Спецпредставниця США з відновлення України розповіла, чим буде займатися на посаді
«Я працюю з українським урядом, щоб підтримати відкриття експортних ринків»
«Я працюю з українським урядом, щоб підтримати відкриття експортних ринків»
«Економічна допомога зміцнює тил, щоб дозволити нашим зусиллям підтримати опір України на передовій»
Президентка Молдови підкреслила, що вважає «єдино прийнятним» мирне рішення конфлікту в Придністров’ї
Додіка судять через спробу скасувати дію рішень Офісу Верховного представника і Конституційного суду Боснії на території Республіки Сербської
Новий виток ізраїльсько-палестинського конфлікту не відверне увагу світу від війни в Україні, вважає міністр закордонних справ Чехії Ян Ліпавський. Про це він сказав в ексклюзивному коментарі Радіо Свобода на полях конференції «Форум 2000» у Празі.
«Нам здається, що ми рухаємося до глобальної конфронтації. Я не думаю, що це збіг. Ми маємо бути готовими вкладати більше зусиль у нашу оборону. І дотримуватися наших принципів… Ми маємо приділяти увагу усім конфліктам і будь-чому, що загрожує нам. Тож Україна є досі на першому місці», – сказав міністр.
Ян Ліпавський став першим закордонним дипломатом, який відвідав Ізраїль після атаки «Хамасу» 7 жовтня. Він прибув до Тель-Авіва 10 жовтня.
Після візиту Ліпавського на Близький Схід у Празі на Вацлавській площі відбулася акція на підтримку Палестини. Близько трьох сотень людей з палестинськими прапорами на головній площі чеської столиці скандували «Свобода Палестині». Організатори заявили, що метою акції є вшанування пам’яті всіх жертв в Ізраїлі та Палестині, незалежно від походження, і висловили несхвалення дій угруповання «Хамас». Натомість приблизно 20 людей, включно з міністром оборони Яною Черноховою, публічно висловити підтримку Ізраїлю.
Ізраїль оголосив війну ісламістському угрупуванню наступного дня після того, як бойовики «Хамасу» 7 жовтня прорвали укріплений кордон Ізраїлю та Гази. Загинули 1400 людей, більшість із яких були цивільними. Ізраїль відповів бомбардуваннями Сектора Гази – загинули щонайменше 2670 людей, переважно мирних жителів. Понад мільйон людей покинули свої домівки, оскільки Ізраїль готує масштабну наземну операцію в Газі. Цивільним жителям цієї палестинської території рекомендовано евакуюватися на південь, ближче до кордону з Єгиптом.
Між Росією та Латвією тепер діють лише два прикордонні переходи
18-19 жовтня голова МЗС Росії перебуватиме в Північній Кореї
Основними темами щорічних переговорів під назвою Берлінський процес є інтеграція Західних Балкан у єдиний ринок і підтримка їхньої зеленої та цифрової трансформації
Since China’s launch of the Belt and Road Initiative 10 years ago, trade with Southeast Asian nations has more than doubled. Beijing has poured billions into helping build rails, airports, ports, and other infrastructure, but the push for more connectivity comes with unintended consequences observers said.
Some key concerns include rising debt, the environmental impact of projects, and an increase in crime said analysts in the region who spoke to VOA’s Mandarin Service.
According to the U.K.-based International Institute for Strategic Studies, between 2013 and 2021, Southeast Asia was the site of 131 Belt and Road projects, the most in the Asia-Pacific region.
Chen Shangmao, a professor at the Department of Public Affairs at Fo Guang University in Taiwan, said with such a wide scope, the BRI has had some positive benefits.
“For example, with respect to the entire economy, trade and investment, we can also see that, in recent years, the trade volume between China and Southeast Asian countries has continued to increase” Chen tells VOA.
China’s State Council Information Office reported that in 2022 the volume of trade between China and the ten members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN reached $975.3 billion, up from $443.6 billion in 2013.
What China wants
One of the signature Belt and Road projects Beijing has completed in Southeast Asia is the China-Laos railway. The $6 billion-dollar 1,000 kilometer semi-high-speed rail line was finished in December of 2021. The project has cut the time of travel between Laos’ capital of Vientiane and China’s southern border.
Eventually, the rail is expected to connect Beijing with Bangkok and even Singapore.
Pollasak Ruongpanyaroj, Executive Director of Panyapiwat Institute of Management in Bangkok, said the China-Laos Railway has brought only limited potential benefits for one of Southeast Asia’s poorest countries.
“The high-speed rail between Laos and China has brought very little economic contribution to Laos. Do you see anything in Laos that can be sold to China? The repayment of loans is so high,” said Ruongpanyaroj.
Fo Guang University’s Chen said this railway is what China, not Laos, needs because before other transportation networks are in place, the railway is currently not of much help to Laos, but the huge debt it has assumed has made the outside world extremely worried.
“The debt that Laos owes to China accounts for about 60% of its GDP, that is scary” Chen said, adding that it raises other questions, such as: “How are you going to pay it back? What will you do when you can’t pay it back? And then, you may have to allow them to make whatever political demands as they please.”
Drugs, telecom fraud
With massive investments, an increase in the number of Chinese nationals in the region and connectivity that has come with the BRI, organized crime groups have also followed and grown their footprint in Southeast Asia, analysts said.
The port town of Sihanoukville in Cambodia, which became a special economic zone under China’s BRI is one place that has been linked to a range of problems from drug and human trafficking to telecom fraud, prostitution and gambling.
“In recent years, the Chinese people have engaged in telecom fraud and online gambling and (have) been cracked down by Myanmar, Cambodia and the Philippines,” said Ruongpanyaroj who described these criminal activities as gray industries.
“So, those people involved in the gray industries have come to Thailand to open casinos and bars, and they also deal drugs,” he said.
“Trafficking in persons for the purpose of forced criminality to commit online scams and financial fraud, particularly occurring in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and other areas of Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR), and Myanmar, as well as other destination countries (including Malaysia, and the Philippines), has emerged as a new and growing trend.,” stated a report released last month by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
Beijing has been stepping up its efforts to crack down on the problem both in China and with authorities in the region. In 2022, China’s party-backed Global Times reported that authorities resolved 464,000 cases related to online gambling and telecom fraud.
“In recent years, online gambling and telecom fraud have caused social problems in China as well as in Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar, Thailand and Sri Lanka, with some Chinese nationals falling victims to murder, kidnapping and human trafficking,” the report said
Environmental concerns
Environmental concerns also weigh heavily on the residents in the Southeast Asia because of the various industries involved in projects across the region, including mining,
In July, the Indonesian government suspended PT Dairi Prima Mineral’s (DPM) mining license in July to investigate the potential environmental damages the company may have caused, barring it from mining Zinc in Dairi Regency in North Sumatra. China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. owns a 51% stake in DPM.
Tongam Panggabean, executive director of Bakumsu, a legal advocacy group in North Sumatra representing local communities in Indonesia, told VOA, the company hasn’t released any public statements regarding the concerns.
“As a company that always said that they are system sustainable, they respect the community or something like that, there should be a positive response to the verdict,” Panggabean said. “I assume by not responding openly to the case or to the demand of the community, it indicates that the government of China doesn’t really care about the impact of their company in other countries.”
US-China competition
BRI has not only had an impact on the infrastructure of Southeast Asian countries, but also politics in the region, including the gradual challenge of Western values, analysts said.
Felix K. Chang, a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, wrote about the connection between the BRI, politics and economics in an article last month.
“Whatever the path China chooses for the BRI, the more tortuous its economic logic becomes, the more pronounced its political dimension will be. While the BRI’s economic aims may be continuously shifting, its political goals remain focused,” Chang wrote.
China’s soft power efforts in the region are having mixed results, observers found.
According to surveys about the state of Southeast Asia released in 2022 and 2023, China was considered to be the most influential country politically and strategically in the region in both years. In 2023, 68.5 % of ASEAN respondents said they were worried about China’s growing regional political and strategic influence, according to a report of the survey by Singapore-based ASEAN Studies Centre at the ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute. That was down slightly from 76.4 % in 2022.
Siwage Dharma Negara, a senior fellow at the ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute, does not believe China is using the BRI to forcibly promote communism or authoritarianism in Southeast Asia. People in the region are aware of the political influence that comes with the BRI but that doesn’t mean that they see it as bad.
“As long as it can continue to provide the necessary resources for countries or partner to develop their own economy, their infrastructure, then I think there will be room for collaboration,” he said.
Considering the intensifying competition between the U.S. and China, Negara said in the future, Beijing may change its approach to the BRI in Southeast Asia.
Adrianna Zhang contributed to this report.
«Кожна з цих двох цілей правомірна сама по собі», – каже Антоніу Ґутерреш
Очікується, що партії «Громадянська коаліція», «Третій шлях» і «Ліві» отримають 248 місць у нижній палаті парламенту порівняно з 212 місцями у партій «Право і справедливість» і «Конфедерації»
Раніше ЗМІ повідомили, що в Білому домі обговорюють можливість об’єднати в один пакет військову допомогу Україні та Ізраїлю
«Ми повинні підготуватися до всіх можливих непередбачених обставин», – сказав Джейк Салліван
Вранці 7 жовтня бойовики «Хамасу», визнаного терористичним угрупованням у США і ЄС, напали на Ізраїль
Ізраїльські військові заявили, що «щонайменше 279 їхніх солдатів були вбиті з 7 жовтня, коли «Хамас» розпочав атаку по Ізраїлю»
Згідно з останніми даними, лідирує у Польщі консервативна партія «Право та справедливість» (ПіС), головою якої є Ярослав Качинський
У РФ «є проблеми, пов’язані з повноцінною дією демократії» – так представник партії влади в Грузії відповів на питання, чи є Росія диктатурою
Увечері в п’ятницю ізраїльська армія закликала цивільне населення сектора залишити свої будинки та евакуюватися до південних районів Гази
Напередодні президент Вірменії підписав закон про ратифікацію Римського статуту МКС, який видав ордер на арешт Путіна
7 жовтня палестинське ісламістське угруповання «Хамас» здійснило масштабну атаку на Ізраїль
Минулої доби ЦАХАЛ вдарив авіацією по оперативному штабу «Хамасу», з якого здійснювалося управління повітряною діяльністю бойовиків
A Kenyan court has dismissed a case challenging the importation of genetically modified foods, letting stand an earlier court ruling allowing the entry of so-called GMOs.
The Law Society of Kenya, the nation’s premier bar association that petitioned the court, argued that genetically modified food was unsafe for humans and that lifting a ban on its importation was unconstitutional.
But in a decision handed down Thursday, High Court Justice Oscar Angote ruled that the petitioners failed to prove that such food was harmful for human consumption.
Last October, the Kenyan government lifted a ban on the importation of genetically modified foods because of growing food insecurity and the inability of farmers to produce enough food to feed the population.
Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are produced using scientific methods, including recombinant DNA technology, which involves using enzymes and various laboratory techniques to manipulate and isolate DNA segments of interest. In animals, it requires reproductive cloning — making a genetic duplicate through somatic cell nuclear transfer.
Angote ruled there was no evidence to show that the modified food can harm human beings.
He also said there is a need for the population to trust the institutions set up to check the quality of food.
There is skepticism on that point. Cidy Otieno, the national coordinator of Kenya Peasants League, a lobby group acting on behalf of peasant farmers, said the country’s regulatory bodies cannot be trusted.
“In Kenya, for over one year, there was a product that was found on the shelves, Aromat,” he said. “It was being sold in Kenya from South Africa, yet it had GMOs, yet the country has not allowed for GMOs.
“So,” he said, “we realize that we have very weak regulations in Kenya.”
Agriculture accounts for one-third of Kenya’s gross domestic product, and farming lobby groups have expressed concerns about the future of agriculture in the country. They argue that U.S. farmers who use sophisticated technology and have government financial support could kill Kenya’s agriculture sector.
Kenya’s acceptance of GMO products also worries its neighbors Tanzania and Uganda, which do not allow them.
Tanzania said it would be vigilant against importing genetically modified food to its country.
The East African region has an agreement through the regional bloc, the East African Community, which allows the free flow of people and goods.
Nason’go Muliro, a Kenyan international relations and diplomacy lecturer, said the importation of GMOs into the region threatens trade relations between Kenya and its neighbors.
“There will be a return to the nontariff barriers because now it will not be about customs, but it will be about standardization,” Muliro predicted. For instance, he said, Tanzania might say, “We may not even accept the cereals from Kenya because of fear of GMO. … And that will bring friction.”
Otieno, of the Peasants League, said the planting of GMO seeds could also bring legal battles among farmers in Kenya and its neighbors.
“Those are some of the issues that we are raising, because a farmer in Busia, Kenya, and a farmer on the Busia border, how will they ensure that there’s no cross-pollination?” he asked. “[What] if I’m on the border and I’m growing GMOs and somebody’s in Uganda and is not growing GMOs and there’s pollination? We are exposing our people to companies so that they can be charged hefty penalties.”
The lobby group said it also has challenged the lifting of bans of GMO products and cultivation in the country, but that case is to be determined later this year.