 as reported by the industry research firm International Data Corporation China, or IDC China.

Ryan Reith, the program vice president for IDC’s Mobile Device Tracker suite, said in a written response to VOA that the iPhone 16 has not made significant hardware upgrades and that AI applications alone are not attractive because consumers have GPT and other AI solutions.

AI applications are also another hurdle. Analyst Chih-Yen Tai said iPhone 16’s AI services involve personal data collection, information application and cloud computing, which will require collaboration with Chinese service providers.

That, along with the ban on Chinese civil servants and employees at state-owned enterprises from using their iPhone at work in recent years, will affect the sales of Apple products, said Tai, the deputy director of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Evaluation at Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research in Taipei.

“China’s patriotism has led to a strong number of preorders” for Huawei’s tri-fold phones, Tai said.

“The competitors in China will sell the idea [to consumers] that iPhones will soon be edged out of the premium smartphone market. So, in the next stage, the affordable iPhone versions will be the key to whether it [Apple] can return to China or its previous glorious sales era,” Tai said.

Tzu-Ang Chen, a senior consultant in the digital technology industry in Taipei, said use of Huawei’s HarmonyOS operating system surpassed that of Apple’s iOS in China in the first quarter of this year, representing China’s determination to “go its own way” and create “one world, two systems.”

“The U.S.-China technology war has extended to smartphones,” Chen said. “IPhone sales in China will get worse and worse, obviously because Huawei is doing better, and coupled with patriotism, Apple’s position in the hearts of 1.4 billion people will never return.”

He said that as China seeks to develop pro-China markets among member countries of the Belt and Road Initiative in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa, China-made mobile phones may become their first choice.

VOA’s Adrianna Zhang contributed to this report.

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Сибіга зустрівся з Сікорським: говорили про Український легіон, винищувачі і ППО

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«Україна також веде дискусію з польськими партнерами щодо використання їх засобів протиповітряної оборони для збиття російських ракет та дронів на території України»

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Categories: Новини, Світ

White House takes aim at Chinese fast fashion 

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Washington — The White House said on Thursday it is acting on Democratic lawmakers’ demands to close what they see as a legal loophole that allows manufacturers — most from China — to dodge tariffs on low-priced goods and flood the U.S. with illegal and unsafe products.

The Biden administration is targeting the “de minimis” exemption, which allows parcels valued at less than $800 to enter the U.S. duty free. More than 1 billion such parcels entered the U.S. in fiscal 2023, U.S Customs and Border Protection said.

White House officials attribute the more than fivefold increase from several years ago to the growth of Chinese e-commerce platforms such as Shein and Temu, and administration officials name-checked both of those popular fast-fashion retailers in a briefing with journalists on Thursday.

Daleep Singh, deputy national security adviser for international economics, said these moves to close the loophole would have a big effect on Chinese apparel, and “will drastically reduce the number of shipments entering through the de minimis exemption.”

This would likely hamper Americans’ ability to score items like an $8 T-shirt – available in a range of colors – that features a gunslinging, pants-wearing cartoon cowboy duck who proclaims, “you just yee’d your last haw.” Or a $6 crop top that reads, in English, LIVE LAUGH LOBOTOMY. Or an $8 bra made of two fuzzy, dead-eyed cat faces shorn of their noses, mouths, whiskers and facial expressions, strung together and tied halter-style around the neck. Or an $8 item that can only be described as a business-formal bra, as it is made entirely of ties. It is available in a patchwork of leopard-, zebra- and tiger-print ties, presumably for a formal office that is animal themed.

Singh added that the administration also seeks to tighten information collection requirements and consumer safety standards – and block products that don’t make the cut. And further, he said, the White House is calling on Congress to pass a law this year to “comprehensively reform the de minimis exemption.”

In a Wednesday letter, 126 House Democrats urged the president to use his executive authority, saying they could not act “amid interminable stagnation in Congress that has precluded legislation from passing.”

“While lawmakers would rather see the de minimis issue dealt with legislatively, the Democrats on the call said their patience was wearing thin,” the letter read. “Despite the fact that the concept of de minimis reform has engendered broad bipartisan support, politicking has precluded a concrete resolution.”

Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, one of the initiative’s leaders, expressed concerns over fast fashion’s documented use of forced labor to make their cut-rate clothing. Rights group Amnesty International has reported that Shein, in particular, upholds “questionable labor and human rights standards.”

Shein’s model, the group says, leans on subcontracting the making of garments, which leaves no room for transparency or accountability for worker conditions, and gives workers no right to unionize or assemble.

Navtej Dhillon, deputy director of the National Economic Council, also said the moves address concerns over fentanyl shipments and for declining U.S. industry.

“Some foreign companies are attempting to use this pathway to ship illegal and dangerous products for our health, avoid our health and safety and consumer protection laws, and evade tariffs to undermine American manufacturers,” he said. “Textile and apparel manufacturing supports tens of thousands of jobs in key states like Georgia and North Carolina. These American workers and manufacturers deserve to compete on a level playing field.”

The congressional group pushing the administration cited approval from law enforcement and industry groups.

“The de minimis loophole is severely exacerbating our nation’s opioid crisis,” said Bill Johnson, executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations. “Closing it would help staunch the flow of fentanyl and other narcotics coming across our borders and help safeguard the lives of our children, families, and friends.”

And Kim Glas, president and CEO of the National Council of Textile Organizations, said the industry group “strongly supports closing the de minimis loophole,” noting the closure of 18 textile plants in the U.S. in the past year.

“De minimis is a free trade agreement for the world at the expense of U.S. manufacturers, retailers, and consumers,” she said in a statement. “Shockingly, it has now become a black market for dangerous products facilitating fentanyl, precursors and pill presses. De minimis is destruction.”

Shein said last year that they support “responsible reform” of the policy but did not give precise recommendations.

“The de minimis exemption needs a complete makeover to create a level playing field for all retailers,” SHEIN Executive Vice Chairman Donald Tang said in a statement. “At the same time, American consumers deserve to know that the products they purchase are authentic and ethically produced. We believe de minimis reform can and should achieve both.”

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Країни ЄС попереджають МВФ про репутаційні ризики в разі відновлення співпраці з Росією

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Підписанти листа – Польща, Литва, Латвія, Естонія, Данія, Фінляндія, Швеція, Норвегія, Ісландія – висловлюють глибоке невдоволення планами МВФ

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Categories: Новини, Світ

У США чотирьох активістів визнали винними в причетності до просування російських наративів

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Міністерство юстиції США заявило, що чотирьох активістів визнали винними у змові з метою діяти як незареєстровані агенти на користь Росії

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Канадський кінофестиваль зупиняє покази фільму про російських військових

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Посол України в Канаді Юлія Ковалів висловила жаль щодо того, що «у своїй аргументації у фестивалю не вистачило сміливості прямо визнати свою глибоку помилку»

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Categories: Новини, Світ

МЗС: Монголії оголосили демарш через відмову арештувати Путіна за ордером МКС

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«До монгольської сторони доведено глибоке розчарування України відмовою Монголії як країною-підписанткою Римського статуту виконати виданий Міжнародним кримінальним судом ордер на арешт Путіна»

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Радіо Свобода запускає подкаст «Штатна ситуація» про вибори в США та їхній вплив на Україну

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Україна та війна Росії проти України займали чільне місце на виборчих дебатах між Камалою Гарріс та Дональдом Трампом. Аналіз заяв про Україну та інших основних тем

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Categories: Новини, Світ