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Month: December 2017

Trump Sells Republican Tax Bill to Job Seekers, Middle Class

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U.S. President Donald Trump continued to tout the Republican tax bill Saturday, saying “everybody’s going to benefit” if it is signed into law.

“But I think the greatest benefit is going to be for jobs and for the middle class, middle income,” Trump said to reporters on the White House South Lawn before departing for the presidential Camp David retreat in Maryland.

Republican Senate and House negotiators finalized a final version Friday of their compromise $1.5 trillion tax bill, after appeasing Republican Senator Marco Rubio, who demanded an expansion of the child tax credit that provides benefits for low-income families.

Republican lawmakers hammered out differences Wednesday between the House and Senate versions, and both chambers of Congress plan to vote on the final bill early next week, with the intent of submitting it to President Donald Trump for his signature before Christmas.  

Rubio said late Friday he would vote for the bill after saying one day earlier he would not support it unless it includes a more generous child tax credit, which has been  beneficial to lower-income families by partially offsetting the expenses of raising children.

The bill doubles the current child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000 per child and allows parents to get a refund of up to $1,400 if the credit is greater than their federal income tax liability.

No Democratic support

No Democrats have publicly expressed their support for the legislation, which they have attacked as a giveaway to corporations and the wealthiest of taxpayers, including Trump, a billionaire.

The measure would cut taxes by $1.5 trillion over the next decade, heavily weighted toward lower corporate taxation, and perhaps add $1 trillion or more to the country’s long-term $20 trillion debt obligations to investors and foreign governments such as China – the largest owner of U.S. debt.

When asked about the debt, Trump responded by saying a new tax law will encourage inflows of overseas money. “This is going to bring money in. As an example, we think four trillion dollars will come flowing back into the country. That’s money that’s overseas, that’s stuck there for years and years.”

Trump administration officials say millions of individual taxpayers, but not everyone, would see their annual tax obligation to the government cut, in many cases by a few hundred dollars, or in the case of wealthy taxpayers, by thousands of dollars.

In  the final compromise bill, the individual tax rate for the highest income earners would be cut from 39.6 percent to 37 percent.

The country’s corporate tax rate, now at 35 percent and among the highest in the industrialized world, would be cut substantially to 21 percent.

With Democrat Doug Jones winning a special Senate election Tuesday in Alabama, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer has asked that the final tax vote be delayed until January after Jones is sworn in. But Republicans appear intent on voting before then while they have one more Republican vote in the Senate.

An original version of the Senate bill was approved 51-49 with Rubio’s support. So if Rubio votes against the bill, it could still pass, though with a narrower margin.

If approved and signed into law, the tax legislation would be the first major legislative achievement of Trump’s nearly 11-month presidency after he and Republicans failed earlier this year dismantle national health care policies championed by former president Barack Obama.

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За два місяці опалювального сезону Україна використала 1,5 мільярда кубометрів газу – дані «Укртрансгазу»

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За два місяці від початку в середині жовтня опалювального сезону Україна спожила близько 1,5 мільярда з закачаних майже 17 мільярдів кубометрів газу. Про це свідчать дані оператора газотранспортної системи України державної компанії «Укртрансгаз».

Станом на 14 грудня в українських підземних сховищах газу залишалося 15 мільярдів 476 мільйонів кубометрів палива.

Міністр енергетики і вугільної промисловості Ігор Насалик заявляв про плани нагромадження 17 мільярдів кубометрів для проходження опалювального сезону 2017-2018 років.

При підготовці до опалювального періоду 2016-2017 років профільне міністерство також наполягало на необхідності нагромадити 17 мільярдів кубометрів газу, але керівництво «Нафтогазу України» запевняло, що 14,5 мільярда кубометрів буде цілком достатньо. У результаті торік в опалювальний сезон Україна ввійшла із запасами «блакитного палива» на рівні 14,7 і завершила сезон на рівні 8,4 мільярда кубометрів.

За інформацією Міненерго, у цьому сезоні в українські ПСГ закачали 8,8 мільярда кубів газу, і станом на 24 жовтня загальний обсяг становив понад 16,9 мільярда кубів. (Близько 5 мільярдів – це технічний газ, необхідний для функціонування сховищ).

Опалювальний сезон в Україні зазвичай стартує в середині жовтня. За багаторічними стандартами, він розпочинається тоді, коли середньодобова температура повітря впродовж трьох діб становить вісім або менше градусів. Тривалість опалювального сезону становить близько півроку, але в Києві у 2017 році комунальники через суттєве потепління вимкнули опалення 1 квітня. Натомість у Львові опалювальний період фінішував лише 25 квітня, хоча перед тим навесні комунальні служби двічі вимикали тепло.

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Britain Seeks ‘Bespoke’ EU Trade Deal, Pact With China

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British Finance Minister Philip Hammond said Saturday it is likely Britain will want to negotiate a bespoke arrangement for a future trade deal with the European Union, rather than copying existing arrangements like the Canada-EU deal.

The European Union agreed Friday to move Brexit talks onto trade and a transition pact, but some leaders cautioned that the final year of divorce negotiations before Britain’s exit could be fraught with peril.

Summit chairman Donald Tusk said the world’s biggest trading bloc would begin “exploratory contacts” with Britain on what London wants in a future trade relationship, as well as starting discussion on the immediate post-Brexit transition.

No off-the-shelf deal

Speaking in Beijing, Hammond it was probably not helpful to think in terms of off-the-shelf models like the Canada-EU deal.

“We have a level of trade and commercial integration with the EU 27 which is unlike the situation of any trade partner that the EU has ever done a trade deal with before,” he told reporters.

“And therefore it is likely that we will want to negotiate specific arrangements, bespoke arrangements,” Hammond added.

“So I expect that we will develop something that is neither the Canada model nor an EEA model, but something which draws on the strength of our existing relationship.”

The Brexit negotiations have been a vexed issue for the global economy as markets feared prolonged uncertainty would hit global trade and growth.

A transition period is now seen as crucial for investors and businesses who worry that a “cliff-edge” Brexit would disrupt trade flows and sow chaos through financial markets.

China visit

Hammond’s China visit is the latest installment in long-running economic talks between the two states, but it has now taken on new importance for Britain as it looks to re-invent itself as a global trading nation after leaving the EU in 2019.

China is one of the countries Britain hopes to sign a free trade agreement with once it leaves the EU, and London and Beijing have been keen to show that Britain’s withdrawal from the bloc will not affect ties.

Hammond sought to offer reassurance to Chinese firms post-March 2019 when Britain formally leaves the EU.

“We won’t technically or legally be in the customs union or in the single market, but we’re committed as a result of the agreement we’ve made this week to creating an environment which will effectively replicate the current status quo,” he said.

Addressing the press after Hammond had spoken, Chinese Vice Finance Minister Shi Yaobin said China hopes Britain and the EU can reach a win-win agreement.

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За порушення санкцій США проти Ірану ув’язнили громадянина Канади іранського походження

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Канадієць іранського походження засуджений до 32 місяців ув’язнення за змову у порушення санкцій США проти Ірану.

Американські прокурори заявили, що Алі Суфі «здійснив змову щодо експорту товарів військового призначення зі Сполучених Штатів в Іран як безпосередньо, так і через перевантаження до країн-посередників без ліцензії» у період 2014–2016 років.

У заяві американської прокуратури Південного округу штату Нью-Йорк зазначається, що 63-річний Суфі «намагався придбати та поставити багато предметів, у тому числі вертольоти, високотехнологічні частини кулеметів, танків та військових транспортних засобів, зі США до Ірану, все без ліцензії і знаючи, що такі поставки є незаконними відповідно до законодавства США».

Повідомляється, що Суфі визнав себе винним за одним з епізодів зазіхання на порушення санкцій США проти Ірану і був засуджений до 32 місяців ув’язнення з додатковим роком перебування під наглядом.

Сполучені Штати залишають односторонні санкції, пов’язані з порушенням прав людини в Ірані, ймовірною підтримкою тероризму та його суперечливою балістичною ракетною програмою, навіть після того, як були скасовані санкції, пов’язані з ядерною зброєю після підписання Іраном у 2015 році важливої ядерної угоди.

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Huge Tax Bill Heads for Passage as GOP Senators Fall in Line

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After weeks of quarrels and qualms and then 11th-hour horse-trading, Republicans revealed their huge national tax rewrite late Friday, along with announcements of support that all but guarantee approval next week.

The legislation would slash tax rates for big business and lower levies on the richest Americans in a massive $1.5 trillion bill that the GOP plans to pass through Congress before the year-end break. Benefits for most other taxpayers would be smaller.

“This is happening. Tax reform under Republican control of Washington is happening,” House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin told rank-and-file members in a conference call. “Most critics out there didn’t think it could happen. … And now we’re on the doorstep of something truly historic.”

According to the 1,097-page bill, today’s 35 percent rate on corporations would fall to 21 percent, the crown jewel of the measure for many Republicans. Trump and GOP leaders had set 20 percent as their goal, but added a point to free money for other tax cuts that won over wavering lawmakers in final talks.

Party’s first achievement of 2017

The legislation represents the first major legislative achievement for the GOP after nearly a full year in control of Congress and the White House. It’s the widest-ranging reshaping of the tax code in three decades and is expected to add to the nation’s $20 trillion debt. The debt is expected to soar by at least $1 trillion more than it would without the tax measure, according to projections.

Support is now expected from all Senate Republicans, ensuring narrow approval. Democrats are expected to oppose the legislation unanimously.

“Under this bill, the working class, middle class and upper middle class get skewered while the rich and wealthy corporations make out like bandits,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York. “It is just the opposite of what America needs, and Republicans will rue the day they pass this.”

The bill would drop today’s 39.6 percent top rate on individuals to 37 percent. The standard deduction, used by about two-thirds of households, would be nearly doubled.

Those who itemize their taxes face mixed results. The $1,000-per-child tax deduction would grow to $2,000. The bill makes a smaller amount — $1,400 — available to families even if they owe no income tax. The money would come in the form of a tax refund, which is why it’s called a “refundable” tax credit. In an earlier verison of the bill, the amount was $1,000.

But the deduction that millions use in connection with state and local income, property and sales taxes would be capped at $10,000. Deductions for medical expenses that lawmakers once considered eliminating would be retained.

Only on Friday did Republicans cement support for the major overhaul, securing endorsements from wavering senators.

Rubio, Corker relent

Marco Rubio of Florida relented in his high-profile opposition after negotiators expanded the child tax credit, and he said he would vote for the measure next week.

Rubio had been holding out for a bigger child tax credit for low-income families. After he got it, he tweeted that the change was “a solid step toward broader reforms which are both Pro-Growth and Pro-Worker.”

Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, the only Republican to vote against the Senate version earlier this month, made the surprise announcement that he would back the legislation. Corker, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has repeatedly warned that the nation’s growing debt is the most serious threat to national security.

Although he deemed the bill far from perfect, he said it was a once-in-a-generation opportunity.

“I realize this is a bet on our country’s enterprising spirit, and that is a bet I am willing to make,” Corker said.

Members of a House-Senate conference committee signed the final version of the legislation Friday, sending it to the two chambers for final passage next week. They have been working to blend the different versions passed by the two houses.

Republicans hold a 52-48 majority in the Senate, including two ailing senators who have missed votes this past week.

John McCain of Arizona, 81, is at a Washington-area military hospital being treated for the side effects of brain cancer treatment, and Thad Cochran, 80, of Mississippi had a non-melanoma lesion removed from his nose earlier this week. GOP leaders are hopeful they will be available next week.

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Австрія: партія Курца домовилася про коаліцію із правою Партією свободи

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Австрійські консерватори досягли коаліційної угоди з правою Партією свободи, це дозволить зробити 31-річного Себастьяна Курца наймолодшим главою уряду Європи.

Консервативна Народна партія Курца 15 жовтня отримала перемогу на виборах. Після цього розпочалися переговори про коаліцію з Партією свободи.

Курц і лідер Партії свободи Гайнц-Крістіан Штрахе оголосили 15 грудня, що вони досягли угоди.

Угода завершує перебування в опозиції більш ніж десять років для Партії свободи, яка востаннє входила до складу уряду у 2000 році з Народною партією, яку зараз очолює Курц.

У нинішньому уряді Курц є міністром закордонних справ.

Партія Курца виграла вибори з жорсткою риторикою щодо питань міграції, що часто співпадало з позицією Партії Свободи.

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Powerful CEOs Demand DACA Fix

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Two titans of U.S. business have come together to demand that Congress find an immediate solution for DACA recipients, whose legal immigration status will come to an end in March without intervention.

Charles Koch, chairman and chief executive of Koch Industries, and Tim Cook, chief executive of Apple, wrote in an opinion piece published Thursday in The Washington Post that “we strongly agree that Congress must act before the end of the year to bring certainty and security to the lives of dreamers. Delay is not an option. Too many people’s futures hang in the balance.”

Dreamers is another term for participants in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which has protected undocumented young people who were brought to the U.S. as children and provided them with work permits.

President Donald Trump ended the DACA program in September although it will not begin to phase out until March, 2018.

His action put the ball in Congress’ court to find a long term solution for dreamers.

In their op-ed piece, the two CEOs note that both of their companies employ DACA recipients. “We know from experience that the success of our businesses depends on having employees with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. It fuels creativity, broadens knowledge and helps drive innovation.”

Koch Industries encompass a variety of companies including manufacturing and refining of oil and chemicals. Forbes Magazine lists Koch as the second largest privately held company in the U.S. Apple is the world’s largest information technology company, producing such familiar products as the iPhone and the Mac computers.

‘Firmly aligned’ on DACA issue

Koch and Cook are as different politically as their companies. Deeply conservative, Charles Koch has made significant financial contributions to rightwing causes and mostly Republican candidates. Tim Cook has been more bipartisan in his donations but did host a fundraiser for Democrat Hillary Clinton when she was running for president.

“We are business leaders who sometimes differ on the issues of the day,” the two concede in their piece. “Yet, on a question as straightforward as this one, we are firmly aligned.”

Congress seems unlikely to provide a DACA solution by the end of the year.

While some Democrats have remained firm in linking the spending legislation to a measure that would allow nearly 800,000 DACA immigrants to continue to work and study in the United States, the effort seems to have lost momentum.

Speaking Wednesday to a group of DACA recipients, Democratic Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois said he wished he could “tell you that we’re totally confident we can get it done. I can’t say that. I don’t want to mislead you.” Durbin is a co-sponsor of the DREAM Act which would protect DACA recipients.

Republican lawmakers have maintained that there is no reason to act on DACA in 2017.

“There is no emergency. The president has given us until March to address it,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, said Sunday on ABC’s This Week program. “I don’t think Democrats would be very smart to say they want to shut down the government over a nonemergency that we can address anytime between now and March.”

But that was said before a major Republican donor urged immediate action.

“We have no illusions about how difficult it can be to get things done in Washington, and we know that people of good faith disagree about aspects of immigration policy,“ Koch and Cook write.

“By acting now to ensure that dreamers can realize their potential by continuing to contribute to our country, Congress can reaffirm this essential American ideal.

“This is a political, economic and moral imperative.”


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4 палестинців загинули, 160 поранені під час сутичок з ізраїльськими силовиками – медики

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Четверо палестинців загинули, 160 поранені 15 грудня під час сутичок з ізраїльськими силовиками, пов’язаних з рішенням президента США Дональда Трампа визнати Єрусалим столицею Ізраїлю, повідомили медики.

Більшість жертв зафіксовані в Смузі Гази, де тисячі палестинців кидали камінням у ізраїльських солдатів через укріплену огорожу. За словами медиків, там загинули двоє протестувальників, один з яких був в інвалідному візку, ще 150 отримали поранення.

Крім того, двоє протестувальників загинули, ще 10 отримали поранення унаслідок стрілянини з боку ізраїльських силовиків на Західному березі річки Йордан.

Президент Сполучених Штатів Дональд Трамп оголосив 6 грудня, що США офіційно визнають Єрусалим столицею Ізраїлю і пообіцяв перемістити посольство США з Тель-Авіва.

Цей крок Трампа викликав критику з боку палестинців, їхніх арабських союзників, а також країн Заходу.

Статус Єрусалима є болючим питанням для всіх сторін близькосхідного врегулювання. Зокрема, палестинці вважають, що Східний Єрусалим має бути столицею їхньої майбутньої держави.

За планом ООН 1947 року про створення на території тодішньої Британської Підмандатної Палестини двох окремих держав, єврейської і арабської, Єрусалим мав стати окремою одиницею зі спеціальним міжнародним режимом під керуванням ООН.

Фактично вже 1948 року новостворений Ізраїль за результатами першої арабсько-ізраїльської війни взяв під контроль західну частину міста і 1949-го оголосив Єрусалим столицею, Східний Єрусалим тоді опинився під окупацією Йорданії. Ізраїль захопив і Східний Єрусалим разом із історичним Старим містом у перебігу Шестиденної війни 1967 року, а пізніше оголосив про анексію цієї території, заявивши, що весь Єрусалим є його неподільною столицею.

Світова спільнота на підставі плану 1947 року не визнає належності Єрусалима Ізраїлеві, особливо ж анексії Ізраїлем Східного Єрусалима і проголошення всього міста столицею країни, практично всі посольства інших держав в Ізраїлі, зокрема і США, розташовані в Тель-Авіві.

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Посланець ООН: на переговорах щодо Сирії втрачена «велика можливість»

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На переговорах про мирне врегулювання в Сирії, черговий раунд яких без прогресу завершився напередодні в Женеві, була втрачена «велика можливість» просунутися вперед, заявив спеціальний посланець ООН по Сирії Стаффан де Містура.

Головну відповідальність за провал переговорів він поклав на урядову делегацію Сирії, зазначивши, що представники Башара Асада «не хочуть розмовляти ні з ким, хто має іншу думку», і висувають попередні умови для початку прямих переговорів з опозицією.

Посланець ООН закликав Росію як союзника Башара Асада вплинути на офіційний Дамаск, щоб переконати його зайняти більш конструктивну позицію на переговорах.

Де Містура повідомив, що наступного тижня поінформує Раду безпеки ООН щодо перебігу переговорів.


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Батько підозрюваних у вибуху в метро Санкт-Петербурга позбавлений громадянства Росії

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Батько двох підозрюваних у вибуху в метро Санкт-Петербурга позбавлений російського громадянства, повідомили в Міністерстві закордонних справ Киргизстану.

Речниця міністерства Аїмкан Кулукеєва розповіла Радіо Свобода, що 15 грудня Ахрала Азімова, етнічного узбека з південної киргизької Ошської області, поінформували про позбавлення громадянства, йому також наказали якнайшвидше покинути країну.

Вона зазначали, що оскільки Азімов має паспорт Киргизстану, він поїде до цієї країни. Також речниця заперечила інформацію про арешт Азімова в Москві співробітниками Федеральної служби безпеки Росії.

Сини Азімова Аброр й Акрам, які мають громадянство Росії, – серед кількох вихідців із Центральної Азії, заарештованих у зв’язку з вибухами в метро Санкт-Петербурга 3 квітня, коли загинули 16 людей.

За даними слідства, вибух скоїв смертник – 22-річний уродженець Киргизстану з узбецьким корінням, громадянин Росії Акбаржон Джалілов.

14 грудня суд у Санкт-Петербурзі засудив одного з підозрюваних, Обода Абдираїмова, до п’яти років тюрми після того, як він визнав себе винним у вербуванні чоловіків та жінок до екстремістського угруповання «Ісламська держава».

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Керівник британського Генштабу: Росія може пошкодити підводні кабелі

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Агресивні дії Росії можуть становити загрозу для підводних кабелів, що зв’язують Європу з Британськими островами і Північною Америкою, заявляє начальник британського Генерального штабу – маршал авіації Стюарт Піч. За його словами, захист підводних ліній комунікації є одним із пріоритетних завдань для Збройних сил Великої Британії та її союзників по НАТО.

«Якщо кабелі будуть перерізані або зруйновані, це в ту ж секунду призведе до катастрофічних наслідків для міжнародної торгівлі й інтернету», – зазначив британський військовий, якого у вересні призначили головою військового комітету НАТО.

За його словами, це «нова загроза нашому стилю життя».

Стюарт Піч 14 грудня додав, що в НАТО вживають необхідних заходів у відповідь на модернізацію російського військового флоту.

За даними військового командувача, російські судна були помічені в Атлантичному океані в тих місцях, де прокладені міжконтинентальні кабелі.

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Trump Touts Progress on Slashing Federal Regulations

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U.S. President Donald Trump has touted progress on slashing federal regulations, which he says cost America trillions with no benefit. Speaking Thursday from the White House, the president said his administration had exceeded its goal of removing two federal regulations for every new one, by removing 22 for every new one. Opponents have criticized some of the deregulation, especially dismantling of the net neutrality rules that guarantee equal access to the internet. VOA’s Zlatica Hoke reports.

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Detroit Builds a Symbol of Resurgence on Iconic Spot

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An 800-foot-tall (244-meter) centerpiece is coming to Detroit’s resurgent downtown as the city continues to build momentum about three years after exiting the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history.

The 58-story building dominating the local skyline will rise on the site of the iconic J.L. Hudson department store, whose 1983 closing epitomized Detroit’s economic downfall.

“When we lost Hudson’s, it symbolized how far Detroit had fallen,” Bedrock Detroit real estate founder Dan Gilbert said Thursday during a ceremonial groundbreaking for the new building. “When it was imploded in 1998 it was a very sad day for a lot of people.”

One of four projects

But the bad times for downtown appear to be largely over. Bedrock Detroit’s $900 million, two-building project will include a 58-story residential tower and 12-floor building for retail and conference space. Up to 450 residential units can be built in the tower.

It is one of four projects representing a $2.1 billion investment in downtown by the Detroit-based commercial real estate firm. Altogether, the projects are expected to create up to 24,000 jobs in a city that desperately needs them and generate $673 million in new tax revenue.

Mayor Mike Duggan’s office has spearheaded redevelopment programs targeting a number of city neighborhoods, but Detroit’s growth is most evident in greater downtown, where office space now is limited and available apartments are tough to come by.

A ribbon-cutting was held in August for an $860 million sports complex just north of downtown. The 20,000-seat Little Caesars Arena is the new home of the Detroit Red Wings and Pistons. It will anchor a 50-block neighborhood of offices, apartments, restaurants and shops.

A 6.6-mile-long light rail system launched earlier this year along Woodward Avenue, downtown’s main business thoroughfare.

Microsoft move

Software maker Microsoft announced in February that it plans to move its Michigan Microsoft Technology Center next year from the suburbs to downtown. In 2016, Ally Financial opened new offices downtown that the financial services company said eventually would be occupied by more than 1,500 employees and contractors.

“Bedrock building on the Hudson’s site will be an important addition to the community and the vitality and prosperity of downtown,” said John Mogk, a Wayne State University law professor whose work has included policy on economic development issues.

“It will act as an important centerpiece for continuing the overall downtown development … but much more has to be done for the entire city to feel a resurgence.”

Many residents poor

However, much work remains for a city where many residents are still poor.

Detroit’s unemployment rate was about 8 percent in April, yet far below the more than 18 percent unemployment rate during the city’s 2013 bankruptcy filing.

The city’s 2016 poverty rate was just more than 35 percent, the highest among the nation’s 20 largest cities and more than double the national poverty of 14 percent. A family of four is considered living in poverty if its annual earnings are less than $24,563.

Downtown construction projects such as the work at the Hudson’s site can help change that, some say.

“What a shame that anybody should be unemployed in Detroit when we have a need for skilled trades,” Gilbert said. “We like to say Detroit is located at the intersection of muscle and brains. We need brains to sort this all out … somebody still has to build stuff. We still need muscle.”

While Bedrock’s new building would be Detroit’s tallest, rising above the 727-foot (222-meter) Renaissance Center along the city’s riverfront, it still would be far shorter than some other U.S. towers.

One World Trade Center in New York measures 1,776 feet (541 meters). Chicago’s Willis Tower hits 1,451 feet (442 meters), while the Empire State Building in New York climbs to 1,250 feet (381 meters).

​Iconic Hudson’s

Although the 25-story Hudson’s building was once the nation’s tallest department store, it measured only about 400 feet (122 meters). It was far more famous for what was inside.

When Detroit was humming along and leading the nation in car production, the store was where auto executives and assembly line workers shopped. From household goods to clothing and furs and many things in between, it was a primary downtown destination.

There were 50 display windows, 12,000 employees and 100,000 customers per day. But as shopping tastes shifted to expansive suburban malls and Detroit’s population tumbled by more than 600,000 people between the 1950s and 1980, Hudson’s lost its luster.

“Building something of significant magnitude on the old site will provide a good deal of good feelings by older generations,” Mogk said.

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Trump Touts Progress on Rolling Back Federal Regulations

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With the ceremonial flourish of oversized golden scissors slicing a giant piece of red tape, U.S. President Donald Trump symbolically cut through decades of regulations on Thursday. 

“So, this is what we have now,” the former reality television program host said, gesturing toward a 190-centimeter-high pile of what was said to be 185,000 sheets of paper. “This is where we were in 1960,” he added, referencing a smaller stack representing an estimated 20,000 pages of federal regulations.

“When we’re finished, which won’t be in too long a period of time, we will be less than where we were in 1960, and we will have a great regulatory climate,” the president added at the event in the White House Roosevelt Room.

Trump decried that an “ever-growing maze of regulations, rules and restrictions has cost our country trillions and trillions of dollars, millions of jobs, countless American factories, and devastated many industries.”

The event took place just after the Federal Communications Commission, in a 3-2 vote, repealed a rule of the previous Obama administration calling for  “net neutrality,” the principle that all internet providers treat all web traffic equally. 

WATCH: Trump Touts Progress on Slashing Federal Regulations

Lawsuits filed

The deregulatory zeal has generated a backlash. 

The state of California has filed seven lawsuits challenging part of the administration’s deregulatory efforts dealing with the environment, education and public health. 

The administration’s “rule rollbacks risk the health and well-being of Americans and are, in many cases, illegal,” according to California Attorney General Xavier Becerra. 

In his remarks Thursday, Trump touted his executive order, signed days after he took office in January, mandating that two federal regulations must be eliminated for every new regulation put on the books. 

His administration, Trump said, has exceeded that mandate by “a lot.” 

The president, who as a real estate developer long railed against government regulation, claimed that for every new rule adopted, his administration has killed 22 — far in excess of the 2-for-1 pledge. 

For the first time in “decades, the government achieved regulatory savings,” Trump said, boasting that “we blew our target out of the water.” 

The administration, over its first 11 months, according to the president, has “canceled or delayed more than 1,500 planned regulatory actions — more than any previous president by far.” 

He called for his Cabinet secretaries, agency heads and federal workers to “cut even more regulations in 2018.”

“And that should just about do it,” he said. “I don’t know if we’ll have any left to cut.”

$570M in savings seen

The cost savings, according to administration officials, will total $570 million per year. But they say there are benefits that go beyond money. 

“When the government is interfering less in people’s lives, they have greater opportunity to pursue their goals,” Neomi Rao, the administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Office of Management and Budget, told reporters following the president’s ribbon-cutting event. 

Asked whether she could verify that this is, as Trump has declared, the largest deregulatory effort in American history, Rao hedged to echo such a sweeping statement, saying, “I don’t think there’s been anything like this since [Ronald] Reagan, at least.” Reagan was president from 1981 to 1989.

The president’s former strategist, Stephen Bannon, has said a primary goal of the Trump administration, through deregulation, is achieving “deconstruction of the administrative state.” 

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США заявляють, що мають «беззаперечні докази» поставок Іраном зброї повстанцям Хуті

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Сполучені Штати мають «беззаперечні докази» поставок Іраном зброї для повстанців Хуті в Ємені, заявила посол США в ООН Ніккі Гейлі на прес-конференції, яка відбулася на військовому складі у Вашингтоні.

«Сполучені Штати мають новий підхід до Ірану, зосереджуючи увагу на всій дестабілізуючій поведінці режиму. Це означає, що ми зосереджені не лише на ядерній програмі. Ми також уважно розглядаємо програму Ірану щодо балістичних ракет, її експорт озброєнь та підтримку терористів і диктаторів», – сказала Хейлі.

Під час прес-конференції представили, як стверджують американські посадовці, іранську балістичну ракету, яку випустили з Ємену минулого місяця по міжнародному аеропорту біля столиці Саудівської Аравії Ер-Ріяду. Також були продемонстровані безпілотник і протитанкова зброя, ймовірно, іранського походження, які, за словами офіційних осіб, були виявлені в Ємені силами Саудівської Аравії.

Резолюція Організації Об’єднаних Націй, прийнята в зв’язку з ядерної угодою, заборонила Тегерану поставляти, продавати або передавати зброю, якщо Рада безпеки не схвалила таку операцію. Окрема резолюція ООН забороняє постачання будь-якої зброї повстанцям в Ємені.

Тегеран, який розглядає Саудівську Аравію як ворога і суперника за владу на Близькому Сході, уже давно спростовує звинувачення в тому, що він постачав зброю повстанцяв, і назвав заяви Хейлі про ракетний напад 4 листопада «безвідповідальними, провокаційними і руйнівними».

Саудівська Аравія є одним з найближчих союзників Вашингтона на Близькому Сході, а Вашингтон – основним постачальником озброєнь для саудівських військових.

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Щонайменше 4 дитини загинули після зіткнення шкільного автобуса й поїзда у Франції – МВС

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Щонайменше чотири дитини загинули після зіткнення шкільного автобуса й поїзда біля міста Міллас на південному заході Франції, повідомили в Міністерстві внутрішніх справ країни.

У відомстві зазначили, що серед 19 постраждалих –​ семеро отримали серйозні травми.

Президент Франції Емманюель Макрон заявив у Twitter: «Усі мої думки з жертвами цього жахливого інциденту зі шкільним автобусом та їхніми сім’ями. Держава повністю мобілізована, щоб допомогти їм».

Причини аварії наразі невідомі.

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Fish Farming Project Helps CAR Refugees Feed Themselves

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The United Nations says humanitarian needs in refugee camps in Cameroon are increasing, exceeding the means available to take care of the growing number of refugees. But some of the refugees have empowered themselves by making use of resources around them to earn a living for their families. At Gado refugee camp in eastern Cameroon,  200 refugee women have developed a fish pond by a river and are supplying fish not only to people in need in the camp but to surrounding villages.

More than a hundred women sing here on the side of a river at Gado near the United Nations refugee camp. It is a day of harvest and many refugees have come to buy. Among the fish farmers is 31-year-old Christine Mboula, a Central African Refugee who has been living in the camp for two years. Her laughs are indicative of how happy she is to raise money from the sale of the fish and then carry some of her catch home for her family.

Mboula says she has come to the river to collect and sell fish so as to help her family. She says the activity has kept them going.

Christine says she had been jobless and poor and could not take care of her three children. She lost her husband in the fighting in C.A.R. and relied on food aid from the United Nations, which she says was never enough.

Boniface Nyado, head of the World Food Program office in the eastern Cameroon town of Bertoua says the inland fish aquaculture program was started in the area in June 2017 by the World Food Program to attend to the needs of C.A.R. refugees and their host communities.

He says they initiated the project when they noticed that the locality had high fishing potential and at the same time there was insufficient food and a deficit in protein needed by the host communities and refugees. He says they brought groups of 200 refugees and host community members who work in the fishing area for six months, harvest and sell the fish and then create their own fish ponds to help them raise revenue and protein.

The refugees and host community members receive business training, emphasizing savings and loan best practices, technical support that includes how to produce low-cost fish food pellets, and other innovative ideas from the World Food Program.

The host communities are involved in efforts to stop any potential conflict that may arise from using water and other resources.

The W.F.P. says the savings and loan program in Gado is part of a new response to the massive displacement of people from C.A.R. to Cameroon and the effects it has on host communities.

Barely 1,000 C.A.R. refugees were here at Gado at the beginning of 2017. Today, close to 25,000 people are seeking refuge and trying to survive as tensions in the central African state continue.

Allegra Baiocchi, resident coordinator of the UN system in Cameroon says the aquaculture program was initiated to support the refugees and empower them rather than have them be dependent on resources that are overstretched and slow to come.

“Our response is underfunded. We need to remember the refugees population and the impact this has on the host communities and we need to do more,” she said. “Overall, the humanitarian response in Cameroon is 40 percent funded. When it comes to refugees, that figure comes down to 20 percent. There is not more we can do with 20 percent of the funding. After three years, what the people are asking us is to give them more long term support. To start putting them on the path of recovery and of development.”

The United Nations raised only $148 million of the 390 million dollars it needed up to the end of last September. The UN says by January, the needs of the refugees will increase to 498 million dollars.

C.A.R. plunged into turmoil in 2013 when the government of the majority Christian nation was overthrown by Muslim rebels, setting off a wave of sectarian fighting.

Christians, fearing reprisal attacks from the Muslim ex-rebels who controlled Central African Republic, fled for safety.

At least two-point-two million are finding it difficult to feed themselves and in May of this year, the U.N. refugee agency said that there were more than 500,000 internally displaced persons in the country.

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МВФ поки не планує відправляти місію до України, говорити про транші рано – представник

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Міжнародний валютний фонд поки не планує відправляти до України місію для перегляду програми співпраці, заявив заступник голови департаменту комунікацій МВФ Вільям Мюррей у Вашингтоні.

«У нас немає запланованої місії щодо перегляду програми співпраці на цьому етапі», – сказав Мюррей.

Він додав, що говорити про нові транші кредиту для України рано.

«У нас наразі є куди рухатися для завершення перегляду програми, тому наразі говорити про транші рано», – додав Мюррей.

14 грудня виконувач обов’язків голови Національного банку України Яків Смолій заявив, що очікує прибуття місії Міжнародного валютного фонду у січні й надання чергового траншу кредиту – у другому кварталі 2018 року.

У березні 2015 року між МВФ і Україною була затверджена чотирирічна програма розширеного фінансування на суму близько 17,5 мільярдів доларів США. Наразі МВФ надав Україні за цією програмою близько 8 мільярдів 380 мільйонів доларів.

У Міністерстві фінансів України раніше заявляли, що очікують надходження нового траншу кредиту МВФ на початку 2018 року.

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Росія: прокуратура заборонила акцію опозиції «День вільних виборів»

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Прокуратура столиці Росії Москви заборонила опозиції проводити акцію «День вільних виборів». Відповідне застереження відомство направило організатору заходу, опозиціонеру і голові Красносельського району Москви Іллі Яшину.

«Встановлено, що голова муніципального округу Красносельський І. Яшин поширює відомості про організацію 24 грудня на території скверу Лермонтовської площі в Москві фактично несанкціонованого мітингу під виглядом районного свята. Оскільки зазначений захід не узгоджений органами виконавчої влади Москви, Міщанський міжрайонний прокурор застеріг главу муніципального округу Красносельський І. Яшина про неприпустимість порушення чинного законодавства і попередив про встановлену законом відповідальність», — йдеться в повідомленні прокуратури.

Акція «День вільних виборів» запланована на 24 грудня у форматі «святкового заходу». Такий формат, згідно із законодавством, не вимагає дозволу мерії. Незважаючи на це, влада Москви зажадала від прокуратури визнати акцію незаконною. Яшин у відповідь вимагав визнати незаконними дії самих чиновників.

24 грудня — річниця одного з найбільших протестних мітингів у сучасній історії Росії. У 2011 році в цей день на вулиці Москви з вимогою чесних виборів вийшли понад 100 тисяч людей. До участі в новій акції 24 грудня раніше закликав опозиціонер Олексій Навальний. Він заявив про необхідність вимагати від влади допуску всіх кандидатів на президентські вибори 2018 року.

Саме після закликів Навального московські чиновники заявили про незаконність «Дня вільних виборів», а мерія звернулася зі скаргою на Яшина в прокуратуру.

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Greek Unions Strike as Bailouts to End With Austerity Blitz

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Greece’s workers walked off the job for a 24-hour general strike Thursday, as the country prepares to stop relying on European rescue loans but continues to pile more austerity measures on hard-hit taxpayers.


The strike halted ferry services to the islands, closed state schools, and left public hospitals accepting only emergency cases.


Airlines rescheduled and cancelled flights as some airport staff joined the labor action with a four-hour work stoppage, and public transport was operating only for certain hours during the day.


Thousands of people gathered in Athens for anti-government protests, while demonstrations were planned in more than 50 cities and towns across the country.


“The government is doing a dirty job at the expense of the Greek people,” said Greek Communist Party leader Dimitris Koutsoumbas, speaking at the main morning rally in central Athens, which was attended by more than 16,000 people, according to police estimates.


Greece has depended on international bailouts since 2010 but must return to bond markets next year when its third consecutive rescue program runs out in August.


The government’s borrowing rates have tumbled, and the country is on course to achieve modest economic growth in 2017. But poverty rates continue to worsen after years of cuts.


Household incomes have fallen by about a third since the crisis started in 2009, according to World Bank data, and inequality has risen due to high long-term unemployment.


Roughly half the country’s taxpayers are behind on payments, with several hundred thousand facing the threat of asset seizures.


Thursday’s protest was triggered by a government plan to toughen strike rules in draft legislation submitted to parliament and swiftly withdrawn.


Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ left-led coalition government has also promised to help banks clear a mountain of bad loans, speeding up auctions of homes in mortgage default.


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НБУ очікує чергового траншу від МВФ у 2-му кварталі 2018 року

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Національний банк України очікує прибуття місії Міжнародного валютного фонду у січні й надання чергового траншу кредиту — у другому кварталі 2018 року, повідомив виконувач обов’язків голови НБУ Яків Смолій.

«Ми розраховуємо, що приїзд місії може відбутися до кінця січня, відповідно, перегляд програми — лютий-березень, транш можливий у другому кварталі», — сказав він 14 грудня у Києві. 

У березні 2015 року між МВФ і Україною була затверджена чотирирічна програма розширеного фінансування на суму близько 17,5 мільярдів доларів США. Наразі МВФ надав Україні за цією програмою близько 8 мільярдів 380 мільйонів доларів.

У Міністерстві фінансів України раніше заявляли, що очікують надходження нового траншу кредиту МВФ на початку 2018 року.


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Decade Since Recession: Thriving Cities Leave Others Behind

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As the nation’s economy was still reeling from the body blow of the Great Recession, Seattle’s was about to take off.

In 2010, Amazon opened a headquarters in the little-known South Lake Union district — and then expanded eight-fold over the next seven years to fill 36 buildings. Everywhere you look, there are signs of a thriving city: Building cranes looming over streets, hotels crammed with business travelers, tony restaurants filled with diners.


Seattle is among a fistful of cities that have flourished in the 10 years since the Great Recession officially began in December 2007, even while most other large cities — and sizable swaths of rural America — have managed only modest recoveries. Some cities are still struggling to shed the scars of recession.


In Las Vegas, half-finished housing developments, relics of the housing boom, pockmark the surrounding desert. Families there earn nearly 20 percent less, adjusted for inflation, than in 2007.


In the decade since the recession began, the nation as a whole has staged a heartening comeback: The unemployment rate is at a 17-year low of 4.1 percent, down from 10 percent in 2009. Employers have added jobs for 86 straight months, a record streak. And last year, income for a typical U.S. household, adjusted for inflation, finally regained its 1999 peak.


Yet the rebound has been uneven. It’s failed to narrow the country’s deep regional economic disparities and in fact has worsened them, according to data analyzed exclusively for The Associated Press. A few cities have grown much richer, thanks to their grip on an outsize share of lucrative tech jobs and soaring home prices. Others have thrived because of surging oil and gas production.


But many Southern and Midwestern cities — from Greensboro, North Carolina, to Janesville, Wisconsin — have yet to recover from the loss of manufacturing jobs that have been automated out of existence or lost to competition from China, before and during the recession. Like others, they have fewer jobs and lower household incomes than before the downturn.


Those disparities complicate the rosy picture painted by most nationwide economic data. With the nation enduring a widening wealth gap, an overall robust U.S. economy doesn’t necessarily translate into widely shared prosperity.


“There’s definitely a pattern of the coasts pulling away from the middle of the country on income,” said Alan Berube, an expert on metro U.S. economies at the Brookings Institution. “There are a large number of places around the country that haven’t gotten back to where they were 15 years ago, never mind ten years ago.”


That said, for all the economic might the top-flight cities have gained in the past decade, many city officials and business leaders have become concerned that their success is running up against limits. Surging home prices and rents have made housing unaffordable for many. With cities like Seattle and San Francisco choked with traffic, engulfed by homeless people and requiring ever-larger incomes to live comfortably, quality of life may be at risk.


In the Western United States, inflation reached nearly 3 percent in October compared with a year earlier, according to government data. By contrast, inflation rose just 1.5 percent in the Midwest and New England.


“It’s the first time I have noticed a persistent spread between inflation in one area and the rest of the country,” says Steve Cochrane, an economist at Moody’s Analytics who has studied regional economics for 25 years.


Mindful of the financial burden on employees, some tech companies have decided to set up shop or expand where expenses are more manageable. Snapchat and Hulu have put down roots on the slightly more affordable west side of Los Angeles, joining outposts of Google and Facebook in an area now known as “Silicon Beach.”


Last year, nearly as many people moved out of Silicon Valley — defined as Santa Clara and San Mateo counties — as moved in, according to a report by Joint Venture Silicon Valley, a civic group. It was the first time since 2010 that the number of arrivals and departures have been roughly equal.


The trend isn’t entirely surprising given that commuting times in San Francisco have lengthened by 40 minutes a week in the past decade, the report said. The price of a typical San Francisco home has reached an eye-watering $1.2 million, according to Trulia, an online real estate data provider.


Housing costs, inflated by local regulations restricting home-building, can act as a barrier to opportunity. They make it harder for people in poorer areas to move for better opportunities. With fewer people able to move to places with more jobs and higher pay, the national economy tends to suffer, economists say.


Among the nation’s 100 largest metro areas, San Francisco experienced the biggest gain in median household income in the decade after the recession began. Adjusted for inflation, it jumped 13.2 percent, according to data compiled by Moody’s Analytics. San Jose, which is part of Silicon Valley, enjoyed the second-largest increase, at 12.7 percent, followed by Austin, Texas, with 8.8 percent.


By comparison, median household income in the 100 largest metro areas actually fell 2.7 percent, on average. And the income gap between the 10 richest and 10 poorest metro areas has widened in the past decade, Moody’s data shows.


Eight of the 10 cities with the largest income gains are “tech hubs,” with heavy concentrations of software architects, data analysts and cloud-computing engineers. They include Denver, Portland, Oregon; Provo, Utah; and Raleigh, North Carolina.


Pittsburgh has experienced the ninth-largest income gain, thanks to increased tech and health care jobs. Oklahoma City, where inflation-adjusted incomes are up 5.5 percent, has benefited from the oil and gas boom.


Most Americans haven’t received raises anywhere near that large. Data compiled by Brookings shows that 65 percent of Americans who live in urban areas _ defined as cities with populations above 65,000 _ live in places where the typical household income is still below its 1999 level.


Max Versace, CEO of artificial intelligence startup Neurala, who arrived in Boston in 2001 from Italy, has watched the city transform itself into a boomtown, filled with innovative companies working on robotics, AI and self-driving cars. Boston enjoyed the 11th-best income gain in the past decade, Moody’s data shows.


“I have never experienced a slowdown in Boston,” said Versace, whose company is based in Boston’s Seaport neighborhood, a formerly rundown industrial area now crowded with startups and high-end restaurants. “Boston is one of those bubbles  — good bubbles — that have been saved by the two locomotives of computer sciences and biotechnology.”

Versace launched Neurala in 2013, and it now has 36 employees, including eight with PhDs. While most workers across the country have endured scant pay gains, Versace estimates that salaries for AI researchers with Ph.D.’s have doubled since 2008.


Neurala is working to incorporate AI in drones, including one aimed at energy firms that will use its technology to spot cracks in pipelines or wind turbines without needing humans to monitor video feeds.


One other change Versace is happy to observe: “I no longer have to spit out espressos or pasta,” because the quality of each has improved so much since he arrived.


The divergence between the richest and poorest U.S. cities predates the Great Recession. But it is historically unusual. For a period of 100 years ending in the 1980s, income gaps between richer and poorer cities narrowed steadily.


Economists cite three reasons why such convergence ended. The nature of high-tech work, for one thing, makes it productive for higher-skilled workers to cluster in the same cities.


Elisa Giannone, an economist at the University of Chicago, notes that in past decades, highly paid professionals _ doctors, say _ might have congregated in cities with fewer physicians to capitalize on the lack of competition and earn more. Likewise, many companies that employed high-skilled workers would move to lower-cost cities to take advantage of cheaper labor.


But her research has found that both trends have been upended by the rise of highly skilled information technology work. People with such skills prefer to work in cities with their peers. And the companies that employ them seem to care just as much about the right skills as they do about lower costs. What’s more, higher educated employees typically become more efficient when they cluster together and exchange ideas.


“It’s more beneficial and more productive to go where there are more people like me,” Giannone says, referring to how such workers think. “I don’t want to be left out.”


Jed Kolko, chief economist at Indeed, the job listings website, calculates that one quarter of tech job openings in the first half of this year were located in just eight tech hubs: Baltimore, Washington, Boston, San Jose, San Francisco, Seattle, Austin and Raleigh, North Carolina.


A second factor is swelling home prices and rents, particularly where regulations make it harder to build more. People in poorer areas often used move to wealthier cities to find better opportunities. Now, that option is increasingly available only to those with advanced skills or education.


Two public policy experts, Peter Ganong and Daniel Shoag, concluded in a paper last year that both janitors and lawyers used to fare better financially in New York City than in poorer cities, even accounting for the higher cost of living.

Now, because of rocketing home prices in richer areas, that’s no longer true. Lawyers can still come out ahead. But janitors and other lower-skilled workers don’t.


“Skilled workers move to high cost, high productivity areas, and unskilled workers move out,” Ganong and Shoag wrote.


In the 10 cities with the fastest income growth, housing prices have soared by an average of 31.1 percent in the past decade, Trulia found. That compares with a national average increase of just 5.1 percent.


One result has been huge wealth gains for a fortunate few. A resident of San Francisco who bought a typical home, paying nearly $816,000 in the spring of 2007 — just as the housing market nationwide was collapsing — has gained $365,000 in the past decade.


In Cincinnati, a homeowner who bought at the same time would have paid just $143,000 but would have gained only $6,500.


“Geography plays a critical role in wealth building,” said Ralph McLaughlin, chief economist at Trulia.


A final factor behind the diversion is that the industries and occupations in slower-growing regions were leveled by the recession. Manufacturing and mining are disproportionately located in red states. So are retail jobs. All those sectors have endured weak growth since the recession.


Robin Brooks, an economist at the Institute of International Finance, a trade group, says those job losses have opened a gap between so-called “red” states, which voted for Donald Trump in 2016, and “blue” states.


About 61 percent of blue state residents have jobs, compared with roughly 59 percent in red states, Brooks found. That cuts against recent historical patterns: From the 1990s through the mild recession of 2001, there was no gap at all.


Despite the persistence of regional inequality, some positive trends have emerged: More tech jobs are moving out of the tech hubs and spreading around the country. Software programming jobs have migrated to Dallas, Detroit, and Charlotte, among other cities, according to Brookings data. Software increasingly plays a vital role in banking and finance, auto manufacturing, and retail.


But many of those tech jobs are lower- or mid-level positions, such as technical support and help desk jobs, rather than higher-paying, cutting-edge positions. Kolko notes that the most highly-skilled tech jobs — in such areas as machine learning, a form of artificial intelligence; computer vision; and database engineering — are even more concentrated in tech hubs than are tech jobs overall.


“There’s a spreading out of the tech economy, but it remains a different tech economy in the middle of the country than what you find in the Bay Area, Boston, New York and Austin,” Berube said.


Software may be more widely used, but when it comes to actually inventing new software, “that is still a phenomenon you find in only four of five places in the United States.”

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