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Month: September 2020

Uncertainty, Anxiety Mount in Zimbabwe over Land Compensation Promise

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Anxiety and confusion have gripped Zimbabwe’s Black farmers after the government said it would return land to some white farmers who were kicked off their land under former president Robert Mugabe. Authorities are seeking to reassure resettled Black farmers in what some fear may be a reversal of land reforms.    Heinrich von Pezold lost part of his land in 2001, in Mazowe district about 100 kilometers north of Harare, as Zimbabwe’s government adopted a sweeping land reform policy and began forcing whites off their farms.   Now he may get it back, under an agreement between the German and Zimbabwean governments to protect private investments in their respective countries, known as the Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement.    The German national took Zimbabwe’s government to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes. The arbitration court, based in Washington, ordered the Zimbabwe government to pay compensation to von Pezold.Heinrich von Pezold lost part of his land in 2001, in Mazowe district about 100km north of Harare is cautiously optimistic following the government’s announcement that it would give back land to some white farmers Sep. 8, 2020 (VOA/Columbus Mavhunga)He is cautiously optimistic following Zimbabwe government’s announcement last week that it would give back land to some white farmers.   “It is a very positive step that the government recognizes its international obligations. However, we have had such announcements before and we are looking for deeds and not the words. We are interested in seeing what the government actually does,” Pezold said.The Commercial Farmers Union, which represents white farmers in Zimbabwe, refused to comment on last week’s announcement by the government.    Back in July, Zimbabwe’s government signed an agreement with the union to pay $3.5 billion in compensation to white farmers who lost their land, although it remains unclear how the government will raise the money.     Sixty-three year old Emilliana Duri, a former Zimbabwean soldier, is one of those who received part of von Pezold’s land in 2001. She hopes the government’s repossession of land will not affect her.Sixty-three year old Emilliana Duri, a former Zimbabwean soldier, hopes the government’s repossession of land will not affect her new place in Mazowe district Sep. 5, 2020. (VOA/Columbus Mavhunga)“It would be painful that the land that we fought for I am being asked to pave way for a white person, when he had left, it’s really painful. I will then start to ask: what did I fight for? It’s the land only. So I must not be displaced. Even for another black person because there is no one who is more important than the other. We are all equal. So it’s painful,” Duri said.Zimbabwe’s government says only about three percent of those who received land will be affected by new announcement. The rest of the white farmers would be paid for developments they made on their former properties, but not get back their land.   “It’s such a minute proportion of the beneficiaries. The position of the government is that the land reform program is irreversible,” Minister of Agriculture Anxious Masuka said. The government, meanwhile, wants farmers to concentrate on preparing for the 2020-21 agriculture season, which began last week with tobacco planting.  Government critics say Zimbabwe’s agriculture sector, once the backbone of the economy, went into free fall when Mugabe confiscated land from white commercial farmers and gave it to inexperienced black farmers like Duri.   The government attributes the decline to recurring droughts, which it blames on global climate change.   

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Замах на віцепрезидента Афганістану: загинули щонайменше шестеро, до 20 людей поранені

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Щонайменше шість людей загинули унаслідок замаху на віцепрезидента Афганістану Амруллу Салеха в Кабулі.

Сам посадовець отримав легкі травми, хоча спочатку його офіс повідомив, що він залишився «неушкодженим» унаслідок вибуху. При цьому була інформація про трьох поранених охоронців Салеха та трьох загиблих людей.

Наразі речник Міністерства охорони здоров’я повідомляє, що після нападу до лікарні привезли шістьох загиблих та 12 поранених.

«Я в порядку, але кілька моїх охоронців були поранені. Мій син, який був у машині зі мною, і я – ми обидва в порядку… Я маю деякі опіки на обличчі та руці. Вибух був сильним», – сказав Салех.

Інцидент відбувся на тлі побоювань, що зростання насилля в Афганістані може завдати шкоди переговорам про мир. Цього тижня афганські посадовці через «логістичні питання» відклали поїздку до катарської Дохи, де мали відбутися довгоочікувані переговори з представниками екстремістського угруповання «Талібан».

Обидві сторони наголошували, що переговори можуть розпочатися невдовзі після завершення процесу обміну утримуваними особами, який тривав кілька місяців і завершився минулого тижня.

Речник президента Афганістану Ашраф Гані розповідав 7 вересня, що обидві сторони здійснюють останні приготування до мирних переговорів. Салех є одним із залучених до процесу підготовки. Він заявляв, що афганський уряд наполягатиме на припиненні вогню, щоб перевірити, чи таліби «віддані миру».

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Categories: Новини, Світ

«Прямої лінії» з Путіним цьогоріч не буде – Кремль

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«Прямої лінії» з президентом Росії Володимиром Путіним цьогоріч не буде, повідомив російським державним ЗМІ його речник Дмитро Пєсков.

«Це було б зайвим… Президент проводить пряму лінію вже останні кілька місяців», – заявив Пєсков.

Він заявив, що канцелярія російського президента працює над тим, щоб «додати якісь елементи «прямої лінії» в щорічну пресконференцію Путіна в грудні.

Читайте також: Рейтинги «прямої лінії з Путіним» в Москві показали мінімум з 2013 року

Остання «пряма лінія» Путіна, 17-та за ліком, відбулася 20 червня 2019 року. Вона тривала 4 години 8 хвилин. Перша така передача вийшла в 2001 році. Відтоді «пряма лінія» проходила щороку, крім 2004 і 2012 років.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Demonstrators in Bamako Show Support for Malian Junta

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Hundreds of people demonstrated in Mali’s capital on Tuesday in support of the junta that has seized power in a coup, as debate rages over the timeframe for the country’s return to civilian rule. Months of protests over the simmering jihadist insurgency, bloody ethnic violence and endemic corruption in the country boiled over when rebel troops arrested the president and took control on August 18.  The protests were led by an opposition coalition called the June 5 Movement, and a new group calling itself the Popular Movement of September 4 organized the rally in Bamako on Tuesday. After the coup, the junta pledged to hold fresh elections and initially proposed a three-year, military-led transition back to civilian rule, before ratcheting it back to two.   “We want the army to stay in power for as long as it takes,” shopkeeper Hamza Sangare said at the Bamako protest over the din of the crowd. “Why not three years, by end of the mandate of former president IBK?” he suggested, referring to ousted president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, whose second five-year term had been scheduled to end in 2023.   But the 15-nation West African regional bloc ECOWAS has demanded the transition take place in 12 months — and be led by a civilian president and prime minister. ECOWAS, which has hit Mali with sanctions including closing borders and trade bans over the coup, said Monday that the civilian transition leaders should be appointed by September 15.  While the coup has provoked international outrage, it has received support among some in Mali, fatigued by the country’s bloodshed and economic struggle. “The soldiers, the soldiers,” a group at the Bamako rally chanted, holding up Malian flags, placards saying “long live the army,” and pictures of junta leader Colonel Assimi Goita. Dozens of green minibuses that generally provide public transport were mobilized to transport the demonstrators to Bamako’s Independence Square, which was a main rallying point for protesters before the coup. The junta has organized three days of consultations with political parties and civil society groups from Thursday to plan the transition.   Ousted president Keita has been released and flew to the United Arab Emirates on Saturday for medical treatment after suffering a mini-stroke last week. 

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Study Finds Transgender Americans Face Voting Barriers in 2020 Presidential Election 

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One segment of the electorate may be unable to vote if poll workers are not able to certify their identity. It is the reality facing hundreds of thousands of transgender Americans in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.  An estimated 378,000 eligible transgender voters do not have identification such as a driver’s license that reflects their name, appearance or new gender identity, according to a study by the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law.   “If those poll workers decide that those ID’s don’t adequately or accurately reflect the person who is standing in front of them, they wouldn’t be able vote,” said Jody Herman, a research scholar and co-author of the report.  The Los Angeles-based organization founded in 2001 conducts independent nonpartisan research on sexual orientation, gender identity law and public policy. Registered voters in states with strict identification laws must produce a government-issued photo ID to cast a ballot at polling locations.  “Trans people in general are frequently placed under immediate suspicion if they don’t conform visually to what their ID shows,” Sasha Buchert, a senior lawyer with Lambda Legal, told VOAIn this Friday, Feb. 28, 2020 photo, pedestrians pass signs near a polling site in San Antonio.Obtaining ID documents Some states have made it easier to make changes in identification documents such as gender markers on birth certificates, a process that varies state by state. Name changes can cost $500, in addition the costs of hiring an attorney. Advocates say in some states, transgender people must undergo gender affirming surgery that many consider invasive before their birth certificates and other identification documents can be updated.  “The process can be very costly and sometimes even impossible for trans people to complete,” Herman, the report co-author, said. “Ohio and Tennessee don’t allow any changes to a birth certificate at all.”  Advocates say transgender people of color are likely to be more impacted than white voters because they have more difficulty in obtaining a proper ID. They believe the measures could have a chilling impact and keep people from voting, especially if they cannot vote by mail. “We found just under a million trans adults would be eligible to vote in the 2020 election, but about 900,000 of those voters reside in 45 states where they do not conduct elections entirely by mail,” Herman told VOA. “Voters in those places would have to show up for in-person voting.”  Political observers predict an unprecedented number of Americans will vote by mail because of the coronavirus. Thirty-four states and the District of Columbia allow excuse-free absentee voting, according to state websites.  If transgender voters are turned away at the polls, they could be made to vote on a provisional ballot instead of a regular ballot. Provisional ballots are only counted if certain requirements are met in strict voter ID states. That means they would have to come back to the election officials within a certain amount of time with an acceptable ID for their vote to be counted, according to the Williams Institute.   Increasing voter participation Nationwide, there are an estimated 11 million LGBTQ voters, of which 1.4 million are transgender, according to surveys by Human Rights Campaign, a Washington, D.C.-based organization. According to its U.S. transgender survey, the party affiliation for the respondents was heavily Democratic.  “Keeping trans people from voting could favor the Republican Party that is more conservative than its Democratic rival,” said Professor Richard Hasen, an election law expert at the University of California, Irvine.  In 2016, the outcome of the presidential election was decided by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. “Transgender people should not be denied their opportunity to participate in our democracy because laws and regulations around identification documents haven’t kept up with reality,” said Mara Keisling, head of The National Center for Transgender Equality Action Fund.  While some transgender Americans report progress in obtaining updated ID’s, human rights advocates maintain transgender people of color, young students, low income, and those with disabilities are overrepresented among those who would face barriers to voting.  “We hear about folks in our community who feel so uncomfortable or who are made to feel so uncomfortable that they simply give up when they are challenged on their own identity,” said Tori Cooper, a Black transgender woman and director of community engagement for Human Rights Campaign’s Transgender Justice Initiative.  “I know someone who is listed on a voter registration form as female, which does not accurately reflect their current gender identity, which is male. He’s afraid the way he looks and presents himself could actually keep him from being able to vote in person,” Cooper told VOA. “Voting is not about challenging people on their identities. It is giving people an opportunity to express their constitutional right to vote,” she said. Election observers say mail-in voting will remove possible negative interactions between transgender voters and poll workers.  “We are trying to break down barriers, making sure folks have the tools they need to get to the polls safely or get their mail-in ballots,” said Jay Brown, senior vice president of Human Rights Campaign Foundation. “We are empowering trans people to do whatever they can and vote.” 

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Trump Defies State Coronavirus Guidelines With Large Outdoor Rally in North Carolina

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Amid the coronavirus pandemic, U.S. President Donald Trump attracted a crowd of thousands to his latest political rally at a North Carolina airport Tuesday evening.     Trump marveled at a crowd he said totaled 15,000 people –- a number that reporters on site said was exaggerated.  The rally was attended by 14,600 people and several thousand more either wanted to attend or were nearby, according to a senior administration official who spoke to reporters on Air Force One on the flight back from North Carolina.    Journalists also noted the lack of social distancing among those seated and standing. Many of the attendees did not wear masks and some who did let them droop down below their noses.  It was a crowd clearly in defiance of state guidance limiting outdoor mass gatherings to 50 people with social distancing and cloth face coverings.   Trump contended again on Tuesday that his campaign has found a loophole to avoid violating such state regulations because “we decided to call all our rallies peaceful protests” – a reference to criticism from those on the right that some anti-racism protesters amid the pandemic have been hypocritical by not wearing masks.    The president contrasted his rallies with those of challenger Joe Biden, mocking the socially distancing circles in gymnasiums that have been a feature of the Democratic Party nominee’s relatively few appearances.     “Did you ever see the gyms with the circles? That’s his crowds,” Trump said.   It was Trump’s third visit to North Carolina in two weeks. He won the state by four points in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, but polls show him virtually tied in the state with Biden.Supporters cheer as President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at Smith Reynolds Airport, Sept. 8, 2020, in Winston-Salem, N.C.The former vice president did not make a public appearance on Tuesday, but his campaign released two new television advertisements in North Carolina during the day.  One of the commercials, a narrator implored: “We need to get control over the virus. Donald Trump failed. Joe Biden will get it done.”   Trump, in his Tuesday evening rally, accused Biden and running mate U.S. Senator Kamala Harris of trying to spread “anti-vaccine conspiracy theories” because they have questioned his claims that a COVID-19 vaccine is near.   Biden and Harris released a joint statement on Tuesday “laying out three questions this Administration must answer to assure the American people that politics will play no role in the approval and distribution of a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine.”   The Democrats are asking the Trump administration to state what scientific criteria will be used to ensure safety and efficacy of the vaccine; who will validate an official decision greenlighting the vaccine; and what is the plan to allocate and distribute the vaccine to Americans “cost-free, safely, equitably and without politics.”   Trump has been hinting that a vaccine for the coronavirus could be ready by Election Day on November 3.   Nine drugmakers issued an unusual pledge on Tuesday, vowing to uphold the highest ethical and scientific standards in developing their vaccines.  The announcement follows concern that Trump will pressure the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to approve a vaccine before it is proven to be safe and effective.  As Trump began his evening rally, confirmation came from the developer of one of the vaccines, AstraZeneca, that it was halting late-stage studies of its vaccine candidate developed at Oxford University due to “a potentially unexplained illness” suffered by one patient in Britain.     The “standard review process triggered a pause to vaccination to allow review of safety data,” the British-Swedish drugmaker said in a statement. “We are working to expedite the review of the single event to minimize any potential impact on the trial timeline.”     The United States has reported the most infections and deaths from the coronavirus.   More than 6.3 million cases have been reported in the country, with deaths totaling slightly more than 189,500 according to the Coronavirus Resource Center at Johns Hopkins University.

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Journalists’ Union Urges South Sudan Security to Free Reporter

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The Union of Journalists in South Sudan is calling on the government to release Jackson Ochaya, a journalist who was detained a week ago after he contacted a rebel group spokesman for a story.A family member who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals told Ochaya’s newspaper, the No. 1 Citizen, that agents of the National Security Service (NSS) are holding Ochaya at their headquarters in Jebel.Ochaya is likely being detained because he contacted the spokesman for the rebel National Salvation Front (NAS) for comment on an article he was writing, according to Oliver Modi, chairperson of the Union of Journalists in South Sudan.Reporter, managing editor questioned On August 31, the NSS summoned Ochaya and the newspaper’s acting managing editor, Stella Kiden, to their headquarters for questioning.“The security just questioned those of the No. 1 newspaper on how they came to write that story and particularly their communication with, of course, the NAS. That’s the cause of everything, but according to the journalist, this is a balancing of a story. According to the principles of journalism, when you are writing a story, the story should not be a one-sided story,” Modi told VOA’s South Sudan in Focus.Kiden said the NSS released her and Ochaya that evening, then asked Ochaya to return the following day to pick up his identity card.Kiden said Ochaya returned to work at the paper on September 1 but later asked permission to leave so he could meet an uncle who had asked Ochaya to meet him in the Thingpiny residential area. That was the last time she saw him.It is a mystery as to why security agents would release Ochaya on August 31 and detain him the next day, said Modi.’What is the problem.’“The family members found him in the national security office where he was being questioned. So now, the media authority and the Union of Journalists are wondering what is the problem again,” Modi told VOA.The National Security Service has not commented on Ochoya’s detention.The journalists’ union does not have the legal right to visit Ochaya at the detention center except through permission from the South Sudan Media Authority, said Modi.Call for release of reporterModi called on the security operatives to release Ochaya immediately.“I don’t see the reason why they actually called the journalist and his editor; they have talked, they have agreed, they then released this journalist to go and do their work and then after some hours, they then came back and took the journalist. They should not treat journalists like criminals,” Modi said.Under South Sudan’s constitution, a detained person is supposed to appear in a court of law within 24 hours of their detention.No. 1 Citizen management declined to comment in more detail. 

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US Expanding Restrictions on Chinese Students

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U.S. officials are considering broader restrictions against Chinese students attending American schools, as part of a deepening standoff between the two countries.Last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said he hopes that China’s government-funded “Confucius Institutes,” which have branches on American university campuses, will all be shut down by the end of the year.“I think everyone’s coming to see the risk associated with them,” Pompeo said An undergraduate student, left, shows her watercolor painting at a traditional Chinese painting class at the Confucius Institute at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., on May 2, 2018.The crackdown may also target Chinese academics who have relied on state funding for their overseas studies. On August 26, the University of North Texas (UNT) terminated an exchange program for 15 visiting Chinese researchers sponsored by the China Scholarship Council (CSC), a group backed by China’s Ministry of Education.The action marked the first time a United States university cut ties with a Chinese national scholarship fund following the increased attention on academic espionage. In an article published in the university’s newspaper, administrators said they took the action following detailed briefings from federal and local law enforcement.Each of the 15 Chinese government sponsored students received an e-mail from the UNT office of the provost and vice president for academic affairs on August 26. The e-mail stated that the school “has come to a decision to end its relationship with visiting scholars who receive funding from the Chinese Scholarship Council (also known as the Chinese Scholarship Fund).”The scholars have been informed their J-1 visas have also been terminated, leaving them with one month before they have to return to China.Flurry of new restrictionsPompeo said at a news conference last week that the State Department recently wrote to the boards of several U.S. universities to alert them to the threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party. He said that these threats may include illegal funding for research, intellectual property theft, intimidation of foreign students, and opaque recruitment.On the same day, the State Department announced that the entry of senior Chinese diplomats to U.S. campuses would require approval from the State Department. Gordon Chang, lawyer and author of The Coming Collapse of China, told VOA that American officials are responding to years of academic and intellectual property theft by China, which largely went overlooked.“They come to U.S. campuses not to learn but to download databases and take information to be used by Beijing,” he said. “So this is a fundamental problem for the United States.”What is the China Scholarship Council?Established in 1996 by the Ministry of Education of China, the CSC provides scholarships for foreign students studying in China and Chinese students studying abroad. These funds are mainly derived from the government.Its official purpose is to “strengthen friendship and understanding between China and the people of the world and promote China’s socialist modernization and world peace.” Experts told VOA that the CSC tends to offer scholarships to senior researchers and postdoctoral students, as well as students studying technologies in fields that are in line with China’s development strategy. These scholars are required to return to China after their studies. Experts warned that the U.S. needs to be vigilant about this strategy.According to a report from the Center for Security and Emerging Technologies at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Diplomacy in July, about 7% of Chinese students studying abroad, or roughly 65,000, received scholarships from the CSC each year.In addition, the report notes that the CSC prioritizes funding for “urgently needed talents serving major national strategies, important industries, key fields, major projects, cutting-edge technologies, and basic research.”The author of the report, Ryan Fedasiuk, research analyst at Center for Security and Emerging Technology at Georgetown University, told VOA that the number of cooperation projects between the CSC and foreign universities has soared in the past two years.“We found that last year in 2019, the number of programs that the CSC has approved between Chinese universities and elite foreign universities had increased significantly, from about 19 in 2018 to some 120 in 2019,” Fedasiuk said.He also said that the CSC’s job is to try to persuade or in some cases, compel those students to return to China after completing their scholarship programs.“This is done through a variety of incentives,” he said. “In some cases, they simply ask them to return, and the CSC will in some cases award Chinese students who are overseas not otherwise receiving funding from the Chinese government with funds in the hopes that they will return afterward. But in some cases, they do require that applicants for scholarships list financial granters who will be held responsible for the full sum of the award that was paid plus penalties if they don’t return to China after completing their program.”Despite this pressure, however, more than 85% of Chinese doctoral students studying STEM at U.S. universities choose to stay in the U.S., according to the report.

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Котирування нафти вперше з червня впали нижче від 40 доларів за барель Brent

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Ціни на нафту стрімко впали 8 вересня, листопадовий ф’ючерс на барель еталонного сорту Brent досяг мінімальної позначки з 25 червня і станом на 21:47 торгувався за 39 доларів 70 центів, втрачаючи в ціні близько 5%.

За останні п’ять торгових сесій «чорне золото» подешевшало вже більш ніж на 12%, і експерти припускають, що за нинішніх умов ціни можуть повернутися на рівні близько 35 доларів за барель.

Посиленню активності продавців сприяє погіршення атмосфери на ринках акцій і зміцнення позицій долара.

У цілому ж зростання песимізму обумовлене комбінацією з уповільнення відновлення споживання за умов, коли Організація країн-експортерів нафти (ОПЕК) та її союзники продовжують між собою боротьбу за частку на ринку, скороченому через COVID-19 та пов’язані з пандемією обмеження.

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Despite Strict Lockdown, Spain Sees Sharp COVID-19 Spike

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Deirdre Carney suspected she might have COVID-19 when her temperature began to fluctuate above the normal 37 degrees Celsius.  “It was a bit of a shock when I was diagnosed. I could not believe that I had got it. I had not mixed with that many people,” Carney, an English teacher from California living in Madrid, told VOA. In the Spanish capital, which now has about a third of Spain’s coronavirus cases, authorities have been forced to impose several restrictions to try to halt the surge in infections. Since imposing one of the most draconian lockdowns in Europe, Spain became the first Western European country to report more than 500,000 cases, health authorities said Monday. With the number of infections reaching 525,000 Tuesday, Spain has 255.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to 35.2 in Britain, 125.2 in France and 30.6 in Italy, once one of the worst-affected European countries at the start of the pandemic. Spanish Civil Guards on a checkpoint for all residents of the small village of Alfaro, La Rioja Province, northern Spain, which has been placed in lockdown due to a coronavirus outbreak, Sept. 8, 2020.Fighting the disease in isolation, Carney said she was not contacted by case tracers — a key deficiency that experts say is part of the reason for the surge in infections. “The only people who carried out the tracing was my employer,” she said. New restrictions Madrid, a city of 6.6 million people who often live in densely populated neigborhoods, will limit social gatherings to 10 people inside or outdoors.  Many outbreaks have been linked to family gatherings or when young people get together for outdoor drinking sessions, known as botellones. Bars, restaurants, weddings and funerals will also face curbs on capacity.  A new wave of contagion has been less deadly than at the start of the pandemic, and the number of infections seems to have slowed from the daily peak of over 10,000 more than a week ago. The death rate also remains well below the peak in April when over 900 people died in one day. Nevertheless, many are asking why Spain has once again become the “Sick man of Europe.”  FILE – People wearing face masks walk along a boulevard in Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 30, 2020.Experts suggest a complex mixture of factors have conspired to bring the country back almost to square one just as 8 million children return to school and Spaniards head back to work. “We had a very strict lockdown then relaxed this too quickly in a country with a high propensity to socialize and for family networks to stay very close,” Ildefonso Hernández, a professor of public health at the University Miguel Hernández near Alicante in southeast Spain, told VOA in an interview. “The picture is not homogeneous, but some regions also failed to employ enough case tracers when outbreaks started. It also has to be said that the number of tests being carried out has increased dramatically since March and April, so we are seeing more positive diagnoses,” he said.  Hernández also said part of the blame lay with regional authorities’ responses to migrant fruit pickers who travel around the country getting work where there are harvests. Many are forced to live in cramped conditions in which social distancing is difficult, if not impossible. “Some authorities, in Catalonia and Aragon, failed to provide adequate accommodation for these people,” Hernandez said. FILE – Francisco Espana, 60, faces the Mediterranean from a promenade next to a hospital in Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 4, 2020. He spent 52 days in intensive care at the hospital, but was allowed by his doctors to spend 10 minutes outdoors for recovery.Worrying situation In Madrid, the number of hospital beds occupied with COVID-19 cases is approximately 18%, compared with the national average of 7%. “The situation in Madrid is worrying. The number of COVID-19 cases is putting pressure on the ability of some hospitals to carry out other operations,” Hernández said. Analysts also point to weaknesses in Spain’s system of governance as a factor. Spain is one of the most decentralized states in Europe, with responsibility for health care and education farmed out to the 17 regional governments. “At the start of the pandemic, the central government took control over the management of the crisis from the regions. Apart from ideological differences with the central government, some regional pride was peaked,” Miguel Otero-Iglesias, an economist at the Elcano Royal Institute, a think tank in Madrid, told VOA. “At the same time, the regions look to the center for leadership. Spain does not have a proper central government, and it does not have a federal state.” In order to improve infection tracing, Spain has called in the army, deploying 2,000 specialized soldiers to help regional authorities. Spanish Health Minister Salvador Illa sought to calm fears. “The situation now is nothing like it was in March or April in terms of pressure on hospital beds or intensive care units,” he told reporters at a press conference. 

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Міністерство фінансів залучило менш як 1 мільярд гривень на аукціоні з розміщення ОВДП

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Міністерство фінансів України провело 8 вересня розміщення номінованих у гривні облігацій внутрішньої державної позики (ОВДП). За результатами аукціону вдалося залучити до державного бюджету менш як 1 мільярд гривень, це один із найнижчих результатів за останні місяці.

«Від розміщення гривневих однорічних паперів до державного бюджету було залучено 329 млн грн, а від трирічних – 656 млн гривень. Середньозважена дохідність однорічних ОВДП склала 9,28%, а за трирічними паперами – 10,46%», – ідеться в повідомленні міністерства у фейсбуці.


Всього розміщення склало 987 мільйонів гривень, це майже втричі менше, ніж минулого тижня, 1 вересня (тоді розміщення ОВДП склало 2,8 мільярда гривень).

Порівняно з попередніми аукціонами Міністерство фінансів України збільшило відсоткову ставку за трирічними паперами – з рівня 10,25% (а чотири тижні тому ця ставка складала 10%).


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Білоруські прикордонники кажуть, що ще не відпустили Колеснікову

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Білоруські прикордонники повідомили російському інформаційному агентству «РИА Новости», що станом на вечір 8 вересня опозиціонерка Марія Колеснікова ще не звільнена, «розслідування ранкового інциденту триває». Росіське джерело цитує білоруська служба Радіо Свобода.

Невстановлені особи 7 вересня посадили Колеснікову в мікроавтобус біля Національного художнього музею в столиці Білорусі Мінську та відвезли в невідомому напрямку.

Уранці 8 вересня стало відомо, що члени Координаційної ради Антон Родненков та Іван Кравцов виїхали в Україну. Марію Колеснікову затримали на кордоні.

Самі опозиціонери ввечері 8 вересня на пресконференції в Києві сказали, що їхня колега Марія Колеснікова порвала свій паспорт, щоб не допустити видворення з Білорусі на територію України.

Заступник міністра внутрішніх справ України Антон Геращенко заявив, що виїзд із Білорусі членів Координаційної ради Антона Родненкова та Івана Кравцова не був добровільним.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Колеснікова справді порвала паспорт, щоб не допустити видворення – Родненков

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Члени Координаційної ради білоруської опозиції Антон Родненков та Іван Кравцов підтвердили, що їхня колега Марія Колеснікова справді порвала свій паспорт, щоб не допустити видворення з Білорусі на територію України. Про це Родненков розповів 8 вересня на пресконференції в Києві.

«Весь кортеж (у якому до білорусько-російського кордону везли опозиціонерів – ред.) зупинився на нейтральній території. Мені запропонували пройти до (автомобіля) BMW Івана (Кравцова). Іван і справді там сидів, я сів на місце поруч із водієм, одразу помітив наші паспорти, тому що мої паспорти у мене були вилучені. І в цей момент з’явилася Марія Колеснікова», – розповів Родненков.

«Її вели, це було досить гучно, було чути, що її вели силоміць, що вона опирається. Її насильно заштовхали на заднє сидіння, попередньо на задньому сидінні увімкнули режим, щоб двері не відкривалися. Вона не могла вийти, кричала, що нікуди не поїде. Тільки-но вона опинилася в машині і побачила попереду свій паспорт, вона одразу ж узяла свій паспорт і порвала його на багато дрібних шматочків, ці шматочки вона зіжмакала і викинула у вікно невідомим молодим чоловікам, які оточували машину. Після цього вона відкрила вікно і вийшла через це вікно задніх дверей і пішла в бік білоруського кордону», – додав Родненков.

За словами Івана Кравцова, невідомі особи, які доправили опозиціонерів до кордону, поставили йому завдання натиснути на газ і поїхати в бік українського кордону одразу після появи Колеснікової в машині. Але Кравцов не став цього робити.


Уранці 8 вересня стало відомо, що члени Координаційної ради Антон Родненков та Іван Кравцов виїхали в Україну. Марію Колеснікову затримали на кордоні.

Агенція «Інтерфакс-Україна» повідомила, посилаючись на поінформоване джерело, що Колеснікова не перетинала український кордон, оскільки розірвала паспорт під час спроби примусового вивезення її з Білорусі.

Заступник міністра внутрішніх справ України Антон Геращенко заявив, що виїзд із Білорусі членів Координаційної ради Антона Родненкова та Івана Кравцова не був добровільним.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

«Даже и не думай!»: стратегические B-52 послали обиженному карлику намёк с подтекстом

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«Даже и не думай!»: стратегические B-52 послали обиженному карлику намёк с подтекстом.

Судя по тому, что борзой реакции от холопов не последовало, то намек там хорошо поняли

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Categories: Новини, Цікаве

Обиженный пукин снова борется с Порошенко и сливает слуг зелёного карлика

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Обиженный пукин снова борется с Порошенко и сливает слуг зелёного карлика.

Против украинских политиков в путляндии ввели санкции. Как и ожидалось санкции были введены против пятого президента Украины Петра Порошенко и еще нескольких десятков народных депутатов Украины, кроме слуг зелёного карлика

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Categories: Новини, Цікаве

Беларусы, проснись: чебурнет и чебурпедия уже на вашем пороге!

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Беларусы, проснись: чебурнет и чебурпедия уже на вашем пороге!

В путляндии создают чебурпедию, чтобы закрыть доступ к Википедии, а чебурнет уже действует и весь трафик контролируется

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Categories: Новини, Цікаве

«Обнуление» концлагеря: самообман обиженного карлика пукина даёт трещину

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«Обнуление» концлагеря: самообман обиженного карлика пукина даёт трещину.

Обнуление» сроков обиженного карлика пукина уже через месяц дало совершенно обратный эффект – началось реальное обнуление созданного им режима

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Categories: Новини, Цікаве

Холодильник побеждает телевизор

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Холодильник побеждает телевизор.

Цены на продовольствие в путляндии растут значительно быстрее, чем доходы населения, а резкое падение уровня жизни на фоне пандемии еще больше увеличило разрыв

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Categories: Новини, Цікаве

Долар менш ніж за два тижні зріс на 40 копійок – НБУ

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Долар продовжує зміцнюватися, свідчать дані на сайті Національного банку України.

Довідкове значення курсу гривні до долара встановлене на рівні 27 гривень 80 копійок (на п’ять копійок більше порівняно з офіційним курсом на 8 вересня).

Долар почав своє поступове зростання 27 серпня. Тоді він коштував 27 гривень 39 копійок.

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South Africa Gold Miners Risk Lives for Livelihood

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Illegal mining in South Africa is among the most lucrative on the continent, pushing miners to risk health and safety in mostly abandoned shafts.  But the chance to strike it rich drives the miners, who are often armed to defend their illegal claims.  Franco Puglisi reports from Johannesburg.Camera:  Franco Puglisi              Producer: Jon Spier

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Robot Sloths Beat Humans In Race to Save Endangered Plants

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Many robots are being developed and used these days to maximize speed so factories can efficiently make more products.  One robot developed at the Georgia Institute of Technology is celebrated for how slow it is.  It’s called a SlothBot and visitors can see it working at the Atlanta Botanical Garden.  VOA’s Elizabeth Lee has the details.Camera: Carlos Andres Cuervo

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