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Month: November 2017

У Женеві запланований черговий раунд мирних переговорів щодо Сирії

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Восьмий раунд переговорів ООН, спрямований на пошук політичного рішення щодо шестирічної громадянської війни в Сирії, має розпочатися у швейцарській Женеві 28 листопада.

Спеціальний посланець ООН у справах Сирії Стефан де Містура повідомив 27 листопада, що сирійський уряд ще не підтвердив свою участь у наступному раунді переговорів. Тоді як сирійські опозиціонери візьмуть участь в них участь. Раніше вони збиралися в Саудівській Аравії, щоб створити єдиний представницький орган для цього раунду переговорів у Женеві.

За час війни у Сирії загинули 330 тисяч людей, мільйони були змушені покинути свої будинки.

Росія у цій війні підтримує уряд президента Башар аль-Асада та надає повітряну підтримку урядовим силам. Іран також виступає на боці Асада, а Сполучені Штати й Туреччина підтримують різні антиурядові повстанські групи.

Переговори під егідою Росії, Ірану та Туреччини проводять у казахстанській столиці Астані, під егідою ООН – у Женеві.

Нещодавно Росія, Іран та Туреччина також запропонували провести «національний конгрес» з участю сирійського уряду та протиборчих сторін у російському місті Сочі, хоча, коли така зустріч може відбутися – невідомо.

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Ірак: щонайменше 11 людей загинули через напад ісламістів неподалік Багдада

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Щонайменше 11 людей загинули і понад 20 були поранені в результаті стрілянини і вибуху на південний схід від столиці Іраку Багдада.

За даними силовиків, 27 листопада двоє нападників розстріляли кількох мирних жителів у районі Нахраван, що за 35 кілометрів від Багдада. Один з нападників підірвав себе, іншого застрелили сили безпеки. Повідомляється також, що п’ятеро нападників почали стрілянину на ринку в районі Нахраван, троє з яких були вбиті силовиками, ще двоє підірвалися.

Угруповання «Ісламська держава» взяло відповідальність за напад, заявивши, що він був спрямований проти підтримуваних Іраном шиїтських бійців, відомих як «Народні мобілізаційні сили».

Ісламісти влітку 2014 року захопили значні території в Іраку і сусідній Сирії, але відтоді зазнали суттєвих військових поразок в обох країнах.

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Give Women Greater Role in Industry to Cut Poverty, Urges UN Executive

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Women need to be given a greater role in industries in poorer nations to meet the global goal of cutting poverty by 2030, the head of the United Nations industrial development agency said on Monday after being voted in for a second term.

Li Yong said empowering women will be a priority in his second four-year stint as director general of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), which oversees about 860 projects to boost economic growth and tackle poverty.

Data shows about half of the world’s women are in the labor force compared with about 75 percent of men, hold less senior roles and earn on average 60 to 75 percent of what men make.

But studies repeatedly show that more women working accelerates economic growth, while women also invest more of their income into families to educate children and end poverty.

“We need to look at how our projects help women’s empowerment and job creation,” Li, formerly of China’s Ministry of Finance, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in an interview at UNIDO’s 17th General Conference in Vienna.

“Lots of projects like agro-industry are related to women’s empowerment … and one part of our evaluation is to look at women’s empowerment, at training, at jobs, all those things that are very concrete measures.”

Li was widely praised in his first term in office for re-establishing UNIDO as a key development organization in the U.N. system with a mission to promote industry as a driver to create jobs, boost prosperity, and reduce poverty.

Some countries had questioned the purpose and effectiveness of UNIDO, one of 15 specialized U.N. agencies, and some nations withdrew funding in the past decade including Britain, the United States, Australia, Canada and France.

Climate Change

Representatives of UNIDO’s 168 member states, however, said Li had changed the focus to support developing countries and find ways to build sustainable, environmentally friendly businesses using fewer resources, less energy and generating less waste.

He had also encouraged public and private, local and international partnerships such as setting up agro-industrial parks and introducing clean tanning technology to India’s leather industry.

One of the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals, an agenda to be reached by 2030, acknowledges industrialization as a key driver of sustained economic sustainability and prosperity.

Li said UNIDO’s core mission had never been more relevant.

He said poverty, employment and hunger remain major challenges, exacerbated by climate change, resource depletion, environmental degradation and the potential impact of new technology which will cut jobs, with women to be worst hit.

Africa remained a priority, but climate change meant thinking differently about manufacturing, particularly in low-lying small island nations with limited resources, he said.

Such nations import expensive crude oil to generate power, he said.

“I said to them ‘Open your eyes. Expand your vision.'” said Li. “If they could use renewable power, like solar or maybe tidal … they can manage their fishing industry, or tourism, and expand job creation.”

He said the Pacific island nations of Kiribati and the Marshall Islands had joined UNIDO in the past two years and others were keen to follow suit.

“Our work is very relevant to their economic development,” he said.

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Diplomats Search for Way to Save Trade System After US Vetoes Judges

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Diplomats are searching for ways to prevent the global trade dispute resolution system from freezing up, after the Trump administration blocked appointments to the body that acts as the supreme court for global trade.

U.S. President Donald Trump has vetoed the appointment of judges to fill vacancies on the seven-member Apellate Body of the World Trade Organization, which provides final decisions in arguments between countries over trade.

“Members are already having a conversation about what to do with this situation,” WTO Director General Roberto Azevedo told reporters. “They are floating ideas, they are discussing. We have to see how that evolves.”

The WTO normally has seven judges and needs three to sign off on every appeal ruling. But two have left and another goes in December, leaving only four — just one above the minimum — to deal with a growing backlog of trade disputes.

Azevedo said he did not think the situation was a threat to the WTO’s survival but it was already having an impact, and the longer it went on the more acutely it would be felt.

In a confidential note sent to all WTO members on Monday, a copy of which was reviewed by Reuters, the Appellate Body said departing judges would continue working after they left on appeals filed before their terms ended. The United States has objected to that practice in the past.

Appointments to the Appellate Body are meant to be unanimously agreed by all 164 members, like all decisions at the WTO. The fine print says the WTO can switch to majority voting if necessary, but diplomats are reluctant to do that for fear of unravelling a system that relies on consensus as a bulwark to protectionism.

Azevedo said the Trump administration had made clear it had misgivings about the way the world trade system has functioned, although it had not linked any specific demands for reform with the decision to halt appointments to the appeals panel.

The Trump administration has not publicly explained why it is blocking the appointment of judges to the trade panel. The U.S. mission to the WTO in Geneva declined to comment.

‘True emergency’

Several trade experts said the move seemed to fit Trump’s ideology of favoring bilateral trade deals over the multi-lateral system embodied by the WTO.

Pieter Jan Kuijper, professor of law at the University of Amsterdam, said Trump’s trade representative, Robert Lighthizer, preferred the pre-WTO practice of negotiating the outcome of trade disputes rather than being bound by WTO rulings.

Although Trump regularly says Washington has been hurt by trade disputes, WTO experts mainly say the United States has actually been a big winner at the WTO. But negotiating the outcome of trade disputes rather than leaving them to judges might tip the balance further in Washington’s favor.

Kuijper compared Trump’s stance to that of Zimbabwe’s former president Robert Mugabe killing off the court of the Southern African Development Community by blocking new judges when the court became too troublesome.

“That example doesn’t make one optimistic,” he said. “We are in a true emergency where we should take into account that the end of the Appellate Body may come, either by design or by accident.”

Possible solutions

At a panel discussion Monday for trade officials and diplomats, Kuijper and other trade experts discussed possible ways to avert a crisis if more vacancies come open.

One solution would be to switch to majority voting for appointing judges. Another would be for the judges to change their own working procedures, refusing to take any more appeals until there are more judges.

Nicolas Lockhart, a trade lawyer at Sidley Austin LLP, suggested the WTO could use its arbitration process more to resolve disputes and rely less on appeals.

All three approaches have drawbacks, including the risk of further alienating the United States.

“A process that could lead to a situation where the United States leaves the WTO in a huff is actually a situation where everyone loses, and the last thing we should be aiming for,” said Alice Tipping, a former New Zealand trade diplomat now at the International Center for Trade and Sustainable Development.

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New Venezuela Oil Boss to Give Military More PDVSA Posts

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A general appointed at the weekend to run Venezuela’s energy sector will name more military officers to senior management posts at state oil company PDVSA as part of a shakeup the government says is aimed at fighting corruption, two company sources told Reuters on Monday.

In a surprise move, unpopular leftist President Nicolas Maduro on Sunday tapped Major General Manuel Quevedo to lead PDVSA and the Oil Ministry, giving the already powerful military control of the OPEC nation’s dominant industry.

Besides the corruption scandals, Quevedo will have to tackle an attempted debt restructuring, within the context of a deep recession and debilitating U.S. sanctions.

Sources in the sector said Quevedo’s appointment could quicken a white-collar exodus from PDVSA and worsen operational problems at a time when production has already tumbled to near 30-year lows of under 2 million barrels per day.

About 50 officials at state oil company PDVSA have been arrested since August in what the state prosecutor says is a “crusade” against corruption.

Sources within PDVSA and the oil industry said Maduro’s administration was using corruption allegations to sideline rivals and deepen its control of the industry, which accounts for over 90 percent of export revenue.

“The order given is to militarize PDVSA in key areas,” said a PDVSA employee, asking to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

A second source said he was told military officials would take over key production divisions in Venezuela’s east and west.

Venezuela’s president, a former bus driver and union leader whose popularity has plummeted during the economic crisis, has gradually handed the military more power in his cabinet and in key sectors such as mining.

Unlike his popular predecessor Hugo Chavez, Maduro does not hail from the military. The opposition says he has been forced to buy the loyalty of the army, historically a power broker in Venezuela, giving them top posts and juicy business contracts while turning a blind eye to corruption.

PDVSA did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but an internal company message seen by Reuters called on workers to come to Caracas on Tuesday for Quevedo’s swearing in.

“Let’s all go to Caracas to consolidate the deepening of socialism and the total, absolute transformation of PDVSA,” the message read.

Increasing Military Sway

Quevedo, a former housing minister with no known energy experience, is not a heavyweight in Venezuela’s political scene, although two sources close to the military told Reuters he was a Maduro ally.

Opposition lawmaker Angel Alvarado predicted the appointment would worsen PDVSA’s operations.

“They’re getting rid of the old executives, who although socialist and working under catastrophic management, at least knew about oil,” he said. “Now we’re going to have totally inexperienced hands.”

Although military appointees had been on the rise within the oil industry too, Quevedo’s appointment is the first time in a decade and a half that a military official has taken the helm of the oil industry.

PDVSA so far had been led by chemist Nelson Martinez and the Oil Ministry by engineer Eulogio Del Pino, both of whom rose in the ranks under previous PDVSA president and Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez.

Later demoted to become Venezuela’s representative at the United Nations in New York, Ramirez recently criticized Maduro for not reforming Venezuela’s flailing economy, in what insiders say is a power struggle between the two rivals.

Oil Companies Worry

The opposition has also accused Quevedo of violating human rights during the National Guard’s handling of anti-Maduro protests, in which stone-throwing hooded youths regularly clashed with tear gas-firing soldiers.

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio included Quevedo on a 2014 list of Venezuelan officials whom he said should be named in U.S. sanctions, although Quevedo does not appear in the list released by the U.S. Treasury Department.

Venezuela’s government denies abuses, saying protesters were in fact part of a U.S.-promoted “armed insurrection” designed to sabotage socialism in Latin America.

Quevedo’s appointment has worried foreign oil companies in Venezuela, including U.S. major Chevron and Russian state oil giant Rosneft, according to industry sources.

Venezuela is also trying to pull off a complex restructuring of foreign debt, including $60 billion in bonds, about half of which have been issued by PDVSA. Bondholders were invited to Caracas for a meeting with the government two weeks ago, but market sources say there has been no concrete progress or proposals since.

PDVSA said on Friday it was making last-minute payments on two bonds close to default, including one backed by shares in U.S.-based Citgo, a Venezuelan-owned refiner and marketer of oil and petrochemical products, due on Monday, and called for “trust” as it seeks to maintain debt service amid the crisis.

Quevedo’s position on the debt issue is not publicly known.

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Принц Гаррі й акторка Меган Маркл одружаться навесні 2018 року – заява

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Британський принц Гаррі і його подруга, американська акторка Меган Маркл одружаться навесні 2018 року, повідомили в резиденції принца Вельсу Чарльза – батька принца Гаррі.

«Його високість принц Вельсу щасливий анонсувати одруження принца Гаррі й міс Меган Маркл. Весілля відбудеться навесні 2018 року. Інші деталі про весілля будуть анонсовані згодом», – йдеться в заяві.

У резиденції принца Чарльза додали, що принц Гаррі повідомив королеву Єлизавету ІІ про наміри одружитися. Також він отримав благословення від батьків Меган Маркл. Згідно з повідомленням пара буде жити в котеджі Ноттінгем у Кенсінгтонському палаці в Лондоні.

33-річний принц Гаррі є молодшим з двох синів принца Чарльза і його першої дружини принцеси Діани, яка загинула в автокатастрофі в Парижі 31 серпня 1997 року.

36-річна Меган Маркл відома як виконавиця однієї з головних ролей в американському серіалі Suits («Форс-мажори»).

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Advocates say Texas Exploiting Day Laborers After Harvey

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Guillermo Miranda Vazquez starts his day in a parking lot near the Home Depot where he easily finds work alongside other day laborers who are cleaning up Houston after Hurricane Harvey.

Some days, he clears rotted drywall and hauls out furniture and carpet destroyed by Harvey’s floodwaters. Other days, he chops fallen trees or helps to lay the foundations for new homes. He ventures daily into homes wearing a T-shirt, work pants and tennis shoes, often while surrounded by the pungent stench and raw sewage that flowed into homes during the flooding.


“I always wash and scrub myself, and I use alcohol or something similar so that I don’t get infected,” said Miranda, a native of Guatemala. “I haven’t gotten sick yet.”


Hundreds of day laborers like Miranda have quietly become an integral part of the recovery from Harvey, toiling in dangerous conditions amid the fear of being picked up by immigration authorities.


Harvey damaged or destroyed 200,000 homes and flooded much of Houston and smaller coastal communities with record amounts of rain and high winds. In a construction industry that already had labor shortages before the storm, it created a massive demand for the kind of work that day laborers have long performed after hurricanes and tropical storms.

Day laborers interviewed by The Associated Press said they’ve been hired by a mix of individual homeowners, work crews from out of state, and subcontractors working on residential and commercial buildings. Mostly immigrants, they operate in plain sight, gathering early in the morning in parking lots near construction stores and gas stations, and waiting to be offered work.


Advocates from the National Day Laborer Organizing Network recently fanned out to these sites with pens and clipboards to survey the workers about the conditions they’re experiencing. Interviews suggested most are routinely exposed to mold and contamination, and aren’t aware of legal protections they have even if they’re not in the country legally. Advocates have been passing out flyers with information and holding worker trainings.

About a quarter of the more than 350 workers surveyed said they had been denied wages promised for cleanup work after Harvey, sometimes by employers who abandoned them at work sites after they had completed a job, according to a report on the survey by Nik Theodore, a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Around 85 percent had not received safety training.


More than 70 percent of the day laborers are in the U.S. illegally, some of them having previously been deported, the survey found. Their wages have stayed at around $100 a day, according to the survey, though some individual laborers said they were being paid more after the hurricane.

The problems they face have cropped up after every major recent storm. Day laborers were an integral part of Houston’s rebuilding after Hurricane Ike in 2008 and more recent storms that flooded neighborhoods in 2015 and 2016. After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, one survey found that workers without legal authorization were being paid less and were less likely to have protective equipment than those who were in the country legally.


But while the federal government temporarily suspended some work-authorization laws after Katrina, the Trump administration ramped up immigration-related arrests this year and resumed field operations after Harvey. And Texas this year passed a law that prohibits police departments from stopping their officers from asking people about their legal status or cooperating with federal immigration authorities. Much of the law took effect a month after Harvey hit, when an appeals court overruled a federal judge’s ruling against it.


Martin Mares, a native of Mexico who settled in Houston in 1995, said he’s not worried about police stopping him or turning him over to immigration authorities while in the city, which joined several others in fighting the new law in court. But he said he’s concerned about working in the suburbs or outlying areas, where law enforcement was more supportive of it.

The demand for labor has also drawn in people who are unaccustomed to the work and untrained in basic safety measures, Mares said. He recently saw a pregnant woman cleaning an apartment building that had flooded without wearing gloves.


“People don’t analyze it. They don’t see the consequences,” Mares said. “They go to work without knowing whether the business will even pay them.”


In Houston, which has an estimated 600,000 residents who are in the country illegally, community leaders worry about the impact of immigration policies on worker safety. Even day laborers without legal residency are entitled to federal protections against wage theft and safety hazards.


“These people are scared,” said Stan Marek, who owns a Houston-based construction company and has long pushed for a program to legalize workers. “They’re not going to go to the police if they get robbed. It’s a formula for disaster in our community.”


Sitting on the curb outside the Home Depot recently, Miranda said he has often dealt with employers — or “patrones” — who didn’t pay what they promised, but that he hadn’t reported anyone to the police.


“This is a country where I’m here as an immigrant. I don’t have anything,” Miranda said. “The day they catch me, they’ll deport me.”




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Categories: Економіка

Кремль: Кадиров продовжує залишатися очільником Чечні

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Речник президента Росії Дмитро Пєсков заявив, що лідер Чечні Рамзан Кадиров залишається на своїй посаді, незважаючи на його слова про можливу відставку.

«Рамзан Кадиров неодноразово говорив, що є, образно кажучи, послідовним і рішучим членом кола однодумців президента Росії Володимира Путіна, і в цьому випадку має наміри продовжувати працювати так, як йому доручає президент країни. Іншого він не казав. З цього ми виходимо. Він продовжує залишатися чинним главою республіки», – сказав Пєсков.

Під час інтерв’ю телеканалу «Росія 1», яке було оприлюднене 26 листопада, Кадиров заявив, що «мріє» покинути пост глави Чечні.

«Колись потрібні були такі, як я, щоб воювати, навести порядок, – а у нас сьогодні порядок, процвітання. Я вважаю, що прийшов час зробити зміни», – сказав Кадиров.

Він додав, що в нього є кілька кандидатур на посаду керівника Чечні. Їхні імена Кадиров не озвучив.

Рамзан Кадиров очолює Чеченську республіку з 2007 року. Правозахисники вважають, що він може бути причетним до десятків злочинів, зокрема, до вбивства політика Бориса Нємцова, переслідування російських опозиціонерів і критично налаштованих жителів Чечні, а також ЛГБТ-спільноти в республіці.

Сам Кадиров неодноразово заявляв, що його час на посту глави Чеченської республіки минув і що керівництву держави треба знайти іншу людину на цю посаду. Президент Росії Володимир Путін називав роботу Кадирова «ефективною».

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МЗС рекомендує українцям бути обережними на Балі через виверження вулкану

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Міністерство закордонних справ України рекомендує українцям бути обережними під час відвідування острова Балі (Індонезія) з огляду на виверження вулкану Агунг.

«Рекомендуємо громадянам України бути обережними під час відвідання східної частини о. Балі та взяти до уваги скасування багатьох авіарейсів до/з Індонезії (о. Балі, о. Ломбок)», – йдеться в повідомленні департаменту консульської служби МЗС у twitter.

26 листопада гора Агун вивергнула попіл з вулкана на висоту близько 3 кілометрів, вибухи відчувалися на відстані 12 кілометрів. Сейсмологи попередили, що може статися більш потужне виверження вулкана.

Влада Індонезії оголосила евакуацію людей з небезпечної зони 27 листопада після того, як хмари попелу, виверженого вулканом на горі Агун у ці вихідні, змусили закрити міжнародний аеропорт острова, «заблокувавши» десятки тисяч туристів. Було скасовано 445 рейсів, на які придбали квитки 59 тисяч мандрівників.

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Dry Weekend Draws US Shoppers Even as Online Sales Boom

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The driest Thanksgiving weekend in five years may have helped holiday shopping, despite an overall decline in foot traffic. But some shoppers just took notes in the hopes of finding an even better deal online.


That’s a consequence of Amazon continuing to squeeze prices, exacerbating the “showrooming” practice of people getting ideas at brick-and-mortar stores, then buying online.


Heather Just and husband Dominic of Rockford, Illinois, brought their twin 11-year-old boys and 13-year-old son to the giant Water Tower Place on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile on Saturday to see “what their eyes get big about.”


The excursion was more recon mission than shopping spree. “We’re watching, we’re watching,” she told her sons, who focused their attention on a Nintendo Switch portable game console.


Amaz-ing prices


Amazon continues to beat prices at other retailers in many cases, according to marketing technology company Boomerang Commerce.


For example, it pointed out that Amazon cut prices on Beats Solo 3 wireless headphones. The Associated Press found them on Amazon selling for $200, $10 below, and $40 below the Black Friday deal at Target.


But Walmart isn’t far behind in high-tech price matching. Following its purchase of last year for $3.3 billion, the company can now quickly ratchet prices down on popular items using machine-learning algorithms, while maintaining profit margins on lesser-trafficked items.


The technology has set up Walmart and Amazon for a “clash of the titans” in online sales where consumer perceptions of prices are formed, according to Boomerang’s vice president of marketing, Gary Liu.


“You can’t compete in the same way you did before,” Liu said.


Online supplements offline


Steve Hagan, a general contractor from Richmond, Kentucky, said his 9-year-old son, Luke, and 8-year-old daughter, Lauren, used their own money and gift cards to buy toys on a Chicago shopping trip from the Star Wars and Bitty Baby brands. But he was keeping track of where Santa could digitally fill in the blanks.


“That baby doll may need some accessories and I had to ask Luke which Star Wars character he was getting and which one he already has,” said Hagan, adding that he’ll shop online later. “I’m taking notes.”


Lisa Stripling, of South Bend, Indiana, said her goal was to see what her 3 1/2-year-old grandson Max liked and buy it online.


“I used to do most of my shopping in stores and now it’s 75 percent online and 25 percent in the stores,” she said.


Weather cooperating


Rainfall from Thanksgiving through the weekend was the lowest since 2013, and snowfall was the lowest in over 20 years, boosting foot traffic to malls and restaurants, according to weather analytics firm Planalytics.


Cold, dry conditions in the populous northeast bolstered the holiday shopping spirit, because it “drives more people to apparel” as they bundle up, according to Planalytics president Scott Bernhardt.


Nationally, it was the warmest Black Friday weekend since 2001.


Despite the favorable conditions, foot traffic to stores nationwide for the Thanksgiving Day through Saturday fell 3.1 percent from a year ago, according to store visitation tracker RetailNext Inc. It partly blamed the creep of sales events into the first week of November for the decline, though foot traffic has fallen four years in a row.


Strong results


Daniel Ives, head of technology research for GBH Insights, said Amazon was posting stronger-than-expected sales, and at this pace, it could beat fourth-quarter sales estimates by 5 percent.


Jon Abt, co-president of Glenview, Illinois-based Abt Electronics, said sales from Friday through Sunday were up about 14 percent from a year ago, driven by higher-priced TVs from LG and Sony, video game consoles such as Sony’s PS4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One S and smart speakers from Amazon, Google and Sonos.


A few management decisions have kept the 81-year-old single-location retailer thriving: Abt shuns doorbuster specials with limited-supply items that can run out and disappoint shoppers. It also has resisted the creep of sales starting earlier and earlier (the store is closed Thanksgiving Day).


And Abt says the store has more than 100 terminals to let people price-shop as much as they like, which the store will match.


“We invite people to use the internet if they want to,” Abt said. “If they’re not going to do it in here, they’re doing it at home.”


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Президент Албанії з неофіційним візитом вирушив до південної Сербії

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Президент Албанії Ілір Мета здійснює дводенний неофіційний візит до південного сербського міста, значну частку населення якого становлять етнічні албанці.

Під час зустрічі з місцевими чиновниками у місті Медвежа, Meтa оголосив про нову еру відносин між Белградом і Тираною. 

«Ми живемо в нову еру співпраці між Сербією та Албанією як двома країнами, але також як двома народами», – сказав він.

«Наше прагнення – прокласти шлях до Європи», – сказав президент Албанії.

Зоран Станкович, який очолює Координаційну раду муніципалітетів Пресево, Буяновац та Медвежа, сказав, що мета візиту Мети – «показати, що серби, албанці та інші народи, які живуть у цьому регіоні, можуть жити без жодних проблем».

Відносини між двома балканськими країнами залишаються напруженими, переважно через колишню сербську провінцію Косово, де етнічна албанська більшість оголосила про незалежність у 2008 році. Цей крок був визнаний 115 країнами, але не Сербією.

Прем’єр-міністри Сербії та Албанії пообіцяли працювати над поліпшенням зв’язків, коли вони зустрілися в Тирані в травні 2015 року.

Обидві країни Сербія та Албанія є кандидатами на вступ до Європейського Союзу. Албанія є членом НАТО, а Сербія – ні.

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Кадиров заявив, що «мріє» залишити пост керівника Чечні

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Рамзан Кадиров заявив, що «мріє» покинути пост глави Чечні, повідомляє російська служба Радіо Свобода. «Колись потрібні були такі, як я, щоб воювати, навести порядок, – а у нас сьогодні порядок, процвітання. Я вважаю, що прийшов час зробити зміни», – заявив Кадиров у програмі «Дійові особи» на державному телеканалі «Росія 1». Він визнав, що у нього є кілька кандидатур на посаду керівника Чечні. Їхні імена Кадиров не озвучив.

Рамзан Кадиров очолює Чеченську республіку з 2007 року. Правозахисники вважають, що він може бути причетним до десятків злочинів, зокрема, до вбивства політика Бориса Нємцова, переслідування російських опозиціонерів і критично налаштованих жителів Чечні, а також ЛГБТ-спільноти в республіці.

Сам Кадиров неодноразово заявляв, що його час на посту глави Чеченської республіки минув і що керівництву держави треба знайти іншу людину на цю посаду. Президент Росії Володимир Путін називав роботу Кадирова «ефективною».

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Іран покладає на США відповідальність за «жорстокість» в Ємені через підтримку Саудівської Аравії

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Іран звинуватив Сполучені Штати у тому, що вони відповідальні за «звірства» в Ємені через підтримку Саудівської Аравії, яка підтримала уряд Ємену в ході трирічної громадянської війни в країні.

Представник міністерства закордонних справ Бахрам Гассемі 26 листопада заявив, що нещодавня заява Білого дому на підтримку Ер-Ріяда та коаліції під керівництвом Саудівської Аравії, яка веде боротьбу проти шиїтських повстанців Ємену, «безперечно доводить участь та відповідальність Америки» у тому, що Тегеран назвав «звірствами» вчиненими Саудівською Аравією в Ємені».

У своій заяві 24 листопада Білий дім наголосив, що «підтримує Саудівську Аравію та всіх партнерів у Перській затоці проти агресії іранського Корпусу вартових Ісламської революції та жорстких порушень міжнародного права».

Гассемі заперечує, що Іран «має будь-які військові зв’язки з Єменом».

Влада в Ірані належить консервативним шиїтам, у той час, як суперник Тегерана в регіоні, Саудівська Аравія, є суннітською мусульманською державою.

Останнім часом між Тегераном і Ер-Ріядом посилилась напруженість після того, як шиїтські повстанці Хуті здійснили пуск балістичної ракети по столиці Саудівської Аравії. Саудівська Аравія повідомила, що перехопила ракету, перш ніж вона досягла цілі.

Саудівський принц Мухаммед бін Сальман обвинуватив Тегеран у «прямій агресії». Іран заперечив причетність до нападу.

Тегеран і Ер-Ріяд припинили дипломатичні відносини в січні 2016 року після того, як іранські протестувальники напали на саудівські дипломатичні місії у відповідь на страту в Ер-Ріяді відомого шиїтського священика.

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US Black Friday, Thanksgiving Online Sales Hit Record

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Black Friday and Thanksgiving online sales in the United States surged to record highs as shoppers bagged deep discounts and bought more on their mobile devices, heralding a promising start to the key holiday season, according to retail analytics firms.

U.S. retailers raked in a record $7.9 billion in online sales on Black Friday and Thanksgiving, up 17.9 percent from a year ago, according to Adobe Analytics, which measures transactions at the largest 100 U.S. web retailers, Saturday.

Adobe said Cyber Monday is expected to drive $6.6 billion in internet sales, which would make it the largest U.S. online shopping day in history.

Traditional retailers prepared

In the run-up to the holiday weekend, traditional retailers invested heavily in improving their websites and bulking up delivery options, pre-empting a decline in visits to brick-and-mortar stores. Several chains tightened store inventories as well, to ward off any post-holiday liquidation that would weigh on profits.

TVs, laptops, toys and gaming consoles — particularly the PlayStation 4 — were among the most heavily discounted and the biggest sellers, according to retail analysts and consultants.

Commerce marketing firm Criteo said 40 percent of Black Friday online purchases were made on mobile phones, up from 29 percent last year.

No brick-and-mortar data yet

No brick-and-mortar sales data for Thanksgiving or Black Friday was immediately available, but Reuters reporters and industry analysts noted anecdotal signs of muted activity — fewer cars in mall parking lots, shoppers leaving stores without purchases in hand.

Stores offered heavy discounts, creative gimmicks and free gifts to draw bargain hunters out of their homes, but some shoppers said they were just browsing the merchandise, reserving their cash for internet purchases. There was little evidence of the delirious shopper frenzy customary of Black Fridays from past years.

Store traffic bucks predictions

However, retail research firm ShopperTrak said store traffic fell less than 1 percent on Black Friday, bucking industry predictions of a sharper decline.

“There has been a significant amount of debate surrounding the shifting importance of brick-and-mortar retail,” Brian Field, ShopperTrak’s senior director of advisory services, said.

“The fact that shopper visits remained intact on Black Friday illustrates that physical retail is still highly relevant and when done right, it is profitable.”

The National Retail Federation (NRF), which had predicted strong holiday sales helped by rising consumer confidence, said Friday that fair weather across much of the nation had also helped draw shoppers into stores.

The NRF, whose overall industry sales data is closely watched each year, is scheduled to release Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales numbers Tuesday.

U.S. consumer confidence has been strengthening over this past year, thanks to a labor market that is churning out jobs, rising home prices and stock markets that are hovering at record highs.

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On Monday, Who’s the Boss at Consumer Rights Agency?

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Who’s the boss? That’s the awkward question after the departing head of a government agency charged with looking after consumer rights appointed a deputy to temporarily fill his spot. The White House then named its own interim leader.

One job, two people — and two very different views on how to do it.

The first pick is expected to continue the aggressive policing of banks and other lenders that have angered Republicans. The second, President Donald Trump’s choice, has called the agency a “joke,” an example of bureaucracy run amok, and is expected to dismantle much of what the agency has done.

So come Monday, who will be leading the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau?

​Both say law on their side

Senior Trump administration officials said Saturday that the law was on their side and they expect no trouble when Trump’s pick for temporary director of the CFPB shows up for work. Departing director Richard Cordray, an Obama appointee long criticized by Congressional Republicans as overzealous, had cited a different rule in saying the law was on his side.

In tendering his resignation Friday, Cordray elevated Leandra English, who was the agency’s chief of staff, into the deputy director position. Citing the Dodd-Frank Act that created the CFPB, he said English, an ally of his, would become acting director upon his departure.

Corday’s move was widely seen as an attempt to stop Trump from shaping the agency in the months ahead.

The White House cites the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998. Administration officials on Saturday acknowledged that some other laws appear to clash with Vacancies Act, but said that in this case the president’s authority takes precedence.

Important, though temporary, job

Who prevails in the legal wrangling is seen as important even though this involves just a temporary posting. Getting a permanent replacement approved by the Senate could take months.

The president’s pick for temporary appointee, Mick Mulvaney, had been widely anticipated. Mulvaney, currently director of the Office of Management and Budget, has been an outspoken critic of the agency and is expected to pull back on many of Cordray’s actions in the six years since he was appointed.

Trump announced he was picking Mulvaney within a few hours of Cordray’s announcement Friday.

“The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, or CFPB, has been a total disaster as run by the previous Administrations pick,” Trump tweeted Saturday from his private Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, where he is spending a long Thanksgiving weekend. “Financial Institutions have been devastated and unable to properly serve the public. We will bring it back to life!”

The administration officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the White House’s thinking, called Trump’s appointment of an acting director a “routine move.” They said the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel has already approved Trump’s appointment of Mulvaney and will issue a written legal opinion soon.

The clashing appointments raise the question: What happens when the two new heads show up and try to sit at the same desk and give orders?

One of the administration officials said Mulvaney was expected to start working Monday and that English was expected to also show up — but as deputy director.

Leandra English

English is a trusted lieutenant of Cordray’s who has helped investigate and punish financial companies in ways that many Republicans, Mulvaney in particular, think go too far. In his announcement Friday, Cordray highlighted English’s “in-depth” knowledge of the agency’s operations and its staff. Before joining the CFPB, English served at the Office of Management and Budget and Office of Personnel Management.

“Leandra is a seasoned professional who has spent her career of public service focused on promoting smooth and efficient operations,” Cordray said in the statement.

Mick Mulvaney

Mulvaney was a South Carolina representative to the House before becoming head of the budget office. A founder of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus, he was elected in 2010 as part of a tea party wave that brought many critics of the U.S. budget deficit to office. He has taken a hard line on federal spending matters, routinely voting against increasing the government’s borrowing cap and pressing for major cuts to benefit programs as the path to balancing the budget.

He also has been unsparing in his criticism of the CFPB. In a widely quoted comment, he once blasted the agency as “joke,” saying its lack of oversight by Congress and its far-reaching regulations had gone too far.

“The place is a wonderful example of how a bureaucracy will function if it has no accountability to anybody,” he told the Credit Union Times in 2014. “It turns up being a joke in a sick, sad kind of way.”

Congress weighs in

U.S. Rep. Jeb Hensarling, chairman of the powerful House Financial Services Committee and a longtime critic of Cordray, said Mulvaney would “fight not only to protect consumers from force, fraud, and deception but will protect them from government interference with competitive, innovative markets and help preserve their fundamental economic opportunities and liberties.”

Democrats have seized upon Mulvaney’s words in criticizing his appointment to the agency.

U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters of California, the top Democrat on the Financial Services Committee, issued a statement Saturday calling Mulvaney “unacceptable” to lead the CFPB because of his “noxious” views toward its mission to protect consumers.

“He was also the original co-sponsor of a bill to completely eliminate the Consumer Bureau,” she wrote, “and supported other legislation to harmfully roll back Wall Street reform.”

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Через напад на автомобіль військового у Пакистані є загиблі та поранені

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Щонайменше чотири людини загинули і 22 були поранені 25 листопада через скоєний бойовиком-смертником напад на військовий автомобіль на околиці міста Кветта, столиці пакистанської провінції Белуджистан.

За повідомленнями, об’єктом нападу став автомобіль полковника збройних сил Пакистану, припаркований біля автовокзалу. На момент вибуху військового в автомобілі не було. Вибухотехніки повідомили, що смертник підірвав на собі жилет, нашпигований 10 кілограмами вибухівки.

За даними влади, всі загиблі були мирними жителями. Також серед поранених – четверо силовиків.

Таліби взяли на себе відповідальність за напад.

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У всіх готелях Узбекистану з’явиться Коран і молитовний килимок

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Державний комітет Узбекистану із розвитку туризму повідомив, що у всіх готелях країни будуть виставлені релігійні книги, зокрема, Коран, а також молитовний килимок. Відповідні правила почнуть діяти з 1 січня 2018 року.

За даними влади, нововведення пов’язане з бажанням «створити зручності для виконання релігійних обрядів гостей, які відвідуватимуть Узбекистан».

Очікується, що в готелях з’явиться також Біблія і Тора.

Попри те, що Конституція Узбекистану гарантує свободу релігії й переконань, свобода віросповідання суттєво обмежена в країні і перебуває під жорстким контролем влади.

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Росія: Путін підписав закон про ЗМІ – «іноземних агентів»

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Президент Росії Володимир Путін підписав закон про засоби масової інформації – «іноземних агентів». Закон, розміщений на офіційному порталі правової інформації, вступає в силу. Тепер ЗМІ, які отримують фінансування з-за кордону, можуть бути визнані «іноземними агентами». Депутати Держдуми одноголосно схвалили законопроект 15 листопада, через тиждень він був ухвалений Радою Федерації.

Раніше Міністерство юстиції Росії надіслало Радіо Свобода і телеканалу «Настоящее время» повідомлення про можливі обмеження в їхній роботі. Таке ж повідомлення отримав ще один проект корпорації Радіо Вільна Європа/Радіо Свобода сайт «Idel.Реалії», а також новий медіа-проект Російської служби Радіо Свобода «Сибирь.Реалии». У листі Міністерства юстиції Росії не уточнювалося, які заходи можуть бути вжиті після внесення змін до законодавства.

Рішення обмежити роботу іноземних ЗМІ в Росії з’явилася після того, як фінансований урядом Росії телеканал RT повідомив, що виконає вимоги американської влади про реєстрацію свого підрозділу в США як «іноземного агента». У Вашингтоні неодноразово підкреслювали, що закон про «іноземних агентів» в США суттєво відрізняється від російського і ніяк не обмежує свободу інформації.

Радіо Вільна Європа/Радіо Свобода у заяві з приводу законопроекту про ЗМІ – «іноземних агентів» наголосило, що умови роботи російських журналістів в США і американських – в Росії істотно відрізняютья. Журналістів медіакорпорації в Росії ображають, щодо них часто скоюють напади. Крім того, телеканал RT поширює свою інформацію в США вільно, в той час як Радіо Вільна Європа/Радіо Свобода в Росії не має, зокрема, доступу до кабельних мереж. З 2012 року внаслідок зміни російського законодавства Радіо Свобода змушене було припинити радіомовлення в Москві.

З критикою російського законодавства про ЗМІ – «іноземних агентів» раніше виступили Організація з безпеки і співробітництва в Європі, міжнародні правозахисні організації і Рада з прав людини та розвитку громадянського суспільства при президентові Росії.

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Head of Consumer Watchdog Names Successor, Trump Names Another

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The director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau resigned Friday and named his own successor, leading to an open conflict with President Donald Trump, who announced a different person as acting head of the agency later in the day.

That means there are now effectively two acting directors of the CFPB, when there should only be one.

Typically an acting director position would be filled according to the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998. But Richard Cordray, along with his resignation, elevated Leandra English, who was the agency’s chief of staff, into the deputy director position.

Under the Dodd-Frank Act that created the CFPB, English would become acting director. Cordray, an Obama appointee, specifically cited the law when he moved English, a longtime CFPB employee and ally of his, into that position.

​Trump appoints CFPB critic

Within a few hours, President Donald Trump announced his own acting director of the agency, Mick Mulvaney, who is currently director of the Office of Management and Budget. Mulvaney had widely been expected to be Trump’s temporary pick for the bureau until a permanent one could be found.

Mulvaney is a long-time critic of the CFPB, and has wanted the agency’s authority significantly curtailed. So the difference between English and Mulvaney running the agency would be significant.

Senate confirmation needed

The person nominated to be director of the CFPB requires confirmation by the Senate, and it could be many weeks or months before the person would be able to step into the role permanently. Cordray’s move was aimed at allowing his favored successor to keep running the agency for as long as possible before a Trump appointee is confirmed by the Senate.

Cordray had announced earlier this month that he would resign by the end of this month. There is wide speculation that Cordray, a Democrat, is resigning in order to run for governor in his home state of Ohio.

What CFPB does

The CFPB was created as part of the laws passed following the 2008 financial crisis and subsequent recession. The agency was given a broad mandate to be a watchdog for consumers when they deal with banks and credit card, student loan and mortgage companies, as well as debt collectors and payday lenders. Nearly every American who deals with banks or a credit card company or has a mortgage has been affected by new rules the agency put in place.

Cordray used that mandate aggressively as its first director, which often made him a target for the banking industry’s Washington lobbyists and congressional Republicans who believed Cordray was overreaching in his role, calling the CFPB a “rogue agency.”

As director, he also was able to extract billions of dollars in settlements from banks, debt collectors and other financial services companies for wrongdoing. When Wells Fargo was found to have opened millions of phony accounts for its customers, the CFPB fined the bank $100 million, the agency’s largest penalty to date.

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Trump Wants to End Welfare of Clinton Era

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Overhauling welfare was one of the defining goals of Bill Clinton’s presidency, starting with a campaign promise to “end welfare as we know it,” continuing with a bitter policy fight and producing change that remains hotly debated 20 years later.

Now, President Donald Trump wants to put his stamp on the welfare system, apparently in favor of a more restrictive policy. He says “people are taking advantage of the system.”

Trump, who has been signaling interest in the issue for some time, said this past week that he wants to tackle the issue after the tax overhaul he is seeking by the end of the year. He said changes were “desperately needed in our country” and that his administration would soon offer plans.

​Work on new policy begins

For now, the president has not offered details. Spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said more specifics were likely early next year. But the groundwork has begun at the White House and Trump has made his interest known to Republican lawmakers.

Paul Winfree, director of budget policy and deputy director of Trump’s Domestic Policy Council, told a recent gathering at the conservative Heritage Foundation that he and another staffer had been charged with “working on a major welfare reform proposal.” He said they have drafted an executive order on the topic that would outline administration principles and direct agencies to come up with recommendations.

“The president really wants to lead on this,” Winfree said. “He has delivered that message loud and clear to us. We’ve opened conversations with leadership in Congress to let them know that that is the direction we are heading.”

Trump said in October that welfare was “becoming a very, very big subject, and people are taking advantage of the system.”

​Clinton’s campaign promise

Clinton ran in 1992 on a promise to change the system but struggled to get consensus on a bill, with Democrats divided and Republicans pushing aggressive changes. Four years later, he signed a law that replaced a federal entitlement with grants to the states, placed a time limit on how long families could get aid and required recipients to go to work eventually.

It has drawn criticism from some liberal quarters ever since. During her presidential campaign last year, Democrat Hillary Clinton faced activists who argued that the law fought for by her husband punished poor people.

No evidence of fraud

Kathryn Edin, a professor at Johns Hopkins University who has been studying welfare since the 1990s, said the law’s legacy has been to limit the cash assistance available to the very poor and has never become a “springboard to work.” She questioned what kinds of changes could be made, arguing that welfare benefits are minimal in many states and there is little evidence of fraud in other anti-poverty programs.

Still, Edin said that welfare has “never been popular even from its inception. It doesn’t sit well with Americans in general.”

Robert Rector, a senior research fellow at Heritage, said he would like to see more work requirements for a range of anti-poverty programs and stronger marriage incentives, as well as strategies to improve results for social programs and to limit waste. He said while the administration could make some adjustments through executive order, legislation would be required for any major change.

“This is a good system,” he said. “We just need to make this system better.”

Administration officials have suggested they are eyeing anti-poverty programs. Trump’s initial 2018 budget proposal, outlined in March, sought to sharply reduce spending for Medicaid, food stamps and student loan subsidies, among other programs.

Budget director Mick Mulvaney said this year, “If you are on food stamps and you are able-bodied, we need you to go to work.”

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Even in Amazon Era, Black Friday Shows Stores Are Alive

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Retailers worked hard to attract shoppers to stores on Black Friday, offering in-person deals meant to counter the ease of shopping online.

A better economy helped, to be sure, but stores have also tried to improve the store experience and offer better service. They’ve also made a big push toward offering store pickup for online orders.

But online leader Amazon is still the first and only stop for many shoppers. So stores are getting creative with the deals.

Victor Moore said he arrived about two hours ahead of Best Buy’s 8 a.m. opening in Nashville and scored one of the about 14 “doorbuster” deals on a 55-inch Toshiba smart TV for $280, a $220 savings. Moore said he’s done some online shopping, but the allure of in-store-only deals drew him out from behind the computer.

“This is the first successful doorbuster that I’ve ever been a part of,” Moore said. “I’ve been in lines before, but never actually got the items that I was waiting for.”

Annette Peluffo usually avoids Black Friday and buys online. But a $250 gift card reward for buying an iPhone 8 plus at a Target store in Miami was hard to resist. She plans to use the money to buy toys for her nephews and nieces in the coming weeks. “I just came here for the iPhone. I am not going to any other store,” she said.

Not just one day

Still, Black Friday isn’t what it used to be. It has morphed from a single day when people got up early to score doorbusters into a whole month of deals. That has thinned out the crowds. And brick-and-mortar stores face plenty of challenges.

With the jobless rate at a 17-year-low of 4.1 percent and consumer confidence stronger than a year ago, analysts project healthy sales increases for November and December. The National Retail Federation trade group expects sales for that period to at least match last year’s rise of 3.6 percent and estimates online spending and other nonstore sales will rise 11 to 15 percent.

But analysts at management consultancy Bain & Company say Amazon is expected to take half of the holiday season’s sales growth.

Amazon said Friday that Thanksgiving continued to be one of its busiest shopping days, with orders through its app up over 50 percent from a year ago. Overall, online sales on Black Friday rose 18.4 percent to $640 million, from a year ago, as of Friday morning, said Adobe Analytics. Thanksgiving generated a total of $2.87 billion in online spending, up 18.3 percent from a year ago, the data firm said.

About 69 percent of Americans, or 164 million people, intend to shop at some point during the five-day period from Thanksgiving to Cyber Monday, according to a survey released by the NRF. It expected Black Friday to remain the busiest day, with about 115 million people planning to shop then.

“The consumer still likes to go to the stores,” said Charles O’Shea, Moody’s lead retail analyst. “I’ve seen a lot of traffic. Yes, there’s going to be a lot of online shopping. But I think the brick-and-mortar stores have done a nice job so far in attracting shoppers.”

That’s true of Karre Wagner, 20, a University of Minnesota student from St. Paul who was shopping at Mall of America in Bloomington with her boyfriend. She bought a Blu-ray player at the mall’s Best Buy store. She says she started holiday shopping on Black Friday, but she likes to go to the mall to shop.

Hands-on experience

“I like to see what I’m buying. I like to touch it, feel it, know exactly what I’m getting, and part of it is the experience,” she said. “I mean, sitting online is fine, but there’s just something about starting the holiday season with Black Friday.”

The shift to online buying is a major factor as industry analysts watch how the nation’s malls fare this holiday shopping season. The Mall of America in Minnesota says that 2,500 people were in line at the 5 a.m. opening Friday, in line with a year ago. Shoppers started queuing up as early as 5:45 p.m. on Thanksgiving. Jill Renslow, Mall of America’s executive vice president of business development, said stores like Nordstrom, Macy’s and Best Buy were crowded. She said the items that caught shoppers’ attention included voice-activated devices like Amazon Echo, nostalgic toys, clothing and shoes.

Macy’s CEO Jeff Gennette said customer counts were higher and business was better in the North and Northeast, even with fewer promotions from a year ago.

But much depends on whether people are buying or just looking, and if they’re buying things that aren’t on sale as well.

Chuck Boyd said he and his son arrived at 4 a.m. to be among the first five or six in line at Best Buy in Nashville to get one each of about 14 “doorbuster” deals. He said he prefers online shopping, but his son wanted a TV for his apartment at school, so Boyd came along to get one, too.

“I’d much rather do online,” Boyd said. “But this was the deal you could only do in the store.”

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