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Month: March 2023

Biden: US Banking System Secure, Even as Two Banks Collapse    

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U.S. President Joe Biden assured Americans on Monday that the U.S. banking system is secure and that taxpayers would not bail out investors at two banks that collapsed.

“Americans can have confidence the banking system is safe. Your deposits are safe,” Biden said in a five-minute statement delivered at the White House as businesses opened for the work week.

He said that all customers at the California-based Silicon Valley Bank and the New York-based Signature Bank would have immediate access to their deposits as federal financial officials take control of their operations.

“No losses will be borne by taxpayers,” Biden declared. “Managers of these banks will be fired. Investors in these banks will not be protected.”

He said customers’ deposits will be covered by funds banks routinely pay into a U.S. government-held account for such emergencies.

But he vowed, “We must get a full accounting of what happened” at the two banks.

He ignored reporters’ questions about the cause of the failures, but financial experts say both banks were affected by a rise in interest rates, which negatively affected the market values of significant portions of their assets, such as bonds and mortgage-backed securities.

Banks don’t lose money if they hold such notes until maturity. But if they must sell them to cover depositor withdrawals, as was the case in recent days, the losses can quickly mount.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. reported that industrywide, U.S. banks at the end of last year reported $620 billion in such paper losses caused by rising interest rates.

In a statement late Sunday, Biden said, “I am firmly committed to holding those responsible for this mess fully accountable and to continuing our efforts to strengthen oversight and regulation of larger banks so that we are not in this position again.”

The statement followed a meeting of officials from top financial regulators, and said the Federal Reserve, the country’s central bank, was also giving other banks access to an emergency lending program to provide additional stability to the wider banking system.

The FDIC, which insures deposits up to $250,000 and supervises financial institutions, said Monday it transferred all Silicon Valley Bank deposits to a so-called “bridge bank.” The new bank is run by a board appointed by the agency until it can stabilize operations.

The Bank of England also announced Monday the sale of Silicon Valley Bank’s United Kingdom subsidiary to HSBC to stabilize the bank, “ensuring the continuity of banking services, minimizing disruption to the U.K. technology sector and supporting confidence in the financial system.”

A Bank of England statement said all depositor money was safe and that Silicon Valley Bank U.K. would continue operating as normal.

The actions were prompted by the failure of Silicon Valley Bank, which U.S. regulators seized on Friday after concerns about the bank’s financial health led to a large number of depositors withdrawing their money at the same time.

With about $200 billion in assets, Silicon Valley Bank’s failure was the second largest in U.S. history. The bank was heavily involved in financing for venture capital firms, especially in the tech sector.

Signature Bank also had a large portion of clients in the tech sector, including cryptocurrency. Its failure, with more than $100 billion in assets, was the third largest in U.S. history, behind Washington Mutual and Silicon Valley Bank.

Some information for this story came from The Associated Press, Agence France-Presse and Reuters.

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Молдова є об’єктом «гібридної війни, створеної Росією» – міністр оборони

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Молдова зараз не стикається з «безпосередньою військовою небезпекою», але є об’єктом «гібридної війни, створеної Росією» у спробі «повалити державну владу», заявив AFP міністр оборони країни Анатолій Носатий.

«Безпосередньої військової небезпеки Молдови зараз немає, але існують інші типи небезпек, які впливають на безпеку країни, – гібридна війна», – сказав Носатий після останньої серії антиурядових протестів, що відбулися 12 березня в Кишиневі.

За його словами, генеруючи «дезінформацію, напругу в нашому суспільстві», Росія намагалася «змінити політичний порядок, дестабілізувати та повалити державну владу».

12 березня поліція Молдови заявила про запобігання змові підтримуваних Росією груп людей, які були спеціально навчені, щоб викликати масові заворушення під час протесту в Кишиневі проти нового прозахідного уряду країни. Голова поліції Молдови Віорел Чернаутяну заявив, що агент під прикриттям проник у групи «диверсантів», деяких громадян Росії, яким пообіцяли 10 000 доларів США за організацію «масових заворушень».

Днями розвідувальне співтовариство США заявило, що особи, пов’язані з російською розвідкою, планують організувати протести в Молдові з метою повалення чинної влади.

Новий прозахідний уряд на чолі з колишнім міністром внутрішніх справ Доріном Речаном обійняв свою посаду в середині лютого в одній із найбідніших країн Європи. Попередня адміністрація була змушена піти з посади після тривалих заворушень і труднощів із сплатою високих цін за російський газ.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Financial Tremors Now Muddying Fed Inflation Debate

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U.S. Federal Reserve officials meet next week again chasing persistent inflation but now balancing that against the first acute tremors from the aggressive interest rate hikes the central bank approved over the past year.

The sudden failure of Silicon Valley Bank last week isn’t expected to prevent the Fed from continuing to raise interest rates at its March 21-22 meeting, with inflation still running far above the Fed’s 2% target and Fed chair Jerome Powell indicating monetary policy might need to become even more aggressive.

But it could add a dose of caution to the policy debate and undermine the sense, common among officials so far, that Fed policy had not caused anything to “break” in an economy where spending and job growth have seemed immune to the impact of higher interest rates. 

SVB’s failure, which the Fed came to a view as a potentially systemic shock if bank depositors faced losses, prompted the Fed to announce a new bank lending facility on Sunday in an effort to maintain confidence in the system – effectively putting the Fed back in the business of emergency lending even as it tries to tighten credit overall with higher interest rates.

Given the stakes that bit of dissonance seemed unavoidable, and may be accompanied by a slightly softer approach to monetary policy if risks are seen to be intensifying.

“The threat of a systemic disruption in the banking system is small, but the risk of stoking financial instability may well encourage the Fed to opt for a smaller rate increase at the upcoming meeting,” Oxford Economics economist Bob Schwartz wrote on Friday after SVB was closed by regulators and as officials began examining how to respond to the largest bank failure since the 2007 to 2009 financial crisis.

The upcoming Fed session was already providing a reality check of sorts, as policymakers tried to understand why the rapid rate hikes of the last year have not had more impact on the pace of price increases.

The inflation rate in January actually rose, while an Atlanta Fed real-time projection as of March 8 showed gross domestic product expanding at a 2.6% annual rate, well above the economy’s roughly 2% underlying potential.

Officials were poised to push the expected path of interest rates higher yet again as a result, the third time in their two-year battle against inflation that U.S. policymakers will have shifted on the fly after price increases proved to be faster, broader and more persistent than seen in their forecasts.

A February jobs report released Friday showed the unemployment rate rising to 3.6%. More importantly for the Fed, monthly wage growth slowed even as the economy continued to add jobs, an outcome that leaves open whether the Fed will approve a quarter or a half point rate increase at its next meeting. By late Sunday after the day’s emergency actions, the probability of a half-point hike had diminished to below one-in-five. 

Higher end point?

New inflation data to be released Tuesday and retail sales data on Wednesday both have the potential to push policymakers in either direction at the two-day meeting, which concludes March 22 with a new Federal Open Market Committee statement and projections issued at 2 p.m. EDT (1800 GMT), and a press conference by Powell at 2:30 p.m.

While investors at this point see lower odds of a return to larger rate hikes, there is still the question of just how much higher the Fed will go overall. Powell in his remarks to Congress last week signaled the new “dot plot” of projections for the rate path beyond March would likely be higher than previously expected in order to slow inflation to the central bank’s 2% target from levels more than double that.

As of December the high point for the target federal funds rate was expected by most officials to be 5.1%. In their final public comments before the beginning of a pre-meeting blackout period, Fed officials other than Powell also said they were primed for a more aggressive response if upcoming data show them losing more ground on inflation.

“The ultimate level of interest rates is likely to be higher than previously anticipated,” Powell said in congressional testimony that reset expectations for where the Fed was heading, and pushing yields on U.S. Treasury bonds higher and prompting a sell-off in equity markets.

At a Feb. 1 press conference, in contrast, his focus was on a “disinflationary process” he saw taking root.

Developments since then have raised some doubt in investors minds if Fed officials will follow through with that, however, and much of the immediate heat on bond yields and rate expectations eased after Friday’s employment data, with the weekend’s developments in the banking sector to address the Silicon Valley Bank collapse also factoring into the reversal. 

Still nimble?

Government reports released after Powell’s last press conference showed the central bank’s preferred measure of inflation had risen slightly to a 5.4% annual rate.

Revisions to prior months also erased some of the progress policymakers had relied on when they decided to step down to quarter point rate hikes at their last session. A New York Fed study last week suggested moreover that current inflation was being driven more by persistent factors and less by cyclical or sectoral influences that might be quicker to dissipate.

It is not the first time the Fed has been caught out by after-the-fact data updates. In the fall of 2021 the first release of monthly jobs reports seemed to show the job market weakening, taking some of the urgency out of discussions about when to start tightening monetary policy. By the end of the year revisions showed hundreds of thousands more jobs had been added than originally estimated.

“If you are trying to be nimble, this is the risk. And Powell is trying to be nimble,” said former Fed economist John Roberts. 

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US Moves to Contain Bank Failure Fallout

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U.S. President Joe Biden is due to speak Monday about the banking system after the government acted to try to contain a potential crisis from the failure of two major banks.

“The American people and American businesses can have confidence that their bank deposits will be there when they need them,” Biden said in a statement late Sunday. “I am firmly committed to holding those responsible for this mess fully accountable and to continuing our efforts to strengthen oversight and regulation of larger banks so that we are not in this position again.”

The U.S. Treasury Department said in a statement Sunday that depositors at the California-based Silicon Valley Bank and the New York-based Signature Bank will have access to all of their money on Monday.

The regulators also said no losses associated with the resolution of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank will be borne by the taxpayer.

The statement followed a meeting of officials from top financial regulators, and said the Federal Reserve was also giving other banks access to an emergency lending program to provide additional stability to the wider banking system.

The Bank of England also announced Monday the sale of Silicon Valley Bank’s UK subsidiary to HSBC in order to stabilize the bank, “ensuring the continuity of banking services, minimizing disruption to the UK technology sector and supporting confidence in the financial system.” 

A Bank of England statement said all depositor money was safe and that Silicon Valley Bank UK would continue operating as normal. 

The actions were prompted by the failure of Silicon Valley Bank, which regulators seized on Friday after concerns about the bank’s financial health led to a large number of depositors withdrawing their money at the same time.

With about $200 billion in assets, Silicon Valley Bank’s failure was the second-largest in U.S. history. The bank was heavily involved in financing for venture capital firms, especially in the tech sector.

Signature Bank also had a large portion of clients in the tech sector, including cryptocurrency. Its failure, with more than $100 billion in assets, was the third-largest in the country’s history.

Both banks were affected by a rise in interest rates, which negatively affected the market values of significant portions of their assets such as bonds and mortgage-backed securities.

Some information for this story came from The Associated Press, Agence France-Presse and Reuters.

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Стали відомі переможці премії «Оскар»

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У Лос-Анджелесі стали відомі переможці 95-ї за ліком премії «Оскар» Американської академії кіномистецтв.

Найкращим фільмом визнали американську фантастичну комедію «Все скрізь і одразу». За сюжетом, матір сімейства, іммігрантка з Китаю намагається поєднатися з версіями себе із паралельних світів, щоб врятувати мультивсесвіт. Продюсером стрічки є Ден Кван, сценаристом – Деніел Шайнерт. Вони ж і стали володарами «Оскара» як найкращі режисери.

Найкраща чоловіча роль у Брендана Фрейзера, який зіграв головного героя у фільмі «Кит», а жіноча – у Мішель Єо, яка виконала головну роль у фільмі-переможці.

Найкращий ігровий короткометражний фільм «Прощання по-ірландськи», найкращий фільм іноземною мовою – німецька стрічка «На Західному фронті без змін».

Найкращий документальний фільм – «Навальний» про російського опозиціонера. Він обійшов документальний фільм українського виробництва «Будинок із скалок».

«Будинок зі скалок» данського режисера Сімона Леренга Вільмонта створений за підтримки Держкіно. У фільмі розповідаються історії дітей з Лисичанського центру соціально-психологічної реабілітації. Героями стрічки також стали кілька вихователів, які в умовах війни з Росією намагаються створити дітям безпечний простір біля лінії фронту.

Повний список переможців «Оскара» можна переглянути ТУТ.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

США і Південна Корея починають спільні військові навчання

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США та Південна Корея 13 березня починають свої найбільші спільні навчання за п’ять років. Це відбувається після того, як Пхеньян попередив, що такі навчання можуть розглядатися як «оголошення війни».

Вашингтон і Сеул посилили співпрацю в галузі оборони перед обличчям військової та ядерної загрози з боку КНДР, яка в останні місяці провела дедалі більше провокаційних випробувань забороненої зброї.

Навчання під назвою «Щит свободи» триватимуть щонайменше 10 днів.

У Сеулі заявили, що вранці 12 березня Північна Корея запустила ракету з підводного човна.

Програми Північної Кореї щодо розробки балістичних ракет та ядерної зброї заборонені резолюціями Ради безпеки ООН. Однак Пхеньян заявляє, що розробка зброї необхідна для протидії «ворожій політиці» Вашингтона і його союзників.

Наприкінці січня міністри оборони США та Південної Кореї домовилися розширити програму спільних військових навчань. Сторони також планують розширити американську присутність у регіоні й доставити туди винищувачі F-22, F-35 та авіаносці з ядерними двигунами.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

India Tech Minister Plans to Meet Startups on SVB Fallout

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India’s state minister for technology said on Sunday he will meet startups this week to assess the impact on them of Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse, as concerns rise about the fallout for the Indian startup sector. 

California banking regulators shut down Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) on Friday after a run on the lender, which had $209 billion in assets at the end of 2022, with depositors pulling out as much as $42 billion on a single day, rendering it insolvent. 

“Startups are an important part of the new India economy. I will meet with Indian Startups this week to understand impact on them and how the government can help during the crisis,” Rajeev Chandrasekhar, the state minister for IT, said on Twitter. 

India has one of the world’s biggest startup markets, with many clocking multibillion-dollar valuations in recent years and getting the backing of foreign investors, who have made bold bets on digital and other tech businesses. 

SVB’s failure, the biggest in the U.S. since the 2008 financial crisis, has roiled global markets, hit banking stocks and is now unsettling Indian entrepreneurs. 

Two partners at an Indian venture capital fund and one lender to Indian startups told Reuters that they are running checks with portfolio companies on any SVB exposure and if so, whether it is a significant part of their total bank balance. 

Consumer internet startups, which have drawn the bulk of funding in India in recent years, are less affected because they either do not have an SVB account or have minimal exposure to it, the three people said. 

“Spoke to some founders and it is very bad,” Ashish Dave, CEO of Mirae Asset Venture Investments (India), wrote in a tweet. 

“Especially for Indian founders … who setup their U.S. companies and raised their initial round, SVB is default bank. Uncertainty is killing them. Growth ones are relatively safer as they diversified. Last thing founders needed.” 

Software firm Freshworks said it has minimal exposure to the SVB situation relative to the company’s overall balance sheet. 

“As we grew, we brought on larger, diversified banks such as Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan and UBS. The vast majority of our cash and marketable securities today is not held at SVB,” Freshworks said in a blog post, adding that the company does not foresee any disruption to employees or customers. 

Freshworks said it is working with customers and vendors who were using its SVB account to migrate to alternate bank accounts. 

India’s Nazara Technologies Ltd., a mobile gaming company, said in a stock exchange filing that two of its subsidiaries, Kiddopia Inc. and Mediawrkz Inc., hold cash balances totaling $7.75 million or 640 million rupees with SVB. 

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US Government Moves to Stop Potential Banking Crisis

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The U.S. government took extraordinary steps Sunday to stop a potential banking crisis after the historic failure of Silicon Valley Bank, assuring depositors at the failed financial institution that they would be able to access all of their money quickly.

The announcement came amid fears that the factors that caused the Santa Clara, California-based bank to fail could spread, and only hours before trading began in Asia. Regulators had worked all weekend to try and come up with a buyer for the bank, which was the second largest bank failure in history. Those efforts appeared to have failed as of Sunday.

In a sign of quickly the financial bleeding was occurring, regulators announced that New York-based Signature Bank had failed and was being seized on Sunday. At more than $110 billion in assets, Signature Bank is the third-largest bank failure in U.S. history.

The Treasury Department, Federal Reserve and FDIC said Sunday that all Silicon Valley Bank clients will be protected and have access to their funds and announced steps designed to protect the bank’s customers and prevent more bank runs.

“This step will ensure that the U.S. banking system continues to perform its vital roles of protecting deposits and providing access to credit to households and businesses in a manner that promotes strong and sustainable economic growth,” the agencies said in a joint statement.

Regulators had to rush to close Silicon Valley Bank, a financial institution with more than $200 billion in assets, on Friday when it experienced a traditional run on the bank where depositors rushed to withdraw their funds all at once. It is the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history, behind only the 2008 failure of Washington Mutual.

Some prominent Silicon Valley executives feared that if Washington didn’t rescue the failed bank, customers would make runs on other financial institutions in the coming days. Stock prices plunged over the last few days at other banks that cater to technology companies, including First Republic Bank and PacWest Bank.

Among the bank’s customers are a range of companies from California’s wine industry, where many wineries rely on Silicon Valley Bank for loans, and technology startups devoted to combating climate change.

Sunrun, which sells and leases solar energy systems, had less than $80 million of cash deposits with Silicon Valley Bank as of Friday and expects to have more information on expected recovery in the coming week, the company said in a statement.

Stitchfix, the popular clothing retail website, disclosed in a recent quarterly report that it had a credit line of up to $100 million with Silicon Valley Bank and other lenders.

Silicon Valley Bank began its slide into insolvency when its customers, largely technology companies that needed cash as they struggled to get financing, started withdrawing their deposits. The bank had to sell bonds at a loss to cover the withdrawals, leading to the largest failure of a U.S. financial institution since the height of the financial crisis.

Yellen described rising interest rates, which have been increased by the Federal Reserve to combat inflation, as the core problem for Silicon Valley Bank. Many of its assets, such as bonds or mortgage-backed securities, lost market value as rates climbed.

Sheila Bair, who was chairwoman of the FDIC chair during the 2008 financial crisis, recalled that with almost all the bank failures during that time, “we sold a failed bank to a healthy bank. And usually, the healthy acquirer would also cover the uninsured because they wanted the franchise value of those large depositors so optimally, that’s the best outcome.”

But with Silicon Valley Bank, she told NBC’s “Meet the Press,” “this was a liquidity failure, it was a bank run, so they didn’t have time to prepare to market the bank. So they’re having to do that now and playing catch-up.”

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Favoring Continuity, China Reappoints Central Bank Governor

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China reappointed Yi Gang as head of the central bank Sunday to reassure entrepreneurs and financial markets by showing continuity at the top while other economic officials change during a period of uncertainty in the world’s second-largest economy.

Yi, whose official title is governor of the People’s Bank of China, plays no role in making monetary policy, unlike his counterparts in other major economies. His official duties lie in “implementing monetary policy,” or carrying out decisions made by a policymaking body whose membership is a secret.

But the central bank governor acts as spokesperson for monetary policy, is the most prominent Chinese figure in global finance and oversees reassuring bankers and investors at a time when China’s economy is emerging from drastically slower growth.

At the March 5 opening of the annual session of China’s rubber-stamp parliament, the National People’s Congress, China announced plans for a consumer-led revival of the struggling economy, setting this year’s growth target at “around 5%.”

Last year’s growth fell to 3%, the second-weakest level since at least the 1970s, putting president and head of the ruling Communist Party Xi Jinping under exceptional pressure to revitalize the economy.

A longtime veteran of monetary policy departments, Yi was first appointed governor of the People’s Bank of China in March 2018, taking over from the highly regarded Zhou Xiaochuan.

Before becoming governor, Yi spent 20 years at the central bank after getting his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois and working as a professor of economics at Indiana University from 1986 to 1994.

He is also a co-founder and professor at Peking University’s China Center for Economic Research.

The party made a similar decision to opt for continuity in 2013, when then-PBOC governor Zhou, who already had been in the job for a decade, stayed on as governor while all other economic regulators changed.

Yi’s reappointment came on the congress’s penultimate day, which also saw Xi loyalists appointed as finance minister and head of the Cabinet planning agency to carry out a program to tighten control over entrepreneurs, reduce debt risks and promote the state-led technology development. Incumbent Wang Wentao was reappointed minister of commerce.

The congress also named four vice premiers, individuals who may be in line for higher office. They include sixth-ranking member of the party’s all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee, Ding Xuexiang, as vice premier overseeing administrative matters. Veteran bureaucrats He Lifeng, Zhang Guoqing and Liu Guozhong were also named to the post. Liu and Zhang were incumbents.

Foreign Minister Qin Gang was also appointed to the position of state councilor, a position also held by Wang Yi, his predecessor and current superior as director of the party’s Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission.

Defense Minister Li Shangfu, an aerospace engineer by training, was also named one of the five state councilors, along with Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong and Secretary General of China’s Cabinet, known as the State Council, Wu Zhenglong. Shen Yiqin was the only woman named to the position and is China’s highest-ranking female politician.

No women sit on the 24-member Politburo or its standing Committee, and the party’s more-than-200-member Central Committee is 95% male.

A priority for finance officials will be to manage corporate and household debt that Beijing worries has risen to dangerous levels. Tighter debt controls triggered a slump in China’s vast real estate industry in 2021, adding to the COVID-19 pandemic’s downward pressure on the economy.

At the same time, the ruling party is trying to shift money into technology development and other strategic plans. That has prompted warnings that too much political control over emerging industries could waste money and hamper growth.

Xi has favored promoting officials who sometimes lack the experience of their predecessors and exposure to global industry and finance markets. That reflects Xi’s effort to purge the Chinese system of Western influence and promote homegrown strategies.

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КНДР заявила про запуск крилатих ракет. США і Південна Корея аналізують особливості пуску

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Північна Корея провела випробування двох стратегічних крилатих ракет за кілька годин до того, як США та Південна Корея мали провести великі спільні військові навчання.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Oil Giant Saudi Aramco Has Profits of $161 Billion in 2022

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Oil giant Saudi Aramco reported Sunday its profits surged to $161 billion last year off higher crude prices, a record result for an energy firm crucial to the kingdom’s economy.

The firm, known formally as the Saudi Arabian Oil Co., said in its annual report that the profit represented “its highest annual profits as a listed company.” That came off the back of energy prices rising after Russia launched its war on Ukraine in February 2022, with sanctions limiting the sale of Moscow’s oil and natural gas in Western markets.

Aramco also hopes to increase its production to take advantage of market demand, raising the billions needed to pay for Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s plans to develop futuristic cityscapes to pivot Saudi Arabia away from oil.

However, those plans come despite growing international concerns over the burning of fossil fuels accelerating climate change.

“Given that we anticipate oil and gas will remain essential for the foreseeable future, the risks of underinvestment in our industry are real — including contributing to higher energy prices,” Saudi Aramco CEO and President Amin H. Nasser said in a statement.

Profits rose 46.5% when compared to the company’s 2021 results of $110 billion. It earned $49 billion in 2020 when the world faced the worst of the coronavirus pandemic lockdown, travel disruptions and oil prices briefly going negative.

Aramco put its crude production at around 11.5 million barrels a day in 2022 and said it hoped to reach 13 million barrels a day by 2027.

To boost that production, it plans to spend as much as $55 billion this year on capital projects.

Aramco also declared a dividend of $19.5 billion for the fourth quarter of 2022, to be paid in the first quarter of this year.

Aramco’s results, viewed as a bellwether for the global energy market, mirror the huge profits seen at those of U.K. energy giant BP,America’s Exxon Mobil, Shell and others in 2022.

Benchmark Brent crude oil now trades around $82 a barrel, though prices had reached over $120 a barrel back in June. Aramco, whose fortunes hinge on global energy prices, announced a record $42.4 billion profit in the third quarter of 2022 off the back of that price spike.

Those high prices have further strained ties between the kingdom and the United States, traditionally a security guarantor among the Gulf Arab states amid tensions with Iran. Before the midterm elections in November, the kingdom said the Biden administration sought to delay a decision by OPEC and allies including Russia to cut production that could have kept gasoline prices lower for voters — making public the typically behind-the-scenes negotiations common in the region.

President Joe Biden had warned the kingdom that “there’s going to be some consequences for what they’ve done” in terms of oil prices. However, those consequences have yet to be seen as Saudi Arabia and Iran went to China to strike a diplomatic deal Friday. U.S. gasoline prices now stand on average at $3.47 a gallon, down just about a dollar from last year.

For the kingdom, higher crude oil prices can help fuel the dreams of Prince Mohammed, including his planned $500 billion futuristic desert city project called Neom. However, they also run against the fears of activists over climate change, particularly as the United Nations’ COP28 climate talks will begin this November in the neighboring United Arab Emirates.

Saudi Arabia has pledged to have net-zero carbon emissions by 2060, like China and Russia, though its plans to reach that goal remain unclear. Aramco’s earnings report noted it started a $1.5 billion Sustainability Fund in October and plans a carbon-capture-and-storage facility as well.

Saudi Arabia’s vast oil resources, located close to the surface of its desert expanse, make it one of the world’s least expensive places to produce crude. For every $10 rise in the price of a barrel of oil, Saudi Arabia stands to make an additional $40 billion a year, according to the Institute of International Finance.

Shares in Aramco stood at $8.74 on Riyadh’s Tadawul stock exchange before it opened Sunday. That’s down from a high of $11.55 a share in the last year. However, that current price still gives Aramco a valuation of $1.9 trillion — making it the world’s second most valuable company behind only Apple.

The Saudi government still owns the vast majority of the firm’s shares. Saudi Aramco publicly listed a sliver of its worth back in late 2019.

Aramco will release a comprehensive earnings report Monday.

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У Польщі вказують на активність рухів «фальшивого пацифізму» і просування ними наративів Росії

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Рухи «фальшивого пацифізму» стають активнішими і просувають наративи Росії, заявляє уповноважений уряду з питань безпеки інформаційного простору Польщі Станіслав Жарин.

«Рухи, які апелюють до фальшивого пацифізму, стають дедалі активнішими. Їхня діяльність використовується для маніпулювання західними суспільствами та зосередження на просуванні вигідних Росії наративів. Виконання цих вимог може призвести до швидкої перемоги Росії над Україною», – написав він у твіттері.

За його словами, Москва ставить інформаційну діяльність у контекст військових дій проти України.

«Тому ми маємо справу з певним комплексом заходів, у якому ці інформаційні операції підпорядковані військовим цілям», – додав Жарин.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Yellen: No Federal Bailout for Collapsed Silicon Valley Bank 

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Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Sunday that the federal government would not bail out Silicon Valley Bank, but is working to help depositors who are concerned about their money.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insures deposits up to $250,000, but many of the companies and wealthy people who used the bank — known for its relationships with technology startups and venture capital — had more than that amount in their account. There are fears that some workers across the country won’t receive their paychecks.

Yellen, in an interview with CBS’ “Face the Nation,” provided few details on the government’s next steps. But she emphasized that the situation was much different from the financial crisis almost 15 years ago, which led to bank bailouts to protect the industry.

“We’re not going to do that again,” she said. “But we are concerned about depositors, and we’re focused on trying to meet their needs.”

With Wall Street rattled, Yellen tried to reassure Americans that there will be no domino effect after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.

“The American banking system is really safe and well capitalized,” she said. “It’s resilient.”

Silicon Valley Bank is the nation’s 16th-largest bank. It was the second biggest bank failure in U.S. history after the collapse of Washington Mutual in 2008. The bank served mostly technology workers and venture capital-backed companies, including some of the industry’s best-known brands.

Silicon Valley Bank began its slide into insolvency when its customers, largely technology companies that needed cash as they struggled to get financing, started withdrawing their deposits. The bank had to sell bonds at a loss to cover the withdrawals, leading to the largest failure of a U.S. financial institution since the height of the financial crisis.

Yellen described rising interest rates, which have been increased by the Federal Reserve to combat inflation, as the core problem for Silicon Valley Bank. Many of its assets, such as bonds or mortgage-backed securities, lost market value as rates climbed.

“The problems with the tech sector aren’t at the heart of the problems at this bank,” she said.

Yellen said she expected regulators to consider “a wide range of available options,” including the acquisition of Silicon Valley Bank by another institution. So far, however, no buyer has stepped forward.

Tom Quaadman, executive vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness, said in a statement, “We urge the administration to facilitate a quick acquisition, guaranteeing all bank depositors have access to their cash.”

Regulators seized the bank’s assets on Friday. Deposits that are insured by the federal government are supposed to be available by Monday morning.

“I’ve been working all weekend with our banking regulators to design appropriate policies to address this situation,” Yellen said. “I can’t really provide further details at this time.”

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., told Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that he hoped the administration would announce the next steps as soon as Sunday.

“They do have the tools to handle the current situation, they do know the seriousness of this and they are working to try to come forward with some announcement before the markets open,” he said.

McCarthy also expressed hope that Silicon Valley Bank would be purchased.

“I think that would be the best outcome to move forward and cool the markets and let people understand that we can move forward in the right manner,” he said.

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., said in an interview with ABC News’ “This Week” that he was concerned that the bank’s collapse could prompt nervous people to transfer money from other regional banks to larger institutions.

“We don’t want further consolidation,” he said.

Warner suggested there would be a “moral hazard” in reimbursing depositors in excess of the $250,000 limit and said an acquisition would be the best next step.

“I’m more optimistic this morning than I was yesterday afternoon at this time,” he said. “But, again, we will see how this plays out during the rest of the day.”

He added: “What we’ve got to focus on right now is how do we make sure there’s not contagion.”

President Joe Biden and Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., spoke about “efforts to address the situation” on Saturday, although the White House did not provide additional details on next steps.

Newsom said the goal was to “stabilize the situation as quickly as possible, to protect jobs, people’s livelihoods, and the entire innovation ecosystem that has served as a tent pole for our economy.”

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Білоруські прикордонники поскаржилися на «залякування» українських колег – ДПСУ

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«Встановлено макет повішеного військовослужбовця у формі російської армії, якого українські прикордонники назвали Валерою. Вони вказали, що це військовослужбовець, убитий під Києвом»

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Categories: Новини, Світ

From Wine Country to London, Bank’s Failure Shakes Worldwide

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It was called Silicon Valley Bank, but its collapse is causing shockwaves around the world.

From winemakers in California to startups across the Atlantic Ocean, companies are scrambling to figure out how to manage their finances after their bank suddenly shut down Friday. The meltdown means distress not only for businesses but also for their workers whose paychecks could get tied up in the chaos.

California Governor Gavin Newsom said Saturday that he’s talking with the White House to help “stabilize the situation as quickly as possible, to protect jobs, people’s livelihoods, and the entire innovation ecosystem that has served as a tent pole for our economy.”

U.S. customers with less than $250,000 in the bank can count on insurance provided by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Regulators are trying to find a buyer for the bank in hopes customers with more than that can be made whole.

That includes customers such as Circle, a big player in the cryptocurrency industry. It said it has about $3.3 billion of the roughly $40 billion in reserves for its USDC coin at SVB. That caused USD Coin’s value, which tries to stay firmly at $1, to briefly plunge below 87 cents Saturday. It later rose back above 97 cents, according to CoinDesk.

Across the Atlantic, startup companies woke up Saturday to find SVB’s U.K. business will stop making payments or accepting deposits. The Bank of England said late Friday that it will put Silicon Valley Bank U.K. in its insolvency procedure, which will pay out eligible depositors up to 170,000 British pounds ($204,544) for joint accounts “as quickly as possible.”

“We know that there are a large number of startups and investors in the ecosystem who have significant exposure to SVB UK and will be very concerned,” Dom Hallas, executive director of Coadec, which represents British startups, said on Twitter. He cited “concern and panic.”

The Bank of England said SVB UK’s assets would be sold to pay creditors.

It’s not just startups feeling the pain. The bank’s collapse is having an effect on another important California industry: fine wines. It’s been an influential lender to vineyards since the 1990s.

“This is a huge disappointment,” said winemaker Jasmine Hirsch, the general manager of Hirsch Vineyards in California’s Sonoma County.

Hirsch said she expects her business will be fine. But she’s worried about the broader effects for smaller vintners looking for lines of credit to plant new vines.

“They really understand the wine business,” Hirsch said. “The disappearance of this bank, as one of the most important lenders, is absolutely going to have an effect on the wine industry, especially in an environment where interest rates have gone up.”

In Seattle, Shelf Engine CEO Stefan Kalb found himself immersed in emergency meetings devoted to figuring out how to meet payroll instead of focusing on his startup company’s business of helping grocers manage their food orders.

“It’s been a brutal day. We literally have every single penny in Silicon Valley Bank,” Kalb said Friday, pegging the deposit amount that’s now tied up at millions of dollars.

He is filing a claim for the $250,000 limit, but that won’t be enough to keep paying Shelf Engine’s 40 employees for long. That could force him into a decision about whether to begin furloughing employees until the mess is cleaned up.

“I’m just hoping the bank gets sold during the weekend,” Kalb said.

Tara Fung, co-founder and CEO of tech startup Co:Create that helps launch digital loyalty and rewards programs, said her firm uses multiple banks besides Silicon Valley Bank so was able switch over its payroll and vendor payments to another bank Friday.

Fung said her firm chose the bank as a partner because it is the “gold standard for tech firms and banking partnerships,” and she was upset that some people seemed to be gloating about its failure and unfairly tying it to doubts about cryptocurrency ventures.

San Francisco-based employee performance management company was among the Silicon Valley Bank depositors that rushed to pull their money out before regulators seized the bank.

Co-founder David Murray credits an email from one of Confirm’s venture capital investors, which urged the company to withdraw its funds “immediately,” citing signs of a run on the bank. Such actions accelerated the flight of cash, which led to the bank’s collapse.

“I think a lot of founders were sharing the logic that, you know, there’s no downside to pulling up the money to be safe,” Murray said. “And so, we all did that, hence the bank run.”

The U.S. government needs to act more quickly to stanch further damage, said Martín Varsavsky, an Argentinian entrepreneur who has investments across the tech industry and Silicon Valley.

One of his companies, Overture Life, which employs about 50 people, had some $1.5 million in deposits in the financially embattled bank but can rely on other holdings elsewhere to meet payroll.

But other companies have high percentages of their cash in Silicon Valley Bank, and they need access to more than the amount protected by the FDIC.

“If the government allows people to take at least half of the money they have in Silicon Valley Bank next week, I think everything will be fine,” Varsavsky said Saturday. “But if they stick to the $250,000, it will be an absolute disaster in which so many companies won’t be able to meet payroll.”

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