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Month: March 2020

Товарообіг у березні падає на 10%, «можливо, ситуація буде наростати» – голова митної служби

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Українська митниця фіксує скорочення товарообігу у зв’язку з поширенням коронавірусної інфекції та закриттям кордонів, повідомив голова Державної митної служби України Максим Нефьодов в інтерв’ю Радіо Свобода.

«Ми вже бачимо падіння товарообігу. І, звичайно, це виклик для всього світу. Тому що ламаються логістичні ланцюжки. Але я маю сказати, що це далеко не в рази. Поки що ми відстаємо від товарообігу минулого року, тобто місяць до місяця (березень 2020-го до березня 2019 року – ред.), приблизно на 10%», – сказав Нефьодов.


Він припустив, що «ситуація буде наростати». «Тому що реальні обмеження вводяться країнами ж поступово стосовно торгівлі. Бізнес може якийсь час ще торгувати зі складів. Все ще щось рухається. Тому подивимося, як буде ситуація розгортатися далі», – наголосив посадовець.


Оновлений у зв’язку з пандемією коронавірусу базовий прогноз компанії Dragon Capital на 2020 рік передбачає падіння ВВП на 4% та девальвацію національної валюти до 30 гривень за долар на кінець року. За менш оптимістичним прогнозом, тобто, якщо карантин буде продовжено не до травня, а на довший термін, ВВП може знизитися на 9%, а гривня здешевшає до 35 гривень за долар. Але обидва сценарії, як оптимістичний, так і песимістичний, передбачають підтримку Міжнародного валютного фонду, наголошує економіст Сергій Фурса.


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Husband of Jailed UK-Iranian Woman Says Temporary Release Extended in Tehran

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The husband of the jailed British-Iranian aid worker Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe says his wife has had her temporary release extended for another two weeks by the Iranian government.“Nazanin’s father got told today that it has been extended until Saturday, April 18, an extra two weeks,” husband Richard Ratcliffe told AFP in an e-mail on March 28.He added that the news had brought “a lot of relief in our house.”Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, 41, currently on leave from Evin Prison at her parents’ house in the Iranian capital, had been due to return to custody on April 4.Her husband had previously said she was required to wear an ankle bracelet and to remain within 300 meters of her parents’ home.Zaghari-Ratcliffe has been detained in Iran since April 2016. In September 2016, she was sentenced to 5 years in prison for allegedly “plotting to topple the Iranian government.” She denied the charges, as did her employer and the British government.Richard Ratcliffe, the husband of Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe, his daughter Gabriella and his mother arrive at Downing Street in London, Jan. 23, 2020.On March 17, her husband said Zaghari-Ratcliffe was among up to 80,000 prisoners temporarily released by the Iranian government — a measure that authorities said was meant to help curb the COVID-19 outbreak in the country.Iranian President Hassan Rohani on March 24 said that the “government’s coronavirus crisis team has decided to extend [the overall prisoner] parole from April 3 to April 19,” adding that it could be extended again if the situation requires.Iran is the hardest-hit country in the Middle East by the coronavirus pandemic. As of March 28, it has reported more than 25,000 cases of infections and 2,517 deaths. However, experts warn that ascertaining an accurate number of cases anywhere in the world is impossible because of the lack of testing.Zaghari-Ratcliffe was arrested at Tehran airport in April 2016 after visiting relatives in Iran with her young daughter.She worked for the Thomson Reuters Foundation at the time.Britain has demanded her release and that of other dual nationals imprisoned in Iran. Tehran does not recognize dual citizenship.Former British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt wrote in a tweet that the latest development was “a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.””Let’s pray that this remarkable family are reunited soon,” he added. 

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Coronavirus Makes it Harder for Campaigns to Ask for Money

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White House candidates aren’t usually bashful about asking supporters for money. But as the coronavirus upends everyday life, inundating hospitals, tanking financial markets and putting 3.3 million Americans out of work, President Donald Trump and his likely Democratic rival, Joe Biden, suddenly find themselves navigating perilous terrain. What used to be a routine request for political cash could now come across as tone-deaf or tacky. The two also run the risk of competing for limited dollars with charities trying to raise money for pandemic relief. With a recession potentially on the horizon, there’s a question of whether wealthy donors are in a giving mood and whether grassroots supporters who chip in small amounts will still have the wherewithal to keep at it. That presents a delicate challenge as both candidates try to stockpile the massive amounts of cash needed for the general election campaign. “It’s hard to have a conversation with someone right now to ask how they’re getting by, and then ask them for financial support in the next sentence,” said Greg Goddard, a Democratic fundraiser who worked for Amy Klobuchar’s presidential campaign before the Minnesota senator dropped out of the Democratic race. To Tim Lim, a Democratic consultant who worked for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, “it’s a world where no one has a good answer.” He said that ”on the fundraising side, we are going to take some massive hits as a party.” Democratic U.S. presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden speaks about the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic at an event in Wilmington, Delaware, March 12, 2020.The task is particularly acute for Biden. The former vice president is trying to pivot from the primary to the general election in a race essentially frozen by the virus. He lacks Trump’s reelection cash reserves, which were built up over the past three years of his presidency. Biden also has yet to clinch the nomination and won’t be able to do so until postponed primary contests are held in the months ahead. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, his sole remaining 2020 rival, has given no indication that he will back out, despite Biden’s virtually insurmountable lead in the delegate race. The pandemic has put all big-dollar fundraisers on hold, like all in-person political events. That’s forced Trump and Biden, for now, to rely on online fundraising. Biden is holding virtual fundraisers via video conferences. But they lack the exclusivity and tactile nature of an in-person event, where donors can network, see and be seen. Biden and Trump continue to send out fundraising emails and texts. “It isn’t easy for me to ask you for money today,” Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon said in a fundraising email Thursday, seeking contributions as low as $5. “There are so many deserving charities and small businesses in your community where your money makes a huge difference right now. And of course, your own needs and the needs of your family take precedence.” But, she continued, “we have to keep fundraising because we have to keep campaigning. And we have to keep campaigning because it’s the only way we can defeat Trump in November.” President Donald Trump speaks about the coronavirus as he walks to Marine One to depart the White House, March 28, 2020, in Washington.Trump repeatedly played down the threat posed by the virus in the early days of the outbreak, and his campaign was no exception. It blasted out fundraising texts with familiar themes, such as attacking Biden, Sanders and the media. The campaign enticed donors by offering Trump-themed items, including a set of shamrock whiskey glasses offered up in exchange for a $35 contribution around St. Patrick’s Day. But in a March 12 message, his campaign also texted supporters a “coronavirus update,” which reflected Trump’s newfound concern over the virus and did not include a request for money. “The safety, security, and health of the American People is President Trump’s top priority right now,” the message said. It also urged supporters to visit the U.S government’s coronavirus website to “learn ways to keep you, your family, and your community safe.” His campaign has since returned to form, and one recent text excoriated former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg, whom Trump nicknamed “Mini Mike,” for using a provision in campaign finance law to transfer $18 million leftover from his abandoned presidential campaign to the Democratic National Committee. Trump campaign spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany didn’t respond to a request for comment. On Saturday, the Biden and Trump campaigns sent out multiple fundraising requests over email and text. Biden asked for $5 while suggesting that Trump’s early minimizing of the virus means it “will hit all of us harder than it otherwise might have, and it will take us longer to recover.” Trump sent out an email with the subject line: “LET’S CRUSH IT.” The email asked supporters to “keep America great” and suggested that donations would help block “radical SOCIALISTS like Crazy Bernie or Quid Pro Joe gain an ounce of momentum.” Sanders has earned praise for turning to his army of small-dollar donors to raise $3.5 million for virus relief instead of his campaign. The senator, whose campaign is fueled by grassroots online donors, has stopped sending out fundraising emails. “Right now my focus is on this extraordinary crisis,” Sanders told The Associated Press on Wednesday, after declining to discuss the future of his campaign. Bloomberg also shelved plans to leverage his billions of dollars of personal wealth to run an outside group aimed at preventing Trump’s reelection. Instead, he recently promoted a $40 million philanthropic effort aimed at curtailing the spread of the virus. While the virus has disrupted many facets of life, Democratic fundraisers are optimistic that a degree of normalcy will return eventually. That will be a benefit to Biden. Trump, as the incumbent, controls the Republican National Committee, giving him a major fundraising edge Biden lacks because he is not the nominee. Fundraising committees controlled by political parties can take in massive sums for candidates, such as Trump, with whom they have entered into joint agreements. The DNC does not yet have a similar arrangement with Biden. His supporters are laying the groundwork for when it does. “People like me are quietly reaching out to the bigger donors to let them know we are about to enter the next phase,” said Steve Westly, a Silicon Valley venture capitalist. “There’s not a lot of fundraising going on right now, but the big picture is we’re getting near the time when the DNC will be involved and there will be much higher limits.” Many Democrats also think Trump’s handling of the crisis will be a clarifying moment and they predicted an outpouring of donations once the campaign resumes. “We are in a life or death situation, and people like the idea of a competent president, like Joe Biden,” said Mathew Littman, a former Biden speechwriter who is the executive director of Win the West, a pro-Biden super PAC that is focusing on Western states. Still, Littman acknowledged that for at least the time being, fundraising might be a little slow. “Not everybody is going to be able to donate to a super PAC, that’s for sure,” he said. 

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Coronavirus Roils Every Segment of US Child Welfare System

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Child welfare agencies across the U.S., often beleaguered in the best of times, are scrambling to confront new challenges that the coronavirus is posing for caseworkers, kids and parents.For caseworkers, the potential toll is physical and emotional. Child welfare workers in several states, including Michigan, Massachusetts, New York and Washington, have tested positive for COVID-19.Many agencies, seeking to limit the virus’s spread, have cut back on in-person inspections at homes of children considered at risk of abuse and neglect. Parents of children already in foster care are missing out on weekly visits. Slowdowns at family courts are burdening some of those parents with agonizing delays in getting back their children.A usually busy 7th Avenue is mostly empty of vehicles, the result of citywide restrictions calling for people to stay indoors and maintain social distancing in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19, March 28, 2020, in New York.”There are real sad consequences for folks who’ve been making progress toward reunifying,” said Boston social worker Adriana Zwick, who represents unionized caseworkers with Massachusetts’ Department of Children and Families.She recounted how one supervisor broke down in tears after learning that a mother on the verge of getting her son back from foster care was told there would be a delay because the food service job she’d been promised was scrapped because of COVID-19.”She was almost there,” Zwick said. “This has really thrown a wrench into things.”For workers, widespread shortages of gloves, masks and other safety gear are raising concerns, said Angelo McClain, CEO of the National Association of Social Workers.”If a report comes in of a kid in danger, you need to go out and make sure that child is safe — but you need a face mask, gloves, sanitizer,” he said.In New York City, the nation’s worst-hit area, child protection staff are instructed mostly to use “virtual visiting,” even while investigating potential risks to a child’s safety.The city’s Administration for Children’s Services has provided staff with questions to ask families to gauge whether any household member may have the virus. If they do, the agency says special medical assistance might be requested if pursuing an investigation.The CEO of one of New York’s biggest youth and family services providers, Michelle Yanche, says some of her 1,200 staffers at Good Shepherd Services have tested positive for COVID-19, and she’s bracing for the number to rise.A sign with corrected spelling tells visitors the playground at the Community Park is closed until further notice due to COVID-19 on March 27, 2020, in Zelienople, Pa.”We’ve had to triage,” she said. “For the most high-risk families, there’s no other alternative than to see them in person.”Because of insufficient supplies, she said her staffers sometimes make urgent visits either with no equipment or gear that’s been used.In Massachusetts, Zwick’s department confirmed Thursday that one of its Boston-based employees has tested positive for COVID-19. The union says at least three other workers are presumed infected after becoming seriously ill.Many child welfare professionals worry the pandemic, by increasing stress on already fragile families, will fuel a rise in child abuse and neglect.”You have families that don’t have stable housing, stable income. Maybe there’s a mental health challenge or a substance abuse problem — and now the schools are closed,” Zwick said. “That is a recipe for disaster.”Teachers and other school employees normally offer a safeguard by reporting suspicious bruises and other warning signs, said McClain of the social workers association.”Now you don’t have those eyes and ears,” he said.In Fort Worth, Texas, Cook Children’s Medical Center recently admitted seven kids under 4 who suffered severe abuse, including two who died the same day.Dr. Jayme Coffman, who heads the hospital’s child abuse prevention center, linked the surge of cases to the heightened stress on many families during the pandemic.A sign posted in front of the emergency entrance of Harborview Medical Center gives thanks to health care workers during the coronavirus outbreak March 28, 2020, in Seattle, Washington.The Houston-based sheriff of Harris County tweeted his concern.”We cannot let a health pandemic become a child abuse pandemic!” Ed Gonzalez wrote. “The number one reporters of child abuse are teachers, but kids aren’t seeing them right now. Neighbors and other family members, PLEASE pay close attention.”Because older people are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19 and relatively few children have died from it, kids have not been a focus of public health efforts.That’s a mistake, according to University of Pennsylvania professor Marci Hamilton, also CEO of CHILD USA, a think tank seeking to prevent child abuse and neglect.”Already some areas are reporting spikes in abuse,” she said. “If caseworkers don’t have that protective equipment, it’s likely we’ll have fewer home visits, and fewer home visits mean more kids at risk.”For many parents whose children are in foster care, and who yearn to get them back, the pandemic has worsened their predicament. Many family courts have postponed non-emergency cases, and many social services required for reunification, such as addiction treatment programs, have been disrupted.A traffic message board displays a message about coronavirus prevention on Interstate 94 in Chicago on March 28, 2020.”One thing that jumps out: The system’s inability to move forward when courts shut down,” said professor Vivek Sankaran, who directs the University of Michigan Law School’s Child Advocacy Law Clinic.”The courts don’t have the technology to hold virtual hearings, case files aren’t available electronically. There’s almost this sense of paralysis,” he said.The disruption of services also can heighten concern about children’s safety. Elizabeth Novotny, a social worker in Northern California’s Santa Clara County, said a boy was recently reunified with his mother, but now a drug-testing program has been suspended that would have let Novotny verify that the mom was staying off drugs.”I hope the kid is safe,” she said.Foster care also is facing upheaval, with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services easing its oversight rules.Under longstanding law, caseworkers are required to make monthly in-person visits to children in foster care. The agency now says caseworkers instead can do videoconferencing visits.JooYeun Chang, executive director of Michigan’s Children’s Services Agency, said caseworkers should make in-person home visits only when “absolutely necessary.” Her agency confirmed Thursday that six staffers had tested positive for COVID-19.As for visits between foster children and their biological families, Chang said they’re no longer required to be face to face but can be done through Skype or FaceTime.These changes have confused many foster parents, said Irene Clements, executive director of the National Foster Parent Association. They’re used to accommodating frequent court-ordered visits from their foster child’s biological family and now are unsure about their obligations, Clements said.She said school closures have created severe disruptions for foster parents who still need to leave home to work.”But it’s not just about the foster families,” Clements said. “Some of the birth parents are going to suffer the consequences of not being able to reunify because of lack of income. It’s nobody’s fault, and it’s heartbreaking for all of us.”

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Шмигаль заявив, що у зміненому бюджеті збережені видатки на культуру та освіту

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Уряд завершив попередню підготовку змін до державного бюджету на 2020 рік, в новій редакції законопроєкту збережено видатки на інфарструктуру, культуру й освіту, повідомив прем’єр-міністр Денис Шмигаль.

«Завершили попередню роботу над змінами до держбюджету. Це був складний процес, але саме цього потребують складні часи. Що в підсумку. Незважаючи ні на що, витрати на інфрастркутуру розвитку, культуру й освіту збережено», – написав Шмигаль у Телеграм-каналі 29 березня.

За його словами, видатки стабілізаційного фонду будуть спрямовані на додаткові виплати медичним та іншим співробітникам, які задіяні в боротьбі з коронавірусним захворюванням, грошову допомогу пенсіонерам, виплати українцям, які через поширення цього захворювання втратили роботу, а також на надання фінансової допомоги бізнесу.


У першому оприлюдненому цього тижня проєкті змін до бюджету Міністерство фінансів планувало позбавити фінансування низку інституцій у сфері культури через карантин: Держкіно – на 750 мільйонів гривень, Український культурний фонд – на 500 мільйонів гривень, Інститут книги – на 150 мільйонів гривень, напрямок туризму – 240 мільйонів гривень. Уряд закликають не робити цього.


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Condom Shortage Looms After Coronavirus Lockdown Shuts World’s Top Producer

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A global shortage of condoms is looming, the world’s biggest producer said, after a coronavirus lockdown forced it to shut down production.Malaysia’s Karex Bhd makes one in every five condoms globally. It has not produced a single condom from its three Malaysian factories for more than a week due to a lockdown imposed by the government to halt the spread of the virus.That’s already a shortfall of 100 million condoms, normally marketed internationally by brands such as Durex, supplied to state healthcare systems such as Britain’s NHS or distributed by aid programs such as the UN Population Fund.The company was given permission to restart production on Friday, but with only 50 percent of its workforce, under a special exemption for critical industries.“It will take time to jumpstart factories and we will struggle to keep up with demand at half capacity,” Chief Executive Goh Miah Kiat told Reuters.“We are going to see a global shortage of condoms everywhere, which is going to be scary,” he said. “My concern is that for a lot of humanitarian programs deep down in Africa, the shortage will not just be two weeks or a month. That shortage can run into months.”Malaysia is Southeast Asia’s worst affected country, with 2,161 coronavirus infections and 26 deaths. The lockdown is due to remain in place at least until April 14.The other major condom-producing countries are China, where the coronavirus originated and led to widespread factory shutdowns, and India and Thailand, which are seeing infections spiking only now.Makers of other critical items like medical gloves have also faced hiccups in their operations in Malaysia.In emailed comments, a spokesman for Durex said operations are continuing as normal and the company was not experiencing any supply shortages. “For our consumers, many of whom will be unable to access shops, our Durex online stores remain open for business.”“The good thing is that the demand for condoms is still very strong because like it or not, it’s still an essential to have,” Goh said. “Given that at this point in time people are probably not planning to have children. It’s not the time, with so much uncertainty.”

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Російська нафтова компанія «Роснєфть» оголосила про вихід із Венесуели

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Російська нафтова компанія «Роснєфть» заявила, що припиняє діяльність у Венесуелі і продає всі свої активи, пов’язані з цією діяльністю.

Як мовиться в її пресрелізі, ці активи продані неназваній «компанії, що на сто відсотків належить урядові Росії».

У Кабінеті міністрів Росії підтвердили російським агентствам купівлю цих активів, але компанію, яка купила їх, теж не назвали.

Цим кроком «Роснєфть» прагне позбутися санкцій США. Вашингтон вимагав від компанії вийти з Венесуели, де вона співпрацювала з владою автократичного президента Ніколаса Мадуро, допомагаючи їй у реалізації венесуельської нафти.

США накладають санкції на всіх, хто співпрацює з цією владою, бо визнають за єдиного легітимного тимчасового керівника Венесуели опозиційного лідера Хуана Гуайдо і надають йому всіляку підтримку. Таким чином, під санкціями опинилися дві дочірні компанії «Роснєфті».

Крім того, окремо під секторальними санкціями США з 2014 року перебуває й сама «Роснєфть» через причетність компанії до агресії Росії проти України. Але вони стосуються тільки обмеження можливостей цієї компанії отримувати фінансування в банках США.

Компанія «Роснєфть» не є формально державною і має статус публічного акціонерного товариства, але понад 50 відсотків її акцій належать державній російській компанії «Роснєфтєгаз». Керівник «Роснєфті» Ігор Сєчин є давнім і близьким союзником президента Росії Володимира Путіна.

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Texts, Not Door-Knocks: US Census Outreach Shifts Amid Virus

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In tiny Munfordville, Kentucky, the closure of the public library has cut people off from a computer used only for filling out census forms online. In Minneapolis, a concert promoting the once-a-decade count is now virtual. In Orlando, Florida, advocates called off knocking on doors in a neighborhood filled with new residents from Puerto Rico.Across the U.S., the coronavirus has waylaid efforts to get as many people as possible to participate in the count, which determines how much federal money goes to communities. The outbreak and subsequent orders by states and cities to stay home and avoid other people came just as the census ramped up for most Americans two weeks ago.On Saturday, the Census Bureau announced it was going to continue to suspend its 2020 census field operations for another two weeks, to April 15.That leaves thousands of advocates, officials and others who spent years planning for the U.S. government’s largest peacetime mobilization scrambling to come up with contingency plans for pulling it off amid a pandemic.In this March 24, 2020 photo, forms from the U.S. Census Bureau arrive at a home in Orlando, Fla. The coronavirus has waylaid efforts to get as many people as possible to take part in the census.Right now, everybody is faced with figuring out how to outreach to our communities not being face to face,'' said Jennifer Chau, leader of a coalition of Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander organizations in Phoenix that passed out 300 reusable boba tea cartons in January to people who signed a card pledging to complete their census form.Nonprofits and civic organizations leading census outreach efforts are pivoting to digital strategies. Texting campaigns, webinars, social media and phone calls are replacing door-knocking, rallies and face-to-face conversations. But it comes at a cost: Experts say connecting with trusted community leaders in person is the best way to reach people in hard-to-count groups that may be wary of the federal government.It’s making it exponentially more difficult to get the kind of accurate count that is needed for this census. There’s no sugarcoating it. It’s really tough,” said Arturo Vargas, CEO of NALEO Educational Fund, a Latino advocacy group. Thank goodness for technology. We wouldn't be able to do what we're doing without it.''Although the U.S. Census Bureau is spending $500 million on outreach efforts, including advertising, it's relying on more than 300,000 nonprofits, businesses, local governments and civic groups to encourage participation in their communities.FILE - This March 19, 2020, file photo shows an envelope containing a 2020 census letter mailed to a U.S. resident, in Glenside, Pa.The groups are recalibrating their messaging to address the upheaval in people's lives, including job losses and stay-at-home orders, and to focus on how census numbers help determine the distribution of federal aid or medical supplies their communities may get during the coronavirus crisis. The groups also are emphasizing that if people answer the questionnaire online, by phone or by mail now, they can avoid having a census taker sent to their house to ask them questions come late spring and summer.We want people to understand that even though we have this health emergency going on, there’s a connection to the census with how the distribution of funds to states is all going to rest on how many people there are in a community,” Minnesota’s demographer Susan Brower said.The 2020 census will help determine how many congressional seats and Electoral College votes each state gets, as well as the distribution of some $1.5 trillion in federal spending.The coronavirus has forced the U.S. Census Bureau to delay the start of tallies of homeless people and other transient populations such as racetrack workers, college students, prisoners and nursing home residents. It has pushed back the deadline for wrapping up the count by two weeks, to mid-August.Signs advertising the 2020 U.S. Census cover a closed and boarded-up business amid the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Seattle, Washington, U.S., March 23, 2020.Of all of our worst nightmares of things that could have gone wrong with the census, we did not anticipate this set of actions," said Al Fontenot of the Census Bureau.But our staff has been extremely resilient about looking for solutions.”On the plus side, more people at home now have time to answer the questionnaire, and the deadline extension offers chances to reach out to more people, Brower said.In some places, outreach done well before the virus spread in the U.S. is paying off, but organizers aren’t sure it will last. For the first week that people could start answering the 2020 questionnaire, New York City — which had dedicated $40 million to outreach efforts — was well ahead of its 2010 pace of self-responses. But now it’s the epicenter of the U.S. outbreak.The coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, including fever and cough that clear up in two to three weeks. For others, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia and death.More than 30 percent of U.S. residents already had answered the census questionnaire as of Friday. Most of the temporary census takers hired by the government won’t be sent out until May to knock on the doors of homes where people haven’t yet responded.We are trending much better than 10 years ago, even in this craziness," said Sheena Wright, president and CEO of United Way of New York City.That's despite events meant to generate participation getting canceled or delayed.Pittsburgh had commissioned Jasmine Cho, who uses cookie decorating to highlight Asian American and social justice issues, to lead decorating workshops with a census theme. An October session drew almost 50 people and grabbed attention, but workshops planned for March and April were canceled.I’m hopeful that under the current quarantine measures, that people will actually pay more attention to their census mailings and take the time to complete it,” Cho said.The self-described cookie activist'' and the city are in talks to make an online instructional video about census-themed cookie decorating.San Francisco was supposed to ring in Census Day on April 1 with one of its famous cable cars rolling through iconic neighborhoods, but that became a casualty of COVID-19. Money from a $3.5 million budget earmarked for food and venues for census form-filling parties and town halls in the Bay Area will now go toward video marketing and printed materials, according to Stephanie Kim of the United Way Bay Area.It’s been hard to have to pivot on all the activities and events they were planning for for a long time,” Kim said. “So many organizations had planned for big community get-togethers.”       

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Watchdog: Guatemala Needs to Win Back Trust of Media

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Guatemala’s fractured relationship with the press is being put to the test during the fight to contain the coronavirus, a report by the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists found.At a time when Guatemalans need access to independent reporting on the coronavirus, conditions for press freedom are “unsound,” CPJ said.   The FILE – Alejandro Giammattei, accompanied by his daughter, Ana Marcela, waves to the crowd after he was sworn in as president of Guatemala at the National Theater in Guatemala City, Jan. 14, 2020.President Alejandro Giammattei, who was elected in August, has an opportunity to redress challenges for the media and regain their trust, CPJ said.The press freedom group called on officials to decriminalize defamation, investigate digital and physical attacks on the press, and ensure the media have easy access to information.Natalie Southwick, head of CPJ’s Central and South America program, told VOA that Giammattei appeared open to better relations with the press.“It is encouraging to see that Guatemala has not followed the troubling example of some other countries in the region that have used the pandemic as a pretext to roll back constitutional protections for free expression or closed off access to information,” Southwick said.“However, it’s important to remember that the Guatemalan government has previously implemented similar measures imposing martial law and other restrictions in some regions of the country due to violence or other incidents, and those conditions have absolutely restricted the work of journalists,” she said.Risk in environmental reportingEnvironmental reporting, including coverage of corruption or illegal mining and extraction industries, increased the risk of attack or arrest for indigenous journalists or those reporting from rural regions, the report found.CPJ interviewed Carlos Choc, a reporter from the local news website Prensa Comunitaria, who was forced into hiding after authorities issued a warrant for his arrest.At the time, Choc and his outlet were investigating allegations of pollution in Guatemala’s Lake Izabal region and clashes between police and protesters.
Choc told CPJ he believed the warrant, which accused him of illegal protest and other crimes, was an attempt by authorities to silence him.The report found indigenous radio stations were also at a disadvantage, with license frequencies auctioned at prices beyond their means. Because of the cost and other challenges, local broadcasters often operate on illegal frequencies.“Even without the context of a global pandemic, it’s absolutely fundamental that rural and indigenous journalists and communities outside of the major cities have access to radio frequencies as a means to share information and keep their communities informed and safe,” Southwick said.Radio is the preferred means of communication in remote regions, where internet access is limited or Spanish is not the predominant language, she said.The Guatemala Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to VOA’s request for comment.Positive stepsThe report noted some positive developments from the government. The attorney general in December announced it was expanding a special prosecutor’s office that investigates crimes against journalists, and the president’s office has said it is committed to greater transparency.  The CPJ said that the government needed to do more to tackle online harassment and smear campaigns against journalists who report critically on politics or business, and that it should set up a journalist protection plan that officials committed to eight years ago.Editor’s note: An editor of this article formerly worked at the Committee to Protect Journalists and helped edit its Guatemala report.

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Ливийское фиаско злобного карлика пукина: Эрдоган достанет везде

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Ливийское фиаско злобного карлика пукина: Эрдоган достанет везде.

Турция использовала ударные дроны, которые отлично зарекомендовали себя в Серакибе, пачками отправляя отпускников обиженного пукина в рай

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Пафосный хлам: в Италии разоблачили гумконвой кровавого пукина

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Пафосный хлам: в Италии разоблачили гумконвой кровавого пукина

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Спираль истории: нефть заливает кремлевскую варежку

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Спираль истории: нефть заливает кремлевскую варежку.

Рынок нефти сигнализирует о переизбытке ее добычи и несопоставимо низком потреблении

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Карлик пукин оплошал: «дедолларизация» и «нефтяной маневр» накрылись медным тазом

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Карлик пукин оплошал: «дедолларизация» и «нефтяной маневр» накрылись медным тазом.

Обвальное падение рубля нанесло опустошающий удар по золото-валютным резервам россии…

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Величие испарилось. пукин приказал трясти банковский вкладчиков

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Величие испарилось. пукин приказал трясти банковский вкладчиков.

пукин решил ударить по среднему класу, чтобы накормить нищих. Богатых никто трогать не собирается

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Росія закриває кордони через коронавірус, але не для всіх

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У Росії вирішено закрити кордони країни через пандемію коронавірусного захворювання, але з певними винятками, зокрема й для мешканців ОРДЛО на сході України, яким було незаконно надане російське громадянство.

Пропуск через російський кордон має бути тимчасово закритий із початку доби 30 березня, мовиться в розпорядженні уряду Росії.

Винятки з рішення стосуються, серед іншого, дипломатів, працівників транспорту, тих, хто їде на похорони близького родича (що треба довести), чи мешканців Калінінградської області – ексклаву, до якого треба діставатися через територію Литви, за умови, що вони їдуть залізницею.

Окремим пунктом у розпорядженні вказано, що воно не стосується також тих мешканців окупованої частини українського Донбасу, яким Росія вже встигла видати документи про своє громадянство. В Україні і в світі це надання громадянства вважають незаконним.

Раніше, з 18 березня, кордони Росії були закриті тільки на в’їзд для іноземців чи осіб без громадянства, з винятками на кшталт іноземних дипломатів чи транспортних працівників тощо.

На цей час у Росії офіційно повідомляють про 1264 виявлені випадки коронавірусного захворювання і сім померлих від нього – найбільше з них у столиці Москві. Також заявляють, що 49 осіб уже видужали. У Кремлі запевняють, що епідемії COVID-19 у Росії немає. Президент Володимир Путін висловлював сподівання, що Росія зможе подолати коронавірус за два-три місяці чи й швидше.

Але не відомо, наскільки ці дані відповідають реальній ситуації через низький рівень тестування. Раніше цього тижня російські посадовці заявляли, що кількість виявлених випадків, як очікують, різко збільшиться через те, що в Москві наступними днями значно розширять тестування на коронавірус.

Загалом у світі, за даними Центру даних про коронавірус Університету імені Джонза Гопкінза у США, на цей час підтверджені 640 589 випадків коронавірусного захворювання, з них 29 847 людей від нього померли, 136 007 уже видужали.

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3 More US National Parks Close to Prevent Coronavirus Spread

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Three more of America’s most popular national parks have closed their gates as pressure mounts on superintendents to prevent crowded trails that could lead to more spread of the coronavirus, even as the Trump administration sticks to its decision to waive entrance fees at the parks.Glacier in Montana and Arches and Canyonlands in Utah announced their decisions to close Friday night, days after several other well-known parks such as Yellowstone, Grand Teton and the Great Smoky Mountains did the same.Visitors travel to Arches and Canyonlands to hike red rock trails that lead to picturesque rock arches and canyons outside Moab, Utah — where city leaders and regional health leaders this week sent letters to the National Park Service pleading for the closure of the parks. The health department had already banned local hotels from allowing tourists to stay after seeing continued crowds in town and the parks, even as the virus spread across the United States.Visitors kept comingIn a tweet announcing the closures, Arches and Canyonlands said the decision to close was made in response to local health officials.Park staff was at risk as visitors kept coming to the parks, including about 700 cars per day last weekend, the Southeast Utah Health Department said in a letter Wednesday to the park service. Moab’s small hospital has only two ventilators — vital for patients with severe cases of COVID-19 — and no intensive care rooms, the letter said.FILE – Snow covers the entrance sign to Glacier National Park in West Glacier, Mont., Dec. 11, 2012.Glacier National Park Superintendent Jeff Mow said in a statement Friday night that the decision was made after listening to concerns from local leaders and was based on current health guidance. The Montana park, known for its towering snow-capped mountains and valleys near the Canadian border, heard from gateway communities in Flathead and Glacier counties, along with the Blackfeet Indian Reservation and the state.Nearly two weeks ago, Interior Secretary David Bernhardt announced that he would waive entrance fees to give people outdoor spaces to recreate, while authorizing park superintendents to make their own decisions about what’s needed to adhere to recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”This small step makes it a little easier for the American public to enjoy the outdoors in our incredible National Parks,” Bernhardt said in a news release on March 18.Nicholas Goodwin, a spokesman for Bernhardt, said Thursday that the decision was meant to give a financial break to those visitors who had decided they wanted to go, not to draw people outdoors and together on vistas and trails as coranavirus deaths and illnesses grow.The agency is deciding whether to shut down individual sites on a park-by-park basis, in consultation with state and local health officials, he said.Flocking to Great Smoky MountainsGreat Smoky Mountains National Park, on the border of North Carolina and Tennessee, was one of those whose request to close was granted by the Interior Department earlier this week.The number of visitors there surged last week compared with the previous year’s figures despite infection risks, with about 30,000 people entering the park each day. Despite efforts at Smoky Mountains park to protect staff and visitors from COVID-19, including closing restrooms and visitor centers, the park found it impossible to keep people from crowding together in popular spots, spokeswoman Dana Soehn said.The day after the closure announcement, park officials learned that an employee had tested positive.For most people, the new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms, which can include fever and cough but also milder cases of pneumonia, sometimes requiring hospitalization. The risk of death is greater for older adults and people with other health problems.Many parks that remain open have closed shuttles, campgrounds, visitor centers and some trails to try to prevent the spread of COVID-19.At Zion National Park in Utah, campgrounds and part of a popular trail called Angel’s Landing that remained crowded with people over the weekend are closed.In Arizona, local governments and the Navajo Nation are waiting for an answer to their request earlier this week for federal officials to shut down Grand Canyon National Park as cases of COVID-19 grow in surrounding areas. The park has already closed shuttles, river trips and lodges.
The National Parks Conservation Association, a nonprofit group that advocates on park policy issues, called the administration’s decision to keep the Grand Canyon open “beyond reckless.”

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Cameroonian Muslims Defy Coronavirus Prayer Restrictions

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Muslims in Cameroon have defied and are protesting government restrictions on prayer attendance at mosques, imposed to reduce the spread of COVID-19, which has so far been confirmed in 92 people in less than a month.The Muslims say the government order defies God’s teachings. Hundreds of Muslim faithful attended their Friday worship sessions in mosques throughout Cameroon despite the government order for prayers to be said at home and for numbers in worship houses to be limited.As a sign of protest, they sat in front of mosques for 20 minutes.
The government said most of those defying the order were on the central African state’s northern border with Nigeria. Student Koulanya Abo, 23, said he went to the mosque in the town of Maroua in the Far North region of Cameroon to pray for Allah to rid the world of the disease.”This is a time people have to go to the mosque and pray ceaselessly. Anything out of that will not be tolerated by Allah, because this is a period where people are facing a lot of difficulties due to the outbreak of the pandemic COVID-19,” Abo said.Terrorist areaCameroon’s Far North region has been an epicenter of Boko Haram terrorist attacks for 10 years. The Nigerian Islamist militants want to create an Islamist caliphate. They have not made a statement on their stand on COVID-19.However, Bouba Bakary, the traditional leader and Muslim spiritual guide of Maroua, said that when he noticed resistance to the government order, he directed clerics under him to keep an eye on extremists.He said he told the 1,200 imams and clerics under his authority that the measures taken by the government were aimed at saving their lives and protecting their communities from a deadly disease that has killed thousands of people all over the world. He said there was a surprising amount of resistance, and he wanted the government to take further measures that would  force the faithful to obey the instructions and at the same time maintain peace.
Bakary said he was also asking the government to use such local languages as Fulfulde and Haoussa to inform both clerics and the faithful who may not understand French that COVID-19 kills, and that the decision that people should stop crowding into mosques was made to save their lives.Cameroonian Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education Monouna Foutsou said the situation was very worrying. He has sent youths not only to the regions where there is resistance but all over Cameroon to inform civilians that they should abide by the measures or they will be punished.Youths sent to spread wordHe said President Paul Biya had instructed him to advise Cameroonians to be socially responsible, and he has dispatched youths to towns and villages with loudspeakers, flyers and banners to try to persuade the population to adhere to the lifesaving measures directed by the government. He said the government would not spare anyone who exhibited irresponsibility after the two-day education phase.
A crisis meeting was held at the Defense Ministry on Friday, where it was decided that the military would be deployed to areas where there is resistance.
The first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Cameroon on February 6. Health officials said Saturday that the number of confirmed cases had increased to 92. Two people have died.
In an effort to stop the spread of the virus, Cameroon on March 18 closed its borders and suspended issuance of visas into the country until further notice. The central African state also closed all schools and asked Christians and Muslims to limit worship attendance and pray at home.

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US Journalists Expelled From China Invited to Taiwan

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Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu invited three U.S. journalists whose credentials were revoked by China to work from the island.  Wu’s invitation followed China’s announcement earlier Saturday it has pulled press credentials for Julie Wernau, Stu Woo and Stephanie Yang of The Wall Street Journal. The journalists were seen accompanied to Beijing airport by bureau chief Jonathan Cheng. Last week, Chinese authorities expelled several reporters working for The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The New York Times. It also ordered Time magazine and the independent U.S.-funded Voice of America news operation to give Chinese authorities detailed information about their work in China.  China said in a statement Saturday the expulsions were in response to recent restrictions imposed on Chinese state media in the United States.   Earlier, the Trump administration designated five Chinese media outlets as foreign missions and restricted the number of Chinese allowed to work for them, in a move intended to curb Beijing’s influence and intelligence operations in U.S.

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Кількість загиблих мігрантів з Туркменистану, які вживали зіпсований алкоголь у Туреччині, зросла до 53

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Кількість загиблих серед туркменських мігрантів в Туреччині, які пили зіпсований алкоголь, зросла до 53-х, повідомила 28 березня Туркменській службі Радіо Свобода людина, яка була на похороні жертв і побажала залишитися неназваною.

За повідомленням, 53-тя жертва померла вранці 28 березня і ще щонайменше 15 людей залишаються в лікарні.

Лікарі, знайомі зі справою, розповіли кореспондентові Радіо Свобода в Туреччині, що мігранти з Туркменистану не лише пили неякісну горілку, а й натерли нею тіло, щоб таким чином «захиститися» від COVID-19.

Раніше повідомлялося, що родичі загиблих не змогли перевезти тіла назад до Туркменистану через транспортні обмеження в Туреччині на тлі пандемії коронавірусу. Туркменських мігрантів поховали на кладовищі в Стамбулі.

Поліція Стамбула повідомила, що заарештувала щонайменше 11 осіб, підозрюваних у продажу незаконно виготовленого алкоголю, а також конфіскувала неякісну горілку і зброю у підозрюваних під час затримання.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

У Сербії через коронавірус продовжили комендантську годину

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Кабінет міністрів Сербії вирішив продовжити комендантську годину й на вихідні, повідомляє кореспондент Радіо Свобода. Міністр охорони здоров’я Златибор Лончар заявив, що в суботу і неділю комендантська година триває від 15.00 до 5.00 наступного дня.

Міністр уточнив, що станом на 28 березня в країні зафіксовано 659 хворих на COVID-19 (на 131 більше, аніж день тому) і що від захворювання померли вже 10 людей. У важкому стані перебувають кілька десятків осіб.

Громадянам, які повернулися з-за кордону, рішенням уряду продовжена самоізоляція з 14 на 28 діб. За порушення передбачені штрафні санкції на суму від 1500 євро або вирок до трьох років увʼязнення.

Рішенням уряду закриті всі базари. Люди, старші від 65 років, можуть покинути свої квартири лише в неділю і тільки в час від 4-ї до 7-ї години ранку для купівлі в магазинах, які на той час відкриті лише для них.

У Сербії влаштували три об’єкти для масового прийому хворих. До белградського центру, який влаштували в приміщеннях виставково-ярмаркового центру, 28 березня прийняли перших пацієнтів.

Урядовці закликають громадян не виходити з помешкань без потреби, не ходити до парків, уникати зустрічей із родичами.

Загалом у світі, за даними Центру даних про коронавірус Університету імені Джонза Гопкінза у США, на цей час підтверджені 621 636 випадків коронавірусного захворювання, з них 28 657 людей від нього померли, 134 512 уже видужали.

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American Civil Rights Leader Joseph Lowery Dies at 98

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The Reverend Joseph Lowery, a key ally of Martin Luther King in the U.S. civil rights movement of the 1960s, died late on Friday at the age of 98, his family said in a statement.“Our beloved, Rev. Dr. Joseph Echols Lowery, made his transition peacefully at home at 10 p.m., Friday, March 27, at the age of 98. He was surrounded by his daughters,” Lowery’s family said.Lowery was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, by President Barack Obama in 2009, a few months after he had given the benediction at Obama’s inauguration.Lowery co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with King and other black ministers in 1957, to fight segregation across the U.S. South. He served for 20 years as its president before stepping down in 1998.He continued working for racial equality into his 90s.He spoke against South African apartheid, sought better conditions in U.S. jails, pushed for more economic opportunities for minorities, promoted AIDS education and railed against what he saw as government indifference toward the lower classes.Lowery was married to Evelyn Gibson Lowery, who shared his activism, for 63 years before her death in 2013. The Lowery Institute, now known as the Joseph and Evelyn Lowery Institute for Justice & Human Rights, was founded in his honor in 2001 and he was a member of its board.

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