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Month: February 2020

Іран ніколи не піде на переговори зі США під тиском – президент Роугані

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Президент Ірану Хасан Роугані заявляє, що його країна ніколи не піде на переговори зі Сполученими Штатами Америки під тиском чи з позиції слабкості.

За його словами, «американська тактика «максимального тиску» на Іран приречена на провал».

Це Іран одного дня змусить США піти на переговори, додав він.

Сполучені Штати після виходу 2018 року з багатосторонньої міжнародної угоди про обмеження ядерної програми Ірану в обмін на скорочення санкцій поновили свої попередні санкції проти Тегерану, а потім ще й розширили їх. Президент США Дональд Трамп твердить, що умови тієї угоди 2015 року недостатні, щоб відвернути можливість для Ірану створити ядерну зброю, і що треба домовлятися про цілком нову угоду. В Ірані вже неодноразово відкидали розмови про нову угоду. Інші учасники нинішньої угоди – ЄС, Велика Британія, Франція, Німеччина, Китай і Росія – підтверджували, що Іран, всупереч заявам Трампа, дотримувався угоди. Але останнім часом Іран почав демонстративно порушувати деякі умови угоди одну за одною, заявляючи, що робить це через те, що інші учасники угоди роблять замало, щоб пом’якшити чи відшкодувати для Тегерану вплив санкцій США і що він скасує ці свої кроки, як тільки інші учасники зроблять належне.

Крім того, Хасан Роугані, виступаючи напередодні парламентських виборів, що мають відбутися наступного тижня, також закликав виборців прийти і проголосувати, незважаючи на те, що до балотування не допустили тисячі кандидатів, серед них і 90 парламентарів нинішнього скликання.

Ці вибори стануть випробуванням популярності Роугані, відносно поміркованого діяча в системі ісламської влади Ірану, який, будучи головою уряду країни, намагався виконати свої обіцянки поліпшити життя людей в умовах, коли економічні санкції США завдали важкого удару по економіці Ірану і підірвали іранську грошову одиницю.

Також 71-річний Роугані заперечив, що може піти в відставку, і пообіцяв, що пробуде на посаді до кінця його другого й останнього президентського терміну наприкінці наступного року.

Він признався, що з часу приходу на посаду двічі подавав у відставку, але її не приймав фактичний голова держави, верховний керівник аятола Алі Хаменеї.

В ісламській системі влади в Ірані саме верховний керівник (рахбар), обраний вузьким колом чільного ісламського духовенства з власних лав, є фактично довічним головою держави, який ухвалює визначальні рішення; президент же, який обирається всенародно, лише виконує деякі публічні функції, зазвичай притаманні головам держав (зустрічі з іншими державними керівниками, прийняття вірчих грамот послів тощо), а також є головою свого уряду (окремої посади прем’єра немає).

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Assad’s Forces Make Advances, Further Securing Aleppo Region

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Syrian troops have made significant advances against the last rebel held enclaves in the country’s northwest, state media said on Sunday, consolidating the government’s hold over the key Aleppo province.   The Syrian government advance also appeared to put the provincial capital of Aleppo out of the firing range of opposition groups for the first time in years, another sign of Syrian President Bashar Assad’s growing control of the area.
The armed opposition had been driven out of Aleppo city’s eastern quarters in late 2016, which they controlled for years while battling government forces who were in charge in the western part. Rebel groups had continued to harry government forces, however, from outside the city with mortar rounds.
State news agency SANA reported 30 villages and towns around the city in the western Aleppo countryside were captured on Sunday.
Rami Abdul-Rahman, the head of the Britain-based war monitor Syria Observatory for Human Rights, confirmed the report.
“This means the control of Aleppo [city], and the countryside and securing all of Aleppo,” Abdul-Rahman said.
The state-run Al-Ikhbariya TV said government troops were still besieging remnants of opposition fighters in a small part of rural Aleppo.
The fighting in the Aleppo region and nearby Idlib province has unleashed a humanitarian crisis. Over 800,000 civilians out of nearly 4 million living in the enclave have been displaced, living in open fields and temporary shelters for the most part in harsh winter conditions.
The armed opposition is now squeezed into a shrinking area of nearby Idlib province, where the government is also on the offensive.
“The Syrian people are determined to liberate all Syrian territories,” President Assad said according to the Syrian state news agency on Sunday.
Assad was speaking during a meeting with visiting Iranian parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani. Both Iran and Russia have heavily backed Assad in the civil war.
The Syrian leader also claimed “terrorists”  in northwestern Syria were using residents as “human shields,” in an attempt to stop Syrian troops from advancing into the territory.
Syria’s government considers all the opposition in the nine-year war as “terrorists” and has repeatedly leveled accusation that they take residents of areas they control as hostages. But many of the displaced in Syria’s Idlib province have fled the fighting in other parts of the country, choosing to live in areas outside of government control.
Turkey has sent thousands of troops and equipment into the opposition enclave, in an attempt to stall the government advance.
Turkey, which backs the opposition, has called for an end to the Syrian government offensive. It also fears that the displaced may overwhelm its borders. Turkey is already home to more than 3.5 million Syrian refugees. The United Nations has also called for a cease-fire.
Larijani, meanwhile, reiterated his country’s support for Syria in fighting terrorism. Iran has played a key role in supporting Assad’s war efforts, sending financial support as well as fighters to back up Syrian military operations.
Support from Russia and Iran has enabled Assad’s forces to regain control of much of the territories they had lost to armed groups who worked to topple him.
Over 400,000 people have been killed and half of Syria’s population displaced since peaceful protests in 2011 turned into a civil war stoked by foreign interventions.   

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Somali Court Sentences Mogadishu Official for Past al-Shabab Membership

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A court in the Somali capital Mogadishu has sentenced an official with the city’s municipality to three years in prison for past membership of the al-Shabab militant group.The court found that Nur Ali Ahmed (Mahad Alle) was a member of the terrorist organization and failed to follow the proper process to register himself as a defector when he left the group. He claimed he left al-Shabab in 2010.During the hearing, Ahmed insisted that he reported his defection to the authorities but the court could not find a record of that. The court also established that prior to his appointment as Acting Director of Works for Mogadishu municipality; he also worked at Mogadishu’s port and at one of the city’s hospitals.Ahmed was arrested following last July’s explosion at the Mogadishu mayor’s office, which killed the Mayor Abdirahman Omar Osman and seven other regional officials.A blind female suicide bomber who was a senior aide to the late mayor as carried out the attack. The bomber went by the name Basira Abdi Mohamed although her real name was Maryam. The court released Maryam’s brother who was ordered to regularly report his movement to authorities.The court did not find evidence-linking Ahmed to the explosion that killed Mayor Osman, but his past connection with the group was established after an investigation by the security agencies.The conviction indicates a pattern of al-Shabab’s infiltration in administrations and social institutions, experts argue.Just last month, the same court found a college teacher who is the son of a senior police officer guilty of being al-Shabab’s operational leader of assassinations in Mogadishu for several years.Mohamed Haji Ahmed was sentenced to death after being convicted of assassinating three generals, a police corporal and a deputy attorney general.In the worst case, a top official in Somalia’s National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), Abdisalam Mohamed Hassan, was found guilty in 2014 of providing photos of intelligence agents and other identifying data to al-Shabab. Hassan is now serving a life sentence.Meanwhile, a roadside explosion killed three soldiers and injured two others in the southwest of Mogadishu, Sunday. Al-Shabab claimed responsibility for the attack.

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У Британії жертвами шторму «Денніс» стали двоє людей

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У Великій Британії внаслідок шторму «Денніс» загинули двоє людей, скасовано сотні авіарейсів, рух поїздів порушено через повені.

Метеорологічна служба видала сотні попереджень про небезпеку повеней у Англії, Шотландії та Уельсі.

Тіла двох чоловіків, які потонули під час буревію, знайшли на східному узбережжі країни 15 лютого.

До боротьби з наслідками шторму залучили військових.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Першу смерть від коронавірусу зафіксували на Тайвані

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На Тайвані зафіксували першу смерть від нового коронавірусу. Про це повідомляє агентство Reuters.

Як повідомили у міністерстві охорони здоров’я, померлий – чоловік похилого віку, який останнім часом не виїжджав за кордон та хворів на діабет і гепатит Б.

На Тайвані загалом підтвердили 20 випадків зараження новим вірусом.

Це п’ята смерть від коронавірусу за межами Китаю, по одному летальному випадку також зафіксовано на Філіппінах, у Гонконгу, Японії та Франції.


Кількість людей, інфікованих коронавірусом, станом на 16 лютого зросла до 69 256, померли 1 669 людей.

2019-nCov (COVID-19) належить до великої групи коронавірусів. У деяких випадках перебіг хвороби – легкий, в деяких – із симптомами застуди і грипу, зокрема з високою температурою і кашлем, у більш складних випадках спостерігається задишка. Це може перерости в пневмонію, яка може бути смертельною. Більшість хворих, однак, видужують.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Ministers seek to Reinforce Drive to Cut Libya Arms Supplies

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Foreign ministers and other top officials from about a dozen countries gathered Sunday in Germany to keep up the push for peace in Libya after countries with interests in its long-running civil war agreed to respect a much-violated arms embargo and back a full cease-fire.With this meeting on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference, Germany and the U.N. were seeking to keep up a drive to cut off outside military support for the warring parties. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said the Jan. 19 agreement by leaders in Berlin has been repeatedly violated by continuing arms deliveries and escalating fighting.Libya has been in turmoil since 2011, when a civil war toppled longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi, who was later killed.A weak U.N.-recognized administration that now holds the capital of Tripoli and parts of the country’s west is backed by Turkey, which recently sent thousands of soldiers to Libya, and to a lesser degree Qatar and Italy as well as local militias.On the other side is a rival government in the east that supports self-styled Gen. Khalifa Hifter, whose forces launched an offensive to capture the Libyan capital of Tripoli last April.They are backed by the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, France and Russia.Since the Berlin summit, the rival Libyan military factions have met in Geneva in a U.N.-led effort to forge a lasting truce. A first round faltered when officials concluded negotiations without signing an agreement, though another round of talks is expected next week.On Wednesday, the U.N. Security Council endorsed a 55-point road map for ending the war in Libya and condemned the recent increase in violence in the oil-rich North African country.The European Union, whose foreign ministers are set to discuss Libya on Monday, is considering whether and how to have naval ships enforce the U.N. arms embargo against Libya. 

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Questions Hang Over Fate of Saudi Crew in Yemen Jet Crash

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The fate of the crew of a Saudi warplane that crashed in Yemen remained uncertain Sunday after Iran-linked Houthi rebels claimed to have shot down the aircraft.The Riyadh-led military coalition fighting the rebels said the two officers ejected from the plane before it crashed in northern Al-Jawf province Friday but that the rebels opened fire at them in “violation of the international humanitarian law.””The joint forces command of the Coalition holds the terrorist Houthi militia responsible for the lives and wellbeing of the Tornado air crew under the international humanitarian law,” the coalition said in a statement released by the official Saudi Press Agency late Saturday.The statement did not specify whether the crew had survived or if they had been captured after the plane crashed in Houthi-controled territory.The coalition also did not elaborate on the reasons for the crash.But if Houthi involvement is confirmed, the rare downing of a coalition warplane would mark a setback for a military alliance known for its air supremacy and signal the rebels’ increasingly potent arsenal.The rebels released footage of what they called the launch of their “advanced surface-to-air missile” and the moment it purportedly struck the jet in the night sky, sending it crashing down in a ball of flames.The crash triggered air strikes in the area where the plane went down, an apparent Saudi-led retaliation that the U.N. said left 31 civilians dead and 12 others wounded.The rebels reported multiple coalition air strikes in the area, adding that women and children were among the dead and wounded, according to rebel television station Al-Masirah.The coalition conceded the “possibility of collateral damage” during a “search and rescue operation” at the site of the jet crash.The coalition force has been widely criticized for the high civilian death toll from its bombing campaigns in Yemen, which has prompted some Western governments to cut arms deliveries to the countries taking part.The coalition intervened against the Houthis in 2015, in a conflict that has killed tens of thousands of people, most of them civilians, and sparked what the United Nations calls the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

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У Москві двох людей поранено внаслідок нападу з ножем у храмі

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У Москві внаслідок нападу озброєного ножем чоловіка в храмі Святителя Миколая поранено двох людей.

Нападника затримали. Ним виявився 26-річний житель Липецької області. Постраждалих госпіталізували, за повідомленнями місцевих ЗМІ, це алтарники храму.

Стверджується, що нападник увійшов до храму під час богослужіння і накинувся на людей з ножем біля вівтаря. Його мотиви і будь-які інші подробиці поки не відомі.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Канада направила літак для евакуації своїх громадян з Diamond Princess

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Канада збирається евакуювати своїх громадян з круїзного лайнера Diamond Princess, який стоїть на карантині біля берегів Японії. Про це повідомили у Міністерстві закордонних справ Канади.

До Канади повернуть лише тих громадян, у яких не виявлять коронавірусу. Після евакуації їх відправлять на двотижневий карантин.

У повідомленні не вказано, коли планують почати евакуацію, чи скільки громадян Канади перебувають на борту лайнера. Зазначається, що в Японію вже направили літак для евакуації.

Загальна кількість заражених на судні станом на ранок становить 355. 


Влада Японії 14 лютого почала часткову евакуацію з лайнера Diamond Princess, який стоїть на карантині біля берегів країни. Залишити судно дозволили пасажирам у віці 80 років і старше зі слабким здоров’ям, або тим, хто проживав у каютах без вікон.​

16 лютого з судна мають евакуювати американців.

За даними МЗС, на борту перебувало 25 громадян України, у двох з них виявили коронавірус.

Кількість людей, інфікованих коронавірусом, станом на 16 лютого зросла до 69 256, померли 1 669 людей.

2019-nCov (COVID-19) належить до великої групи коронавірусів. У деяких випадках перебіг хвороби – легкий, в деяких – із симптомами застуди і грипу, зокрема з високою температурою і кашлем, у більш складних випадках спостерігається задишка. Це може перерости в пневмонію, яка може бути смертельною. Більшість хворих, однак, видужують.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

No Casualties in Rocket Attack on US Coalition Base in Baghdad

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Rockets hit a U.S.-led military coalition’s Baghdad headquarters early Sunday but caused no casualties, a coalition spokesman said, in the latest attack to target U.S. facilities in Iraq.Washington has blamed Iran-backed paramilitary groups for increasingly regular rocketing and shelling of bases hosting U.S. forces in Iraq and of the area around the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.An attack last month hit the U.S. Embassy compound itself, and a rocket attack on a military base in the north in December killed a U.S. civilian contractor.There have been no claims of responsibility for the attacks.Tension between Iran and the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump has mostly played out on Iraqi soil in recent months.The United States killed top Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi paramilitary chief Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in a drone strike in Baghdad in January, after which the region braced for full-scale conflict. Iran launched its first direct missile attack on two bases hosting U.S. forces in response.Predawn attackSunday’s attack, before dawn, was carried out with small rockets and caused no casualties, the coalition spokesman said in a statement on Twitter. He provided no further details.An Iraqi military statement said three Katyusha rockets had hit the fortified Green Zone, which hosts the U.S. Embassy, other foreign missions and Iraqi government buildings. It said a fourth hit a nearby logistics base for Iraqi paramilitary groups.Iraq, caught between its two allies Washington and Tehran, also faces an unprecedented domestic crisis as months of anti-government unrest continues.Shrinking protestsProtesters, whose numbers have reduced from the hundreds of thousands who took to the streets in October, are still demanding the overhaul of Iraq’s political system and ruling elite, which they say are corrupt.Prime Minister-designate Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi said Saturday that the formation of a new government would take place in the coming week.He said his appointments would consist of independent ministers free from the influence of parties, including Iran-backed Shi’ite groups, which have controlled cabinet posts and state institutions since the U.S.-led overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003.

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Coronavirus Infections Continue to Rise, but Pace Slows

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The World Health Organization said late Saturday there are 50,580 laboratory-confirmed cases of the coronavirus around the world, with the vast majority of the cases — 50,054 — in China.WHO said 1,527 new cases had been reported globally in the last 24 hours. China had 1,506 of the new cases in the period, according to WHO. China’s statistics, however, differ from those of WHO because China’s government recently changed its methodology for diagnosing and counting new cases, causing a spike in the number of reported cases. Under the new method, doctors can use lung imaging and other analyses to diagnose a patient instead of relying on laboratory testing. China says nearly 1,700 people have died from the virus and more than 68,000 people have been infected. The health commission confirmed 1,843 new cases Sunday, representing a drop from higher numbers of new cases in recent days. Over the previous two days, China had reported more than 7,500 new infections. China’s National Health Commission said Saturday that most of the new deaths were in Hubei’s provincial capital of Wuhan, where the coronavirus outbreak is believed to have begun. The risk assessment for the virus is “very high” in China and is “high” for the rest of the world, WHO said. World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus speaks at the annual Munich Security Conference in Germany Feb.15, 2020.WHO to investigateChina and WHO have launched a joint probe into the coronavirus.“We’re concerned about the lack of urgency in funding the response from the international community,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Saturday at the annual Munich Security Conference. Officials in China’s capital have initiated a 14-day self-quarantine policy for all people returning to Beijing. The state-run Beijing Daily newspaper reports that those who refuse to seclude themselves or violate other containment rules “will be held accountable under the law,” but it is was not immediately clear what the consequences of refusing to self-isolate would be. An 80-year-old Chinese tourist died Friday in a hospital in Paris. He was the first person in Europe to die of complications from the virus. In addition, the first coronavirus infection on the African continent has been reported in Egypt.  Tourists quarantined on the Diamond Princess cruise ship get some fresh air on the top deck of the ship, Feb. 13, 2020, in Yokohama, near Tokyo. The luxury cruise ship has 355 cases of coronavirus among the nearly 4,000 passengers and crew.Cruise passengers evacuatedThe Diamond Princess, a quarantined cruise ship docked in Yokohama, Japan, has reported another 70 virus-infected people, bringing the ship’s total cases among the nearly 4,000 passengers and crew to 355.“We must anticipate a spread of infections,” Japanese Health Minister Katsunobo Kato said Sunday.  The Japanese health minister told state broadcaster NHK that efforts must be focused on preventing “people from becoming gravely ill or dying.” He added, “We will make the people feel at ease by providing information in a timely manner and continue to forestall measures.” Canada, Hong Kong and the U.S. say they are sending planes to Japan to evacuate their citizens from the ship.

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Кількість інфікованих коронавірусом наблизилася до 70 тисяч

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Кількість людей, інфікованих коронавірусом, станом на 16 лютого зросла до 69 256, померли 1 669 людей.

Більшість випадків зараження та смертей зафіксовані на материковому Китаї. По одному летальному випадку – на Філіппінах, у Гонконгу, Японії та Франції.

Одужати вдалося 9 645 хворим на новий вірус.


14 лютого МОЗ повідомило про відсутність лібораторно підтверджених випадків інфікування новим коронавірусом в Україні.

2019-nCov (COVID-19) належить до великої групи коронавірусів. У деяких випадках перебіг хвороби – легкий, в деяких – із симптомами застуди і грипу, зокрема з високою температурою і кашлем, у більш складних випадках спостерігається задишка. Це може перерости в пневмонію, яка може бути смертельною. Більшість хворих, однак, видужують.

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Warren Buffett’s Son Tries to Help Colombia Kick Cocaine Curse 

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With Colombian military snipers in position, Howard Buffett descends from a helicopter and trudges through the wet grass in steel-toed boots chewed through by his dog’s teeth. Waiting under a tin-roofed shack is a small group of coca farmers. They’ve never heard of multibillionaire investor Warren Buffett, but after decades of neglect by their own government they’re grateful for the outstretched hand of his eldest son, whom they refer to simply as “the gringo.” “There’s a saying here: The less you know, the better,” said Ruben Morantes, his leathery skin and calloused hands a testament to a lifetime of tillage in one of Colombia’s most dangerous territories, where outsiders are traditionally mistrusted. For nearly two decades Buffett has crisscrossed the world, giving away part of his father’s fortune to promote food security, conflict mitigation and public safety. But his latest gamble is one of the most daunting yet: helping Colombia kick its cocaine curse. He is focusing on Tibu, heart of the remote, notoriously lawless Catatumbo region bordering Venezuela where Buffett accompanied President Ivan Duque. Tibu has the second-largest coca crop in all of Colombia — 28,200 acres (11,400 hectares), according to the United Nations. Drug production and violence have skyrocketed in the area since armed groups filled the void left by retreating rebels who signed a peace deal with the government in 2016. Foundation’s plansThe Howard G. Buffett Foundation has committed to spending $200 million over the next few years to transform the impoverished municipality into a model of comprehensive state building. Plans include strengthening security forces and helping farmers to secure land titles and substitute coca — the raw material for cocaine — with licit crops like cacao. Howard Buffett plants a cocoa plant at a farm in La Gabarra, Colombia, Jan. 29, 2020. Buffett began working in Colombia in 2008, helping pop star Shakira set up schools in her hometown of Barranquilla.The first component is building 300 kilometers (185 miles) of roads to connect the municipality’s 37,000 residents for the first time with national and international markets. It’s a challenge made more difficult by lurking guerrillas who last year detonated a homemade bomb as army engineers were working on the road, killing five people and injuring several others. “The only way we have confidence that farmers can grow legal crops is if they can get those crops to market,” Buffett told farmers during a visit last month with Duque to La Gabarra, a rural outpost in Tibu. It was the first time any Colombian president had visited the blood-soaked hamlet. The plan envisions providing subsidies and training for farmers as they switch crops, as well as helping them find buyers. It also aims to strengthen infrastructure for local law enforcement. But some experts worry that Buffett’s enthusiasm for speeding Colombia’s development is no match for entrenched corruption in rural areas run like political fiefdoms. There’s also the challenge posed by thousands of Venezuelan migrants who lack roots in the community and are being targeted for recruitment by criminal gangs. A lot is riding on Buffett’s investment. Not since the start of the U.S.-led Plan Colombia two decades ago have so many resources converged on a single geographical area, said Alvaro Balcazar, who helped the government negotiate with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia the section of the peace deal focusing on illicit crops. “There’s no precedent for something on such large a scale,” Balcazar said. “But the region is strategic for consolidating peace in Colombia.” Son’s pursuitsLike his father, Buffett, 65, has a reputation for folksy, Midwestern plain speech and self-effacing humor. Although he’s a three-time college dropout, his father wants him to succeed him as the non-executive chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, the $550 billion conglomerate that owns companies such as Duracell, Dairy Queen and GEICO insurance as well as major stakes in leading U.S. airlines and banks. But he’s spent much of his adult life roving the world, taking wildlife photos and writing books. He’s also a corn farmer and made headlines in 2017 by briefly serving as the sheriff of Macon County, Illinois, where he lives and his foundation is based. He began exploring the world as a teenager on a trip to Soviet-controlled Prague in 1969 to visit one of the many exchange students his mother hosted at their home in Omaha, Nebraska.  As a philanthropist, his priority now is helping Colombia and El Salvador, whose fight against drug trafficking directly affects the U.S. Between the two countries he has already spent or committed $310 million, including the funding in El Salvador of a new police forensics center and a modern system to help the country’s prosecutors track criminal investigations. As a volunteer police officer who logged 678 hours on patrol last year, Buffett has seen firsthand the human toll caused by drug addiction. A few weeks before traveling to Colombia, he and a partner were staking out a motel in Decatur, Illinois, at 1 a.m. when they arrested a man possessing crack. With him was a woman who said she had a drug problem, so Buffett paid for her to stay at the hotel two nights. Later, he referred her to a county rehab facility paid for with a gift from the Buffett Foundation in the hope she would get help. “These are people who need our help,” he said. “They’re not criminals.” Colombia’s President Ivan Duque, left, and Howard Buffett laugh during a tour of a cocoa farm in La Gabarra, Colombia. The Howard G. Buffett Foundation has committed to spending $200 million over the next few years to develop the municipality.He has turned to Latin America after years of focusing much of his attention on Africa and especially Rwanda, where he works with the government on sustainable agriculture. He spent so much time at his farm in South Africa in the 1990s that he obtained permanent residency. Worked with ShakiraBuffett began working in Colombia in 2008, helping pop star Shakira set up schools in her hometown of Barranquilla. He’s also funded an army unit removing thousands of landmines strewn across former conflict zones. Leveraging his business contacts, he established a program to help around 100 families in southern Colombia switch from growing coca to producing high-quality coffee for Nespresso. While an enthusiastic supporter of the 2016 peace deal, he has nonetheless struck a close relationship with Duque, a law-and-order conservative who rode into office attacking the agreement. Duque has vowed to slash cocaine production in half by the end of 2023. Production of the drug skyrocketed after his predecessor — Nobel Peace Prize laureate Juan Manuel Santos — halted aerial eradication in 2015 because of health concerns related to the herbicides used. But reaching that goal requires huge resources the government doesn’t have, as well as overcoming the indifference of urban voters who are removed from the conflict and have their own growing list of demands. That’s where Buffett steps in. The $200 million Buffett has pledged for Tibu is more than triple what the government has spent the past two years altogether on public works in 170 high-risk municipalities that are part of a rural development rescue plan mandated by the peace deal. The U.S. Agency for International Development spends $230 million annually in Colombia, although its projects are spread across the country. Beyond the big check, longtime partners praise the Buffett Foundation for being independent and nimble. It’s funded from an annual gift in Berkshire Hathaway stock by Warren Buffett, so it can take risks few are willing to attempt, development experts say. “We’re accountable mainly to the IRS [Internal Revenue Service],” joked Buffett, who sees setbacks like a venture capitalist who must eat crow before finding wild success. “If you’re a charity, and you’re going to have your annual banquet to raise a lot of money, you can’t stand up there and tell people how you had these five failures and this one success. People aren’t going to write checks,” he said. “We’ll make a decision in five minutes if we know what we want to do.” Howard Buffett, left, talks to Colombia’s President Ivan Duque aboard an air force plane before departing from Bogota, Colombia, Jan. 29, 2020. Duque has vowed to slash cocaine production in half by the end of 2023.He is skeptical of the U.S. government and United Nations, preferring not to work with either. “The reason is because we can’t depend on them,” said Buffett, who said he was burned badly by USAID in 2011 when it abandoned a joint $10 million seed program for starving farmers in South Sudan just as fighting broke out in the world’s newest independent state. “The bullets started flying and they pulled out. But it’s like, you’re in South Sudan, so of course bullets are going to fly,” he said. Partners who produceInstead, the foundation relies on partners known for delivering results quickly with slim overhead — a combination he says is hard to find among the “beltway bandits” profiting from U.S. foreign aid outlays. One accompanying him to Catatumbo is Portland, Oregon-based Mercy Corps, which is helping farmers sort through Colombia’s bureaucratic maze to obtain land titles. In a nod to his father’s reputation for common sense, Buffett seeks frequent counsel from the so-called “Oracle of Omaha.” “He’s my sounding board, kind of like my conscience in a way,” Buffett said. “But he never asks, Why are you doing that?' orWhy you’re taking that risk?’ ” In Tibu, after cracking a few jokes and planting a cacao tree, he seemed beside himself with joy even as the presidential committee hustled to quickly depart as heavy fog threatened to maroon them in the middle of nowhere. “I know Emilio is very worried about leaving,” Buffett told the farmers through a translator, referring to Duque’s post-conflict adviser, Emilio Archila. “But I’m not, because there’s lots of chocolate here.” 

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Trump Expected to Raise $10M During Mar-a-Lago Stop 

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President Donald Trump mixed reelection business with pleasure during a weekend stop at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, attending a fundraiser Saturday evening expected to raise $10 million for his campaign and the Republican National Committee. The event was believed to be his most expensive fundraiser ever, with invitations going to donors who gave $580,600 per couple, according to The Washington Post, which obtained an invitation to the event at the Palm Beach estate of billionaire investor Nelson Peltz. Pro-Trump groups have been shattering fundraising records on the path toward a goal of raising $1 billion this election cycle. Advocacy groups that have sought campaign finance reform said the Supreme Court paved the way for such fundraising hauls by striking down in 2014 the limit on the total amount of money an individual could give to all political party committees in a two-year election cycle. “The ability of Trump to raise these astronomical amounts of influence money from billionaires and multimillionaires is a direct result of the Supreme Court’s utter failure to understand the nation’s campaign finance laws or the implications of its decision,” said Democracy 21 President Fred Wertheimer in an op-ed published in Medium. In that 5-4 decision the Supreme Court found that limits on the total amount of money donors can give to all candidates, committees and political parties were unconstitutional. Senator Bernie Sanders has criticized some of his fellow Democratic presidential candidates for accepting campaign donations from the extremely wealthy, questioning whether those who accept the donations would stand up to those who provide them if the situation called for it. 

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Лукашенко отказал пукину создать «СВЕРХДЕРЖАВУ»

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Лукашенко отказал пукину создать «СВЕРХДЕРЖАВУ».

Звучит как анекдот: Россияне одобряют поправки, но половину не понимают. Какая красота, разделяй и властвуй. В Америке наверное больше понимают, потому что Bloomberg сообщил, что данные изменения Конституции стали «планом Б» после того, как провалилась возможная интеграция с Беларусью. Надеюсь мои зрители это тоже прекрасно понимают

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С клюшкой без скидки. Итоги сделки пукина с Лукашенко

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С клюшкой без скидки. Итоги сделки пукина с Лукашенко.

Путину не удалось “поставить раком” Лукашенко и приблизить оформление союзного государства

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“Ответка” Эрдогана: на грани новой “русско-турецкой”…

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“Ответка” Эрдогана: на грани новой “русско-турецкой”…

“Союз” России и Турции трещит по швам: первые прецеденты прямого столкновения России и Турции уже есть…

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Пукин опять пообещал: пока я президент такого не будет

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Пукин опять пообещал: пока я президент такого не будет.

Встреча Путина с рабочей группой по подготовке поправок в Конституцию РФ.

Последние новости России и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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Afghans Mark Soviet Withdrawal as US Negotiates Its Own Exit

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Afghanistan on Saturday marked the 31st anniversary of the last Soviet soldier leaving the country. This year’s anniversary came as the United States negotiates its own exit after 18 years of war, America’s longest. Some of the same Afghan insurgent leaders who drove out the former Soviet Union have been fighting the U.S. and have had prominent seats at the negotiating table during yearlong talks with Washington’s peace envoy. Moscow pulled out of Afghanistan in 1989, a decade after invading the country to support an allied communist government. Afghan mujaheddin, or holy warriors, received weapons and training from the U.S. throughout the 1980s to fight the Red Army. Some of those mujaheddin went on to form the Taliban. The U.S. and the Taliban agreed Friday to a temporary truce. If successful, it could open the way for another historic withdrawal that would see all American troops leave the country. The chief negotiator for the Taliban, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, was once an American ally against the Soviets. So was another Taliban negotiator, Khairullah Khairkhwa. He spent 12 years detained at Guantanamo Bay until his release in 2014 in exchange for U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. The Taliban are now at their strongest since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan ousted them from power. No public festivitiesKabul’s streets were quiet Saturday, normally the busy start of the Afghan workweek. There were no official public celebrations marking the anniversary, and most people took the holiday off. Shakeb Rohin was only 7 years old when the Soviets pulled out. Now a graduate of Kabul University’s economics department, he said he couldn’t remember the Soviet occupation. Since then, he said, he’s witnessed only war. We are so tried of war, we want a peaceful solution for Afghanistan's problems,'' he said. Abdul Shakor Ahmadi, 56, recalled how people were very happy on the day of the pullout. But he said the civil war that followed was worse. With the Cold War over, the U.S. lost interest in Afghanistan. The mujaheddin government — which included many of the warlords in Kabul today — eventually turned their guns on each other in the early 1990s. The fighting killed tens of thousands of civilians. It also led some former mujaheddin to regroup into the Taliban, who rose to power in 1996 and implemented a harsh interpretation of Islamic rule. Fear for the futureI hope peace comes this time ,” Ahmadi said. At least once in our lifetime we would be able to see peace in our country. We're so worried about the future of our children.'' It's unclear when newly brokered truce will take effect. The peace deal would call for negotiations between Afghans on both sides of the conflict to start next month. It would also set a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops and include a commitment from the Taliban not to harbor terrorist groups like al-Qaida. Amin Mohammadi, a shopkeeper in Kabul, remained pessimistic.Most people are jobless. No one has enough money to come and buy things. I don’t want to celebrate anything. The Soviets withdrew, but what was the benefit?“ 

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Trump Looks to Rev Up His Base at Daytona 500 

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President Donald Trump is out to rev up his appeal with a key voting demographic — NASCAR fans — as he takes in the Daytona 500 on Sunday. NASCAR drivers may veer to the left during their trip around the oval racetrack, but their fans lean right, which helps explain the regularity with which GOP presidents have made their way to the track. Trump will be the second sitting president to attend the Daytona 500, after George W. Bush in 2004. Like Trump, he also attended the race during a presidential election year. Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush also visited the track at Daytona but during races other than the 500. This year, Trump will serve as grand marshal and give the command for drivers to start their engines. Two-part appealAri Fleischer, the White House spokesman under George W. Bush, said the visit should appeal to Trump on two fronts. There's a real sense of positive, overwhelming affirmation to hear the roar of the crowd. What politician doesn't want that?'' Fleischer said.Secondly, there’s what I call the reverberation effect. People watching at home, who hear the roar of the crowd for a president, that can drive them toward some sense of approval or fondness or liking for the president. Just in case anyone misses the point, Trump's reelection campaign will run a TV ad during the Fox broadcast of the race and fly an aerial banner near the speedway. FILE - Then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, accompanied by NASCAR Chairman and CEO Brian France, left, invites up former NASCAR driver Bill Elliott, right, to speak at a rally in Valdosta, Ga., Feb. 29, 2016.Trump scored a coup in 2016 when Brian France, then NASCAR's chairman and chief executive, endorsed him in the presidential race. While France's endorsement was a personal matter, some critics said it hurt NASCAR's efforts to boost its appeal among minorities. And Trump didn't help matters when he repeatedly claimed he had receivedNASCAR’s endorsement” rather than France’s. In 1984, Reagan became the first sitting president to attend a NASCAR race. That July, he started the Firecracker 400 at Daytona International Speedway, where he gave the command, “Gentlemen, start your engines!” from aboard Air Force One. Later, the plane landed at Daytona International Airport behind the speedway in full view of the fans. It was at that race that Richard Petty captured his historic 200th victory. Reagan stuck around until the end and even did a few laps of radio play-by-play during the race, congratulated Petty and then ate chicken with drivers, crew members, NASCAR employees and their families in the garage area. FILE – In this Feb. 15, 2004, photo, then-President George W. Bush greets driver Matt Kenseth in the pits at the Daytona 500 NASCAR race in Daytona Beach, Fla.The senior Bush’s trip to Daytona occurred in 1992. As Reagan’s vice president, he also served as the honorary starter for the 25th running of the Daytona 500. President Barack Obama’s initial presidential campaign was presented with the opportunity to sponsor a car in a NASCAR race, but eventually declined that chance. However, Obama routinely invited the winners of the NASCAR Cup Series championship to the White House, a tradition Trump has continued. Penske honoredLast year, Trump took that outreach a step further, awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom, one of the nation’s highest civilian honors, to Roger Penske, a businessman and founder of one of the world’s most successful motorsports teams. Democrat Bill Clinton didn’t get as friendly a NASCAR reception as the GOP presidents. During his visit to a NASCAR race as a candidate in September 1992, the question of his lack of Vietnam-era military service was still dogging his campaign. Many fans at the Southern 500 in Darlington, South Carolina, booed and heckled him. By contrast, when George W. Bush attended the Daytona 500, he received rock-star treatment. About 100,000 people are expected to attend this year’s race and millions more will watch on television. About 9 million people took in last year’s race on television. 

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У столиці Росії влада узгодила ходу пам’яті Нємцова

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Мерія Москви повідомила про узгодження ходи пам’яті Бориса Нємцова, інформує російська служба Радіо Свобода. Акція відбудеться 29 лютого. Активісти зазначають, що марш дасть можливість не лише вшанувати пам’ять убитого п’ять років тому опозиційного політика, але і висловити своє ставлення до запропонованих владою поправок до російської конституції.

Суд над убивцями Нємцова засудив п’ятьох російських громадян, вихідців з Чечні, до тюремного ув’язнення з термінами від 11 до 20 років. Замовника вбивства досі не встановлено.

Перша хода пам’яті Бориса Нємцова відбулася в 2015 році, на наступний день після вбивства політика. У ній взяли участь понад 50 тисяч людей. Через рік число учасників акції скоротилося вдвічі. Торік у Москві на ходу пам’яті Нємцова вийшло близько восьми тисяч активістів. Заявка, подана для узгодження московській владі, передбачає участь у заході 30 тисяч людей. Акції пам’яті Бориса Нємцова, як очікується, відбудуться і в інших російських містах.

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