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Month: August 2024

Мобільний телефон Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

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Серія: Galaxy S24

Стандарт зв’язку/інтернет:
4G (LTE)

Діагональ екрана: 6.8
Роздільна здатність дисплея: QHD+ (3120×1440)
Тип матриці: Dynamic AMOLED 2X
Частота оновлення екрана: 120 Гц
Матеріал екрана: Скло (Corning Gorilla Armor)

Кількість SIM-карток: 2
Формат SIM-картки: Nano-SIM, e-SIM

Оперативна пам’ять: 12 ГБ
Вбудована пам’ять: 512 ГБ
Максимальний обсяг підтримуваної карти пам’яті: Немає

Операційна система: Android

Фронтальна камера: 12 Мп
Особливості фронтальної камери: Автофокус, Одинарна, Підтримка знімання 4К, Ширококутний об’єктив
Розміщення фронтальної камери: Виріз
Запис відео фронтальної камери: 4K/3840×2160/стереозвук
Додатково: Апертура F2.2

Назва процесора: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 for Galaxy
Тип ядра: Cortex-X4 (64bit) + Cortex-A720 (64bit) + Cortex-A720 (64bit) + Cortex-A520 (64bit)
Відеоядро: Qualcomm Adreno 750
Кількість ядер: 1+3+2+2
Серія Qualcomm Snapdragon: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Series
Частота процесора: 3.39 ГГц + 3.1 ГГц + 2.9 ГГц + 2.2 ГГц

Основна камера: 200 Мп + 50 Мп + 12 Мп + 10 Мп
Особливості основної камери: Автофокус, Підтримка знімання 4К, Спалах, Стабілізація, Телеоб’єктив, Ультраширококутний об’єктив, Ширококутний об’єктив
Кількість основних камер: 4
Запис відео основної камери: 8 K / 7680×4320 / стереозвук
Додатково: Широкутний модуль: 200 Мп, f/1.7, 24mm, 1/1.3″, 0.6µm, multi-directional PDAF, Laser AF, OIS, Ультраширококутний модуль: 12 Мп, f/2.2, 13mm, 120˚, 1/2.55″, 1.4µm, dual pixel PDAF, Super Steady video, Телеоб’єктив: 10 Мп, f/2.4, 67mm, 1/3.52″, 1.12µm, PDAF, OIS, 3x optical zoom, Періскопічний телеоб’єктив: 50 Мп, f/3.4, 111mm, 1/2.52″, 0.7µm, PDAF, OIS, 5x optical zoom, 3х та 5х оптичний зум, 2х та 10х зум оптичної якості (активований Adaptive Pixel сенсором), Цифровий зум до 100х, Уповільнена зйомка: 240 кадр./с з роздільною здатністю FHD, 120 кадр./с з роздільною здатністю UHD
Метод стабілізації: Оптична

Ємність акумулятора: 5000 мА·год

Матеріал корпуса: Титан + скло

Роз’єми: USB Type-C

Навігація: A-GPS, BDS, GPS, ГЛОНАСС, Цифровий компас

Вага, г: 233
Ширина: 79 мм
Висота: 162.3 мм
Глибина: 8.6 мм

Бездротові технології: Wi-Fi 7 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax/be 2.4 ГГц + 5 ГГц + 6 ГГц, EHT320, MIMO, 4096-QAM, Bluetooth 5.3, NFC

Безпека: Розблокування за обличчям, Сканер відбитків пальців на екрані

Ступінь пило/вологозахисту: IP68

Датчики: Акселерометр, Барометр, Геомагнітний датчик, Гіроскоп, Датчик Холла, Датчик наближення, Датчик освітлення

Комплект постачання: Гарантійний талон, Документація, Кабель для синхронізації, Скріпка для виймання СІМ-карти, Стилус, Телефон

Бездротові технології: Bluetooth 5.3, NFC, Wi-Fi, Бездротова зарядка

Оснащення: MP3-плеєр, Будильник, Відеоплеєр, Заряджання сторонніх пристроїв, Календар, Калькулятор, Підтримка OTG, Підтримка e-SIM, Стереодинаміки, Швидке заряджання

Форм-фактор: Моноблок

Особливості корпусу: Безрамковий дисплей, Водонепроникні

Колір: Black

Країна реєстрації бренду: Республіка Корея (Південна Корея)

Гарантія: 12 місяців офіційної гарантії від виробника

Країна-виробник товару: В’єтнам

Ціна: 56’999грн

our skype: isgnet


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International Youth Day puts South Asia’s skills gap in sharp focus

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Washington — South Asia’s youth bulge is a ticking time bomb. A demographic dividend looms, but millions of young people lack the job skills to cash in, choking the region’s economic potential.

Almost half of South Asia’s population of 1.9 billion is under 24, the highest number of any region in the world. With nearly 100,000 young people entering the job market daily, the region boasts the largest youth labor force globally.

For years, experts have sounded the alarm: Many of South Asia’s youth lack the education and skills for a modern labor force. A 2019 UNICEF study warned that if nothing changes, more than half risked not finding decent jobs in 2030.

Now, International Youth Day has put the spotlight on the region’s skills-gap crisis. While some South Asian countries have made progress in recent years, UNICEF’s latest figures paint a sobering picture: Ninety-three million children and adolescents in South Asia are out of school; almost 6 in 10 can’t read by age 10; and nearly a third are not in any form of education, employment or training, known as NEET.

“We know that the region has the highest number of children and young people, but sadly at the same time, despite the opportunity that that might bring, we know that for many young people, learning and skilling is not good enough,” Mads Sorensen, UNICEF’s chief adolescent adviser for South Asia, said in an interview with VOA. “This clearly holds them back from reaching their full potential.”

The problem, Sorensen said, comes down to the quality of education: Many teachers cling to old methods, schools in many regions lack basic tools such as computers, and students are not taught the digital skills needed to thrive in the modern workplace.

“So, young people are not really acquiring those skills that we know are very much sought after by the labor market, especially the private sector,” Sorensen said.

The skill deficit extends beyond K-12 education. Higher education enrollment in South Asia has tripled in the past two decades, reaching an average of 27% in 2022, according to the World Bank. Yet the quality of college education remains uneven, with many graduates finding that their hard-earned degrees ill-prepare them for today’s job market.

Big investment but scant returns

Take Ariful Islam, a recent graduate with a business administration degree, who now helps his father in his sweets shop in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka. After graduating last year, he had multiple job interviews. But none yielded an offer, forcing him to settle for a position that barely covered his expenses.

Having invested nearly $13,000 on Islam’s education, his father, Akram Khan, said he had to quit his job to start a business. Islam wasn’t earning enough, so Khan needed to boost the family’s income.

“I spent so much money to educate my son, but now he is not getting a job according to his qualifications,” Khan said in an interview with VOA. “As a father, [I] will feel bad.”

Others such as Zahirul Haque, a 2022 graduate in public administration, have been locked out of coveted government jobs.

A controversial quota system favoring Liberation War veterans and their offspring, at the heart of Bangladesh’s recent turmoil, has thwarted his aspirations for public service.

After two years of fruitless government-administered exams, he reluctantly accepted a low-paying job with a local nongovernmental organization.

“It was a little disappointing,” he told VOA.

Bangladesh’s strained job market offers few prospects for young graduates such as Haque. But he said he hasn’t given up hope for a better job.

Good news, sobering news

Bangladesh, once among Asia’s poorest countries, has surged economically in recent decades and is now on track to become a middle-income country by 2026.

Collectively, South Asia is poised to be the fastest-growing emerging market this year, according to the World Bank. In a new report released on Monday, the International Labour Organization, or ILO, said South Asia’s youth unemployment rate fell to a 15-year low of 15.1% last year.

Though signaling an easing job market for young people, the unemployment rate was the highest in the Asia Pacific region, ILO said. What’s more, “too many” young women are excluded from the labor market in South Asia, with the number of women not working or learning at more than 42%, the highest in the region, the ILO said.

Sorensen said that while countries such as Bhutan, the Maldives and Sri Lanka have narrowed the skills gap in recent years, the region’s most populous nations — India, Bangladesh and Pakistan — are lagging behind.

The plight of young women is even more grim. One in four girls in South Asia are married before age 18, their education and careers squandered. Bangladesh’s underage marriage numbers have worsened in recent years, Pakistan’s remains “dire,” Sorensen said.

Pakistan lags most of the region in higher education, with 13% enrollment as of 2022. While the country boasts quality universities, many students complain about outdated curriculums.

The curriculum is “not incorporating the emerging trends of the 21st century,” said Noor Ul Huda, an English major at a public university in Islamabad.

Huda said her major is considered “less practical” than academic fields such as engineering and business, leaving her job prospects bleak.

“The job market is overwhelmingly competitive, and I think I’d have a lot of difficulty finding a job,” she said.

Not ready for jobs

Many parents pouring money into their children’s education confront the same reality: Schools fail to equip students for the job market.

Humna Saleem, a preschool teacher in Rawalpindi, worries about her son, a soon-to-be computer science graduate from a private university. Despite a hefty tuition, he had to learn coding on his own, Saleem said.

“What I observed as an adult is that he is taught a lot of theoretical knowledge, but there are practical skills that are not taught to the students,” she told VOA.

Pakistan’s classrooms, she said, remain stuck in the past, while the world has changed. Students need digital skills and “soft skills,” such as critical thinking and interpersonal communication, not just degrees, she said.

“It doesn’t matter if you are a doctor, or you’re an accountant, or you are an engineer. Whatever profession you choose for yourself, you need to have those skills,” Saleem said.

In recent years, governments in the region have stepped up efforts to close the skills gap.

In India, the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship has partnered with UNICEF to provide youth with 21st-century skills, apprenticeships and entrepreneurial opportunities.

In Pakistan, the prime minister’s Youth Skill Development Program, launched in 2013, aims to equip youth with market-driven skills in IT, entrepreneurship, agriculture, tourism and vocational fields.

“We have to equip our youth with the skills in line with modern requirements so that they can contribute to the country’s development,” Pakistan’s education minister, Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, said in July, according to Associated Press of Pakistan.

In Bangladesh, the National Skills Development Council, led by the prime minister, has introduced a new policy to enhance workforce skills for the modern economy.

Colleges and universities in South Asia have tried to tackle the skills gap crisis by emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. Some have also ramped up digital skills and vocational training to better prepare their graduates for the job market.

Sorensen lauded the regional efforts but said more needs to be done to build a vibrant, modern workforce in South Asia.

“We keep saying that young people are leaders of today, which they are, but they’re also more so leaders of tomorrow,” Sorensen said.

VOA’s Afghan, Bangla and Urdu services contributed to this report.

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Україні і Росії вигідно зберегти постачання газу через станцію «Суджа» – Bloomberg

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Як пише видання з посиланням на джерел, обидві сторони не мають наміру припиняти постачання газу через станцію «Суджа» в Курській області РФ

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Молдова призупинила діяльність компаній, які були посередниками у продажу РФ запчастин для літаків

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У лютому розслідування молдовської служби Радіо Свобода виявило, що ці компанії у 2022-23 роках були посередниками у продажу російським фірмам запчастин до літаків

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Іран відкинув заклики Заходу відмовитися від погроз Ізраїлю

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Речник Міністерства закордонних справ Ірану Нассер Канані заявив, що «такий запит позбавлений політичної логіки, суперечить принципам і нормам міжнародного права і є публічною й практичною підтримкою» Ізраїлю

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Російський прикордонний район залишило майже все населення на тлі просування ЗСУ

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Як писав у телеграмі голова Красноярузького району Андрій Міськов, ті 500 осіб, які залишаються у районі, є співробітники адміністрації й інші необхідні фахівці

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Categories: Новини, Світ

МАГАТЕ: експерти місії поки не змогли встановити причин пожежі на ЗАЕС, залишків шин чи дронів не виявили

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«МАГАТЕ продовжить свій загальний аналіз після додаткового огляду й доступу до рівня розподілу водяного сопла і басейну холодної води»

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Categories: Новини, Світ