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Month: January 2018

Protests Roil Swiss Cities Ahead of Trump’s Davos Visit

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Protesters have been pouring into the streets in several Swiss cities to express opposition to U.S. President Donald Trump’s attendance at this week’s World Economic Forum in Davos.

Trump arrives Thursday in the Swiss ski resort and is slated to present his “America First” message in a speech Friday to global business and political leaders.

On the eve of his arrival, members of Trump’s economic team previewed the strategy for increasing U.S. global competitiveness.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, one of 10 Cabinet secretaries attending the gathering, endorsed a lower dollar, pushing the greenback to its lowest level in three years, according to the Bloomberg Dollar Index.

“Obviously, a weaker dollar is good for us as it relates to trade and opportunities,” Mnuchin told reporters at Davos.

A day after Trump imposed tariffs on imported solar-energy components and large washing machines, Mnuchin said he was not worried about what many see as a clash between Trump’s protectionist policies and the concept of globalism.

“This is about an ‘America First’ agenda, but ‘America First’ does mean working with the rest of the world” on free trade issues, Mnuchin said.

But many observers and analysts see an irreconcilable conflict of economic philosophies.

Gary Hufbauer, a senior fellow at Washington’s Peterson Institute for International Economics, expressed amusement at the prospect of the populist Trump speaking at a forum that has become a symbol of the growing consensus around an increasingly globalized world.

“It’s hard to square ‘America First’ with the Davos ethos of globalism, but Trump might put it this way: Every other country pursues its own interests first and foremost, while America makes concession after concession and carries burden after burden,” Hufbauer said in a written answer to a VOA request. “The time has come for America to act just like all the other countries represented in Davos.”

Presidential scholar Joshua Sandman of the University of New Haven likens Trump’s visit to the biblical story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den.

“Even though the Davos people are antithetical to his populist message, he wants to confront them and to establish the legitimacy of the American approach as he articulates it, which is to confront globalism and put American interests first,” Sandman said in a phone interview.

Briefing White House reporters this week, Trump’s chief economic adviser Gary Cohn said the president would use his speech at Davos to tell the world America is open for business. “We want the world to invest in America and create jobs for hardworking Americans,” he said.

“He’s going to talk to world leaders about making sure we all respect each other, we all abide by the laws, we all have free, fair, open, and reciprocal trade,” Cohn explained. “And if we live in a world where there are not artificial barriers, we will all grow and we will all help each other grow. And the president truly believes that.”

Political scientist Thomas Whalen of Boston University says Trump is unlikely to win many converts among the globalist crowd at Davos.

“Trump at Davos would be greeted about the same way an appearance by [disgraced Hollywood producer] Harvey Weinstein would go off at the Oscars,” Whalen said. “His approach to world affairs is anathema to those world leaders. We live in a 21st century interconnected globalized economy, and his idea of erecting trade barriers is going to unspool the entire system if left unchecked.”

Sideline meetings

The president ‘s schedule includes sideline meetings with several other world leaders, including British Prime Minister Theresa May. The president earlier canceled a planned trip to Britain for the opening of the new U.S. embassy in London, where he would be likely to face fierce protests. But National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster said Trump is prioritizing the meeting with May.

“We do have a special relationship,” McMaster said, adding that the meeting would touch on critical global issues, such as “the conflict in Syria, Iran’s destabilizing behavior, ways to address shortcomings in that Iran nuclear deal, and our shared goal of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.”

Trump also will meet the incoming African Union chairman, Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame, to “reaffirm the U.S.-Africa relationship and discuss shared priorities, including trade and security,” McMaster said.

The meeting comes weeks after Trump was reported to have used a vulgar slur to describe African countries during a conversation about immigration.

Trump will be the first U.S. president to attend the Davos forum since Bill Clinton in 2000. Other world leaders in attendance for the first time include Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel also will be there, but her advisers say she will not meet with Trump.

Economic adviser Cohn has attended several Davos meetings in his previous role as president of the Wall Street banking firm Goldman Sachs. Asked what Trump might find on his first trip to the Swiss resort that he would not expect, Cohn replied, “A lot of snow. Fourteen feet [4.25 meters] of snow.”

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Categories: Економіка

Екс-лікаря збірної США з гімнастики засудили до 175 років тюрми за сексуальні домагання

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Колишнього лікаря збірної США з гімнастики 54-річного Ларрі Нассара засудили до 175 років тюрьми за сексуальні домагання до спортсменок.

Згідно з рішенням суду в Мічигані, він зможе просити про дострокове звільнення лише через 40 років.

Перед цим суд допитав близько 160 жінок, включно з переможцями Олімпійських ігор, які свідчили проти Нассара.

У листопаді 2017 року колишній лікар визнав себе винним у семи випадках сексуального насильства у період від 1998 до 2015 року.

Він вже відбуває 60-річний термін ув’язнення за дитячу порнографію.

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Макрон у Давосі: Франція повертається до центру Європи

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Франція знову стає впливовою державою, заявив президент країни Емманюель Макрон на Світовому економічному форумі у швейцарському Давосі.

«Франція повертається до центру Європи», – сказав Макрон.

Президент також закликав до глобального співробітництва, щоб уникнути «нестримної оптимізації податків».

«З точки зору торгівлі ми йдемо до посилення протекціонізму… Ми знищуємо те, чого змогла досягти глобалізація», – заявив Макрон.

24 січня канцлер Німеччини Ангела Меркель у Давосі також закликала до економічної співпраці.

«Ми віримо, що ізоляціонізм не дозволить нам рухатися вперед. Ми віримо, що маємо співпрацювати, що протекціонізм – не є правильною відповіддю», – заявила Меркель.

У чотириденному Всесвітньому економічному форумі в Давосі беруть участь понад 60 глав держав і урядів, сотні керівників підприємств, науковці, представники громадянського суспільства та знаменитості.

На форумі обговорюватимуть глобальні проблеми під гаслом «Створення спільного майбутнього в розділеному світі».

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Щонайменше 11 людей поранені під час нападу на офіс гуманітарної організації в Афганістані

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Щонайменше 11 людей зазнали поранень у місті Джелалабад на сході Афганістану, де 24 січня стався напад на офіс міжнародної гуманітарної організації Save the Children.

За даними речника губернатора провінції Нангархар, спершу поруч із будівлею пролунав вибух, після цього до приміщення увірвалися бойовики. Бій між нападниками та силами безпеки триває.

Наразі жодне з угруповань не взяло на себе відповідальність за напад.

Кілька днів тому, 20 січня, таліби в столиці країни Кабулі атакували готель, убивши щонайменше 30 людей, включно з 14 іноземцями, серед яких було семеро українців.

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Ердоган обговорив із Путіним турецький наступ у Сирії

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Президент Туреччини Реджеп Тайїп Ердоган 23 січня обговорив вторгнення турецьких сил на північний захід Сирії в телефонній розмові з президентом Росії Володимиром Путіним, повідомляє державне інформаційне агентство Anadolu.

Спілкування Ердогана й Путіна відбулося після того, як турецький лідер розмовляв із президентом Франції Емманюелем Макроном.

За повідомленням Кремля, Путін заявив, що територіальну цілісність і суверенітет Сирії слід поважати. Також у російській заяві йдеться, що Путін і Ердоган обговорили завершення підготовки до мирних переговорів щодо Сирії. Наступного тижня Росія сподівається прийняти такі переговори в Сочі.

Тим часом, агенція Reuters 23 січня цитує неназваного чиновника у США, який заявив, що президент Дональд Трамп очікує на розмову з Ердоганом, щоб висловити своє занепокоєння операцією в районі Афрін на північному заході Сирії. Сполучені Штати наполегливо закликають Анкару до стриманості після того, як турецькі військові атакували сили курдського ополчення.

Турецькі військові заявили 23 січня, що під час операції в Афріні, яка триває чотири дні, було вбито щонайменше 260 бойовиків з числа сирійських курдів та угруповання «Ісламська держава».

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Росія відкидає критику США щодо хімічної зброї в Сирії

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Посол Росії в ООН Василь Небензя відкинув звинувачення держсекретаря США Рекса Тіллерсона, що Москва несе відповідальність за будь-яке застосування хімічної зброї в Сирії. На засіданні Ради безпеки ООН 23 січня Небензя сказав, що Сполучені Штати «поспішно звинуватили» сирійський уряд у застосуванні хімічної зброї.

«Тепер вони також намагаються притягти до цього Росію», – сказав Небензя.

23 січня держсекретар США Рекс Тіллерсон виступив у Парижі, де представники 24 країни, включно зі Сполученими Штатами та Францією створили нову організацію, метою якої є виявлення та покарання тих, хто використовує хімічну зброю. Тіллерсон заявив, що Росія порушує угоду, досягнуту в 2013 році зі Сполученими Штатами щодо вивезення хімічної зброї з Сирії. Він також заявив, що Москва допомагає сирійському уряду порушувати Конвенцію про заборону хімічного зброї. Тіллерсон додав, що Росія має утриматися від вето на резолюції Ради безпеки ООН щодо відповідальності тих, хто застосовує хімічну зброю.

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Trump Administration Prepares Flurry of Trade Moves

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The Trump administration is set to announce a raft of trade decisions over the next months, ranging from curbs on foreign imports of steel and aluminum to steps to clamp down on China’s alleged theft of intellectual property.

U.S. President Donald Trump has stressed his “America First” agenda in his first year in office and called for fairer, more reciprocal trade. He has blamed globalization for ravaging American manufacturing jobs as companies sought to reduce labor costs by relocating to Mexico and elsewhere.

Imported washing machines, solar panels

In its first major trade decision of the year, the administration slapped steep tariffs on imported washing machines and solar panels, boosting Whirlpool Corp. and dealing a setback to the renewable energy industry.

Monday’s decision imposed a 20 percent tariff on the first 1.2 million imported large residential washers in the first year, and a 50 percent tariff on machines above that number. The tariff declines to 16 percent and 40 percent respectively in the third year.

The move punishes Samsung Electronics, which recently began washer production in South Carolina, and LG Electronics, which is building a plant in Tennessee.

The U.S. Solar Energy Industries Association on Tuesday warned that Trump’s move to slap 30 percent tariffs on imported panels would kill tens of thousands of jobs, raise the cost of going solar and quash billions of dollars of investment.

South Korea could push back by launching a complaint through the Geneva-based World Trade Organization, but that is likely to take years. Seoul could also raise it during current negotiations with the United States on modifying the U.S.-South Korea free-trade agreement, known as KORUS.


The U.S. Commerce Department sent its recommendations on ways to curb foreign steel imports to the White House on January 11. The report followed Trump’s decision, made several months after he took office, to open a Section 232 investigation (from Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962) into whether steel imports threaten U.S. national security.

Trump has 90 days to decide on any potential action. He has promised that any actions will protect steelworkers from imports. Curbing excess steel production in China, which now supplies half of the world’s steel, would be a key goal of any action. Broad tariffs could, however, also affect steelmakers in Europe, Japan, South Korea and Turkey.

It is unclear when the decision on steel imports will be announced.


The Commerce Department has sent Trump the results of its national security investigation into aluminum imports. That Section 232 probe could see broad import restrictions imposed on lightweight metal. The White House has been debating whether to order broad tariffs or quotas on steel and aluminum, pitting administration officials who favor aggressive restrictions against those who favor a more cautious approach to avoid a run-up in prices.

It is unclear when Trump will make his decision.

​Intellectual property

Trump and his trade advisers are currently considering penalizing China under Section 301 of the 1974 trade law for its alleged theft of American intellectual property.

The 301 investigation would allow Trump to impose retaliatory tariffs on Chinese goods or other trade sanctions until China changes its policies.

Trump told Reuters in an interview on January 17 that he was considering imposing a big “fine” against China, but he did not elaborate on his answer.

U.S. businesses say they lose hundreds of billions of dollars in technology and millions of jobs to Chinese firms that have stolen ideas and software or forced them to turn over intellectual property as part of doing business in China.

A White House official told Reuters January 19 that Trump was particularly focused on the 301 investigation because it was “systemic” and covered a large swath of American businesses.

China could retaliate by weighing whether the actions are in line with WTO rules while ratcheting up pressure on U.S. businesses — for example, by buying from a European company such as Airbus instead of Boeing.

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Europe’s Recovery Rolls On — And So Does European Central Bank Stimulus

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Europe’s economy is on a roll — raising the question of exactly when the European Central Bank will end its extraordinary stimulus efforts. Bank President Mario Draghi will be at pains this week to leave that point open.

No changes in stimulus settings or interest rates are expected at Thursday’s meeting of the bank’s 25-member governing council, which sets monetary policy for the 19 countries that use the euro.

Draghi’s post-meeting news conference, however, will be closely scrutinized for any hints of a change in the timetable for withdrawing a key stimulus component — a massive bond-buying program — later this year.

Here is a fast guide.

Where’s inflation?

Stubbornly low inflation is why Draghi and his ECB colleagues want to keep the stimulus program running.

The bank’s mission is to keep inflation consistently close to but below 2 percent. Usually that means fighting inflation, but in the case of this economic recovery, prices have been unusually slow to respond to a pickup in demand for goods. Annual inflation was just 1.4 percent in December. Excluding oil and food, it was even lower, at 0.9 percent. Meanwhile, the economy is expected to have grown 2.4 percent in 2017; unemployment has fallen from over 12 percent to 8.7 percent.

ECB officials say that eventually growth will lead to higher wages as unemployment falls and labor becomes scarcer. But inflation has taken its time to show up.

Stimulus settings

So Draghi has been urging patience. The bank lowered its bond purchases to 30 billion euros ($37 billion) a month at the start of the year, from 60 billion euros, and has said they will run at least through September — and longer if necessary. The purchases, started in March 2015, pump newly printed money into the economy, which should raise inflation and make credit easier to get.

Much of the speculation in markets has centered on whether the purchases will stop in September, or be continued, perhaps at a lower level. Draghi and the governing council majority have so far resisted stimulus skeptics on the board, such as Germany’s Jens Weidmann, who say it’s time to head for the exit from stimulus.

Promises, promises

A key point to watch is the wording the bank uses to manage expectations of its future actions. Right now, the bank has included wording in its policy statement that it could increase the bond purchases if necessary. Dropping that phrase would be a first step to prepare markets for an end to the stimulus. This week’s meeting might be too early for that tweak, but the wording is being watched in the markets.

The bank has also promised it won’t raise interest rates — its benchmark rate is currently zero — until well after the end of the bond purchases. That puts a first rate increase well into 2019.  

Why you should care

The withdrawal of the stimulus by the ECB and other central banks such as the U.S. Federal Reserve will have wide-ranging effects on the finances of ordinary people.

Higher interest rates will mean more return on savings accounts and an easier time funding private and public pension plans. They could also mean trouble for “zombie companies” that might not have any profits if they had to pay higher rates to borrow. Such bankruptcies would be painful in the short term, but would free investment for more profitable uses.

More interest earnings on conservative holdings such as bonds and time deposits would make riskier assets — like stocks — relatively less attractive, and ease the pressure on investors and savers to rummage for returns in riskier holdings.

Down, euro, down

Market reaction is a key concern for Draghi, particularly when it comes to the euro’s exchange rate. The euro has risen in the past several weeks, to around $1.22, in part because markets are anticipating an end to the stimulus. Monetary stimulus can weaken a currency, so investors are bidding the euro up on speculation that the stimulus might come to an earlier end due to the strong economy.

A stronger euro, however, can hurt Europe’s many exporters and further weaken inflation.

Here’s the take from analyst Florian Hense at Berenberg Bank: “The ECB should and will likely stop asset purchases after September: Recent hawkish comments, including the minutes of the last meeting, point in that direction.

“However, in order to not trigger a further appreciation of the euro, the ECB will likely change its communication only cautiously and gradually — and not in January already.”

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Winners, Losers of Trump’s Solar Panel Tariff

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President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed into law a steep tariff on imported solar panels, a move billed as a way to protect American jobs but which the solar industry said would lead to tens of thousands of layoffs.

The following are some questions and answers about the decision:

What impact will the decision have on the solar industry?

Trump has said the tariff will lead to more U.S. manufacturing jobs, by preventing foreign goods that are cheap and often subsidized from undercutting domestic products. He also expects foreign solar panel producers to start manufacturing in the United States.

“You’re going to have people getting jobs again and we’re going to make our own product again. It’s been a long time,” Trump said as he signed the order.

The main solar industry trade group, the Solar Energy Industries Association, has a different view: It predicts the tariff will put 23,000 people out of work in the panel installation business this year by raising product costs and thus reducing demand.

Research firm Wood Mackenzie estimated that over the next five years the tariffs would reduce U.S. solar installation growth by 10 to 15 percent. The United States is the world’s fourth-largest solar market after China, Japan and Germany.

Research firm CFRA analyst Angelo Zino said he expected any added manufacturing jobs would be “minimal” given the 18 months to two years it takes to build and ramp up a new production facility and the industry’s shift toward automation.

Who wanted the tariff?

The main beneficiaries of the tariff include U.S.-based solar manufacturers Suniva and SolarWorld.

Suniva filed for bankruptcy in April, days before it filed the petition for trade relief. The Georgia-based company argued it could not compete with the cheap imports that have caused panel prices to fall more than 30 percent since 2016. It was later joined in the petition by SolarWorld. They asked the Trump administration for the equivalent of a 50 percent tariff.

Suniva is majority-owned by Hong Kong-based Shunfeng International Clean Energy, and SolarWorld is the U.S. arm of Germany’s SolarWorld AG.

Suniva called the tariffs “necessary,” while SolarWorld said it was “hopeful they will be enough.”

Most other U.S. solar companies, including SunPower, which manufactures panels in Asia, and residential installer SunRun Inc. were opposed to the trade barrier — as were offshore manufacturers such as China’s JinkoSolar, which will be among the biggest losers.

Solar manufacturer and developer First Solar supported the tariffs, and is likely to be among the biggest beneficiaries. First Solar makes panels using cadmium telluride that are excluded from the trade case. The company has seen an increase in demand for its unique technology.

Will the tariff lead to a trade war?

China branded the move an “overreaction” that would harm the global trade environment.

“The U.S.’s decision … is an abuse of trade remedy measures, and China expresses strong dissatisfaction regarding this,” said Wang Hejun, the head of the commerce ministry’s Trade Remedy and Investigation Bureau. “China will work with other WTO [World Trade Organization] members to resolutely defend its legitimate interests in response to the erroneous U.S. decision.”

Trump dismissed worries of trade retaliation.

“There won’t be a trade war. It’ll only be stock increases for companies that are in our country,” he said.

How does the tariff fit into Trump’s energy policy?

If the tariff cools growth in the U.S. solar industry, it could help Trump’s effort to support the coal industry — which competes with renewable energy technologies for a share of the nation’s power generation market.

Trump campaigned on a promise to revive the ailing coal mining sector and boost U.S. production of other fossil fuels as a way to create jobs and bolster American influence overseas.

He has also downplayed the threat from global warming — an issue that led past administrations to throw their support behind emissions-free solar and wind energy development — rolling back climate change regulations and pulling the United States from a global pact to combat it.

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Categories: Економіка

Росія звернулася до МОК через недопуск на Олімпіаду провідних спортсменів

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Олімпійський комітет Росії (ОКР) звертається до Міжнародного олімпійського комітету (МОК) через те, що кілька провідних російських спортсменів не отримали запрошення на участь в Олімпіаді, яка стартує 9 лютого в Південній Кореї. Про це 23 січня повідомив перший віце-президент ОКР Станіслав Поздняков.

Серед тих, хто може не поїхати змагатися до корейського Пхйончхана, – шестиразовий олімпійський чемпіон із шорт-треку Віктор Ан, чинні чемпіони світу лижник Сергій Устюгов та біатлоніст Антон Шипулін.

«Ці спортсмени… не були фігурантами розслідувань комісії Освальда (комісія МОК, що вивчала державну систему допінгу в Росії – ред.), вони також ніколи не були замішані в будь-яких допінгових історіях, а всі численні здані ними за кар’єру проби свідчать, що вони є чистими спортсменами», – сказав Поздняков.

У грудні МОК заборонив збірній Росії брати участь у зимових Іграх у південнокорейському Пхйончхані через «безпрецедентну систематичну маніпуляцію» олімпійською антидопінговою системою. Але МОК також вирішив, що окремі росіяни зможуть змагатися як нейтральні спортсмени за умови дотримання вимог щодо допінгу.

МОК заявив 19 січня, що скоротив число російських спортсменів, які мають потенційну можливість поїхати на змагання, до 389 з 500. Згідно із заявою, Росія може запропонувати включення конкретних спортсменів до списку учасників, а остаточне рішення щодо списку російських олімпійців може бути оголошене 27 січня.

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Понад тисячу людей евакуювали з готелю і нічного клубу Лондона через витік газу

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Пожежна служба Лондона повідомляє, що 1450 людей евакуювали з нічного клубу і готелю через витік газу.

Рятувальників викликали у популярний серед туристів район британської столиці у ніч на 23 січня, і вони виявили витік на Крейвен Стріт.

Внаслідок інциденту ніхто не постраждав.

Залізнична служба повідомила, що в результаті витоку газу були закриті станції«Черінґ кросс» і «Ватерлоо-Іст». Через це можливі затримки в русі поїздів, додали залізничники. За їхніми словами станції відкриють, як тільки надійде дозвіл від надзвичайних служб.


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Держсекретар США в Парижі обговорює покарання Ірану у зв’язку з ядерною угодою

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Держсекретар США Рекс Тіллерсон 23 січня переїхав з Лондона до Парижа в рамках європейського турне, під час якого він шукає підтримки партнерів у питанні ядерної угоди з Іраном. Після зустрічей у Лондоні Тіллерсон заявив про прогрес у підтримці жорсткого покарання Тегерана, яке могло б відвернути вихід США з ядерної угоди 2015 року.

Міністр закордонних справ Франції Жан-Ів Ле Дріан виступив 22 січня в Брюсселі і звинуватив Іран у нехтуванні тією частиною резолюції ООН, яка закликає Тегеран відмовитися від роботи над балістичними ракетами, призначеними для транспортування ядерних боєголовок.

Раніше в січні президент США Дональд Трамп заявив, що хоче співпрацювати з європейськими союзниками та Конгресом, щоб виправити, як він висловився, «катастрофічні вади» в угоді, підписаній за правління його попередника Барака Обами.

Тегеран виключив будь-які зміни у договорі, а інші учасники домовленостей, Велика Британія, Франція, Німеччина, Китай та Росія, виступають на підтримку цієї угоди.

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US Auto Parts Firms Urge NAFTA Compromise to Cover Engineering Work

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A trade group representing U.S. auto parts makers on Monday urged the Trump administration to adopt NAFTA automotive rules that cover research, engineering, design and software development work as part of North American regional value content goals.

The proposal from the Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA) was sent to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer as a sixth round of negotiations to revise the North American Free Trade Agreement began in Montreal.

U.S. demands for sweeping changes to automotive content rules are among the most contentious issues in the NAFTA talks, including a requirement that half the value of all North American vehicles come from the United States and a far higher content requirement of 85 percent from North America.

Canada and Mexico have said the U.S. targets are unworkable, but have not responded with counter-proposals.

They are expected to do so at the Montreal talks ending Jan 29. Lack of progress in bridging the gap on autos could jeopardize the negotiations and increase the chances that President Donald Trump follows through on his threat to seek a U.S. withdrawal from NAFTA.

The U.S. auto industry, including MEMA and trade groups representing Detroit and foreign-brand automakers, have largely sided with Canada and Mexico in arguing that the U.S. proposals would hurt the industry’s competitiveness.

The MEMA letter to Lighthizer makes no mention of the proposed U.S. and regional content targets, and focuses instead on recommendations that its members believe will help retain and grow automotive jobs in the United States.

“We think it lines up very well with the president’s initiatives and his stated goals for NAFTA and other free trade agreements,” Ann Wilson, MEMA’s senior vice president of government affairs, told Reuters. “What we have been trying to do is find other ways of getting to the president’s objectives without getting to a 50 percent domestic requirement.”

Counting the well-paid engineering, design, research and software development as part of a vehicle’s value content would provide an incentive for companies to retain jobs doing this work now largely done in the United States.

The proposal also urges the Trump administration to preserve “tariff-shifting” for automotive parts as a means to retain the higher value-added work being done on sophisticated automotive electronics and other systems.

Currently, companies that import components and materials into North America and convert them into automotive parts can “shift,” or apply, NAFTA tariff-free benefits to such inputs.

For example, off-the-shelf electronics parts from Asia such as lidar and radar units, cameras, sensors and circuit boards currently gain this benefit as they are assembled into vehicle crash avoidance systems. Steel tubing converted to fuel injectors also can gain such benefits.

But the current USTR autos proposal would require that virtually all components be subject to a “tracing list” to verify their North American origin so they can count toward regional value targets.

The tracing list would be expanded to steel, glass, plastic resins and other materials, under the proposal.

Industry executives have argued that these requirements are likely to push auto and parts companies to source more products outside the region and simply pay the low 2.5 percent U.S. tariffs on many parts.

MEMA also urged Lighthizer to negotiate an agreement that provides incentives to U.S. companies to train and expand the U.S. workforce, as parts companies struggle to fill open positions amid rising retirements. The group also urged that aftermarket parts be subject to the same NAFTA rules as original equipment parts.

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China Invites Latin America to Take Part in ‘One Belt, One Road’

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China invited Latin American and Caribbean countries to join its “One Belt, One Road” initiative on Monday, as part of an agreement to deepen economic and political cooperation in a region where U.S. influence is historically strong.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the region was a natural fit for the initiative, which China has leveraged to deepen economic and financial cooperation with developing nations.

“China will always stay committed to the path of peaceful development and the win-win strategy of opening up and stands ready to share development dividends with all countries,” Wang said at a meeting between China and 33 members of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

Representatives from China and CELAC signed a broad agreement to expand ties in the second time China has met with CELAC – a bloc formed in Venezuela in 2011 that does not include the United States or Canada.

Though it had few specific details, the agreement is part of an evolving and more aggressive Chinese foreign policy in Latin America as the United States, under President Donald Trump, has taken a more protectionist stance.

The “One Belt, One Road” initiative, proposed in 2013 by Chinese President Xi Jinping, promotes expanding links between Asia, Africa and Europe, with billions of dollars in infrastructure investment.

Wang emphasized projects to improve connectivity between land and sea, and cited the need to jointly build “logistic, electricity and information pathways.”

The so-called Santiago declaration, signed by China and CELAC delegates, also calls for bolstering trade and taking action on climate change.

Chile Foreign Minister Heraldo Munoz, who has criticized Trump in the past, said the agreement marked an “historic” new era of dialogue between the region and China.

“China said something that is very important, that it wants to be our must trustworthy partner in Latin America and the Caribbean and we greatly value that,” said Munoz. “This meeting represents a categoric repudiation of protectionism and unilateralism.”

China has sought a bigger role overseas since Trump was elected, presenting its Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership trade agreement as an alternative to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which the United States has abandoned.

The country is already testing U.S. dominance in Latin America, offering the region $250 billion in investment over the next decade. It is the top trading partner of many countries in the region, including Brazil, Chile and Argentina.

Still, Wang played down the idea of a race for influence.

“It has nothing to do with geopolitical competition. It follows the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration,” Wang said in his remarks. “It is nothing like a zero sum game.”

In recent years, Chinese companies have moved away from merely buying Latin American raw materials and are diversifying into sectors such as auto manufacturing, e-commerce and even

technology businesses such as car-hailing services.

“Our relations with China are very broad, this (CELAC) is one more pathway for Brazil to work with China. Together we identified more areas of cooperation,” said Brazil’s Vice Foreign Minister Marcos Galvao.

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EU Mulls New Link Between Budget, Civic Rights

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The EU’s justice commissioner is working on a proposal that could oblige member states such as Poland, which has clashed with Brussels over reforms to its courts, to pass tests on the independence of their judicial systems before receiving funding.

Vera Jourova said there was agreement within the executive European Commission to work on ideas to encourage strong judiciaries in planning for the new budget from 2021.

“One way could be to insist that independent justice systems are necessary for effective control of the use of EU funds,” she said. “I would like to propose that link.”

Seven-year budget plan

A Commission spokesman said on Monday the work by Jourova was part of broader preparations for a new, seven-year EU budget plan, due to be published in May, and was in line with policy outlines the EU executive has put forward since last year.

The remarks by Jourova, the Commission’s Czech member, come as the EU executive is challenging Poland, a major recipient of Union funds, to amend judicial reforms which Brussels says will hurt democracy and its oversight of EU trading rules.

Facing the prospect of filling a hole left in the budget by Britain’s exit from the EU, and irritated by Poland and other governments in the ex-communist east on a range of issues, some wealthy Western governments have pushed for a clearer link between getting subsidies and abiding by EU standards.

Warning for Poland

The German commissioner in charge of the budget, Guenther Oettinger, warned Poland this month that it could lose some of its 7 billion euros annual funding if it fails to heed Brussels’ complaints about undermining the rule of law.

More broadly, Jourova is also hoping for a review of EU policy on judicial standards in the second half of this year. EU officials say that might, for example, include regular reviews of the performance of national justice systems, along the lines of existing biennial reviews of government economic policies, which are meant to promote “convergence” toward EU-wide goals.

‘Cohesion’ policy

As a former national official handling the regional funding that is a key part of EU efforts to bring poor regions closer to the prosperity of others, Jourova stressed that she saw any new rules applying to all EU funding for all states, not just to so-called “cohesion” policy. She also said it should not be seen as a punitive measure but designed to encourage good practice.

She also said discussion on the proposals could be used to help simplify some of the hurdles to applying for EU funds.

Any Commission proposal seen as too radical by governments risk being killed off by member states. 



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Санкції США обмежують продаж продукції Microsoft сотням російських компаній – Reuters

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Два офіційних російських дистриб’ютори корпорації Microsoft запровадили нові обмеження на продаж програмних продуктів корпорації для понад 200 фірм в Росії після чергового раунду санкцій США проти Москви, повідомляє агенція Reuters з посиланням на дистриб’юторів.

За даними агенції, один з дистриб’юторів Microsoft, російська компанія Merlion, зажадала від від внесених до санкційного списку покупців ліцензій Microsoft оплати в стислі терміни продукції і в деяких випадках – авансу. Інший дистрибутор, компанія RRC, повідомила клієнтів, що до замовників зі списку санкцій США «вводяться серйозні обмеження» на розміщення і оплату замовлень, передає Reuters.

«Microsoft твердо прихильна дотриманню правових вимог і має строгий порядок дотримання правил по всьому світу, покликаний забезпечити їх дотримання нашими партнерами», – заявив агенції представник компанії Microsoft.

Обидва дистриб’ютори, як передає Reuters, вдалися до обмежень через нові правила, які випливають з ухваленого торік у серпні пакету санкцій США через анексію Росією Криму і російські кібератаки.

Ці санкції набрали чинності 28 листопада 2017 року, коли Мінфін США ввів, зокрема, в дію нові обмеження на залучення фінансування для російських банків і компаній енергетики, що знаходяться в секторальному списку, скоротивши термін надання боргу до 14 з 30 днів для банків і до 60 з 90 днів для енергокомпаній.

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IMF: Global Economic Growth Getting Stronger, Risks Remain

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The International Monetary Fund says the global economy grew at a faster than expected 3.7 percent pace in 2017 and will do better this year and next.

IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde called predictions of strengthening growth “very welcome news.” She spoke Monday in Davos, Switzerland, at the annual World Economic Forum.

IMF experts say 120 nations, representing three-quarters of the global economy, saw growth last year. IMF experts said tax cuts in the United States will have a positive but “short term” impact on the economy.

Lagarde urged political and economic leaders to take advantage of good times to make reforms that will soften the impact of the next, inevitable, economic downturn.

She said there is “significant” uncertainty in the year ahead, where a long period of low interest rates may have inflated the value of stocks and other assets to unsustainable levels. She also says a rise in debt levels is a concern.

Growth must be more inclusive, she added. She also said more efforts to retrain people displaced by automation, create opportunities for young people and bring more women into the labor force will all help.

Lagarde is only one of many leaders expected to speak at the Davos gathering. U.S. President Donald Trump is scheduled to address fellow heads of state and others later this week, but White House officials say Washington’s current political impasse that has shut down many normal functions of government make that trip “not very likely.”

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Ердоган: Туреччина не має наміру зупиняти операцію в сирійському Афріні

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Президент Туреччини Реджеп Тайїп Ердоган заявляє, що не має наміру послаблювати наступальні дії у сирійському регіоні Афрін. Турецькі війська – в третій день військової операції – зайняли кілька селищ на північному заході Сирії. Анкара домагається витіснення курдських загонів з займаних ними позицій.

«Ми налаштовані рішуче. Питання Афріну буде вирішене. Ми не відступимо. Ми говорили про це з нашими російськими друзями. У нас є угода», – заявив Ердоган в Анкарі, повідомляє агентство AFP.

Він додав, що турецька влада обговорювала операцію зі США. «Ми не змогли переконати США в деяких речах», – сказав турецький президент. Він не навів подробиць.

За словами Ердогана, операція завершиться, коли «ціль буде досягнута».

Рада Безпеки ООН має намір обговорити гуманітарну ситуацію в районі Афрін у Сирії після того, як турецькі війська і бойові літаки розпочали військову операцію в курдському анклаві на півночі країни. Скликане на пропозицію Франції засідання відбудеться увечері 22 січня, його темами також стануть дії уряду Сирії в провінції Ідліб і в Східній Гуті.

Міністр закордонних справ Франції Жан-Ів Ле Дріан заявив, що його країна глибоко стурбована «жорстокою деградацією ситуації» в Афріні, де, за даними правозахисників, у першу добу турецької операції загинули щонайменше 18 людей.

20 січня турецькі сили увійшли на територію Сирії з наміром витіснити з Афріна курдські збройні групи, які Анкара вважає терористичними. Це сталося попри застереження США, що такий крок може дестабілізувати регіон. 21 січня Сполучені Штати закликали Туреччину забезпечити, щоб дії її військових були «обмежені за масштабами та тривалістю».

Сирійський уряд засудив дії, які назвав «турецькою агресією в Афріні». Іран та Єгипет також засудили операцію збройних сил Туреччини. Міністерство оборони Росії заявило, що виводить свої війська з району Афрін, щоб «запобігти потенційній провокації та виключити загрозу життю російських військових».

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МВФ поліпшив прогноз щодо темпів зростання світової економіки на 2018-2019 роки

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У Міжнародному валютному фонді заявили, що очікують на зростання темпів світової економіки на 3,9% у 2018 і 2019 роках. Відповідно до звіту від 22 січня, це на 0,2 процентних пункти вище, ніж у прогнозі фонду за жовтень 2017 року.

У МВФ покращення перспектив для світової економіки пов’язують, зокрема, частково зі зниженням податків у США.

Економічна активність у Європі і Азії, за даними МВФ, торік була більшою, ніж очікувалося, а глобальне зростання в 2017 році оцінюється на рівні 3,7 відсотка, що на 0,1 процентних пункти вище, ніж прогноз у жовтні.

«Перегляд відображає збільшення темпів зростання світової економіки і очікуваний вплив недавно схвалених змін податкової політики США», – йдеться в оновленому звіті МВФ «Перспективи розвитку світової економіки».

Згідно зі звітом, 120 економік, на які припадає три чверті світової економічної активності, торік показали найбільше глобальне зростання від 2010 року.

Відповідно до оновленого прогнозу, цього року економіка Росії зросте на 1,7 відсотка (на 0,1 процентних пункти вище, ніж у жовтневій оцінці). Прогноз на 2019 рік щодо зростання на 1,5 відсотка не змінився.

Економіка країн колишнього Радянського Союзу, так званої СНД, включаючи Україну, цього року зросте на 2,2 відсотка, а наступного року – на 2,1 відсотка, заявили в МВФ.

Уряд прогнозує, що ВВП України в 2018 році зростатиме на 3%. Рівень безробіття в Кабміні оцінили в 9,1%, прогноз інфляції погіршили з 7% до 9%. 

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Генштаб Британії стурбований зростанням військових приготувань Росії

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Великій Британії треба вжити заходів, щоб відповідати військовим можливостям Росії, йдеться в поширеній 22 січня промові начальника Генерального штабу британських військ Ніка Картера.

Звернення, яке Картер оголосить 22 січня, відображає занепокоєння провідних політиків, що заявляють про надмірне скорочення витрат на оборону.

«Наша здатність запобігати загрозам або реагувати на них буде зруйнована, якщо ми не будемо йти в ногу з нашими супротивниками. Швидкість ухвалення рішень, швидкість розгортання і сучасні можливості необхідно збільшити, якщо ми хочемо забезпечити реалістичне стримування», – йдеться в промові.

Картер попереджає, що Британія ризикує ще більше відстати від потенційних супротивників, якщо не збільшить військові витрати. За його словами, зараз час, щоб усунути ці загрози. «Ми не можемо дозволити собі сидіти склавши руки», – додає він.

Генерал Картер також робить акцент на нових можливостях ведення кібервійни, які з’явилися у Росії, і на небезпеки ракет дальнього радіусу дії, які Росія застосувала в Сирії. За його словами, на початку сирійської кампанії військово-космічні війська здійснили 26 ракетних пусків з відстані в 1500 кілометрів.

Раніше консервативний член парламенту Джонні Мерсер, колишній армійський офіцер, висловив стурбованість із приводу готовності країни до оборони після появи повідомлень про те, що збройні сили Великої Британії планували скоротити свою чисельність на 14 тисяч військовослужбовців, дев’ять військових кораблів і 100 вертольотів.

Британія витрачає на оборону два відсотки валового внутрішнього продукту, відповідно до цілей, встановлених членами НАТО.

Міністр оборони Гевін Вільямсон, який обійняв посаду в листопаді, заявив, що огляд оборонних можливостей Британії завершиться «найближчим часом».


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Solar Industry on Edge as Trump Weighs Tariffs on Panels

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Some in the U.S. solar-power industry are hoping a decision this week by President Donald Trump doesn’t bring on an eclipse.

Companies that install solar-power systems for homeowners and utilities are bracing for Trump’s call on whether to slap tariffs on imported panels.

The solar business in the U.S. has boomed in recent years, driven by falling prices for panels, thanks in part to cheap imports. That has made solar power more competitive with electricity generated from coal and natural gas.

A green-technology research firm estimates that tariffs could cost up to 88,000 U.S. jobs related to installing solar-power systems.

On the other side are two U.S. subsidiaries of foreign companies that argue the domestic manufacturing of solar cells and modules has been decimated by a flood of imports, mostly from Chinese companies with operations throughout Asia.

The four members of the U.S. International Trade Commission – two Republicans and two Democrats – unanimously ruled in October that imported panels are hurting American manufacturers, although they differed on exactly how the U.S. should respond. Trump has until Friday to act on the agency’s recommendations for tariffs of up to 35 percent.

Trump has wide leeway – he can reject the recommendations, accept them, or go beyond them and impose tougher tariffs. Congress has no authority to review or veto his action. Countries harmed by his decision could appeal to the World Trade Organization.

The trade case grew out of a complaint by Suniva Inc., a Georgia-based subsidiary of a Chinese company, which declared bankruptcy last April. Suniva was joined by SolarWorld Americas, the U.S. subsidiary of a German company. Both blame their difficulties on a surge of cheap imports, mostly from Asia. Suniva wants higher tariffs than those recommended by the trade commission.

The U.S. Commerce Department imposed stiff anti-dumping duties on imported panels made from Chinese solar cells in 2012. Tim Brightbill, SolarWorld Americas’ lawyer, said Chinese companies have gotten around those sanctions by assembling panels from modules produced in other Asian countries such as Malaysia and Vietnam. That makes the current trade case even more important, he said.

“It is a global case. It addresses the global import surge,” Brightbill said. “We need the strongest possible remedies from President Trump to maintain solar manufacturing here in the United States.”

A consultant for SolarWorld said tariffs on imports could create at least 12,000 jobs and up to 45,000 depending on capacity growth, and that installer jobs would also increase.

While U.S. solar manufacturing has shriveled, installations – from home rooftops to utility-scale operations – have boomed. Installations have soared more than tenfold since 2010, with the biggest jump coming in 2016, after prices for solar panels collapsed.

The Solar Energy Industries Association, a trade group for U.S. installers, says tariffs would drive up the cost of installing solar-power systems, leading to a drop in demand.

“We are selling energy that can be created by wind, by natural gas, by hydro, by coal, by nukes. When you raise the price of what we are selling, we can’t compete,” said Abigail Ross Hopper, the group’s president.

Jim Petersen, CEO of PetersenDean, a California company that installs solar rooftop panels mostly for residential customers, once favored tariffs on imported panels, which he found to be of inferior quality. He has changed his mind.

Petersen said tariffs could stunt his business by raising the cost of a job, which ranges from $6,000 to $60,000 or more. He said he might be forced to lay off up to 25 percent of his 3,200 installers.

“This is bad for American jobs, bad for the consumer,” he said.

In the New Mexico desert, Albuquerque-based Affordable Solar is working on a $45 million solar farm to help power a massive new data center for Facebook. The company’s president, Kevin Bassalleck, said tariffs would hurt homegrown companies that make racks, tracking systems and electronics that are part of a power system. He said jobs at those companies are hard to outsource.

“If you ever set foot in a solar module assembly factory, most of what you see are robots. There are very few people,” he said. “But if go out on to any one of our project sites like the Facebook project, you would see a small army of people working and installing things.”

U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich, a New Mexico Democrat and advocate for renewable energy, says his state could lose more than 1,500 jobs by 2020 if tariffs are imposed, and tariffs won’t revive U.S. solar manufacturing.

“The jobs that have been lost because of cheaper solar cells have already been lost,” Heinrich said in an interview. “These tariffs are then going to take the very rapidly growing, successful, good jobs that we have built in manufacturing of the other equipment, in installing, and reduce those jobs to a fraction of what they should be.”

The conventional wisdom is that Trump will impose sanctions. Developers anticipating tariffs began flooding foreign manufacturers with orders last fall, driving up prices.

Brightbill, the lawyer for SolarWorld Americas, sounded confident.

“This administration’s focus is on U.S. manufacturing and U.S. jobs and getting tough on China for the trade deficit,” he said, “so we think the administration’s goals are very well-aligned with saving U.S. solar manufacturing.”

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Trump to Face Mixed Welcome at Elite Davos Gathering

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In Davos this week, participants can experience “a day in the life of a refugee.” Or hear about ways to uphold the Paris climate accord and promote free trade. Or rub elbows with any number of leaders of African countries.


Enter Donald Trump.


The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, is meant — pretentiously perhaps — to be a place for the world’s decision-makers to put their power to good use. The theme this year is “Creating a Shared Future in Fractured World,” an ambition not likely to turn up on the U.S. president’s Twitter feed.

Instead, Trump will bring his zero-sum message of “America First,” and will speak last among the parade of world leaders — from places like India, France and Canada — who are gathering from Tuesday to Friday in the Swiss snows.


As with most things Trump, there are stark contrasts between how attendees view his visit. Some are happy and hope for dialogue. Others unabashedly say they wish he would stay away and accuse him of a lack of compassion and vision for the world that are out of place in Davos.


“I find it quite sad he’s coming to the WEF, but I imagine nothing can be done about it,” said Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard, a longtime disciple of the Dalai Lama.


While his trip — which was still on schedule despite the U.S. government shutdown — may seem incongruous, unwelcome or unexpected, he will be sticking to one key aspect of the WEF’s original ambition in starting the annual forum in Davos 47 years ago: Business. An array of Cabinet officials is also due to tag along, suggesting the U.S. is preparing a big economic and diplomatic push.

Some have suggested it’s ironic that Trump, a self-styled populist despite his penchant for the penthouse, is attending the elite Alpine event. Others speculated he could have felt a need to regain the Davos spotlight for the United States a year after Chinese President Xi Jinping stole the show by casting China as a champion of free trade and stability — and many companies responded by turning greater attention toward it.


An administration official said Trump is expected to tout the booming U.S. economy and measures like his recent tax overhaul, while again criticizing trade practices that he sees as unfair toward the U.S. The official, who spoke only on condition of anonymity to discuss internal plans, said Trump made the decision to go because he thinks he has a positive economic message.


With Wall Street surging, Trump has some cheerleaders on the economic front — even if they hope he’ll be more accommodating.


“I think it’s really good that he’s going,” said Bill Thomas, chairman of business services KPMG International. “The American economy is dependent on global engagement, and I think he’s in Davos because he knows that.”


Some wonder whether Trump can win over the Davos set, or whether they might succeed in turning his ear — and give him a chance to reboot his administration’s image abroad.


“Corporate America, in terms of economic policies, is very pleased with the way the administration is going,” said Andy Baldwin, a regional managing partner for financial services firm EY. But he acknowledged that Trump controversies elsewhere had “overshadowed some of the policies.”


Outside of business, though — whether among human rights advocates, environmentalists, peaceniks or free-trade proponents — Trump is shunned.


“Despite its formal name, Davos is about more than economics,” said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, in an e-mail. “So while Trump undoubtedly intends to trumpet U.S. economic progress, many Davos participants will question his racist, misogynistic, and xenophobic rhetoric and policies.”


“Unless he plans an unexpected apology and reversal, he will face a far colder reception than he probably anticipates,” he said.


Parts of the jet-set have it in for Trump. Elton John, whose song title “Rocket Man” Trump used to deride North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, will be in Davos, as will actress Cate Blanchett, who shaped chewing gum into a phallus on late-night TV to mock Trump just days after he took office. So will several African leaders whose countries Trump allegedly dismissed with a vulgarity earlier this month.


Small protests have started, and others are expected in Zurich on Tuesday and possibly in Davos on Thursday. A Swiss anti-Trump petition has garnered more than 16,000 supporters online, calling on him to stay away. Authorities are boosting security for only the second visit by a serving U.S. president to Davos, after Bill Clinton in 2000.


Some might even see a snub in French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to not stick around to see Trump even though the White House initially had announced a face-to-face meeting in Davos.


In his speech Wednesday, Macron is expected to offer a “lucid” diagnosis about globalization, and raise environmental concerns, an adviser said. Macron’s speech could shape up as a counter narrative, and though he wasn’t expected to mention Trump by name “you can read between the lines,” the adviser said, on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the matter.


“It’s good to have the president here, if the snow conditions and the situation in Washington allow us,” WEF founder Klaus Schwab told The Associated Press on Monday, alluding to the U.S. government shutdown that could spoil Trump’s plans to attend. The White House has said it’s monitoring the situation day to day, and Schwab said: “At the moment we cannot make a comment on that [Trump’s attendance].”


Trump has, in a way, already been on hand in Davos. During last year’s event, which coincided with his inauguration, many attendees gawked at TV sets as Trump declared “America First” from the Capitol steps.


When he arrives this year, discretion may be the order of the day: Zurich airport, the closest big hub, has announced a lockdown on press access for the arrival of Air Force One.


Switzerland’s Young Socialists party is revving up to protest to register pent-up anger about how Trump lost the popular vote in 2016, but won the election, and suspicions of Russian meddling in that contest.


“He’s sexist, he’s racist,” said Tamara Funiciello, the group’s president. “And I don’t think it’s responsible to speak with him.”




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