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Month: February 2020

Spain Disputes Tech Show Canceled for Health Motives

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Organizers of the world’s biggest mobile technology fair insisted Thursday that they canceled the annual Mobile World Congress due to health and safety concerns over the virus outbreak in China. But the Spanish government disagreed, hinting that there was another motive for the cancellation.
“This is indeed a very difficult situation and a very difficult decision that we have taken,” Mats Granryd, director general of the GSMA, told reporters in Barcelona on Thursday, a day after they canceled the event.
“Our priorities have been very clear and very simple: The first is health and safety of everyone involved in the show and the second priority is the reputation of the MWC and this event here in Barcelona,” he said.
The decision to scrap the Feb. 24-27 event in Barcelona was taken after dozens of tech companies and wireless carriers dropped out over the COVID-19 virus, including major companies like Ericsson, Nokia, Sony, Amazon, Intel and LG. The companies cited concerns for the safety of staff and visitors.
But the Spanish government said in a statement Thursday it “believes it is not public health reasons in Spain that have motivated the cancellation.”
“There is no public health reason to not hold events of this type in our country,” the government added. It did not say what reasons it thought were behind the decision.
Spain has only two people infected with the virus, neither of whom is in Barcelona.
Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau, sitting alongside Granryd, also said, “neither in Barcelona, Catalonia or Spain does any health concern exist today. There is no local reason” to cancel.
Granryd said the decision had nothing to do with the trade differences between China and the U.S., as suggested by one reporter who noted that some of those that had canceled were at events in Amsterdam.
“Absolutely not. Everyone I have spoken to, this is a health and safety issue concern, concern of travel, concern of having to put business-critical resources in quarantine for 14 days so it has nothing to do with anything else than the force majeure situation of having coronavirus disease spreading on the planet,” Granryd said.
John Hoffman, chief executive of GSMA, emphasized they were dealing with “business-critical people,” including 8,000 CEOs. He said “there was grave concern on disrupting their business not only now but into the future.”
Granryd said GSMA could not discuss the costs of the cancellation, as it was “early days.”
“It’s not about money,” he added.
Hoffman said they had considered a scaled-down event but “all of our buyers have indicated they would not attend.”
He said they looked at the data Wednesday and concluded that the “vast majority of those who planned to attend were not going to be there.”
He said it was not possible to postpone the event because it was impossible to know when the situation would change.
Describing it as “a very dark day,” Hoffman said that the group nevertheless looked forward to hosting the event again in Barcelona in 2021. Barcelona city hall and the national government welcomed this.
The show was originally expected to draw more than 100,000 visitors from about 200 countries, including 5,000-6,000 from China.
The decision stands to be a major economic blow to the city, which has been hosting the event for 14 years.
Colau said “the local impact will be very substantial” and that authorities will consult with those sectors affected to see how they can reduce the financial pain.
The show normally represents a huge source of revenue for hotels, restaurants and taxi companies. Authorities have estimated the show would generate 473 million euros ($516 million) and more than 14,000 part-time jobs for the local economy. 

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Онук Назарбаєва заявляє, що попросив притулку у Британії

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Онук першого президента Казахстану Нурсултана Назарбаєва Айсултан Назарбаєв, який зараз живе в Лондоні, попросив у Великій Британії політичного притулку. Про це він повідомив на своїй сторінці у фейсбуці.

Айсултан Назарбаєв заявив, що на нього «по-різному» намагається тиснути сім’я.

«Я прошу у Великій Британії політичний притулок. Мої останні п’ять років покриті сірими смугами. Пора людям дізнатися, що насправді відбувалося і чому! Вся справа в тому, що я володію інформацією про високомасштабну корупцію між урядом Росії і Казахстану. Я кажу про мільярди доларів США, вкрадені у народу Казахстану. Я опинився в центрі цієї жадібності і ненаситності моєї сім’ї, а зокрема, моєї мами (Дариги Назарбаєвої)», – написав він.

За словами онука Назарбаєва, він розчарувався в своєму дідусеві. «Мені довелося йому пояснити, що при системі, яку він створив, він може втратити все, якщо дозволятиме сім’ї та оточенню забирати різні бізнеси один у одного. Я сказав, що жадібність і ненаситність погубить вас всіх!», – написав онук Назарбаєва.


29-річний Айсултан Назарбаєв – син старшої дочки експрезидента Казахстану Дариги Назарбаєвої і його опального зятя, нині покійного Рахата Алієва, який наклав на себе руки в австрійській в’язниці.

У жовтні минулого року Назарбаєв-молодший заліз на балкон готелю International Park Plaza Hotel у Лондоні і погрожував зістрибнути вниз і накласти на себе руки. Поліції вдалося вмовити його не робити цього. Але пізніше родич колишнього президента Казахстану почав громити квартиру, і сусіди викликали поліцію.

Місцевий суд засудив його до одного року позбавлення волі і громадських робіт умовно. Назарбаєва-молодшого зобов’язали продовжувати лікуватися від наркозалежності і не менше 20 разів відвідати лікарів, а також призначили йому випробувальний термін у 18 місяців, 140 годин громадських робіт, штраф в 1 тисячу фунтів і відшкодування збитку від розгрому квартири на суму 5 тисяч фунтів.

У 2017 році Айсултан визнав проблему з наркотиками, за його словами, саме дідусь «врятував» його від них. Вживати наркотики онук Назарбаєва, за його власним визнанням, почав після смерті дідуся, академіка Мухтара Алієва, і після самогубства батька в австрійській в’язниці.


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США запровадили санкції проти трьох підприємств російського ВПК

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Сполучені Штати Америки запровадили санкції проти трьох російських підприємств відповідно до закону про нерозповсюдження зброї масового ураження.

Це Кумертауське авіаційне виробниче підприємство, військово-промислова корпорація «НВО машинобудування» і Конструкторське бюро приладобудування імені Шипунова в Тулі.

Документ опублікований у Федеральному реєстрі США 13 лютого, однак санкції вступили в силу вже з 3 лютого.

У зв’язку з чим конкретно запровадили санкції, влада США не повідомляє. Згідно із законом про нерозповсюдження зброї масового ураження, заборонені поставки товарів, матеріалів і технологій, які можуть сприяти створенню такої зброї, в Сирію, Іран і КНДР.

Санкції забороняють американським державним органам співпрацювати з усіма внесеними до списку організаціями, а їм самим заборонено закуповувати в США військове обладнання.

«НВО машинобудування» займається ракетобудуванням, бюро приладобудування імені Шипунова розробляє високоточну зброю, а Кумертауське авіаційне підприємство виробляє і ремонтує бойові вертольоти.


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With Impeachment Over, Critics See Trump ‘Retribution Tour’

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In the week since his acquittal on impeachment charges, a fully emboldened President Donald Trump is demonstrating his determination to assert an iron grip on government, pushing his Justice Department to ease up on a longtime friend while using the levers of presidential powers to exact payback on real and perceived foes.Trump has told confidants in recent days that he felt both vindicated and strengthened by his acquittal in the Senate, believing Republicans have rallied around him in unprecedented fashion while voters were turned off by the political process, according to four White House officials and Republicans close to the West Wing who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about private conversations.Since then, Trump and his aides have moved with haste to clear his administration of those he sees as insufficiently loyal, reaching all the way back to the time of former special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election.Democrats and outside analysts are raising red flags that Trump is exhibiting a post-impeachment thirst for vengeance that’s gone beyond bending norms and could potentially cause lasting damage to institutions.Some Republican senators, including Tennessee’s Lamar Alexander, Maine’s Susan Collins and Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski, said they found Trump’s effort to pressure Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy inappropriate. But they also expressed hope following his acquittal that Trump had learned a lesson from the episode.Murkowski acknowledged Wednesday that “there haven’t been very strong indicators this week that he has.”After Trump vented on Twitter this week about federal prosecutors recommending up to nine years in federal prison for his confidant Roger Stone, the Justice Department abruptly announced that it would reevaluate the recommended sentence. Justice officials insisted the timing was coincidental; they’d already been planning to pull the recommendation.Stone was convicted in November of tampering with a witness and obstructing the House investigation into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to tip the 2016 election. The Justice Department move to back away from the sentencing recommendation prompted the four attorneys who prosecuted Stone to quit the case. One left the Justice Department altogether.In recent days, the White House has yanked a senior Treasury Department nomination away from a former Justice Department official who supervised the prosecutions of several of Trump advisers. The administration also fired an EPA official who claims he was ousted because he was deemed too friendly with Democrats.Trump even suggested this week that the Pentagon investigate and potentially discipline former White House aide Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who provided damaging testimony about the president in the impeachment inquiry.That came after White House officials last week told Vindman and his twin brother, also an Army officer who had been detailed to the White House National Security Council, that their services were no longer needed and that they would be reassigned to new duties by the Pentagon. Security then escorted the brothers off White House grounds.“We are witnessing a crisis in the rule of law in America — unlike one we have ever seen before,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a speech on the Senate floor Wednesday. Schumer called for the Justice Department’s independent inspector general to probe the department’s action in the Stone case. Later, House lawmakers announced Attorney General William Barr would come before them next month to answer questions.Former Justice Department officials struggled to recall a precedent, describing it as norm-shattering turmoil that raises troubling questions about the apparent politicization of an agency meant to function independent of White House sway.“I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Michael Bromwich, a former federal prosecutor and Justice Department inspector general who has been representing former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in a criminal investigation before the same U.S. attorney’s office.Trump turned testy during an Oval Office appearance when reporters asked him about interfering in the Stone case and whether he learned anything from his impeachment ordeal.He slammed the four prosecutors who recommended the stiff sentence for Stone and asserted they “ought to apologize for a lot of the people whose lives they’ve ruined.”He described the lesson he gleaned from being just the third president to endure an impeachment trial: “Democrats are crooked. … They’re vicious, they shouldn’t have brought impeachment and that my poll numbers are 10 points higher because of fake news.”Trump said he did not order Justice Department officials to change Stone’s recommended sentence, though he claimed he would have had the “absolute right to do it” if he had wanted to. He used Twitter early Wednesday to congratulate Barr “for taking charge of a case that was totally out of control and perhaps should not even been brought.”As Democrats called for an investigation, several Republican lawmakers strained to defend Trump’s actions.“Certainly, the president is entitled his opinion, and there would have been nothing wrong with the president picking up the phone, as I understand it, and talking to Justice,” said Sen. John Kennedy, a Louisiana Republican. “But I think this is a situation where the tweet was very problematic.”Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican and Trump confidant, said he agreed the sentencing recommendation was excessive, but didn’t think the president should have tweeted about an ongoing case.Throughout his presidency, Trump has shown he doesn’t like to wait for anything, let alone the end of a criminal case. But at moments, he has been willing to show restraint.Early in his presidency, aides say, it took Trump an extraordinary measure of restraint to hold back on firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the months after he recused himself from the Russia investigation. The president reluctantly heeded the advice of his advisers and Republican allies not to dismiss the former Alabama senator until after the 2018 midterm elections.But on the night of the election, as Republicans held onto the Senate but lost the House, Trump turned to those at a campaign party and said, simply, “I’m doing it now.” Sessions was asked to resign the next day.Similarly, Trump knew that the likely outcome of his impeachment trial would be acquittal at the hands of the GOP-controlled Senate. Reluctantly, he acquiesced to the advice of his aides and agreed to wait to retaliate for the probe, which he deemed a conspiracy conjured up by Democrats and the so-called Deep State, until the official verdict was reached.Now, though, Trump is once again unleashed.Some of his targets are far out of the public eye. Trump this week withdrew the nomination of Jessie Liu, a former U.S. attorney who oversaw federal prosecutions in the District of Columbia, for a senior Treasury Department post.Liu had supervised the prosecution of several cases inherited from Mueller’s probe into Russian interference into the 2016 election. Among those prosecuted under Liu’s watch were Stone, 2016 deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates and former national security adviser Michael Flynn.Last week, a spokeswoman for former national security adviser John Bolton charged that the White House was “suppressing” the publication of Bolton’s memoir about his time in the Trump administration with invalid claims that the manuscript includes classified material.Bolton, according to excerpts of the manuscript leaked to the media during the Senate impeachment trial, says Trump told him he was conditioning the release of military aid to Ukraine on whether its government would help investigate Joe Biden and his son.Sen. Sherrod Brown, an Ohio Democrat, accused Trump of being on a “retribution tour” and suggested that Senate Republicans — with the exception of Utah’s Mitt Romney, who voted with Democrats to convict Trump on the abuse of power count — encouraged the president by turning a blind eye to his conduct.“It’s pretty clear the president of the United States did learn a lesson: the lesson he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, he can abuse his office, he’ll never ever be held accountable by this Senate,” Brown said. 

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Tokyo, IOC Officials Reiterate that Olympics Are On

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Tokyo Olympic organizers reiterated their message on Thursday at the start of two days of meetings with the International Olympic Committee: The 2020 Games will not be waylaid by the virus that is spreading from neighboring China.”I would like to make it clear again that we are not considering a cancellation or postponement of the games. Let me make that clear,” organizing committee president Yoshiro Mori said, speaking through an interpreter to dozens of top IOC officials gathered in Tokyo.
The Olympics opening in just over five months, and the torch relay begins next month in Japan — a clear signal the games are getting close.
Although there have been no deaths in Japan attributed to the coronavirus, Tokyo and IOC officials are clearly jittery. Sitting among the officials this time was Dr. Richard Budgett, the IOC’s medical and scientific director.
Last week Toshiro Muto, the CEO of the Tokyo organizing committee, said he was “seriously worried that the spread of the infectious disease could throw cold water on the momentum toward the games.”
He backed down a day later and said he was confident the games would go forward, which is the message this time.
On Wednesday, the virus forced the cancellation of a Formula One race set for April in Shanghai, which draws more than 100,000 over a race weekend.
The Hong Kong and Singapore rounds of the World Rugby Sevens Series were rescheduled from April to October on Thursday, with organizers saying the decision was taken “in response to continued health concerns relating to” the outbreak of the virus. Also, the SportAccord conference, an event with close ties to the Olympic movement, will not take place in Beijing in April as scheduled, organizers said Thursday.
The virus has also wiped out the indoor world track and field championships in Nanjing, golf tournaments, soccer matches, and almost all sports in China, including Olympic qualifying events. It is also keeping Chinese athletes from traveling to qualify, which could put their presence in Tokyo in jeopardy.
Saburo Kawabuchi, a former Olympian and the so-called mayor of the Olympic Village that will house 11,000 athletes and thousands more staff members, suggested Tokyo’s hot and humid summer would stop the virus.
“The biggest concern is the coronavirus and the infection,” he said, speaking in Japanese. “Currently we don’t have any clue when this issue will be resolved. Based on various pieces of information we receive, it seems that this virus is not as strong as the influenza virus. The virus is susceptible to humidity and heat. In Japan, we have the rainy season which could defeat the virus.”
John Coates, an IOC member who heads the regular inspection visits to Tokyo, said he expected to receive reports on the virus from the Japanese government, the Tokyo city government, and local organizers in order to see the “necessary precautions that are being taken.”

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У Японії підтвердили першу смерть від коронавірусу

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Міністр охорони здоров’я Японії Кацунобу Като 13 лютого підтвердив першу смерть від коронавірусу на території країни.

За словами міністра, жертва – 80-річна жінка з префектури Канагава. Більше подробиць він не навів.

Це третя смерть поза межами материкового Китаю. Ще дві сталися у Гонконзі та на Філіппінах.


Станом на ранок 13 лютого, у Китаї на коронавірус 2019-nCov захворіли 48 206 людини, 1 367 померли. 

2019-nCov належить до великої групи коронавірусів. У деяких випадках перебіг хвороби – легкий, в деяких – із симптомами застуди і грипу, зокрема з високою температурою і кашлем, у більш складних випадках спостерігається задишка. Це може перерости в пневмонію, яка може бути смертельною.


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Сутички в Казахстані: кількість загиблих зросла до 11

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Кількість загиблих внаслідок міжетнічних сутичок в казахстанській провінції Жамбил, які сталися минулого тижня, зросла до 11. Як повідомив 13 лютого радник губернатора провінції Канат Кулшиманов, серед залишків зруйнованої внаслідок сутичок комерційної будівлі в селищі Масанчі знайшли неідентифіковане обгоріле тіло.

«Здійснюється спеціальна експертиза, щоб встановити особу», – сказав Кулшиманов.

Внаслідок спалах насильства в Жамбилі, який почався 7 лютого між місцевими казахами та етнічними дунганами, кілька десятків людей отримали поранення, в тому числі 19 офіцерів поліції. Понад 30 житлових будинків та 17 комерційних будівель, а також 47 автомобілів були знищені або пошкоджені внаслідок сутичок.

Читайте також: Президент Казахстану звільнив керівника регіону, де через міжетнічні сутички загинули 10 людей​

За даними казахстанської влади, сутички почалися після суперечки на дорозі між групами людей у двох машинах, яка вилилася в протистояння. Насильство почалося після того, як відео сутички опинилося в Інтернеті.

Тисячам людей довелося втікати зі своїх домівок, в тому числі до сусіднього Киргизстану.

Новий губернатор Жамбилу Бердібек Сапарбаєв заявив 11 лютого, що 8 тисяч громадян Казахстану, які втекли до сусідньої країни, вже повернулися додому після заклику казахстанського уряду. Проте наразі невідомо, скільки дунганів залишилися в Киргизстані.

9 лютого урядові служби повідомили, що до участі в сутичках причетні близько 300 людей і проти них вже відкрили кримінальні провадження.

Читайте також: Казахстан: сутички 8 лютого засвідчили, що офіційна модель «міжетнічної злагоди» не працює​

Увечері 7 лютого в декількох селах Жамбильської області стався етнічний конфлікт між етнічними казахами і дунганами. Увечері 8 лютого влада Казахстану оголосила надзвичайну ситуацію «техногенного характеру місцевого масштабу».

Села Масанчі, Сортобе, Аухатти, в яких сталися заворушення, розташовані поруч з кордоном Киргизстану. Значну частину населення цих прикордонних населених пунктів складають представники дунганської меншини.

Дунгани – представники етнічної меншини родом із Китаю, що говорять діалектом китайської мови і сповідують суннітський іслам; їхня самоназва – хуейцзу.

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«Новий історичний рекорд»: Нацбанк повідомив про 60 млрд гривень прибутку банків у 2019 році

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У 2019 році українські банки отримали 60 мільярдів гривень прибутку, повідомила перша заступниця голови Національного банку України Катерина Рожкова у Facebook. Вона назвала це «новим історичним рекордом».

«Розчарую критиків, це не надприбутки держбанків від ОВДП. Це реальний прибуток банківського сектору. Якщо подивитись на процентний дохід держбанків, то інвестовані ОВДП – це всього лише 12%», – написала Рожкова.

Рентабельність капіталу (ROE) в українських банках сягала 34,2%. За її словами, це вище, ніж загальноєвропейський показник (7%).

Рожкова додала, що кількість збиткових банків зменшилася з 13 у 2018 році до 6 – у 2019. Лідером за прибутками залишається «Приватбанк» (32 мільярди гривень).

«Чому такі надприбутки? Основні фактори – висока операційна ефективність банків та низькі відрахування у резерви, які за рік зменшились удвічі з 24 до 12 млрд грн», – зазначила Рожкова.

Вона додала, що прибутки будуть такими не завжди. Завдяки сповільненню інфляції процентні ставки знижуватимуться, а отже, знижуватиметься і процентна маржа банків. Крім того, стрімкий розвиток технологій та небанківського сектору, стандарти розкриття інформації споживачам сприятимуть посиленню конкуренції і вимагатимуть від банків більш виваженого підходу до формування ціни на продукти.

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Гривня послабилася на 7 копійок – курс НБУ

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Офіційний курс гривні щодо долара знизився на 7 копійок – такі дані Національного банку. 13 лютого долар коштує 24,29 гривні порівняно з курсом 24 гривні 42 копійки за долар напередодні.

Довідкове значення НБУ, оприлюднене опівдні, становить 24 гривні 50 копійок – це лише на копійку більше за показник 12 лютого.

Курс гривні щодо євро послабився на 10 копійок за добу – від 26,62 до 26,72 гривні за євро.

Читайте також: Україна залучила рекордні 9,2 млрд гривень на аукціоні з продажу ОВДП – Мінфін​

За даними порталу «Мінфін», торги на міжбанківському ринку 13 лютого почалися з 24,54-57 гривні за долар, але до опівдня курс зміцнився до 24,46-48 гривні.

Як зазначають аналітики порталу, НБУ, за їхніми спостереженнями, викупив близько 30-40 мільйонів доларів на міжбанку за граничною ціною 24 гривні 49 копійок.

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‘We’re Losing Children’: South Sudan Ignores Reports on Oil Pollution, Birth Defects

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The oil industry in South Sudan has left a landscape pocked with hundreds of open waste pits, the water and soil contaminated with toxic chemicals and heavy metals, according to four environmental reports obtained by The Associated Press.The reports also describe alarming birth defects, miscarriages and other health problems among residents of the region and soldiers who have been stationed there.Abui Mou Kueth’s infant son, Ping, was born with six fingers on both hands, one stunted leg, a deformed foot and kidney swelling.“I was shocked the first time I saw the baby,” she said, cradling him in her arms. “I am worried about his future.”FILE – Baby boy Ping Mayak Geer, who was born with six fingers on each hand, one stunted leg, a deformed foot and kidney swelling, lies on his mother’s lap, Nov. 28, 2019, in Nairobi, Kenya.The Associated Press obtained the reports and supporting documents from people with close knowledge of the oil operations, one of whom works in the industry. They’ve never been released publicly.“South Sudan is running one of the dirtiest and poorest managed oil operations on the planet,” said Egbert Wesselink, the former head of a European coalition of more than 50 nonprofit organizations focused on the impacts of the country’s oil sector.“I don’t think there’s a single major industrial operation on earth that’s getting away with this,” he said.There’s been no clear link established between the pollution and the health problems.But community leaders and lawmakers in the oil-rich areas in Upper Nile and Unity states accuse South Sudan’s government and the two main oil consortiums, the Chinese-led Dar Petroleum Operating Co. and the Greater Pioneer Operating Co., of neglecting the issue and trying to silence those who have tried to expose the problem. An AP reporter was detained and questioned by government officials and government security forces working on behalf of the oil companies.Neither company responded to multiple requests for comment on the reports, and did not answer detailed questions sent by email and text from AP.The reports show that the government and the oil companies have been aware for years that contamination from drilling could be causing severe health problems, but little has been done to clean up the mess.Residents stand next to a white container previously used for hazardous chemicals that was then used for several years to hold drinking water before the oil company put a stop to the practice, near Paloch, South Sudan, Oct. 1, 2018.Waste pits, birth defectsThe oil rich area around Paloch, a city in Upper Nile state, is dotted with exposed pools of toxic water. A chemical junkyard in Gumry town, about 45 minutes from Paloch, was strewn with overflowing containers of black sludge that seeped into the ground and were surrounded by toxic waste, when an AP reporter visited in September 2018. “We’re losing children,” said Nyaweir Ayik Monyuak, chairman of the Women’s Association in Melut. The 43-year-old lost two children of her own between 2008 and 2011.She and a dozen other women, crowded on a tattered L-shaped sofa in a dimly lit shed in Melut, told harrowing stories. Six had lost babies in the last 10 years. And all of them knew someone who had struggled to conceive, had miscarriages or had given birth to a child with deformities such as stunted limbs or concave skulls. FILE – Nyawiir Adoup, 37, who miscarried one baby and whose second baby was born dead without a nose or eyes, stands in her yard in Paloch, South Sudan, Sept. 29, 2018.The studiesThe two earliest surveys were performed in 2013 and 2016 by South Sudan’s government. They found oil pollution across the region and soil and water samples showed contamination, including mercury levels in the water that were seven times what is permissible under U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards.Local residents reported increased miscarriages, stillbirths and incidents of “malformed newborn babies” that didn’t survive, and soldiers stationed there were also falling ill. In July 2018, Greater Pioneer, which is made up of the state-owned China National Petroleum Corp., the Malaysian state-owned Petronas as well as South Sudanese and Indian drillers, commissioned a study that found significant oil spillage and water pollution at the waste treatment facility at some oil operations that had been abandoned during the civil war.A November 2018 report, commissioned by Dar Petroleum, found “extremely high” levels of hydrocarbons — chemicals such as benzene that make up oil and natural gas and can cause serious health effects. It also documented 650 waste pits filled with water contaminated with arsenic and lead, and millions of liters of water contaminated with drilling chemicals sitting in ponds.South Sudan’s oil ministry instructed Dar Petroleum to move ahead with the proposed cleanup, according to a December 2018 letter seen by the AP.But Dar Petroleum — a consortium that includes China’s state-owned China National Petroleum and Sinopec, along with companies in Malaysia and Egypt and South Sudan’s state-owned oil company — never acted, according to two people with close knowledge of the oil operations in the area who didn’t want to be named for fear of their safety.AP sent detailed questions to China National Petroleum Corp. and Sinopec, but neither company responded.FILE – A reservoir of polluted water next to an oil field is seen from the air in Paloch, South Sudan, Sept. 27, 2018. The oil industry in South Sudan has left a landscape pocked with hundreds of open waste pits with contaminated water and soil.‘Public health emergency’There is no definitive proof that the pollution caused the health problems. South Sudan’s crippling five-year civil war killed almost 400,000 people, displaced millions and plunged pockets of the country into famine.But Rick Steiner, an oil pollution adviser in Alaska, said there is substantial medical literature linking hydrocarbon exposure with birth defects. “The pollution is a public health and environmental emergency,” he said.South Sudan’s petroleum minister, Awow Daniel Chuang, said until there’s scientific evidence tying health problems to oil pollution, no conclusions should be drawn.In July 2019, the Greater Pioneer Operating Company flew baby Ping and his parents to Nairobi, Kenya, and then to Berlin for what they thought would be medical treatment. Ping’s father, Cornelius Mayak Geer, says the company told him that they would first do tests to determine if Ping’s deformities were tied to oil pollution. If they found a link, Geer says they told him, they would pay for treatment. But the family returned from Berlin last month after loads of tests, but no treatment for the baby. Geer said the company told him the child’s problems were genetic, and not caused by oil pollution. But they never shared any test results with him.“The baby still cries day and night because of the pain and not feeling well,” he said. “They’re just buying time until the baby dies.No one watchingEnvironmental experts say there is little incentive for multinational companies to do anything because it is easy to get away with things in impoverished countries like South Sudan.Oil accounts for almost all the country’s exports, according to the World Bank. And South Sudan is trying to revive its economy by expanding the industry.“No one’s really watching. The government is neither willing nor able to monitor and enforce its own environmental laws,” said Luke Patey, senior researcher studying China’s oil investments in Africa at the Danish Institute for International Studies.He said the result is “a vicious cycle of negligence.”

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China’s Hubei Province Reports a Record 242 New Coronavirus Deaths

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Authorities in the central Chinese province of Hubei say 242 more people have died in the outbreak of a new coronavirus that has killed more than 1,300 people since December.The announcement of the new death toll comes after China said Wednesday that the number of new cases had dropped for a second consecutive day. Health officials in Hubei, the epicenter of the 2-month-old outbreak, said they changed their detection methods from a laboratory test to computerized body scans. The changes in detection methods have boosted the number of total confirmed cases in Hubei to nearly 15,000.World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus greeted news of the slowdown with caution Wednesday, saying the outbreak “could still go in any direction.”  Shanghai’s Mayor Ying Yong attends a news conference after the annual session of the local parliament in Shanghai, China, Jan. 20, 2017.The outbreak has led to the firing of Jiang Chaoliang as the ruling Communist Party chief in Hubei, just days after the province’s top two health officials were removed from their posts. The official Xinhua news agency says former Shanghai Mayor Ying Yong will replace Jiang, who had been criticized by the public for his handling of the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus.The virus is believed to have emerged late last year at a seafood market in the city of Wuhan that was illegally selling wildlife. A CCTV reporter stands near the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship, Feb. 13, 2020, in Yokohama, near Tokyo. Life on board the luxury cruise ship, which has dozens of new virus cases, can include fear, excitement and soul-crushing boredom.Cruise ship newsAlso Thursday, 44 more people aboard a cruise ship docked off the Japanese coast have tested positive for the virus, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 218.  The Diamond Princess has been under quarantine since last week after it was learned that a former passenger who had disembarked in Hong Kong had tested positive for COVID-19. All passengers have been confined to their cabins and will be not be allowed to leave the ship until Feb. 19.  Medical officers prepare a sample for loading on to a helicopter for testing in Sihanoukville, Cambodia, Feb. 13, 2020. The Westerdam cruise ship anchored Thursday off Cambodia for health checks on its 2,200 passengers and crew.Meanwhile, another cruise ship, the Westerdam, finally anchored off the waters of Cambodia Thursday after being at sea for nearly two weeks. The ship had been turned away by Japan, Thailand, Taiwan and the Philippines, as well as the island of Guam, because of unsubstantiated fears the ship;s 2,200 passengers and crew had been infected. A team of health officials will board the ship to conduct health checks on the 1,455 passengers and 802 crew members before they will be allowed to finally disembark.The death toll from the coronavirus is higher than the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2002-03, which is believed to have killed 774 people and sickened nearly 8,100 in China and Hong Kong.

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Двоюрідного брата Кадирова призначили заступником міністра спорту Росії

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Прем’єр-міністр Росії Михайло Мішустін призначив двоюрідного брата Рамзана Кадирова Одеса Байсултанова заступником міністра спорту Росії. Відповідне розпорядження опубліковане на сайті уряду, повідомляє «Настоящее время».

У своєму інстаграмі Одес Байсултанов подякував російській владі та главі Чечні за «довіру» і «надані можливості».

З 2016 Байсултанов був першим заступником міністра у справах Північного Кавказу. До цього він працював заступником повноважного представника в Північно-Кавказькому федеральному окрузі. Всього ж чиновницький стаж 55-річного Одеса Байсултанова становить 27 років.

На початку лютого його старший брат Ідріс був призначений міністром освіти Чечні.

Одес Байсултанов – ще один член сім’ї Кадирова у владних структурах.

Зулай Кадирова (Закрієва), сестра Кадирова, займає посаду помічника глави Чеченської республіки,
Зарган Кадирова (Черхігова), ще одна сестра Кадирова, є його помічником з дошкільної освіти,
дружина Кадирова Медні Кадирова є віце-президентом Регіонального громадського фонду імені Ахмат-Хаджі Кадирова,
чотириюрідний брат Кадирова Хас-Магомед Кадиров займає пост мера міста Аргун,
троюрідний брат глави Чечні Вісит Кадиров – ще один його помічник,
чотириюрідний брат Кадирова Адам Делімханов – депутат Держдуми Росії,
інший чотириюрідний брат, генерал-майор Алібек Делімханов, – заступник командуючого Північнокавказьким округом військ національної гвардії Росії (Росгвардія),
чотириюрідний брат Шаріп Делімханов, генерал-майор поліції, займає пост начальника управління ФСВНГ Росії у Чечні,
інший чотириюрідний брат Амхад (Сурх) Делімханов, також працює в структурах МВС,
племінник Ібрагім (Якуб) Закрієв, син сестри Кадирова, займає пост мера Грозного,
племінник Ідріс Черхігов – начальник Управління ДІБДР МВС у Чеченській Республіці,
племінник Хамзат Кадиров – глава Ради безпеки Чечні,
чоловік сестри Рамзана Кадирова Рамзан Черхігов – міністр транспорту Чечні,
чоловік іншої сестри Кадирова, Салман Закрієв, – заступник голови парламенту Чечні,
чоловік дочки Кадирова Вісхан Мацуєв – керівник міграційного управління Чечні,
чоловік ще однієї родички Кадирова Іса Тумхаджіев – заступник голови уряду Чечні.

Крім цього пости в Чечні займають:

Асланбек Айдаміров, брат дружини Кадирова, – заступник голови парламенту Чечні,
Руслан Алханов, свекор дочки Кадирова, – глава МВС Чечні,
Сахаб Закрієв, брат зятя Кадирова, – глава адміністрації Гудермесського району,
Аймані Кадирова, мати Рамзана Кадирова, – президент Регіонального громадського фонду імені Героя Росії Ахмат-Хаджі Кадирова,
Хож-Ахмед-Хаджі Кадиров, двоюрідний дядько Кадирова, – голова Ради алімів ПКФО і Чеченської Республіки,
Шахмомед Кадиров, троюрідний дядько Кадирова, – директор найбільшого оптового ринку Чечні «Беркат»,
Абусупьян Дааев, двоюрідний брат Кадирова, – заступник директора «Роснефти» в Чечні.

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Кількість хворих на коронавірус на лайнері Diamond Princess перевищила 200 – NHK

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На круїзному лайнері Diamond Princess, який стоїть на карантині біля берегів Японії, виявили ще 44 нових випадків зараження коронавірусом. Про це повідомляє телеканал NHK.

Загальна кількість заражених пасажирів на судні наразі складає 218 людей. Також захворів представник карантинної служби, який працював на судні.

Влада Японії ухвалила рішення евакуювати з корабля людей похилого віку та пасажирів з хронічними захворюваннями.

4 лютого Diamond Princess помістили на двотижневий карантин через виявлені випадки коронавірусу. Серед хворих – двоє українців, які є членами екіпажу.

За даними МЗС, на борту перебувало 25 громадян України. Загалом там понад 3,5 тисячі людей.


Станом на ранок 12 лютого, у Китаї на коронавірус 2019-nCov захворіли 44 643 людини, 1 113 померли.

2019-nCov належить до великої групи коронавірусів. У деяких випадках перебіг хвороби – легкий, в деяких – із симптомами застуди і грипу, зокрема з високою температурою і кашлем, у більш складних випадках спостерігається задишка. Це може перерости в пневмонію, яка може бути смертельною.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

New Coronavirus Cases Drop for Second Straight Day 

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The number of new coronavirus cases dropped for the second straight day Wednesday, but health experts weren’t saying it was time to relax. “This outbreak could still go in any direction,” World Health Organization chief Tedros Ghebreyesus said, adding that what appeared to be a slowdown in new cases should be met with “extreme caution.” He said he welcomed the global community of researchers for their “positive response … to come up with concrete plans and commitment to work together” to battle the virus. The head of the WHO’s emergency program, Mike Ryan, also gave credit to what he said was the “huge public health operation in China … that gives us an opportunity for containment.” Workers wearing masks walk outside their dormitory, in an electronics manufacturing factory in Shanghai, China, as the country copes with an outbreak of a new coronavirus, Feb. 12, 2020.Only 1% of the more than 45,000 confirmed cases were outside China, along with just one of the 1,300 deaths. But Ryan refused to predict “the beginning, the middle or the end” of the crisis. Chinese President Xi Jinping called on Communist Party leaders to keep up the fight against the coronavirus while he unveiled measures to stimulate the country’s economy, which has been weakened by the deadly virus.  “The results are hard-won progress made by all sides,” the official Xinhua News Agency reported Xi as saying. He also noted the campaign to prevent and control the virus had reached “a critical stage that requires stringent efforts.” Xi urged party leaders to work toward achieving this year’s social development and economic goals, and he ordered tax cuts, rent reductions and other measures to bolster the country’s weakened economy. The death toll from the coronavirus was higher than that of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2002-03, which is believed to have killed 774 people and sickened nearly 8,100 in China and Hong Kong. 

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Увольнение Сытника директора НАБУ и мафия бени коломойского

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Увольнение Сытника директора НАБУ и мафия бени коломойского.

Мафия бени коломойского убирает конкурентов. Директор НАБУ Артем Сытник

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Кремль угодил в цугцванг: Эрдоган вносит ясность

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Кремль угодил в цугцванг: Эрдоган вносит ясность

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Андрій Єрмак про Богдана, путіна, вибори в ордло, воду в Крим і поїздку в Оман

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Андрій Єрмак про Богдана, путіна, вибори в ордло, воду в Крим і поїздку в Оман.

Андрій Єрмак дав свою першу прес-конференцію в ролі голови Офісу президента України. Зокрема, він розповів про те, чи має конфлікт з Андрієм Богданом, чи чекати зустрічі Володимира Зеленського і володимира пукіна, за яких умов можуть бути вибори в ОРДЛО та чи були непублічі зустрічі українського президента в Омані

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Поліція незаконно збирає про нас інформацію, яку передає бандитам та до рф

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Поліція незаконно збирає про нас інформацію, яку передає бандитам та до рф.

Нещодавно рух “Суспільство майбутнього” показав докази того, що поліція незаконно стежить за активістами в Україні. Для чого? Можливо, щоб потім нападати. Або щоб передавати інформацію бандитам. Про це, а також про кіберскандал за участі МВС.

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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“Скрепы” трещат по швам: истребители и КБ «МиГ» остались в прошлом…

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“Скрепы” трещат по швам: истребители и КБ «МиГ» остались в прошлом…

Как российские власти сами уничтожают производство военных самолетов…

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US Soccer Men’s Union Says Women’s Pay Should Be Tripled 

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The U.S. men’s national team urged the U.S. Soccer Federation to sharply increase pay of the American women and accused the governing body of making low-ball offers in negotiations with the men. The union for the women’s team filed a gender discrimination lawsuit against the USSF that is scheduled for trial starting May 5 in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. The women agreed to a collective bargaining agreement in April 2017 that extends through 2021. The men’s labor contract expired at the end of 2018. The women's 2017-2021 deal is worse than the men's 2011-2018 deal, the men’s union said in a statement Wednesday. The federation continues to discriminate against the women in their wages and working conditions. ... What we believe should happen is simple. Pay the women significantly more than our recently expired men's deal. In our estimation, the women were due at least triple what our expired deal was worth in player compensation. The men claimed the federation wants their pay to stay at the same level as in their expired contract. It's a desperate attempt to cover up the fact that what they did to the women in 2017 is indefensible, the statement said. Carlos Cordeiro, who succeeded Sunil Gulati as USSF president in February 2018, did not respond to an email from The Associated Press seeking comment. ‘False narrative’The men said they issued their statement because the federation has been working very hard to sell a false narrative to the public and even to members of Congress. They have been using this false narrative as a weapon against current and former members of the United States women's national team. Molly Levinson, a spokesperson for the players involved in the lawsuit, issued a statement on behalf of women’s star Megan Rapinoe: Our great hope is that 2020 will be the year of equal pay. We are grateful for the support of our male colleagues, and also for the overwhelming solidarity from millions of fans and sponsors around the world who have stood with us to fight USSF's discrimination. Achieving equal pay is so much bigger than our team and our playing fields — women in work forces everywhere deserve equality now.” The men claimed the federation insisted the women sign a 2017-21 deal that was worse financially than the men's soon-to-expire 2011-18 CBA that had been negotiated six years earlier. They said the correct comparison should be between what the women got with their 2017-21 deal and triple what the federation agreed to pay the men in 2011 or whatever the men negotiate in their new CBA that will be retroactive to Jan. 1, 2019. They urged fans to write to Congress and to “tell the federation’s sponsors you will not support them until the federation starts doing the right thing and gives the women a new CBA that pays a fair share of the gate receipts and television and that sponsorship revenue to the players.” 

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Former Democratic Front-runner Warren Faces Longer Odds After Primary Rout

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A few months ago, Elizabeth Warren was at the top of polls for the Democratic presidential nomination, building support with her ready answer to seemingly all problems: “I have a plan for that.” The wonkish professor-turned-senator now faces increasingly daunting odds after she placed fourth Tuesday in the New Hampshire primary, trailing the top tier of candidates by more than 10 percentage points. Despite representing next-door Massachusetts and investing heavily in New Hampshire, Warren was clobbered in a race led by leftist firebrand Bernie Sanders — who is also from a neighboring state, Vermont — and centrist former mayor Pete Buttigieg. Ominously for the proudly progressive Warren, Sanders captured the left in New Hampshire with Warren trailing at number four even among self-identified liberals, according to NBC exit poll data. Unlike former Vice President Joe Biden, who is betting everything on winning the February 29 primary in South Carolina thanks to support from African Americans, Warren has no obvious firewall after losing in New England. Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota speaks at her election night party, Feb. 11, 2020, in Concord, N.H.And voters eager for a woman to challenge President Donald Trump in November also have Amy Klobuchar, the moderate Minnesota senator who boasts of her bipartisanship and finished third in New Hampshire. A recent Pew poll found Sanders with a commanding advantage among younger voters, although Warren led with voters who hold postgraduate degrees.1-in-30 chance FiveThirtyEight, the forecasting blog closely watched by political junkies, on Wednesday gave Warren a 1-in-30 chance of securing the nomination, with Sanders tied at the top at a 1-in-3 chance. However, Sanders is running even with a scenario in which no one wins a majority and Democrats must bargain in choosing a candidate.Warren still has the third-largest haul of delegates that will determine the nominee, behind Buttigieg and Sanders. “We might be headed for another one of those long primary fights that lasts for months. We are two states in, with 55 states and territories to go,” Warren said as she left New Hampshire. Her campaign manager, Roger Lau, noted that 98 percent of delegates remained up for grabs and that he expected greater scrutiny of Sanders and Buttigieg. FILE – Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts offers donuts to supporters at a polling site for New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary in Portsmouth, N.H., Feb. 11, 2020.Lau predicted that Warren would finish in the top two in eight of the 14 states that vote on Super Tuesday, the coast-to-coast March 3 contest that will determine more than one-third of delegates. “Debates and unexpected results have an outsize impact on the race and will likely keep it volatile and unpredictable through Super Tuesday,” he wrote in a publicly released memo. Ups, downsPrimary campaigns often have ebbs and flows. Bill Clinton did not win the first three contests in 1992 before securing the Democratic nomination and the presidency. But while Klobuchar won media coverage by beating forecasts, Warren had led nationwide polls in October only to place third in the February 3 Iowa caucuses and suffer a rout in New Hampshire. “Expectations play a large part,” said Amy Dacey, the former chief executive officer of the Democratic National Committee. Warren’s support began to wane in November after she released a “Medicare for All” plan that aims at providing health coverage to millions of uninsured Americans and would eventually end private insurance. “She has very detailed plans and shared with the electorate how she plans to govern, which I think for me personally is a good thing to share. But it also gave an opportunity for her opponents” to attack, said Dacey, executive director of the Sine Institute of Policy and Politics at American University. FILE – Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., speaks with Sen. Tina Smith, D-Minn., at the start of a Senate hearing with health care companies, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Sept. 18, 2018.Medicare for All had long been the signature proposal of Sanders, while Buttigieg and Klobuchar have drawn a contrast by calling for the preservation of private insurance while creating a publicly funded option. Mockery from Trump Warren has triggered particular venom from Trump. Relishing her New Hampshire showing, Trump tweeted that Warren was on her way out and should go have a “nice cold beer” with her husband. For some Warren supporters, her early campaign woes — and concern over her “electability” — have revealed persistent sexism in the political debate, nearly four years after Hillary Clinton’s surprise defeat by Trump. Warren herself hailed Klobuchar’s performance in New Hampshire as “showing just how wrong the pundits can be when they count a woman out.” FILE – Presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., speaks at a caucus at Roosevelt High School, Feb. 3, 2020, in Des Moines, Iowa.Warren has tried to break through by stressing her personal story of rising from poverty in Oklahoma to becoming a bankruptcy expert at Harvard Law School and founding a government agency to protect consumers. A former Republican, she waited tables as a child and her mother handled catalog orders for Sears after Warren’s father suffered a heart attack. “There’s no one in the field better at using his/her life story to build the case for his/her candidacy. She does it superbly well,” Dave Wasserman of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report wrote on Twitter. “But she’s also shown the least willingness/ability to switch up tactics when things aren’t going well.” 

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