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Month: June 2020

У Парижі відбувся несанкціонований протест проти поліційного насильства

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У столиці Франції Парижі відбувся переважно мирний, але несанкціонований протест проти поліційного насильства, який до того ж став порушенням суворої заборони, чинної у Франції, збиратися більш ніж по десять осіб через коронавірусну пандемію. Поліція застосовувала подразливий газ для розгону демонстрантів і застосувала силу до кількох груп учасників акції, які закидали її камінням.

Організатори збиралися пройти ходою всім містом, але поліція заблокувала їм шлях. На тому маршруті, де хода відбулася, власникам усіх крамниць і недавно відкритих після суворих обмежень ресторанів наказали закритися на час демонстрації і прибрати з вулиць усе своє майно, яке можна було б розтрощити, підпалити чи використати для кидання в поліцію.

Ходу проводили прихильники Адами Траоре, афрофранцуза, який помер у відділку поліції 2016 року. Обставини його смерті досі не з’ясовані.

Схожі протести проти поліційного насильства, які нині відбуваються в багатьох місцях світу після смерті у США афроамериканця внаслідок дій поліції при його затриманні, відбулися цього дня і в кількох інших містах Франції, зокрема, Марселі чи Ліоні. Вони були переважно мирними, але в перебігу їх теж сталося кілька сутичок учасників із поліцією.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Syria’s Leader Feels Pressure From US Sanctions Threat, Street Protests

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Five days of protests have shaken Syria’s usually peaceful Druze enclave of Suweida, as rising prices and a falling domestic currency have pushed ordinary Syrians hurt by the crisis to vent their anger.Amateur video has shown scores of people demonstrating and chanting against the government.In Damascus, many shops and businesses reportedly have closed as exchange rates fluctuated wildly. Factories that produce pharmaceutical goods also have closed because of shortages of raw materials, while fuel shortages have forced the government to buy gasoline from Lebanon.Atop these developments, new U.S. economic sanctions on people and businesses trading with the Syrian government are set to take effect June 17.FILE – Syria’s then-Water Resources Minister Hussein Arnous attends a trade show in Damascus, Oct. 2, 2018. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on June 11, 2020, named Arnous interim prime minister.As the crisis intensified, President Bashar al-Assad replaced Prime Minister Imad Khamis on Thursday with Water Resources Minister Hussein Arnous.Several factors — including a major economic crisis in neighboring Lebanon, U.S. economic sanctions on Syria’s top regional ally, Iran, and an internal spat between Assad and his cousin and oligarch, Rami Makhlouf, have added to the decline of the Syrian pound.Makhlouf has said on social media that he has not done anything improper in his business dealings as head of the Syrian mobile phone network Syriatel and insists he has been a top supporter of the government since 2011.Syrian economic analyst Dr. Oussama al Qadi told Arab media the feud between Assad and his cousin had caused the Syrian pound to lose at least a third of its value. A government decision to outlaw black market sales of foreign currency, he said, also inflamed the crisis.Joshua Landis, who heads the Middle East program at the University of Oklahoma, told VOA the unprecedented fall in the value of the Syrian pound has made almost everyone desperate.’Tons of pressure'”There is tremendous discontent in Syria today,” he said. “Everybody I know in Syria is in desperate economic shape. There’s tons of pressure, and these demonstrations are an expression of the pain that Syrians are feeling from the collapse of the Syrian pound.”Despite the desperation, Landis doubts the present crisis is going to cause the Assad government to fall, since he no longer sees any organized opposition inside the country.”The opposition,” he said, “is fragmented and has been driven out of the country,” except for opponents in the Turkish-protected enclave of Idlib.Landis also said the new U.S. sanctions on the Syrian government, “while being framed in humanitarian terms,” are mostly aimed at hurting Russia and Iran “and depriving them of the fruits of their victory.” U.S.-Syria coordinator James Jeffrey explained recently that his job is to make Syria “a quagmire” for Russia.
Khattar Abou Diab, who teaches political science at the University of Paris, told VOA that Assad’s administration “has been seriously weakened” by the decline of the pound and that things are fast becoming “intolerable” for many people. He added that U.S. pressure on Lebanon might have contributed to the crisis.Diab said Lebanon was Syria’s economic lungs. More than $3 billion or $4 billion used to transit annually between Lebanon and Syria in various economic dealings.

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У Лондоні мітингували ультраправі активісти «на захист пам’ятників»

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У столиці Великої Британії Лондоні всупереч поліційним обмеженням і закликам залишатися вдома через коронавірус мітингували 13 червня ультраправі активісти й футбольні «ультрас», які заявляли, що виступають на захист історичних пам’ятників, які ставали об’єктами нападів демонстрантів проти расизму.

У кількох випадках між ними й поліцією виникали сутички, юрбу відтискали назад спецзагони кінної поліції.

Багато з демонстрантів, які з’їхалися з різних міст, зібралися біля пам’ятника прем’єр-міністрові країни часів Другої світової війни Вінстонові Черчиллю і біля воєнного меморіалу «Кенотаф».

Ці й інші пам’ятники в Лондоні ще напередодні захистили щитами, щоб захистити їх від вандалізму. Існували також побоювання, що вони можуть потерпіти й від того, що ультраправі могли влаштувати сутички з учасниками планованої було демонстрації проти расизму.

Але організатори акції проти расизму скасували її, заявивши, що присутність учасників акції протилежного спрямування робить ситуацію небезпечною.

Тож лише незначні кількості демонстрантів проти расизму зібралися в лондонському Гайд-парку.

Поліція запровадила суворі обмеження на пересування обох супротивних груп, щоб вони не перетнулися. Керівник лондонської поліції Бас Джавід закликав людей не збиратися великими групами через коронавірус, а якщо вони все ж рушать, то дотримуватися планованого маршруту і розійтися до 17-ї години місцевого часу (19-ї за Києвом).

Мер Лондона Садік Кан раніше попереджав, що пам’ятники і пам’ятки в місті, зокрема й пам’ятник Черчиллеві на Парламентській площі, можуть стати осередками насильства.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Обиженного карлика пукина не поздравили мировые лидеры! Смеялись всем Госдепом!

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Обиженного карлика пукина не поздравили мировые лидеры! Смеялись всем Госдепом!

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Categories: Цікаве

Цифры дня: обиженный карлик пукин лишился $34 млрд, а 25 миллионов холопов сидят без мяса

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Цифры дня: обиженный карлик пукин лишился $34 млрд, а 25 миллионов холопов сидят без мяса.

Вакханалия, которая происходит при разнузданном правлении карлика пукина, дает четкий сигнал как простому населению, так и заграничным инвесторам, о необходимости сматывать удочки. Частный сектор вывел из мордора больше денег, чем вся путинская экономика умудрилась заработать за период с января по май. В то время как отток капитала превысил 34 миллиарда, сальдо текущего счета составило лишь 28,9 миллиардов долларов. Что тут сказать, эффективность как она есть! Срочно бежать на голосование за поправки и обнулять солнцеликого голлума карлика пукина

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Categories: Цікаве

Брехня прокурора, падаючі мусора, заблокований суд. Як проходив перший день судилища над Стерненком

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Брехня прокурора, падаючі мусора, заблокований суд. Як проходив перший день судилища над Стерненком.

Про те як пройшов перший день судилища наді мною у справі про самозахист під час третього замовного збройного нападу.

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Categories: Цікаве

Собянин призвал не ходить на парад обиженного карлика пукина

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Собянин призвал не ходить на парад обиженного карлика пукина.

Пока бюджетники массово по всей стране жалуются, что их заставляют принимать участие в предстоящем плебисците, ради обнуления карлика пукина, собянин призывает москвичей не приходить на парад Победы. Понятное дело, что и идти 1 июля тоже нельзя, но выступить против карлика пукина он не может, поэтому это сделаем мы с вами, поможем впервые собянину, ведь например на сайте мэрии Москвы нет информации об обнулении сроков пукина. Нас совсем за дураков уже держат

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Categories: Цікаве

Relief, but Also Worry, as Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar Reopens

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Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar, one of the world’s oldest and largest, is open for business after being closed for 70 days as part of Turkey’s COVID lockdown. The reopening early this month is an important symbolic step in what the government calls its normalization efforts, a move that cannot come soon enough for the 30,000 people working at the bazaar. Dorian Jones reports from Istanbul.Producer: Rod James. Videographer: Berke Bas.

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Польща відкриває кордони з країнами Євросоюзу

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Польща 13 червня відновила перетин кордонів із сусідніми країнами-членами Євросоюзу після майже тримісячної заборони.

До цього Варшава послабила контроль на кордоні з Литвою 12 червня. Відкриття кордонів із Німеччиною, Чехією, Словаччиною набуло чинності опівночі за празьким часом.

Деякі вимоги для в’їзду громадянам країн не з Євросоюзу також послаблені, проте заходи контролю на кордоні з Україною, Білоруссю та російським ексклавом Калінінградом продовжують діяти.​

Читайте також: Незважаючи на COVID-19 і економічну кризу, ЄС подовжив санкції проти Росії за Крим ще на рік​

Польща також не відновила залізничне сполучення з країнами поза ЄС. Громадяни Росії, Білорусі чи України можуть в’їхати на польську територію, якщо мають дружину чи подружжя з польським громадянством або дозвіл на роботу в цій країні.

Очікується, що повітряне сполучення між Польщею та іншими членами ЄС відновиться 16 червня. Наразі невідомо, коли почне роботу залізничне сполучення в межах блоку.

Читайте також: Росія та Китай причетні до кампаній дезінформації щодо COVID-19 – ЄС​

Потяг «Євросіті», який курсував між Варшавою та Берліном, на час карантину спрямований до західного польського міста Щецин.

Всередині березня уряд Польщі закрив в’їзд до країни для іноземців з-поза меж Євросоюзу. Винятками стали люди з дозволом на проживання в Польщі, водії вантажівок та дипломати.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

WHO Expects to Quickly Tackle DR Congo’s New Ebola Outbreak

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The World Health Organization says lessons learned from previous outbreaks of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo and effective therapeutics will allow it to more quickly contain a new outbreak of the deadly disease in Equateur Province.U.N. health officials report there is no link between the Ebola outbreak declared June 1 in Mbandaka, Equateur Province, and the epidemic, which broke out nearly two years ago in DR Congo’s North Kivu and Ituri provinces.   
They say the experience gained, however, and lessons learned from tackling this deadly disease in eastern DRC will help them to more quickly stop the spread of the virus in Equateur Province in the western part of the country.
WHO Emergency Operations Manager Michel Yao says the World Health Organization has more than 20 staff on the ground and is ready to send in more, if necessary.  He tells VOA that the WHO is working with partners to set up treatment centers, to monitor risks and respond promptly to identify and trace new cases.    “Our objective this time is to work through local authorities that were already trained,” Yao said. “They had some experience.  So, we have just to refresh and we have to remain behind coaching them.  Lesson learned remain the critical one is to work through the community.”    The epidemic in eastern DRC, which has infected more than 3,460 people and killed 2,280, finally appears to be winding down.  The latest reports from western DRC, where the outbreak has just started, put the number of confirmed and probable cases at 12, including nine deaths.
Two years ago, the same region was stricken with Ebola.  It took less than four months to contain the outbreak with the help of an experimental vaccine, which provided protection against the virus.
Yao says the vaccines, which since have proven to be safe and effective, will help to speedily contain the virus.  So far, he says, more than 600 people have been vaccinated in Mbandaka and Wangata health zones.  He says 3,000 doses of the vaccine are in place and more are expected to be delivered soon.

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Six Things to Know About the COVID-19 Pandemic Now

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Every day for the past two weeks, roughly 900 people have died of COVID-19 in the United States. The case count has been stuck at about 20,000 per day.
That’s down from the peak in mid-April, when more than 2,000 were dying and more than 30,000 were testing positive every day.
But progress on controlling the epidemic has stalled.  
Stay-at-home orders; closing restaurants, bars and theaters; and canceling large gatherings succeeded in slowing the spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.  
In epidemiological terms, the curve flattened. But as the country comes out of lockdown, the curve is staying flat, at a time when health officials say it needs to be curving downward.  Summer headwinds
Weather is working against the virus for now. Summer’s warmth and humidity seem to tamp down, but not eliminate, the risk of infection.  
The trend will reverse beginning in late August and September. Climate conditions will begin to tilt in favor of the virus, and the expected second wave will begin.  
“It’s very important during the summer season, when the seasonality is going to our advantage, to make sure we do it right,” said health metrics sciences professor Ali Mokdad at the University of Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.  
That means “that we keep our guard (up) and we reduce the circulation of the virus to as low as possible,” he said in an interview.
Much of the United States is lowering its guard, however.  Reopening and resurgence
 People sit in an outdoor restaurant area in Christchurch, New Zealand, June 8, 2020.All 50 states have begun relaxing restrictions and reopening businesses.  
At the same time, several states have seen increases in the number of new cases.  
But not every state that has reopened has seen an uptick. Experts don’t know why cases in Arizona have spiked while cases in Georgia have plateaued, for example.   
“Somehow, states that have reopened and have not seen a resurgence are doing something right,” University of Arizona associate professor of public health policy management Joe Gerald said in an interview.
“If we just knew what that was, then we could replicate it in other states and maybe get on with our lives and do as little economic damage to our economy as possible,” he added. “I just don’t think we have it yet.”Wear a maskUS Health Officials Encourage Face Masks at Big Gatherings The advice follows more than a week of protests sparked by the death of George Floyd, a black man in police custody Masks could be one factor.  Evidence keeps piling up that they can make a significant dent in transmission rates.  
Wearing a mask is the “simplest, most effective option” for keeping infection numbers down, Harvard University epidemiology professor Michael Mina said in a briefing for reporters. “There’s no doubt about that.”
But masks – even masks – have become a political issue.One poll found Democrats are nearly twice as likely as Republicans to wear one every time they leave the house. Testing and tracing
To control the disease, public health officials must know who has it. After a botched start, testing for coronavirus infection has ramped up over the past few months.  
But capacity is patchy across the country. Experts suggest that states are doing enough testing when 5% come back positive, but nearly half of states have not reached that threshold.
When patients test positive, health officials then need to find out who else they may have infected and get those people tested and isolated, too. Public health officials called for an army of more than 100,000 contact tracers to do the job. 
Despite a wave of hiring in the past month, “we’re nowhere near the levels” needed, said government affairs chief Adriane Casalotti at the National Association of County and City Health Officials.  Vaccines
Ultimately, a vaccine will be needed to bring the pandemic to an end. Scientists are racing to produce a safe and effective vaccine by early next year, an unprecedented pace.
The World Health Organization tallies 10 candidates currently in human testing and 126 in preclinical studies. One vaccine, from the University of Oxford, is beginning late-stage testing. Biotech company Moderna says it will start its final stage of testing next month.
To make a vaccine available as soon as possible, several companies, with backing from various governments and public-private partnerships, are scaling up manufacturing before they know if any of them work.  A mask-wearing shopper gets her temperature checked before entering a store in a downtown shopping district in Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 10, 2020.Treatments
Only one drug so far has worked against COVID-19, and its benefits are limited. Remdesivir, from pharmaceutical company Gilead, shortened hospital stays for COVID-19 patients in one study. It did not have a significant impact on saving lives, however.  
The anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine gained attention early in the pandemic, but it has not yet proved its usefulness.  
Small, preliminary studies of patients in France and China showed some promise. With nothing else available to treat COVID-19, doctors around the world have given thousands of patients the drug without knowing if it works.
Though experts cautioned that the research was far from conclusive, U.S. President Donald Trump and some of his conservative allies said hydroxychloroquine could be a “game changer” based on the early research. Trump said he took it to prevent infection.
But a study found it did no better than a placebo at preventing health care workers and others at high risk of infection from developing COVID-19.  
Whether it helps to treat the disease remains an open question. One recent study suggested it does not, but it was retracted after the data came under question. Other research is under way in the United States and internationally.  
Several other treatments are under study, including anti-HIV drug combination lopinavir–ritonavir, and antibodies from COVID-19 patients who have recovered. 

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Professional Football Resumes in Italy but Still in Empty Stadiums

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Professional soccer has resumed in Italy after a three-month stoppage caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Juventus played against AC Milan in Turin in the second leg of the Italian cup semi-final. To the happiness of football fans all over Italy, matches in the country’s top league will resume June 20. However, stadiums remain empty of fans for the time being.When the Italian government took the difficult decision to suspend the football season on March 9 due to COVID-19, it was a sad moment for fans across the country. The indefinite suspension of the national sport was tough for many to digest. The resumption of matches Friday night was a moment of joy, despite the fact the game was nothing to write home about. Playing at the Allianz Stadium in Turin were host Juventus and AC Milan – in a game that would qualify one of the teams for the final of the Italian Cup to be played in Rome Wednesday. The atmosphere was surreal with no one in the stands and quality on both sides after such a long break from the field clearly lacking.Juventus defender Leonardo Bonucci spoke after the game.Bonucci said his emotions are strange, playing in an empty stadium after 90 days of no competition. He said it was difficult at the beginning and AC Milan played well despite only having a 10-man team, but said Juventus managed to reach their objective to play in the final.Italy’s top football division, Serie A, will get underway again on June 20. Before the season can end, there are still 110 regular-season games left to play and 4 make-up games. Italian soccer authorities are hoping and working towards re-opening stadiums in July and allowing at least some fans to watch the games live.But until then, most fans will be watching the games from home because even at sports bars social distancing rules are in place. Some soccer teams have thought up innovative ways to avoid the sadness of having to play in front of empty seats.Lazio, one of the two top-division teams in Rome, launched the idea of fans purchasing cardboard cutouts of their image to be placed in the stands when the team is playing. The proceeds will go to the Red Cross. Other teams will play recorded cheers after a team score. The aim is to maintain a semblance of the enthusiastic atmosphere at Italian football games. Inter Milan has said it will be using lights and graphic effects during their matches.       

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У Конгресі США представили законопроєкт проти «кухаря Путіна»

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Чотири конгресмени від Демократичної і Республіканської партії Конгресу Сполучених Штатів представили законопроєкт, який засуджує дії Євгена Пригожина, який вважається одним із наближених президента Росії Володимира Путіна, повідомляє «Голос Америки».

Законопроєкт містить пакет заходів для протидії діям Пригожина та його партнерів «за їх атаки, які тривають на Сполучені Штати та його союзників».

Читайте також: «Нова газета» опублікувала нові дані про вбивство цивільного в Сирії, в якому звинувачує «ПВК Вагнера»

Конгресмен-демократ, голова Комітету з іноземних справ Палати представників Конгресу США та один з авторів законопроєкту Еліот Енгель у своїй заяві назвав Пригожина «маріонеткою Путіна з давньої історією підриву безпеки та інтересів Сполучених Штатів у інтересах уряду Росії».

Як приклади Енгель навів втручання пригожинської «фабрики тролів» у американські президентські вибори 2016 та вибори Конгресу 2018-го, а також дії найманців з «групи Вагнера» в Україні, Сирії, Лівії та Африці.

Читайте також: Донбас, Сирія, а тепер – Лівія: чим російські найманці «ПВК Вагнера» загрожують Європі​

Законопроєкт зокрема передбачає переконання держав, які співпрацюють зі підконтрольними Пригожину структурами, у припиненні подібного співробітництва, запровадження додаткових санкцій, співпрацю з міжнародними партнерами США з метою переконати їх вдатися до аналогічних кроків.

Євген Пригожин перебуває під індивідуальними санкціями США через його роль, як кажуть у Вашингтоні, в підтримці російської анексії українського Криму 2014 року і воєнного втручання Москви на сході України проти української влади.

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Botswana’s Capital City Back on COVID-19 Lockdown

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Botswana’s director of health services, Dr Malaki Tshipayagae, announced Friday that the capital, Gaborone, will return to extreme lockdown after eight new COVID-19 cases at a private hospital.“We are concerned because we did not know if it is a communal infection or a hospital-acquired infection, or [it] indicates significant local transmission, or whether there is some form of contamination at the facility,” Tshipayagae said. “As a result, because of those factors, or unknowns, we have decided to shut down or lock down Greater Gaborone.” A further four imported cases were reported Friday, bringing the country’s COVID-19 tally to 60.Tshipayagae said the army and police would resume patrols, effective Friday midnight.“Movement of people will be through a permit and there would be patrols to ensure that rules are adhered to.” People going about their activities in Gaborone, Botswana, before authorities announced the city’s return to lockdown on June 12, 2020. (Mqondisi Dube/VOA)Most economic activities had resumed as the diamond-rich country emerged from a seven-week lockdown that ended May 21.Schools had reopened but will now close in Gaborone and surrounding areas until further notice.Gaborone resident Mpho Marumo said the latest development is a drawback.“It’s quite disappointing really,” Marumo said. “We were looking forward to… the schools, the kids. It’s a really big setback, the schools had reopened and now closed.”Prior to Friday’s 12 cases, Botswana only had one active case. The country has recorded one COVID-19 death.

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India Reports 2nd Record-Breaking Day of New Coronavirus Cases

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India reported its largest surge in new COVID-19 cases in a 24-hour period Saturday.  The 11,458 new infections surpassed the previous record of 10,956 cases reported Friday.The surge comes as India has reopened stores, shopping malls, manufacturing plants and places of worship. The country’s two-month lockdown that began in March has been eased, with restrictions remaining largely intact in high-risk areas.India’s record surge of new cases propels the massive South Asian nation to fourth place worldwide, surpassed only by the U.S., Brazil and Russia.China’s National Health Commission reported 11 new cases Saturday. The agency said five of the new infections were detected in people who had traveled overseas, while the remaining six were locally transmitted in Beijing. The coronavirus emerged in China late last year.U.S. President Donald Trump is delivering the commencement address at the West Point Military Academy Saturday. The graduation ceremonies will be held on the academy’s parade grounds instead of the football stadium so the cadets can be seated 2 meters apart, in the school’s efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.  Family and friends will not be allowed to attend.The cadets can remove their masks, if they want, once they are seated. The president does not like to wear a mask.Norway said Friday it would maintain travel restrictions for visitors from Sweden. Unlike other European countries, Sweden did not impose lockdown measures, opting only to advise social distancing and banning gatherings of more than 50 people.Paramilitary police stand guard near the Xinfadi wholesale food market district in Beijing, June 13, 2020. Beijing closed the market after the discovery of at least six more coronavirus cases.While new infections are slowing in most of Europe, the European Union’s health commissioner, Stella Kyriakides, said Friday that countries should be prepared to reimpose restrictions if they see a rise in infections.A major study forecasts millions sinking into extreme poverty because of the coronavirus pandemic.A report by the United Nations University says the economic fallout could plunge 395 million people into conditions in which they are forced to live on $1.90 a day or less – the definition of extreme poverty.A separate World Bank report this week put that number between 70 million and 100 million people.“The outlook for the world’s poorest looks grim unless governments do more and do it quickly and make up the daily loss of income the poor face,” one of the U.N. report’s authors, Andy Sumner, said. “The result is progress on poverty reduction could be set back 20-30 years and making the UN goal of ending poverty look like a pipe dream.”The U.N. report says South Asia – India in particular – will see the largest number of people sinking into extreme poverty, followed by sub-Saharan Africa.Experts are appealing to economically powerful nations, such as the United States, to forgive the debts of developing countries that would take a strong hit from the pandemic.

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Biden’s VP List Narrows: Warren, Harris, Susan Rice, Others

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Joe Biden’s search for a running mate is entering a second round of vetting for a dwindling list of potential vice presidential nominees, with several black women in strong contention.Democrats with knowledge of the process said Biden’s search committee has narrowed the choices to as few as six serious contenders after initial interviews. Among the group still in contention: Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Kamala Harris of California, as well as Susan Rice, who served as President Barack Obama’s national security adviser.Those with knowledge declined to name other contenders and said the process remains somewhat fluid. Additional candidates may still be asked to submit to the extensive document review process now underway for some top contenders. Those familiar with Biden’s search spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the process.The campaign dismissed the idea of a shortened list as early speculation. “Those who talk don’t know and those who know don’t talk,” said Andrew Bates, a Biden spokesperson.Calls for a woman of colorBiden, who has already said he will pick a woman as his running mate, is facing increased calls from Democrats to put a woman of color on the ticket — both because of the outsize role that black voters played in Biden’s road to the nomination and because of the reckoning over racism and inequality roiling the nation following the death of George Floyd. The black Minneapolis man died after a white police officer pressed his knee on his neck for several minutes, an episode that was captured on video.Terry McAuliffe, the former Virginia governor and former Democratic National Committee chairman, said that while Biden’s choice was likely to be “all about personal chemistry,” it would be “exciting for the party” to have a black woman on a major party presidential ticket for the first time.The campaign’s list includes several black women, including Harris and Rice. Advisers have also looked closely at Florida Rep. Val Demings and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, both of whom are black, and New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a Latina.Biden’s vetting committee had conversations with a larger group of women earlier this spring; those continuing on in the process have been asked to turn over financial records, past writings and other documentation. Biden has had various public and private interactions with many of the women his vetting committee has considered thus far but has not yet had any formal one-on-one interviews expressly to discuss the No. 2 spot on the ticket. Those aren’t expected for several weeks.Rice, who worked closely with Biden during his time as vice president, has emerged as a favorite among some former Obama administration officials and is personally close to the former president. She has never held elected office but has extensive foreign policy experience, including as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. She’s also been an outspoken critic of the Trump administration since leaving the White House and considered running for U.S. Senate in Maine.Rice has long been a target of Republicans, including for statements she made after the deadly 2012 attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya. Republicans have also accused her of spying on Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, though records declassified by the Trump administration show no evidence of Rice improperly accessing any information.A surprising bondHarris and Warren have been seen as top contenders for the No. 2 spot since ending their own presidential campaigns.Warren and Biden have forged a surprising bond in recent months and talk regularly about the progressive policy ideas the Massachusetts senator put at the forefront of her campaign. Biden already has adopted her proposed bankruptcy law overhaul. And now, with the coronavirus pandemic and resulting economic slowdown elevating the nuts-and-bolts of governing, some Democrats see Warren’s policy credentials as an asset to the ticket.A Biden-Warren pairing would mean both Democrats on the ticket are white and in their 70s. Biden is 77, and Warren is 70.Harris is the lone black contender who has won statewide office, notable experience given Biden’s emphasis on wanting a partner “ready to be president.” She and Biden have also demonstrated a comfortable manner with each other in online fundraisers. Harris is an expert voice in discussions of criminal justice, but some black progressives view her background as a prosecutor skeptically.One contender whose standing does appear to have fallen is Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who was a prosecutor years ago in the county that includes Minneapolis. During that period, more than two dozen people — mostly minorities — died during encounters with police.While the people with knowledge of Biden’s vetting process did not rule Klobuchar out, she is widely viewed among Democrats with close ties to the Biden campaign as less likely to be tapped given recent events. 

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Venezuela Top Court Names New Electoral Council; Opposition Defiant

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Venezuela’s supreme court on Friday named new leaders to the national electoral council that will oversee parliamentary elections later this year, a widely expected move that opposition leaders call an effort to rig the upcoming vote.Critics of President Nicolas Maduro have repeatedly accused the elections council of favoring the ruling Socialist Party and in 2018 boycotted the vote that led to Maduro’s reelection on the grounds that it was rigged.The South American nation must swear in a new congress by the start of next year but has not yet set a date for the poll, which will likely be complicated by the coronavirus epidemic that has led to a strict quarantine.Indira Alfonzo, a supreme court magistrate who led the electoral chamber, was tapped as the new elections council chief, the overtly pro-government supreme court said in a statement posted on Facebook.The court said the opposition-run legislature was in “unconstitutional omission” and therefore it had decided to designate the council leaders. The constitution grants this power to congress.Legislators are working to name the electoral council leadership themselves and insist that the supreme court does not have the jurisdiction to do so.”Given that we disavow this farcical (supreme court), we disavow what they produce,” legislator Juan Pablo Guanipa wrote on Twitter. “It’s an electoral barricade created by the dictatorship.”Legislative chief Juan Guaido last year assumed a parallel presidency after declaring Maduro a usurper and won diplomatic recognition from dozens of countries including the United States as Venezuela’s interim president.The upcoming election will force the opposition to choose between participating in what will likely be a process stacked in the Socialist Party’s favor, or boycotting the vote and losing all of its representation in congress.It was not immediately clear how countries that recognize Guaido would respond if the opposition lost its majority, given that his claim to leadership is based on being the leader of parliament. 

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Turkey Communications Director Blasts Twitter for Removing 7,340 Accounts 

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Turkey criticized Twitter on Friday for suspending more than 7,000 accounts the social media company said were promoting narratives favorable to Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and the AK Parti (AKP). The suspended 7,340 accounts were detected earlier this year “employing coordinated inauthentic activity,” Twitter said in a blog post uploaded on Friday. Republic of Turkey communications director Fahrettin Altun said the social media company was attempting to smear the government and trying to redesign Turkish politics. “This arbitrary act … has demonstrated yet again that Twitter is no mere social media company, but a propaganda machine with certain political and ideological inclinations,” Altun said in a written statement on Twitter.Statement regarding Twitter’s decision to suspend accounts in Turkey and the company’s allegations:
— Fahrettin Altun (@fahrettinaltun) June 12, 2020The communications director closed with a warning to Twitter. “We would like to remind this company of the eventual fate of a number of organizations, which attempted to take similar steps in the past,” Altun said. In its Friday blog post, Twitter revealed it had shared data from the account takedowns related to Turkey, as well as China and Russia, with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute  (ASPI) and Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO). In what the SIO dubbed “The Turkey Operation,”  it found batches of fabricated personalities, all created on the same day. The suspended accounts were used for AKP “cheerleading,” to increase domestic support for Turkish intervention in Syria and compromised other Twitter accounts linked to organizations critical of the government, the SIO found.Twitter’s handling of the “Turkey Operation” has come to light as it removed 23,750 accounts posting pro-Beijing narratives, and 1,152 accounts engaging in state-backed political propaganda within Russia. 

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Украинский телеканал «Дом» для лугандонии: путляндия испугалась!

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Украинский телеканал «Дом» для лугандонии: путляндия испугалась!

Телеканал «Дом» для жителей оккупированной части Донбасса и аннексированного Крыма по просьбе вице-премьера Алексея Резникова передают от Минкульта в Министерство по делам временно оккупированных территорий.

Как это поможет развивать «Дом»? Чего добился телеканал за три месяца вещания? По какому принципу Украина подбирает новости и создаёт шоу для жителей Донецка и Луганска? И борется ли с каналом путляндия?

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Вилла дегенерата машкова в Лос-Анжелесе! Новые полезные санкции США против путляндии

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Вилла дегенерата машкова в Лос-Анжелесе! Новые полезные санкции США против путляндии.

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Шухер перед развалом: конторская братва обиженного карлика пукина вывозит деньги и золото

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Шухер перед развалом: конторская братва обиженного карлика пукина вывозит деньги и золото

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Америка вводит жесткие санкции против страны обиженного карлика пукина

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Америка вводит жесткие санкции против страны обиженного карлика пукина.

Не дают обиженному карлику пукину спокойно сидеть в бункере, потому что республиканцы в США предложили «самые жесткие» санкции против путляндии. Но пукина беспокоит только будущее обнуление, потому что на участки зовут всех и везде. Например Госуслуги присылают письма с призывом посетить данный цирк, ну а мэрия москвы и вовсе обещает 10 млрд руб. в виде сертификатов, кто придет и станет соучастником конституционного переворота

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