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Month: March 2019

Сенат США розгляне блокування указу Трампа про надзвичайний стан на кордоні

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Сенат США, в якому більшість мають республіканці, 14 березня розглядатиме резолюцію, що скасовує указ президента Дональда Трампа про введення надзвичайного стану на кордоні з Мексикою.

Як очікують, скасування надзвичайного стану буде ветоване президентом. 

Палата представників Конгресу США, де більшість належить демократам, схвалила резолюцію минулого місяця.

Указ про надзвичайний стан президент Трамп підписав 15 лютого, щоб отримати фінансування на будівництво стіни вздовж південного кордону.

Багато законодавців, включаючи деяких республіканців, вважають, що президент у даній ситуації зловживає своїм правом проголошувати режим надзвичайного стану, підриваючи важливу прерогативу Конгресу, який, згідно з конституцією країни, контролює державні витрати.

Трамп раніше заявляв, що ветує документ, і Конгресу буде потрібно дві третіх голосів для подолання вето.

Наприкінці грудня розбіжності між Трампом і демократичною більшістю Конгресу щодо бюджету призвели до припинення роботи уряду.

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У роботі Facebook і Instagram по всьому світу стався збій

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У роботі Facebook, Instagram і WhatsApp стався збій, що торкнувся користувачів по всьому світу. Він тривав більшу частину дня 13 березня.

Наразі не ясно, що призвело до збою роботи цих соцмереж і месенджерів. У той же час, як повідомили представники компанії у твіттері, неполадки в роботі не пов’язані з DDoS-атакою.

За інформацією сервісу Downdetector, що відстежує роботу інтернет-ресурсів, число користувачів, що скаржаться на проблеми в роботі Facebook, WhatsApp і Instagram, до ранку 14 березня значно знизилося.

Для компанії Facebook це найсерйозніший збій в роботі за її історію. Останній раз компанія переживала схожі проблеми в 2008 році, коли у неї було 150 мільйонів користувачів. Зараз їх понад два мільярди.

Частина користувачів не могла ставити нові пости, ділитися відео і залишати коментарі.

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Бразилія: 7 людей загинули і декілька поранені через влаштовану колишніми учнями стрілянину

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Двоє колишніх учнів у масках застрелили сімох і поранили ще декількох школярів і співробітників у середній школі неподалік від міста Сан-Паулу, Бразилія. За даними влади, двоє осіб відкрили вогонь по учнях у дворі школи вранці 13 березня, а потім пішли в іншу частину закладу, де один з них застрелив спільника, а потім і себе самого. У них виявили револьвер 38-го калібру, коктейлі Молотова, ножі і невеликі сокирки.

Серед загиблих – п’ятеро учнів віком від 15 до 17 років і два співробітники школи 38 і 59 років. Є також інформація, що перед стріляниною у школі нападники застрелили 51-річного власника автомийки.

За даними поліції, нападниками виявилися хлопці 25-ти і 17-ти років, мати останнього стверджувала, що з її сина знущалися у школі. Мотив їхнього нападу наразі невідомий.

У 2017 році в Бразилії було скоєно близько 64 тисяч вбивств, це приблизно 31 на 100 тисяч жителів, що майже втричі вище рівня, класифікованого ООН, як поширене насильство.

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Trump Says He is in No Rush to Complete China Trade Deal

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U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he was in no rush to complete a trade pact with China and insisted that any deal include protection for intellectual property, a major sticking point between the two sides during months of negotiations.

Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping had been expected to hold a summit at the president’s Mar-a-Lago property in Florida later this month, but no date has been set for a meeting and no in-person talks between their trade teams have been held in more than two weeks.

The president, speaking to reporters at the White House, said he thought there was a good chance a deal would be made, in part because China wanted one after suffering from U.S. tariffs on its goods.

But he acknowledged Xi may be wary of coming to a summit without an agreement in hand after seeing Trump end a separate summit in Vietnam with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un without a peace deal.

“I think President Xi saw that I’m somebody that believes in walking when the deal is not done, and you know there’s always a chance it could happen and he probably wouldn’t want that,” Trump said.

China has not made any public comment confirming Xi is considering going to meet Trump in Florida or elsewhere.

The president, who likes to emphasize his own deal-making abilities, said an agreement to end a months-long trade war could be finished ahead of a presidential meeting or completed in-person with his counterpart.

“We could do it either way. We could have the deal completed and come and sign, or we could get the deal almost completed and negotiate some of the final points. I would prefer that,” he said.

Trump decided last month not to increase tariffs on Chinese goods at the beginning of March, giving a nod to the success of negotiations so far.

But hurdles remain, and intellectual property is one of them. Washington accuses Beijing of forcing U.S. companies to share their intellectual property and transfer their technology to local partners in order to do business in China. Beijing denies it engages in such practices.

Asked on Wednesday if intellectual property had to be included in a trade deal, Trump said: “Yes it does.”

He indicated that from his perspective, a meeting with Xi was still likely.

“I think things are going along very well – we’ll just see what the date is,” Trump told reporters at the White House.

“I’m in no rush. I want the deal to be right. … I am not in a rush whatsoever. It’s got to be the right deal. It’s got to be a good deal for us and if it’s not, we’re not going to make that deal.”

‘Maintaining contact’

China’s Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that Xi had previously told Trump that he is willing to “maintain contacts” with the U.S. president.

Over the weekend, Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen, who has been deeply involved in the trade talks with the United States, did not answer questions from reporters on whether Xi would go to Mar-a-Lago.

Two Beijing-based diplomatic sources, familiar with the situation, told Reuters that Xi would not be going to Mar-a-Lago, at least in the near term.

One said there had been no formal approach from the United States to China about such a trip, while the second said the problem was that China had realized a trade agreement was not going to be as easy to reach as they had initially thought.

“This is media hype,” said the first source, of reports Xi and Trump could meet this month in Florida.

Though Trump said he is not in a hurry, a trade deal this spring would give him a win to cite as an economic accomplishment as he advances his 2020 re-election campaign. The trade war has hurt the global economy and hung over stock markets, which would likely benefit from an end to the tensions.

In addition to smoothing over sticking points on content, the United States is eager to include a strong enforcement mechanism in a deal to ensure that Beijing can be held accountable if it breaks any of its terms.

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, who has spearheaded the talks from the American side, said on Tuesday that U.S. officials hoped they were in the final weeks of their talks with China but that major issues remained to be resolved.

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Democrats Cool Toward NAFTA Replacement, Question Labor Standards

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Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives gave a cool reception to the replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement on Wednesday as the top U.S. trade negotiator opened a  campaign to win broad support for the accord in Congress.

Several Democrats said a closed-door meeting between United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and their caucus failed to ease their concerns about the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement’s (USMCA) provisions on labor, biologic drugs and some other issues.

A USTR spokeswoman declined to comment on the meeting.

The support of Democrats, who control the House, is considered important to passage of the USMCA, and Wednesday’s meeting at the U.S. Capitol signaled that the Trump administration has a lot of work to do to address the party’s concerns.

Democrats questioned whether new labor standards aimed at ensuring workers have the right to organize can be adequately enforced, as this depends partly on Mexico passing new labor laws.

“What you’re hearing is that a lot of people don’t think it’s good enough,” Representative Pramila Jayapal said of USMCA after the meeting, adding that she was concerned the new pact would not solve the biggest shortcoming of NAFTA, which allowed Mexican wages to stagnate.

“We know that when you don’t have strong enforcement provisions, you are essentially facilitating the outsourcing of jobs and bad worker protections and undercutting of U.S. workers,” said Jayapal.

NAFTA dealt with labor provisions in an unenforceable side-letter, allowing unions in Mexico to remain weak and wages low, drawing factories from the United States and Canada.

While USMCA’s labor chapter is part of the trade agreement itself and requires Mexico to adhere to International Labor Organization standards, Democrats questioned whether this could be adequately enforced through a state-to-state dispute settlement mechanism.

The Mexican government expects its Congress to pass a labor bill by the end of April that it says will strengthen the rights of unionized workers and fulfill its commitments under USMCA. Mexico “could say they passed the laws, but the laws could be very weak,” said Representative Judy Chu, a Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee.

She said Lighthizer told Democrats that he believed that Mexico’s labor law would meet the terms of the agreement and that any enforcement issues could be resolved through a subsequent agreement following ratification. Jayapal added that Lighthizer said this could be addressed through implementing legislation.

Some Democrats said that Lighthizer listened closely to their concerns and that he would work to address them. 

“He understands the concerns of our caucus and he knows we’re not there yet,” said Representative Bill Pascrell.

Other Democrats raised concerns about the prospect for higher drug prices resulting from the USMCA’s provision for 10 years of data exclusivity for biologic drugs. The United States allows 12 years currently and negotiated a five-year exclusivity period in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, which President Donald Trump declined to join in 2017.

Representative Rosa DeLauro, a Democrat who opposed several previous trade deals, called this an “absolutely unbelievable giveaway to the pharmaceutical industry.”

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, whose panel will handle the USMCA legislation, said the meeting did not provide any further clarity on the timing of the Trump administration’s submission of implementing legislation to Congress, or when a vote might occur.

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Spotify Files EU Antitrust Complaint Against Apple 

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Spotify has filed a complaint with European Union antitrust regulators against Apple, saying the iPhone maker unfairly limits rivals to its own Apple Music streaming service. 

Spotify, which launched a year after the 2007 launch of the iPhone, said on Wednesday that Apple’s control of its App Store deprived consumers of choice and rival providers of audio streaming services to the benefit of Apple Music, which began in 2015. 

Central to Spotify’s complaint, filed with the European Commission on Monday, is what it says is a 30 percent fee Apple charges content-based service providers to use Apple’s in-app purchase system (IAP). 

Forced to raise price

Horacio Gutierrez, Spotify’s general counsel, said the company was pressured into using the billing system in 2014, but then was forced to raise the monthly fee of its premium service from 9.99 to 12.99 euros, just as Apple Music launched at Spotify’s initial 9.99 price. 

Spotify then ceased use of Apple’s IAP system, meaning Spotify customers could only upgrade to the fee-based package indirectly, such as on a laptop. 

Under App Store rules, Spotify said, content-based apps could not include buttons or external links to pages with production information, discounts or promotions and faced difficulties fixing bugs. Such restrictions do not apply to Android phones, it said. 

“Promotions are essential to our business. This is how we convert our free customers to premium,” Gutierrez said. 

Voice recognition system Siri would not hook iPhone users up to Spotify, and Apple declined to let Spotify launch an app on its Apple Watch, Spotify said. 

Spotify declined to say what economic damage it believed it had suffered. 

“We feel confident in the economic analysis we have submitted to the commission that we could have done better than we have done so far,” Gutierrez said. 

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З 1 травня в Києві планують підвищити тарифи на електроенергію та опалення

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З 1 травня комунальне підприємство «Київтеплоенерго» планує підвищити тарифи на електроенергію та опалення.

Згідно проекту, який оприлюднило підприємство, тариф на електроенергію може зрости на 24% і становитиме 1,75 гривні за кіловат-годину.

Плата за опалення може зрости на 19% – з 964,19 гривні до 1147,2 гривні за гігакалорію.

У «Київтеплоенерго» пояснили необхідність підвищення тарифів зростанням вартості природного газу.

З 1 січня в Україні зросли тарифи на гарячу воду та опалення.

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НБУ: долар за день відіграв тижневе падіння

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Національний банк України за результатами торгів на міжбанківському валютному ринку встановив на 14 березня курс 26 гривень 70 копійок за долар США. Це одразу на 34 копійки більше, ніж днем раніше.

Такий курс відповідає показникам середини минулого тижня, на 6 березня курс НБУ становив 26 гривень 76 копійок за долар.

Зміну настроїв на ринку профільний сайт «Мінфін» пояснює тим, що в перший після тривалих вихідних день експортери продали обов’язковий обсяг валютної виручки, розміщення облігацій внутрішньої державної позики було незначним, також ліквідність у банківській системі залишається на дуже високому рівні.

Національний банк України наразі не реагував на зміну тренду і зростання курсу долара не пригальмовував. Аналітики припускають, що регулятор вдасться до інтервенцій у разі продовження послаблення гривні.

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Categories: Економіка

Рада федерації Росії схвалила покарання за фейкові новини і неповагу до влади

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Рада федерації Росії 13 березня схвалила погоджені раніше Держдумою законопроекти про блокування фейкових новин й адміністративне покарання за неповагу до суспільства, держави й офіційних державних символів в інтернеті.

Відповідно до закону про фейкові новини, прокуратура може звернутися в «Роскомнагляд» у разі виявлення в інтернет-ЗМІ інформації, визнаної недостовірною.

Наглядовий орган, у свою чергу, може вимагати від редакції видалити цю інформацію, в іншому випадку домагаючись блокування ресурсу через провайдера. У разі порушення закону громадян чекає штраф на суму до 100 тисяч рублів, посадових осіб – до 200 тисяч, юридичних – до півмільйона.

Читайте також: Росія: письменники назвали «прямою цензурою» закони про образу влади і фейкові новини

Водночас за образу влади і символів в інтернеті громадяни караються штрафом до 100 тисяч рублів або адміністративним арештом на строк до 15 діб. При повторному порушенні штраф може бути збільшений до 200 тисяч рублів.

Для того, щоб законопроекти набули чинності, їх має підписати президент Росії.

Законопроекти критикували правозахисники і журналісти, вказуючи на те, що їх ухвалення обмежує свободу слова. Крім того, критики звертали увагу на неясність критеріїв віднесення тієї чи іншої інформації до розряду «фейкової». Документи також отримували негативні відгуки від низки державних відомств, проте уряд Росії врешті-решт їх підтримав.


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Парламент Британії голосуватиме щодо «Брекзиту» без угоди

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У Палаті громад британського парламенту 13 березня пройде голосування з питання про вихід Великої Британії з Євросоюзу 29 березня без угоди з ЄС. Голосування відбудеться після того, як напередодні більшість депутатів вдруге відкинули проект угоди, запропонований прем’єр-міністром Терезою Мей.

Мей напередодні заявила, що голосування для депутатів від владної Консервативної партії буде вільним, уряд не має певної позиції. Решта партій різко проти «Брекзиту» без договору. Це означає, що, цілком ймовірно, депутати відкинуть вихід із ЄС без угоди.

У цьому випадку 14 березня має пройти ще одне голосування – про перенесення терміну «Брекзиту» з 29 березня на більш пізній термін, найімовірніше на три місяці.

Читайте також: Британські депутати відкидають план прем’єра щодо Brexit. Можливі варіанти розвитку подій

Представники ЄС, однак, стверджують, що британська сторона повинна надати серйозне обґрунтування для такого перенесення і чіткий план дій. Схвалити перенесення дати «Брекзиту» повинні всі країни ЄС.

Якщо цього не відбудеться, ймовірно, Британія все одно буде змушена 29 березня вийти з ЄС, або ж відкликати свою заявку на вихід.

Європейські політики висловили розчарування результатом вчорашнього голосування у британському парламенті і заявляють, що більше не будуть вести з Британією переговорів про зміни в угоді про «Брекзит».

Проти договору голосував 391 депутат – це не тільки представники опозиційних партій, але і 75 консерваторів. Більшість із них – прихильники «Брекзиту», договір же вони відкинули тому, що вважають низку його положень невигідним для Британії.

Лейбористи й інші опозиційні партії виступають за проведення повторного референдуму з питання про «Брекзит». Крім того, деякі політики висловлюються за проведення дострокових виборів.

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Ще дві країни відмовляються від літаків Boeing 737 MAX

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Комітет із цивільної авіації Казахстану 13 березня повідомив, що зупиняє польоти польоти авіалайнера Boeing 737 MAX 8 через два дні після катастрофи в Ефіопії, жертвами якої стали 157 людей.

Водночас Сербія вирішила заборонити таким літакам злітати, сідати або пролітати через свій повітряний простір.

Вже низка країн і авіакомпаній по всьому світу заборонила польоти авіалайнера Boeing 737 MAX 8 через після авіакатастрофи. Європейський союз, Норвегія, Австралія, Китай, Малайзія, Сінгапур, Індонезія, Бразилія, Мексика, Індія та інші країни заявили 12 березня, що забороняють польоти літака цієї моделі чи закривають свій повітряний простір для літаків з інших країн як запобіжний захід.

Сполучені Штати, які допомагають ефіопській владі розслідувати катастрофу, заявили, що «занадто рано» припиняти роботу флоту Boeing 737 MAX 8 на своїй території.

11 березня компанія Boeing, найбільший в світі виробник літаків, заявила, що «повністю впевнена у безпеці» літака і пообіцяла в найближчі тижні застосувати нове програмне забезпечення для управління польотом для літаків 737 MAX.

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Понад 19 мільйонів гривень перерахували громадянам у перший день виплат субсидій грішми – уряд

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У перший день виплат субсидій грішми, так званої монетизації, громадянам України перерахували 19,4 мільйони гривень. Як повідомили в Кабінеті міністрів 12 березня, кошти оформили понад 11 тисячами переказів.

«На карти зараховано 204 224 перекази на суму 333,4 мільйонів гривень. Кампанія триває», – йдеться в повідомленні.

Виплати монетизованих субсидій почалися через мережу державного банку «Ощадбанк».

В уряді додали, що розпочата з початку березня кампанія з монетизації субсидій на оплату житлово-комунальних послуг «проходить планово і без збоїв».

З 1 березня в Україні стартував процес монетизації субсидій. У Мінсоцполітики раніше повідомляли, що готівкою будуть виплачувати субсидії домогосподарствам, для яких субсидія призначена на поточний опалювальний сезон.

На 2019 рік у проекті бюджету заплановано 55 мільярдів гривень на субсидії з комунальних послуг.

Кабінет міністрів у листопаді минулого року схвалив запровадження в Україні монетизації субсидій на рівні постачальників послуг.

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Trade Chief: US Working on Steel, Aluminum Tariff Relief for Mexico, Canada

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The United States is working on a plan to lift tariffs from Mexican and Canadian steel and aluminum but preserve the gains that domestic producers have received from the duties so far, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said on Tuesday.

“What I’m trying to do is a have a practical solution to a real problem … get rid of tariffs on these two, let them maintain their historic access to the U.S. market which I think will allow us to still maintain the benefit of the steel and aluminum program,” he told the U.S. Senate Finance Committee at a hearing about the World Trade Organization.

The United States imposed the “Section 232” tariffs on steel and aluminum nearly a year ago to protect domestic producers on national security grounds. A plan to lift tariffs on the metals from Canada and Mexico was once linked to the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement but ultimately was excluded from that deal.

Since then, a number of U.S. lawmakers have said they did not believe the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) could win approval in Congress if the metals tariffs — along with and retaliatory duties on U.S. farm and other products — were left in place.

Members of the New Democrat Coalition in the House of Representatives echoed a similar message in a meeting with Lighthizer later on Tuesday.

“Some of us impressed the need to resolve 232 before we have a chance to move forward” on consideration of USMCA, said Representative Ron Kind, a pro-trade Democrat from Wisconsin.

Kind added that Lighthizer expected to meet with Mexican and Canadian counterparts on the issue this week.

A spokeswoman for the U.S. Trade Representative’s office declined to comment, saying there were no scheduling announcements on the 232 issue.

The United States has sought quotas on steel and aluminum in lieu of tariffs, but Canada and Mexico have resisted such restrictions, arguing that they pose no threat to U.S. national security.

A Mexican official said talks were continuing.

“Our position is that we should not have tariffs or quotas.

We have to help the U.S. construct the narrative of why exclusion for Mexico is valid,” added the official, who was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter and requested anonymity.

Kind cautioned that the Trump administration would need to submit the USMCA enabling legislation soon to Congress so it could be considered before the August recess. After that, it could become caught up in another border wall funding fight in the fall and later the 2020 presidential election campaign, which would diminish its approval chances.

“There’s a lot of work and the clock’s ticking,” Kind added.

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Lopez Obrador Rebuts Finance Ministry over $2.5B Mexico Refinery Funding

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Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Tuesday denied any delay to a flagship refinery project in his home state after the deputy finance minister was quoted as saying $2.5 billion for its construction will be moved to state oil firm Pemex.

The planned investment for the Dos Bocas refinery “can go to exploration and production” for Pemex, Arturo Herrera told the Financial Times in an interview during a trip to London for meetings with investors.

However, Lopez Obrador stood by his plan to build the refinery within three years, saying the tender could be unveiled next week. In answer to a question about whether the $2.5 billion would be spent this year on the refinery, said “Yes.”

The president’s plans to fast-track construction of the new refinery in Tabasco, his home state, have concerned investors that it would take away much-needed resources from Pemex, which is creaking under $106 billion of debt.

His energy minister, Rocio Nahle, said she understood Herrera’s budget concerns but said the project was on track.

“The faster we do this project, the cheaper it will be,” she said on Mexican radio.

The conflicting statements appeared to confuse investors.

Mexico’s benchmark stock index reversed gains and weakened 0.7 percent after Lopez Obrador’s rebuttal of Herrera’s comments, while the peso pared gains.

“Contradictions within the federal government do not help financial markets,” said James Salazar, an economist at bank CI Banco.

The government is under growing pressure to dispel doubts Pemex can successfully manage more than $16 billion of debt payments due by the end of next year, halt the firm’s extended oil output slide and avert a threatened credit rating downgrade to “junk.”

Finance minister Carlos Urzua said last week the government would announce new measures to support the ailing company, after unveiling a $3.9 billion bailout in February that failed to impress ratings agencies.

Herrera said the government was in talks with the International Monetary Fund and other multilateral organizations about structuring a fresh capital injection for Pemex, though he noted that those discussions were technical and no borrowing was involved, according to the Financial Times.

Lopez Obrador said it was very likely the government would make an announcement about tenders for the refinery on March 18, a national holiday that celebrates the 1938 nationalization of Mexico’s oil industry.

He also predicted Pemex would reverse its output decline by next year, with “new wells” coming on line by December under a production plan that allows Pemex to hire service companies to help explore mature fields.

He repeated that the refinery would cost between $6 billion and $8 billion, and said that work for now was focused on preparing the ground at the refinery site and readying the framework for the tender.

The refinery has already hit obstacles after the proposed construction site was cleared of protected mangrove without the correct environmental permits. The government has yet to present an environmental impact assessment for the wildlife-rich site.

Herrera said the tender framework was being prepared, but said the finance ministry needed to see a solid financial plan before releasing funds.

“We will not authorize (construction) until we have a final figure that is not very different from the original $8 billion,” said Herrera.

($1 = 19.3083 Mexican pesos)

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Official: US Plans ‘Very Significant’ Additional Venezuela Sanctions

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The United States is preparing to impose “very significant” Venezuela-related sanctions against financial institutions in the coming days, U.S. special envoy Elliott Abrams said on Tuesday.

Abrams did not elaborate on the fresh measures but his warning came a day after the U.S. Treasury imposed sanctions on Russian bank Evrofinance Mosnarbank for helping Venezuelan state oil firm PDVSA evade U.S. financial restrictions.

Abrams said Washington was also preparing to withdraw more U.S. visas from Venezuelans with close ties to President Nicolas Maduro.

Washington has taken the lead in recognizing opposition leader Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s rightful president after the 35-year-old Congress chief declared Maduro’s 2018 re-election a fraud and announced an interim presidency in January. Most countries in Europe and Latin America have followed suit.

Abrams’ comments came as Venezuela ordered American diplomats to leave the country within 72 hours.

Washington said it had decided to withdraw the remaining diplomats due to deteriorating conditions in Venezuela, which has been plunged into its worst blackout on record.

Abrams emphasized that the withdrawal of diplomats was not a change in U.S. policy.

“This does not represent any change in U.S. policy toward Venezuela, nor does it represent any reduction in the commitment we have to the people of Venezuela and to their struggle for democracy,” he said, adding that the U.S. intended to keep up pressure on Maduro through sanctions.

“You will see very soon a significant number of additional visa revocations. You will see in the coming days some very significant additional sanctions,” Abrams added.

He said the United States was in talks with other countries that could act as its “protecting power” in Venezuela to ensure the safety of the U.S. embassy’s premises and provide assistance to Americans in trouble.

A “protecting power” is a country that represents another in cases where two countries have broken off diplomatic relations.

Washington, for example, has appointed Switzerland as its “protecting power” in Iran.

“We are trying to decide on a protecting power,” Abrams said.

He said the safety of U.S. diplomats was a key factor in the withdrawal decision reached by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in the late hours of Monday night.

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ЄСПЛ призначив компенсацію сім’ям 11 зниклих жителів російської Чечні

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Європейський суд з прав людини присудив 870 тисяч євро компенсації моральної шкоди сім’ям 11 жителів російський Чечні, викрадених в період з 2002 по 2006 рік, повідомила «Медіазона».

Десяти сім’ям ЄСПЛ присудив по 80 тисяч євро. Родичі ще одного викраденого мають отримати 70 тисяч євро. Суд у Страсбурзі визнав, що були порушення статті про заборону тортур, право на свободу та ефективні засоби правового захисту Європейської конвенції з прав людини. Місцеперебування зниклих досі невідомо.

Серед викрадених були Ісмаїл Махмудов, Ісмаїл Даштаєв, Іслам Асуханов, Ваха Наузен, Суп’ян Мукаєв, Зелімхан Дутаєв, Рустам Гайсумов, Хусейн Елдерханов, Аліхан Сатієв, Лема Магомадов і Вахаб Абубакаров.

За словами матері Леми Магомадова, її сина викрали серед ночі в листопаді 2002 року. Мати Ісмаїла Махмудова розповіла, що її дитина зникла в січні 2003 року.

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У Британії випустили монети на честь Стівена Гокінґа

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Королівський монетний двір Великобританії випустив монету номіналом 50 пенсів на честь видатного астрофізика Стівена Гокінґа.

На монеті зображена чорна діра – один з предметів досліджень вченого.

Монети виконані з різних сплавів. Їхня вартість становить від 10 до 795 фунтів, однак весь тираж вже зарезервований.

Широкому загалові Гокінґ відомий як автор науково-популярної книжки «Коротка історія часу», в якій розповідається про появу Всесвіту, природу простору і часу, чорні діри (він вважав їх «шляхом» до альтернативних всесвітів) і теорії супер-струн.

Коли у 1963 році у Гокінґа діагностували аміотрофічний склероз, лікарі дали йому заледве три-чотири роки життя. Молодому вченому був 21 рік. Він пережив «вирок» лікарів майже на півстоліття. Гокінґ помер 14 березня 2018 року у себе вдома в Кембріджі.

Читайте також: Стівен Гокінґ попрощався зі світом у день народження Ейнштейна і день числа «пі»

Більшу частину життя вчений прожив знерухомлений, а після 1985 року міг говорити тільки за допомогою синтезатора мови.

Гокінґ був двічі одружений. Від першого шлюбу – в 1965 році з Джейн Вайлд – у нього залишилося троє дітей. Після розлучення в 1995-му він одружився зі своєю доглядальницею і прожив з нею 11 років.

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Британія приєдналася до країн, що заборонили польоти Boeing 737 Max

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Літакам Boeing 737 Max заборонили здійснювати польоти у повітряному просторі Великої Британії після катастрофи у літака Ефіопських авіаліній. Про це повідомили в Управлінні цивільної авіації Сполученого королівства.

Директива буде чинна до подальших повідомлень про зміну ситуації.

Пасажирський літак авіакомпанії Ethiopian Airlines 10 березня зазнав аварії під час рейсу з Аддіс-Абеби до Найробі. На борту літака Boeing 737 Max 8 перебували 149 пасажирів і 8 членів екіпажу, не вижив ніхто.

Це вже друга авіакатастрофа цієї моделі літака за менш ніж шість місяців, після того, як в жовтні в океан біля узбережжя Індонезії впав літак авіакомпанії індонезійської авіакомпанії Lion Air (рейсу з Джакарти до міста Панкалпінанґ на острові Банку), тоді загинули 189 людей.

Окрім Британії, польоти Boeing 737 Max призупинили в Ефіопії, Китаї, Сінгапурі та Австралії.

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US Warns of WTO Action Over ‘Discriminatory’ New Digital Taxes

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The U.S. is weighing a complaint at the World Trade Organization against “discriminatory” new taxes on digital giants such as a Facebook and Google which are being planned by France and other EU nations, a top US trade official said Tuesday.

“We think the whole theoretical basis of digital service taxes is ill-conceived and the effect is highly discriminatory against US-based multinationals,” Chip Harter, a Treasury official and US delegate for global tax talks, said in Paris.

Speaking ahead of two days of talks at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Harter added that “various parts of our government are studying whether that discriminatory impact would give us rights under trade agreements and WTO treaties.”

The OECD is spearheading talks aimed at forging a new global agreement on taxing technology and digital giants who often declare their income in low-tax nations, depriving other countries of billions in revenue.

But that overhaul is expected until next year at the earliest, prompting France, Britain, Spain, Austria and Italy to move ahead with their own versions of a so-called “digital services tax” as soon as this year.

Last week France unveiled draft legislation that would set a 3.0-percent levy on digital advertising, the sale of personal data and other revenue for tech groups with more than 750 million euros ($844 million) in worldwide revenue.

It would be applied retroactively from January 1, 2019, while the measures in the UK and other European countries might not come into effect until next year.

“We do understand there’s political pressure around the world to tax various international businesses more heavily, and we actually agreed that that is appropriate,” Harter told journalists.

“But we think it should be done on a broader basis than just selecting a particular industry,” he said.



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China Tweaks Tech Supremacy Plan

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For the first time in recent years, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang’s annual Government Work Report did not mention Made in China 2025, the country’s ambitious plan to achieve high-tech dominance, and that has analysts asking whether Beijing is going to completely overhaul the plan or keep it going quietly behind the scenes.

Made in China 2025 relies heavily on government subsidies to Chinese companies and their ability to acquire new technologies covering 10 different sectors such as electric cars, emerging bio-medicine, next-generation information technology, advanced robotics and artificial intelligence.

The plan is part of China’s broader industrial policy outlined in the 13th Five-Year plan, which lays out government goals from 2016-2020. It raised concerns, however, because of China’s use of forced technology transfers and specific targets to capture market share by 2025.

The plan has been a focus of discussion between U.S. and Chinese negotiators, with Washington demanding an end to subsidies given to local companies under the plan. The United States also wanted China to do away with unfair trade practices that include the forcible transfer of technology from foreign companies.

A significant portion of technologies used in China in the 10 listed sectors come from foreign sources.

But the government is now amending laws that will leave Chinese companies in a somewhat difficult situation. It is also expected to cut subsidies it gives to local companies in order to overcome objections raised by the United States during the trade war.

New laws and policy changes that the government is bringing on during the ongoing sessions of China’s legislature, or National People’s Congress (NPC), would seriously affect its ability to acquire foreign technology.

“China will suffer in the short run but in the medium run they seem to be fine,” said Lourdes Casanova, director at Cornell’s Emerging Markets Institute.

To a great extent, Chinese companies have used three means to acquire technology: the use of borrowed or stolen ideas, the forcible transfer of know-how from foreign partners and the purchase of foreign companies.

Acquisitions by Chinese companies have now become problematic because of growing cautiousness and recent legislation in the United States and European Union.

Some analysts believe there were design defects in the 2025 plan itself, and the government has been rethinking it for some time now.

“The original 2025 plan was too nationalistic and too top down. It was wasteful,” Mats Harborn, president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, told VOA.

“They [government leaders] thought technology should be owned by Chinese companies. There was a ‘we can do this on our own’ attitude,”

“There is a shift or maturity in understanding. There is an understanding that China cannot do all things on its own. It has to use international value chains and integrate as much as possible,” Harborn said.

New information emerging now suggests there has been a struggle within the government about the suitability of this grandiose plan.

“It [the strategy] should not have been done that way anyway. I was against it from the start, I did not agree very much with it,” Lou Jiwei, China’s finance minister between 2013 and 2016, said on the sidelines of the legislative meeting in Beijing.

Other legislators told VOA the government is making adjustments in accordance with public opinion.

Putting less emphasis on Made in China 2025 “reflects a more rational approach by the government, to reduce unnecessary obstacles, noises and reaction, to keep moving forward in a positive direction,” said Tang Nong, a NPC delegate from Guangxi.

“The government is moving forward with the 13th Five-Year plan. What is Made in China 2025, is it a plan or a broad outline?” asked Sun Xianzhong, an NPC delegate and professor of international law at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Analysts believe the government may revamp and repackage the plan, but it is unlikely to soften its efforts.

“The government remains committed to moving China’s economy up the value chain and will continue to use a variety of active industrial policies to achieve this goal,” said Duncan Innes-Ker, regional director for Asia at The Economist Intelligence Unit.

Harborn believes the government will shift from the idea of acquiring new technologies to absorbing them in the industrial value chain.

“This is a wakeup call. The new focus will be on integrating the best technologies at the best price and creating the best final product or service,” he said.

State owned companies in China may be better able to readjust themselves if the 2025 plan is revamped because their focus is more on revenues than on profit.

“For a state-owned company, profits going down in favor of revenues or jobs, so what’s the problem? They are fine,” said Casanova adding, “Profits are less or not of primary consideration.”




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Global Backlash Over Boeing Jet Growing After Deadly Ethiopia Crash

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France, Britain, Germany, Malaysia and Oman are the latest countries to suspend the Boeing 737 Max 8 passenger jet from operating in their respective airspaces, joining a growing list of countries taking precautionary measures involving the plane after its second fatal crash in five months.


Airlines in countries across the globe, including China, Turkey, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Singapore, South Korea and Norway have grounded all the Max 8 jets in their respective fleets.

Statements from the countries’ civil aviation authorities say the suspensions are temporary while the investigation into the tragedy continues. The suspensions by Australia, Singapore and South Korea affect Fiji Airlines, SilkAir Airlines and Eastar Jet in those respective countries.

The Ethiopian Airlines Max 8 was the same model as the one that crashed into the Java Sea in October, just minutes after taking off from Jakarta, killing 189 people.

At least two witnesses say they saw smoke coming from the back of the plane before it crashed.

Investigators have found the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder, which they hope will give them clues as to why the Boeing 737 Max 8 jet went down en route to Nairobi.

Indonesian investigators said information from the flight data recorder showed the plane’s automatic safety system repeatedly pushed the plane’s nose downward despite the pilots’ desperate attempts to maintain control.

Boeing says, however, it has no reason to ground the popular aircraft and does not plan to issue new recommendations about the aircraft to customers. Aviation experts from the U.S., Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Kenya have joined other countries in the Ethiopian-led investigation.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration said Boeing should soon complete upgrades to the automated anti-stall system that is suspected of contributing to the deadly October crash in the Java Sea.

U.S. President Donald Trump opined on the crash Tuesday, posting on Twitter that airliners are “becoming too complex to fly.”

Boeing has some 350 737 MAX 8 planes in service around the world and more than 5,000 on order.

Meanwhile, tributes and condolences poured in Monday for the victims of Sunday’s crash, who hailed from at least 35 countries and included 22 United Nations staff members heading to a U.N. environmental conference in Nairobi.

Flags at the conference were lowered to half-staff Monday. The Nairobi conference and a General Assembly meeting in New York both opened with moments of silence.

“A global tragedy has hit close to home, and the United Nations is united in grief. I extend my deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of all the victims, to the government and people of Ethiopia, and all these affected by this disaster,” Secretary General Antonio Guterres said in New York.

The victims were also remembered at U.N. refugee headquarters in Geneva and at the State Department in Washington.

Menur Nur Mohamed lost his brother Ahmed on the doomed plane. Ahmed Nur Mohamed was the co-pilot.

“Me and my brother grew up together. He wasn’t only my brother, but also my friend,” Mohamed told Tsion Tadesse of VOA’s Horn of Africa Service.

Mohamed said he learned of his brother’s death when the head of Ethiopian Airlines mentioned his name.

Boeing shares plunged seven percent Monday on Wall Street.

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Venezuela’s Blackout Halts Oil Exports from Primary Port

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Venezuela’s state-run oil firm PDVSA has been unable to resume crude exports from its primary port since last week’s massive power outage, essentially crippling the OPEC nation’s principal industry, people familiar with the matter said on Monday.

Power remained patchy in most of the country after a blackout on Thursday that the government of President Nicolas Maduro claimed was a U.S.-backed act of “sabotage” on the country’s principal hydroelectric dam.

His critics insist it is the result of more than a decade of corruption and mismanagement.

Authorities have given few explanations about why the blackout occurred and how long it might take to resolve, spurring fears it could be indefinite.

PDVSA has launched a contingency plan to restore power to the Jose port, according to one source. The state of Anzoategui, where the port is located, has had only intermittent electricity since Friday, the source added.

The port has its own generator, but depends on the grid for 65 percent of its power, a PDVSA source said. The generator is not currently working and efforts are underway to restart it in order to maintain a minimum level of operation.

“It has been totally halted since the blackout. It has affected all of Jose’s oil installations,” another source said, adding that a restart would be costly and require power lines to be replaced.

PDVSA did not immediately reply to a request for comment.

No oil export tankers have left Jose since March 7, according to Refinitiv Eikon data. There were a few shipments between domestic ports on Saturday, when power briefly returned, but another outage that lasted through Sunday halted operations again, according to the data.

The power outage also affected the Puerto la Cruz refinery in Anzoategui, which was already operating at minimum levels.


Blackouts are not unusual in Venezuela.

Incidents stemming from problems at the Guri hydroelectric dam have briefly disrupted oil activities at fields that depend on the grid, which are mainly located in western Zulia State, rather than the Orinoco belt. Many fields, refineries and ports generate their own power.

The country’s crude upgraders, which can convert up to 700,000 barrels per day of Orinoco Belt heavy oil into exportable grades, also operated at minimum levels due to the lack of power, the sources said.

But the current outage has been much more widespread and prolonged than those in the past. The status of the generators that PDVSA and its private partners use in upstream activities was unclear, though the PDVSA source said many were “re-circulating” the same product to avoid having to shut down.

The source added that the government had decided to ration what little electricity was available until the grid was back operating at 100 percent, in order to allow the Jose terminal – which includes the port and the Pequiven petrochemical complex – to consume the power it needed from the grid.

“Shipments of crude, sulfur and Pequiven are all paralyzed,” the PDVSA source said.

Even as PDVSA struggles to restart exports, it is having trouble delivering shipments it has already dispatched from its ports due to U.S. sanctions slapped on the company in January in an effort to reduce Venezuela’s government’s cash flow and drive Maduro from power.

The top U.S. buyers of Venezuelan oil are trying to return millions of barrels of crude they need but cannot accept due to the sanctions, leaving the barrels in limbo as demurrage fees accumulate, according to an internal PDVSA document seen by Reuters.

The blackout has also hit domestic fuel supply. PDVSA has said it has activated a contingency plan for its gas stations that do not have their own power generation, but has not provided a general update on domestic fuel supply.

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