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Month: August 2017

Initial NAFTA Talks Conclude Amid Signs Schedule Could Slip

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The United States, Canada and Mexico wrapped up their first round of talks on Sunday to revamp the NAFTA trade pact, vowing to keep up a blistering pace of negotiations that some involved in the process said may be too fast to bridge deep differences.

In a joint statement issued at the end of five days of negotiations in Washington, the top trade officials from the three countries said Mexico would host the next round of talks from Sept. 1 to 5.

The talks will move to Canada later in September, then return to the United States in October, with additional rounds planned for later this year, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo and Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland said.

“While a great deal of effort and negotiation will be required in the coming months, Canada, Mexico and the United States are committed to an accelerated and comprehensive negotiation process that will upgrade our agreement,” the officials said.

One person directly involved in the talks described the schedule as exceedingly fast, given that past trade deals took years to negotiate.

The three countries are trying to complete a full modernization of the 23-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement by early 2018, before Mexico’s national election campaign starts.

U.S. President Donald Trump has threatened to scrap NAFTA without major changes to reduce U.S. goods trade deficits with its North American neighbors, describing it as a disaster that cost Americans hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs.

The joint statement said the three countries made “detailed conceptual presentations” across the scope of NAFTA issues and began work to negotiate some of the agreement’s texts, although it did not provide details on the topics.

Negotiating teams “agreed to provide additional text, comments or alternate proposals during the next two weeks,” ahead of the Mexico round.

Not All Cards on the Table

The source involved in the talks, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said there had been no drama as the three countries exchanged proposals.

Not all cards were put on the table, the source added, saying that during four four-hour sessions on rules of origin, the United States did not reveal its proposed targets for boosting North American and U.S. content for the automotive sector.

Lighthizer had made clear that strengthening rules of origin was one of his top priorities.

“The instructions that the groups received are clear: Work and work fast,” said a second person participating in the talks.

“This is not a negotiation like others we’ve been in. “We will not sacrifice the substance of a negotiation to meet a schedule,” added the source, who was not authorized to speak publicly about the talks. Trade experts have consistently said that the schedule is

far too ambitious, given the amount of work and differences on key issues.

“It’s hard to imagine how they can do something very substantive and do it very quickly. It’s almost as if you can have one or the other. You can have it quick, or you can have it meaningful,” said John Masswohl, director of government relations at the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association.

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Categories: Економіка

Трамп виступить із важливою заявою у понеділок – Білий дім

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Президент США Дональд Трамп зробить важливу заяву для народу 21 серпня, щоб, згідно з повідомленням Білого дому, пояснити «стратегію Америки в Афганістані та Південній Азії».

У повідомленні зазначається, що Трамп виступить з промовою на військовій базі «Форт Майер» біля Вашингтона, і вона буде транслюватися у прямому ефірі, починаючи з 21:00 за місцевим часом.

У суботу президент США заявив, що його адміністрація ухвалила рішення щодо війні в Афганістані, яка триває 16 років.

Наступного дня після наради з членами команди з національної безпеки в резиденції Кемп-Девід, яка відбулася 18 серпня, Трамп написав у Твіттері: «Провів важливий день у Кемп-Девіді з нашими талановитими генералами і військовими лідерами. Ухвалено безліч рішень, в тому числі, й щодо Афганістану». Тоді президент не навів жодних подробиць.

Прес-секретар Трампа Сара Хакабі Сандерс заявила 18 серпня, що нова стратегія буде «захищати інтереси Америки» в Південній Азії, зазначивши, що її деталі будуть оголошені пізніше.

«Президент вивчає і розглядає її варіанти і зробить оголошення американському народу, нашим союзникам та партнерам та у всьому світі в належний час», – повідомила Сандерс.

У перші п’ять місяців поточного року було вбито понад 2500 афганських поліцейських та силовиків.

В даний час в Афганістані працює близько 8400 військовослужбовців США та близько 5000 військовослужбовців з інших країн-членів НАТО та країн-партнерів.

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У Брюсселі встановили «периметр безпеки» через бійку біженців

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Бельгійська поліція в неділю, 20 серпня, оточила один із центральних кварталів Брюсселя, в якому сталася бійка за участю біженців. Так званий «периметр безпеки» встановили в районі, прилеглому до будівлі Брюссельської фондової біржі.

За словами заступника федерального прокурора Бельгії, в бійці брали участь «сирійські біженці, віком від 18 до 24 років». Інцидент стався вранці. В якості зброї учасники сутички застосовували розбиті пляшки. Поранено трьох осіб, один із чоловіків отримав важку черепну травму,  інший – важку травму руки. Заарештовані троє осіб, їм висунули звинувачення в замаху на вбивство.

У середині червня військовий патруль зміг запобігти теракту на центральному вокзалі Брюсселя, застреливши смертника, повідомила «Німецька хвиля». Після того інциденту у місті був підвищений рівень терористичної загрози.

Бельгійська влада в останні роки неодноразово застосовувала надзвичайні заходи – в зв’язку з терактами, загрозою терактів або заворушеннями, в яких брали участь екстремісти.

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Помер Джеррі Льюїс – один із найвідоміших світових коміків

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Легендарний американський комедійний актор Джері Льюїс помер в своєму будинку в Лас-Вегасі, йому був  91 рік.

За даними американських ЗМІ, актор страждав від діабету і протягом декількох років боровся з раком.

Джері Льюїс почав виступати на сцені у віці п’яти років.

Українському глядачеві він відомий із фільмів «Цей божевільний, божевільний, божевільний, божевільний світ», «Божевільний професор», «Мрії Арізони» і багатьох інших.

Великий усіх мав комедійний дует Льюїса зі співаком Діном Мартіном – за 10 років співпраці (з 1946 по 1956 роки) вони знялися в 16 фільмах.

Згодом була випущена серія коміксів «Пригоди Діна Мартіна і Джеррі Льюїса».

Знаменитий актор також прославився як організатор благодійних телемарафонів. Льюїс також відомий своєю участю в боротьбі з нейромускулярним захворюванням «м’язова дистрофія».

З 1955 по 2011 рік він щорічно проводив благодійний телемарафон у День праці. В ході цих телемарафонів було зібрано загалом  2,5 мільярда доларів.

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Solar Eclipse Coming with Nearly $700M Tab for US Employers

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Add next week’s total eclipse of the sun to the list of worker distractions that cost U.S. companies hundreds of millions of dollars in lost productivity.

American employers will see at least $694 million in missing output for the roughly 20 minutes that outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas estimates workers will take out of their workday on Monday, Aug. 21 to stretch their legs, head outside the office and gaze at the nearly two-and-a-half minute eclipse.

And 20 minutes is a conservative estimate, said Andy Challenger, vice president at the Chicago-based firm. Many people may take even longer to set up their telescopes or special viewing glasses, or simply take off for the day.

“There’s very few people who are not going to walk outside when there’s a celestial wonder happening above their heads to go out and view it,” Challenger said, estimating that 87 million employees will be at work during the eclipse.

To get the overall figure of nearly $700 million, Challenger multiplied that by the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest estimate for average hourly wages for all workers 16 and over.

Just as the Earth is a mere speck in the universe, however, Challenger said this is still a small sum.

“Compared to the amount of wages being paid to an employee over a course of a year, it is very small,” Challenger said. “It’s not going to show up in any type of macroeconomic data.”

It also pales when compared with the myriad other distractions in the modern workplace, such as the U.S. college basketball championship known as March Madness, the recent U.S. shopping phenomenon called Cyber Monday and the Monday after the Super Bowl.

During the opening week of March Madness, the firm estimated employers experienced $615 million per hour in lost productivity as people watched games and highlights, set up pool brackets and avidly tracked their standings rather than performed actual work.

The Monday after the Super Bowl, meanwhile, resulted in an estimated $290 million in lost output for every 10 minutes of the workday spent by workers discussing the game or watching game highlights and re-runs of their favorite Super Bowl commercials.

And Cyber Monday on the heels of the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday at the start of the annual holiday shopping season resulted in $450 million in lost productivity for every 14 minutes spent shopping, not working.

Events like this are likely to have an outsized effect on smaller companies, Challenger said. When their workers are absent, small firms may not have sufficient coverage from coworkers, especially in the current tight labor market where it is hard to find skilled workers.

“When three or four people are missing from an office of 15, it’s a lot more disruptive,” Challenger said.


Total Eclipse:   $694 million for the 20 minutes it takes to go outside and watch the eclipse

Cyber Monday:   $450 million for every 14 minutes spent


March Madness:   $615 million for each hour spent on March Madness activities

Super Bowl:   $290 million for every 10 minutes lost

discussing the game

Fantasy Football:   $990 million for each hour of work time

spent on Fantasy Football



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Categories: Економіка

Німеччина закликала Іспанію не видавати до Туреччини затриманого письменника

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Німеччина закликала Іспанію не видавати до Туреччини німецького письменника турецького походження Догана Акханли, якого там затримали за турецьким ордером на арешт.

Міністр закордонних справ Німеччини Зіґмар Ґабріель також попросив у суботу свого іспанського колегу якнайшвидше забезпечити затриманому письменникові доступ до німецької консульської допомоги.

Доган Акханли, народжений у Туреччині, після військового перевороту 1984 року кілька років провів у в’язницях і 1991-го емігрував до Німеччини. Він, серед іншого, критично пише про масові вбивства вірмен у часи Першої світової війни в тодішній турецькій державі, Османській імперії, і про погане становище з правами людини в сучасній Туреччині.

Німецький підрозділ світового письменницького об’єднання PEN заявив, що вважає арешт Акханли за ордером, виданим Туреччиною, політично мотивованим. Усі турецькі звинувачення проти письменника ґрунтуються на його діяльності поза межами Туреччини, додали в організації.

Німецьке агентство «Дойче прессе-аґентур» повідомляє, що Доган Акханли, громадянин Німеччини, не має нині турецького громадянства.

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Women Leaders Wangle Water Taps, Security in India’s Slums

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Hansaben Rasid knows what it is like to live without a water tap or a toilet of her own, constantly fearful of being evicted by city officials keen on tearing down illegal settlements like hers in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad.

The fear and lack of amenities are but a memory today, after she became a community leader in the Jadibanagar slum and pushed residents to apply for a program that gave them facilities and a guarantee of no evictions for 10 years.

“We didn’t even have a water tap here — we had to fetch water from the colony near by, and so much time went in just doing that. People kept falling sick because there was just one toilet,” she said.

“Now that we have individual water taps and toilets, we can focus on work and the children’s education. Everyone’s health has improved, and we don’t need to be afraid of getting evicted any day,” she said, seated outside her home.

Jadibanagar, with 108 homes, is one of more than 50 slums in Ahmedabad that have been upgraded by Parivartan — meaning “change” — a program that involves city officials, slum dwellers, a developer and a nonprofit organization.

Every household pays 2,000 rupees ($31) and in return, each home gets a water tap, a toilet, a sewage line and a stormwater drain. The slum gets street lights, paved lanes and regular garbage collection.

Each home also pays 80 rupees as an annual maintenance fee, and the city commits to not evicting residents for 10 years.

Negotiation skills

A crucial part of the program is the involvement of a woman leader who brings residents on board, deals with city officials and oversees the upgrade.

Nonprofit Mahila Housing Trust has trained women residents to be community leaders in a dozen cities in the country, including more than 60 in Ahmedabad.

“Women are responsible for the basic needs of the family, and most also work at home while the husband works outside, so the lack of a water tap or a toilet affects them more,” said Bharati Bhonsale, program manager at Mahila Housing Trust.

“Yet they traditionally have had little influence over policy decisions and local governance. We train them in civic education, build their communication and negotiation skills, and teach them to be leaders of the community,” she said.

About 65 million people live in India’s slums, according to official data, which activists say is a low estimate.

That number is rising quickly as tens of thousands of migrants leave their villages to seek better prospects in urban areas. Many end up in overcrowded slums, lacking even basic facilities and with no claim on the land or their property.

Yet slum dwellers have long opposed efforts to relocate them to distant suburbs, which limits their access to jobs. Instead, they favor upgrading of their slums or redevelopment.

Earlier this month, officials in the eastern state of Odisha said they would give land rights to slum dwellers in small towns and property rights to those in city settlements in a “historic” step that will benefit tens of thousands.

In Gujarat state, as Jadibanagar is on private land, it is not eligible for the city’s redevelopment plan.

“These homes are all illegal, but that doesn’t mean the people cannot live decently,” said Bhonsale.

“With redevelopment, there is demolition and a move, and that can take longer to convince people of, with the men usually making the decision. But with an upgrade, the women make the decision very quickly by themselves,” she said.

Bottom up

Elsewhere, in Delhi’s Savda Ghevra slum resettlement colony where about 30,000 people live, nonprofit Marg taught women residents to demand their legal right to water, sanitation and transport.

A group of women then filed Right to Information petitions, to improve their access to drinking water, buses and sanitation.

“The women bear the brunt of not having these amenities, and are therefore most motivated to do something about the situation,” said Anju Talukdar, director of Marg.

“The leaders are the ones who show up for meetings, are engaged and keen to learn how to use the law to improve their lives,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Contrary to perceptions that slums are run by petty criminals who resist efforts to redevelop or upgrade, women leaders in Jadibanagar and Savda Ghevra are actively engaged in bettering everyone’s lives.

Leaders often emerge from a bottom-up process, with reputations for getting things done — in particular, resisting evictions and securing basic services, according to research by Adam Auerbach at the American University and Tariq Thachil at Vanderbilt University.

“They are themselves ordinary residents, living with their families and facing the same vulnerabilities and risks as their neighbors; they, too, want paved roads, clean drinking water, proper sanitation and schools for their children,” they said.

Women leaders, while still a minority, are “rarely token figures” serving male heads of households, and are “just as active, assertive and locally authoritative as their male counterparts,” they said in an email.

Rasid in Jadibanagar, whose two sons and their families live in homes alongside hers, is certain her leadership helped residents improve their homes and their lives.

“Everyone wants security and nicer homes, and they are willing to pay. Someone just has to get it done,” she said.

“I am illiterate, I cannot read, but I know now how to talk to officials and the developer and tell them what we want, and make sure they deliver,” she said.

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Categories: Економіка

США: багатотисячний протест проти расизму і мови ворожнечі відбувся у Бостоні

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Десятки тисяч протестувальників проти расизму і мови ворожнечі прийшли 19 серпня у центр американського міста Бостон, штат Массачусетс, щоб запобігти акції правих «Свобода слова». Хоча організатори заявили, що не будуть платформою для расизму чи фанатизму, деякі її супротивники були в одязі із зображенням жертви заворушень у Шарлотсвіллі.

Повідомляється, що десятки правих активістів завершили свою акцію у парку завчасно під щільний супровід поліції і вигуки супротивників.

Інформації про постраждалих чи сутички немає, але як повідомляє ВВС, протестувальники кидали пляшки з водою у активістів-консерваторів.

12 серпня у Шарлотсвіллі сталися сутички між ультраправими і їхніми противниками. Під час заворушень на демонстрантів проти расизму на великій швидкості в’їхав автомобіль. Загинула 32-річна Гізер Гайєр, близько двох десятків людей були поранені.



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Ердоган розкритикував голову МЗС Німеччини через заяви про втручання Туреччини у вибори в ФРН

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Президент Туреччини Реджеп Тайїп Ердоган розкритикував міністра закордонних справ Німеччини Зіґмара Ґабріеля після його заяв на адресу турецького лідера щодо втручання у майбутні вибори в Німеччині.

«Він не знає свого місця. Як ти розмовляєш із президентом Туреччини? Знай своє місце», – висловився Ердоган 19 серпня на адресу Ґабріеля під час виступу в південно-західній турецькій провінції Денізлі.

Такі слова Ердогана прозвучали на наступний день після того, як він закликав етнічних турків у Німеччині голосувати проти християнських демократів (ХДС), соціал-демократів (СПД) та Партії зелених на загальних виборах наступного місяця, заявивши, що «вони всі є ворогами Туреччини».

Ґабріель сказав, що це зауваження було «безпрецедентним втручанням» у суверенітет Німеччини.

Близько одного мільйона етнічних турків, які проживають в Німеччині, мають право голосу в цій країні. Більшість з них підтримали Ердогана на квітневому референдумі.

За понад рік відносини між двома союзниками по НАТО погіршилися, особливо після невдалої спроби перевороту у Туреччині в липні 2016 року. 22 німецьких громадяни були заарештовані незабаром після цього, дев’ятеро з них досі у в’язниці, зокрема правозахисники і журналісти.

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Неонацисти проводять марш у Берліні за посиленого патрулювання поліції

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У Берліні близько 500 неонацистів проводять марш, присвячений 30-ій річниці самогубства колишнього заступника Гітлера Рудольфа Гесса. Вони зібралися біля залізничного вокзалу в берлінському районі Шпандау, де також почався контр-протест. Близько тисячі поліцейських перебувають на місці для розмежування і запобігання сутичкам між цими двома групами.

Поліція повідомила організаторам, що вони можуть провести марш, але без прославлення Гесса, який помер у в’язниці Шпандау. Гессові був засуджений до довічного ув’язнення на Нюрнберзькому процесі за його роль в плануванні Другої світової війни. Він помер 17 серпня 1987 року і представники влади держав-союзників часів Другої світової війни постановили вважати його смерть самогубством.

Нацистські прихильники стверджують, що він був убитий і організовують щорічні марші в його честь. Неонацистам дозволили мати один банер на кожних 50 учасників.

У Німеччині не дозволяється використання щитів, шоломів і кийків, які використовувались правими і неонацистськими демонстрантами в Шарлотсвіллі на півдні США минулого тижня.

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Влада Іспанії продовжує пошуки підозрюваного у нападі в Барселоні

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Влада Іспанії продовжує пошуки марокканського громадянина, якого вважають одним із виконавців подвійного нападу: в Барселоні і Камбрілсі. Як повідомлялося раніше, мікроавтобус врізався в натовп в Барселоні на знаменитому бульварі Ла Рамбла, в результаті чого загинули 13 людей і ще десятки були поранені. Поліція заявила, що шукає 22-річного Юнеса Абуяакуба, не підтвердивши при цьому повідомлення іспанських ЗМІ про те, що він був водієм, який керував фургоном і втік.

У результаті аналогічного нападу в курортному місті Камбрілс за 120 кілометрів від Барселони загинула жінка і шестеро людей були поранені, коли у ніч на 18 серпня машина врізалася в перехожих. Поліцейські заявили, що застрелили п’ятьох нападників, на яких були несправжні пояси смертників і в яких в автомобілі були ножі і сокири. Троє з підозрюваних у нападі були марокканськими громадянами.

54 людини, поранені в результаті нападів у Барселоні і Камбрілсі, перебувають у лікарнях. Із постраждалих у Барселоні 12 людей – у критичному стані. Поліція також виявила трьох інших підозрюваних, пов’язаних з нападами. Двоє з них, як вважається, загинули в результаті вибуху 16 серпня, коли намагалися виготовити вибухівку в будинку в Альканар, за 200 кілометрів на південь від Барселони. 

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Каспаров посів восьме місце на турнірі в Сент-Луїсі

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В американському Сент-Луїсі закінчився турнір зі швидких шахів. Колишній чемпіон світу з шахів, критик Кремля Гаррі Каспаров, який брав участь в офіційному професійному змаганні вперше за 12 років, посів на ньому восьме місце, набравши 16 очок за 36 партій.

Росіянин Ян Непомнящий, якому Каспаров програв, перебуває на четвертій позиції в таблиці. Перше місце зайняв шахіст з Вірменії Левон Аронян, друге поділили Хікару Накамура і Сергій Карякін, з яким Каспаров зіграв внічию.

У 2005 році Гаррі Каспаров оголосив про завершення спортивної кар’єри і присвятив себе політичній діяльності. У 2012 році він був обраний до Координаційної ради російської опозиції. Через рік Каспаров залишив Росію, побоюючись переслідування з боку влади. На даний час він залишається однією з ключових фігур російської опозиції.

13-й чемпіон світу з шахів заявляв, що пожертвує доходи від турніру в Сент-Луїсі на доброчинність. Він додав, що не має наміру повертатися в спорт.

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For Moms Heading Back to Work, ‘Returnships’ Offer a Path Forward

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How does a former stay-at-home mom become an employee of a tech company that could be worth more than $1 billion?

For Ellein Cheng, mom to a 5½- and a 2½-year-old, the answer involved a “returnship.”

So-called returnships are internships that target men and women who have been out of the workforce, either for childrearing or other caregiving. It gives them a chance to retrain in a new field.

In Cheng’s case, the former math teacher and tutor took a returnship at AppNexus, an online advertising company.

For companies, returnships are an opportunity to tap into more mature and professionally diverse talent pools. For participants who may be out of the workforce, it’s a chance to refresh their networks, learn new skills and try on new roles.

Beneficial arrangement

For both parties, it’s a low-risk, low-commitment arrangement. Companies can achieve their goals to make the employee ranks more diverse. Job seekers can potentially find full-time work.

Cheng’s returnship was set up by Path Forward [[]], a New York-based nonprofit that works with tech companies to coordinate 16-week, paid assignments for those who have been away from the labor market for two or more years because of caregiving.

The organization partners with tech companies that range in size from 30-person startups to behemoths such as PayPal, which has more than 10,000 employees.

“What these companies of every size in the tech sector have in common is rapid growth, and also not enough talent to fulfill their needs,” said Tami Forman, executive director at Path Forward.

Women re-entering the workforce often struggle to explain the gap in their resume and find employment harder to come by, Forman said.

“They often get feedback from companies and recruiters and hiring managers that makes them believe that they’ll never be hired, that no one will ever overlook their gap,” she said. The organization says it gets results — 40 out of the 50 women who have gone through the program were offered ongoing employment at the companies in which they interned.

Teaching background

In her job search, Cheng applied for teaching positions but was also open to other fields. The product support work struck a chord with her in its appeal for candidates “passionate about learning and teaching.”

The program gave both managers and participants the chance to see if a long-term opportunity would be the right fit for them.

It also provided a dose of inspiration.

Other employees were “inspired to see people stepping out of their comfort zone, taking a big risk, working on something they haven’t done before,” Lorraine Buhannic, senior director of talent acquisition at AppNexus, said.

For Cheng, the inspiration came from a more personal place — her daughters.

They are growing up “in a world that is changing so quickly with technology, and I just want to be part of that,” she said. “I want to grow with them, I want to learn with them.”

In the end, the match worked. After the returnship, AppNexus hired Cheng as a product support specialist.

Now working in the fast-paced world of online advertising, Cheng says she doesn’t feel she has left her old self behind.

“I’m still obviously learning a lot, because I’m switching careers completely, but at the same time, still bringing the teaching element part of it every day to work,” she said.

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Fitch Upgrades Greece’s Credit Rating

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Fitch Ratings has upgraded Greece’s credit rating from CCC to B-, a one-notch improvement that still leaves the bonds issued by the crisis-battered country well below investment grade.

The ratings agency said Friday that the outlook of the Greek economy was positive and that it expected talks with the country’s international creditors to be concluded “without creating instability.”

A Fitch statement added that other European countries using the euro currency were expected to grant Greece substantial debt relief next year. It said that would boost market confidence and help Greece finance itself directly by issuing bonds after its current bailout program ends in a year.

Fitch said Greece’s political situation had become more stable and that there was “limited” risk of a future government reversing bailout-linked austerity and reforms.

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Entrepreneurs Hope Pence’s Latin America Trip Sparks Ideas

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More public backing for innovation, more idea exchanges to nurture global trade and more stability. That’s what two transnational entrepreneurs hope will result from U.S. Vice President Mike Pence’s travels this week to Latin America, where he has promoted prosperity, security and democracy for the Americas.

Liliana “Lili” Gil Valletta, a Colombia native and naturalized U.S. citizen, described Pence’s trip to her homeland, Argentina, Chile and Panama as “a good thing” that highlights bilateral trade.

Valletta co-founded and runs CIEN+, a marketing and analytics firm based in New York and Medellin, Colombia. “We’re doing our mini-version of trade, giving jobs on both sides,” she joked.

Nathan Lustig, an American entrepreneur, said he hopes Pence’s visit reinforces the benefits of trade and competition — for the entire hemisphere.

“Many Latin Americans limit themselves” because they lack confidence that they can compete in global markets, says the 31-year-old managing partner of Magma Partners, a wide-ranging seed-stage investment fund with offices in Los Angeles, California and Santiago, Chile. “What we see on the ground is that they actually can.”

Pence, speaking at a business dinner in Santiago on Wednesday, said that U.S.-Latin America trade “totaled a stunning $1.6 trillion” last year and that the United States wants to see it increase: “We want to bring even more of our business culture of entrepreneurship and innovation across Latin America.”

Trading ideas

Lustig and Valletta suggested Latin America also can export some valuable approaches to entrepreneurship.

Lustig is a beneficiary of Start-Up Chile, an international model for public investment in entrepreneurship.

In 2010, the Chilean government launched the so-called startup program for business startups to encourage entrepreneurs and define the country as a global hub of tech innovation. Selected applicants from around the world get at least $10,000 in funding, a one-year work visa, office space, plus months of training, mentoring and networking with potential investors. In exchange, they stage workshops or provide mentoring for local residents, creating a ripple effect.

As of last year, the accelerator program had helped at least 4,000 entrepreneurs from 79 countries boost 1,400 fledgling businesses, according to Start-Up Chile’s website.

Lustig, who started two businesses as a University of Wisconsin student, got $40,000 and a foothold in Latin America via Start-Up Chile’s pilot round of training.

He said that beyond the accelerator, Chile has introduced other ideas worth emulating to boost innovation. For instance, a 2013 law streamlined the startup process, enabling entrepreneurs to incorporate businesses online, in a single day, for free.

“When I first got here [to Santiago], it would take 60 to 70 days to open a company and take several thousand dollars” for incorporation fees, Lustig said.

Ruta N in Medellín

As Valletta sees it, “there’s a lot for us to learn in the U.S. about the agility and ability” of public-private partnerships to meet entrepreneurs’ needs for guidance and capital.

She pointed to Medellín’s Ruta N as another model.

The city’s government and civic leaders set up the business accelerator for technology, science and innovation in 2009. Set in a special innovation district, Ruta N has created “nearly 3,000 jobs with an average monthly income of $1,300,” executive director Franco Restrepo wrote in Americas Quarterly earlier this year. Colombia’s labor ministry said minimum-wage workers earn about $250 a month.

Both Start-up Chile and Ruta N face challenges.

Many of the Chilean program’s startup companies tank without additional government aid or they relocate “as soon as they’ve finished taking advantage of Chile’s generosity, low costs and relatively light tax burden,” the website TechCrunch found in an analysis.

Colombia, too, has had setbacks that could hamper its program. The country risks a cut to its BBB credit rating after “overly optimistic forecasts by the government,” Reuters news agency reported in July, citing factors such as low oil prices and weak economic growth. It said the finance minister planned to cut the next year’s budget by 5 trillion pesos ($1.65 billion).

Business essentials

A good entrepreneurial ecosystem requires talent, experienced mentors and willing investors, Valletta and Lustig agree.

Immigration is one source of talent, said Valletta, who came from Colombia at age 17 “with a suitcase and a student visa and without speaking a word of English.” She graduated from Southwestern Adventist University in Texas, earned a master of business administration degree from the University of Colorado and rose to become global marketing services director at consumer products behemoth Johnson & Johnson before starting CIEN+.

Asked about the White House’s delay of the so-called International Entrepreneur Rule, which would let qualified foreigners come to the U.S. to develop businesses, Valletta suggested the United States should make room for innovators.

“Unfortunately, everything is so politicized,” she added.

Mentoring roles

Now in her early 40s, Valletta serves as a mentor for the Stanford Latino Entrepreneurs Initiative, based at the university in Palo Alto, California.

She noted that despite the burgeoning U.S. Hispanic population, Latino entrepreneurs — especially women — have limited access to investors. So, she started Dreamers Ventures, an alliance of investors and mentors to bolster minority businesses.

“We’re playing a role as a matchmaker to fill these gaps quicker,” she said of the collaboration with lifestyle-entertainment retailer HSN.

Lustig does mentoring through Magma Partners and shares ideas through his blog and a related podcast.

He has a bit of advice for the U.S. government: Sign a tax-relief treaty with Chile to reduce pressure on small, cross-border businesses like his.

“The U.S. taxes you on your worldwide income and they don’t give you credit for taxes you’ve paid in Chile,” he said, complaining that a treaty to ease double taxation has stalled in the U.S. Senate. The Foreign Relations Committee approved it twice, in 2014 and 2015, but it never reached the full Senate for ratification. He said small and midsize businesses lack the means to find tax advantages that large ones can.

But Lustig pointed out that the United States long has had a major asset: “a stable legal system where you know what’s going to happen.”

Chile, too, is stable; the World Bank says its strong regulatory framework makes it a top performer in Latin America and the Caribbean.   

Lustig compared Chile with Argentina, where President Mauricio Macri has been implementing market reforms since taking office in late 2015. Before that, the entrepreneur said, “the business laws could change daily. …

“You can’t build a business foundation on top of sand,” Lustig said. “… As long as you have a set of laws, whether they’re pro-business or not, entrepreneurs are going to find a way to build on it.”

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США: чільний стратег президента пішов у відставку

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У США Білий дім повідомив, що суперечливий чільний стратег кампанії Дональда Трампа, а потім його президентської адміністрації Стів Баннон залишає посаду.

Як повідомила речниця Білого дому Сера Гакабі Сандерз, голова апарату Білого дому Джон Келлі і Стів Баннон «дійшли взаємної згоди», що п’ятниця стане останнім днем посадовця в адміністрації.

«Ми вдячні йому за роботу і бажаємо всього найкращого», – додала вона.

Баннон, колишній керівник правоконсервативного інтернет-видання Breitbart News, був чільним радником Трампа в перебігу його виборчої кампанії і протягом семи місяців на посаді президента США.

Засоби інформації у США повідомляли, що Трамп був розлючений інтерв’ю Баннона 16 серпня у пресі ліберального спрямування, в якому той заявив, що воєнного вирішення північнокорейської проблеми не існує – таким чином він виступив всупереч агресивній позиції стосовно Північної Кореї самого президента, який заявляє, що не виключає воєнної операції в разі необхідності.

Попереднього дня, 15 серпня, Трамп на запитання про подальшу роботу Баннона в його адміністрації відповів: «Побачимо».

За повідомленнями американської преси, Трамп повідомив своїм чільним помічникам про відставку Баннона раніше у п’ятницю.

Тим часом, пишуть газети з посиланням на осіб, наближених до Баннона, він подав Трампові заяву про відставку ще 7 серпня. За даними преси, оголосити про неї мали ще на початку тижня, але відклали це оголошення через заворушення в Шарлотсвіллі.

Відставку Баннона називають іще однією ознакою розбратів усередині адміністрації Трампа. За повідомленнями, він мав глибокі суперечки з радником президента з національної безпеки Гербертом Раймондом МакМастером, а останніми місяцями і з зятем і чільним радником президента Джаредом Кушнером.

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У Фінляндії повідомили про двох загиблих і не менш ніж шість поранених унаслідок нападу в Турку

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У Фінляндії поліція повідомила, що внаслідок нападу з ножем у центрі міста Турку на заході країни дві людини загинули і не менш ніж шість поранені.

Мотив нападу досі не відомий.

За повідомленнями фінської преси, до лікарень після нападу доставили загалом вісім людей, дехто з поранених у критичному стані.

Поліція також повідомила, що одного нападника затримали після того, як по ньому стріляли й поранили його. Силовики також далі шукають імовірних інших причетних до нападу.

По всій Фінляндії посилені заходи безпеки, зокрема на вокзалах країни і в аеропорту столиці Хельсінкі.

Прем’єр-міністр Фінляндії Юха Сіпіля повідомив у твітері, що уряд країни уважно стежить за подіями в Турку й операцією поліції і збереться на засідання з цього приводу  у п’ятницю.

Напад стався наступного дня по тому, як увечері в четвер в Іспанії внаслідок двох нападів – наїздів автами на перехожих, – імовірно, з ісламістським підтекстом загинули 14 людей і понад сто були поранені й травмовані.

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У Фінляндії кілька людей потерпіли внаслідок нападу з ножем

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У Фінляндії, в місті Турку на заході країни, кілька людей поранені ножем внаслідок нападу. За повідомленням поліції, підозрюваного нападника затримали, він поранений у перебігу затримання, силовики продовжують пошук можливих інших причетних до нападу.

Поліція також закликала уникати перебування на вулицях центральної частини Турку.

Точне число потерпілих, як і можливі мотиви нападу, ще достеменно не з’ясовані.

По всій Фінляндії посилені заходи безпеки, зокрема, на вокзалах країни і в аеропорті столиці Хельсінкі.

Прем’єр-міністр Фінляндії Юха Сіпіля повідомив у твітері, що уряд країни уважно стежить за подіями в Турку і операцією поліції і збереться на засідання з цього приводу пізніше у п’ятницю.

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In North Korea, Rise of Consumer Culture is the Real Revolution

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Like all North Korean adults, Song Un Pyol wears the faces of leader Kim Jong Un’s father and grandfather pinned neatly to her left lapel, above her heart. But on her right glitters a diamond-and-gold brooch. 


Song is what a success story in Kim Jong Un’s North Korea is supposed to look like. Just after Kim assumed power in late 2011, she started managing the supermarket floor at a state-run department store, which has freezers stocked full of pork and beef and rows of dairy, bakery and canned goods. She watches as customers fill their shopping carts, take their groceries directly to be scanned at the checkout counter and pay with cash or bank debit cards. 


Song is part of a paradigm shift within North Korea: Three generations into the Kim family’s ruling dynasty, markets have blossomed and a consumer culture is taking root. From 120 varieties of “May Day Stadium’’ brand ice cream to the widespread use of plastic to pay the bills, it’s a change visibly and irreversibly transforming her nation.

Market forces will out

While Kim has in recent weeks gained attention for his threat to fire missiles near Guam, his trademark two-track policy focuses on the development of both nuclear weapons and the economy. His acceptance of a more consumer-friendly economy is meant to foster economic growth and bring profits into the regime’s coffers. But like his pursuit of nuclear weapons, it’s a risky business. 


Facing even more international sanctions and a flood of Chinese imports that has generated a huge trade imbalance, there are good reasons to believe the North Korean economy is in a bubble that could soon burst. Prices for gasoline imports have soared more than 200 percent in less than six months, the AP has found. The price of rice is also believed to be sharply rising, although harder to independently confirm because of the difficulty in visiting local markets.


The new round of sanctions announced by the U.N. earlier this month will make it harder for the North to export its goods, cap the number of laborers it can send abroad — an important source of foreign currency for the regime — and limit the growth of joint ventures. North Korea will be hit particularly strongly by a Chinese ban on several key products, including coal, iron ore and seafood.


The problem, however, goes deeper than that. 


Market forces bring new forms of competition, uncertainty and change that are the antithesis of the centrally controlled, state-run economy of the North Korea of old. Markets are like a genie offering to grant the wish of wealth, but at the potential cost of political instability. 


Once the genie has been released from its bottle, it’s very hard to put it back in.

Guns and butter


The North Korean consumer landscape has evolved dramatically under Kim Jong Un. 


In keeping with his father, whose motto was “Military First,’’ Kim devotes nearly a quarter of North Korea’s estimated $30 billion GDP to defense spending, which is a far higher military burden than any other country in the world. But his new slogan of “Parallel Development’’ — guns and butter, so to speak — reflects an inescapable reality of his era.


In the 1990s, North Korea nearly imploded when the Soviet Union and its satellite empire collapsed. Reeling from floods, famine and an overwhelmed bureaucracy, it could no longer afford the public distribution system many North Koreans had depended on for their basic needs. This change sparked a wave of grassroots barter and trade, which has swollen into the burgeoning market economy today. 

Life in rural North Korea is still marked by far more hardship and scarcity than in its urban areas, and is hard even to compare to the showcase capital, Pyongyang. Yet there is, surprisingly, a bustling, almost booming, feeling in many parts of the country. 

Local control and entrepreneurs

Under a five-year plan for the economy Kim Jong Un announced last May, North Korean factories are putting a new priority on making more and better daily-life products. Managers, meanwhile, have more freedom to decide what to make, how much to pay their workers and how to forge profitable partnerships. 


Along the roads into virtually every city, street vendors, usually weather-beaten old women, sell fruits, vegetables and other food. In the cities, bazaar-style markets, shops and department stores are full of people. The shelves are lined with dozens of brands of domestically made cigarettes, sugary soft drinks and colorfully packaged chips or canned soups. 


In specialty shops, the latest “Pyongyang’‘ model smartphones, probably Chinese-made but rebranded to have a locally made appearance, go for $200. Apps to put on them, like the popular “Boy General’’ role-playing game, are $2 a pop. Pyongyang’s premier brewery, Taedonggang, just added an eighth kind of beer to its product line, which already includes beers dark and light, and even one that is chocolatey. 


Despite the ever-tightening sanctions, consumer products are still coming in from around the world. Buying a can of Pokka coffee from Japan is easy, and costs about 80 cents. Purchasing a Mercedes-Benz Viano might require some connections, but it is doable, for a $63,000 sticker price. 


Trade, yes; advertising, no

On the country’s bumpy highways, caravans of cram-packed long-distance buses and trucks hauling goods from city to city are common. More products made in Pyongyang are found in rural areas these days, and vice versa. Although the use of U.S. dollars or Chinese yuan remains widespread, more people are using prepaid cards or local bills at the checkout counter, suggesting greater buying power in general and more confidence in the stability of the national currency.


Some blatant manifestations of commercialism remain taboo. There are only three billboards in Pyongyang, a city of about 3 million. They advertise the local automaker, Pyonghwa Motors, and are more for the benefit of impressing foreign visitors than selling cars. There are no advertisements on television or in the newspapers. 


But stores are under instructions to be more consumer-friendly.


“At first, we opened the store from 10 in the morning to 6 in the evening,’’ said Song. “But in 2015, our dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un made sure that we serve from 10 in the morning to 8 in the evening so one can use late night at any given time, as many working people often used the shop during the evening after work.’’

Stores now commonly offer buy-two-get-one-free type sales and discounts on products the management wants to move off the shelves. Posters for new medicines or sports drinks can be seen inside shops and customers can sign up for “loyalty cards’’ to get points toward ever more discounts.


“In today’s North Korea there is a growing competition between the domestic companies themselves as they try to attract customers and establish reputable brands,’’ said Michael Spavor, a Canadian entrepreneur who visits the North frequently and is one of the only Westerners to have ever met Kim Jong Un. 


Spavor calls it a “brilliant strategy.’’ 


But the emphasis on locally produced consumer goods isn’t just because Kim wants to make good on his promise to give his people a higher standard of living. 


It’s also an attempt to counter the gravitational pull of China.

The power of China


As sanctions advocates rightly point out, cutting off trade with China would be catastrophic for Pyongyang. But North Korean leaders, including Kim Jong Un, have shown a great deal of concern over the flip side of that coin: What might happen to their country if trade continues, or grows larger. 


The expansion of trade increases Chinese leverage on the ground and feeds market forces that are hard for Pyongyang to keep under control. China accounts for nearly all of North Korea’s trade and its fuel. While the North has minimal dealings with the rest of the world, it did $2 billion worth of business with China in the first five months of this year alone.


During Kim Jong Un’s first three years in power, North Korea’s exports to China of coal, garments, minerals and seafood were all growing. But what North Korea was able to sell to China fell far short of what it needed to buy, particularly because of its need for oil and fuel products. 


That imbalance has widened dramatically this year as China cut back on buying from the North. The new U.N. sanctions will further squeeze the North’s main sources of export income.

​Signs of trouble


Georgetown University economist William Brown estimates the North is suffering an outflow of $200 million in foreign exchange every month. This is crucial because the more Pyongyang owes Beijing, the less it has to spend on other things. But it still needs essential commodities like food and fuel, which can deepen the problems of both shortages and inflation.


Right around April, according to data compiled by the AP, gasoline prices started to soar. Many stations either closed their gates or restricted the amount they would sell each customer. As of late July, the price surge had yet to abate.


Few North Koreans have their own cars. But gasoline, virtually all of which comes from China, fuels the transportation of goods and people in the new economy. 


Brown said the price of rice was also up nearly 20 percent in July from May and was significantly higher than a year ago. There could be a trickle-down effect, since tractors and even the fertilizer used to grow rice require petroleum products. Fears of a poor harvest in the fall could send prices shooting up.


“This may represent the greatest near-term threat to the regime stability,’’ Brown said.


North Korea has proven it is nothing if not resilient, often finding a way out of its economic problems. Even so, the longer-term changes to society won’t be easy to address.


The goods and trading opportunities spilling across the Chinese border are also spurring the growth of profitable enterprises, which has substantial financial benefits for well-connected individuals and, at least initially, the regime’s elite. For this tier of North Korean society — and for farmers who can profit from their excess produce — the new economy has opened up a way to get money from sometimes under-the-table businesses.


Loyalty to the regime and party ties remain an important means of social advancement. But, in Kim Jong Un’s North Korea these days, so is a good sense for how to run a proper side hustle to augment what are often paltry official paychecks.


However, the same opportunities have widened the gap between the rich by North Korean standards and the poor. The haves benefit disproportionately from the new economy, while a far larger number of have-nots live mostly outside the Pyongyang bubble of affluence. Ambiguity over what officials will overlook and what they will strictly enforce has also created a gray area that opens the door to corruption and bribery. 


Double-edged sword


The regime is not blind to what’s happening. It knows the new consumerism can be a destabilizing force. But it also knows it needs the markets.


North Korean officials insist markets are a stopgap coping measure for the economy that will be overcome. Kang Chol Min, a researcher with the Economics Institute of the Academy of Social Science, said the regime is trying to produce more, and better, goods to woo consumers away from the markets and back to state-run businesses. 


“The number of people relying on the state-run commercial networks is increasing,’’ he said in an interview with AP Television News. 


But many outside experts believe state enterprises and farms are too inefficient to provide enough goods and services for the whole nation without the help of markets and private activities. 


If they are right, it’s hard to imagine North Korea’s economic future will lie in Kang’s vow to produce more goods locally. Nor is it likely to be model worker Song, the state-sanctioned success story.


It might, however, be a Miniso store. 


Miniso is decidedly not trying to appeal to the shoppers by filling its shelves with products made in North Korea. It’s an international brand name — found in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Sydney — selling bargain-priced goods such as backpacks and consumer electronics. Its Pyongyang store just opened in April, near two of the capital’s most prestigious universities in a newly built high-rise district appropriately called Ryomyong Gori, the “Avenue of Dawn.’’ 


It’s the trendiest shop in town.


And it’s a joint venture. With China.

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At NAFTA Talks, Businesses Eager to Say: Do No Harm

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Steps away from this week’s NAFTA trade negotiations, business unified in hopes of sending a singular message: do no harm.

Representatives from the United States, Canada and Mexico convened behind closed doors at a Washington hotel in an effort to strike a new North American Free Trade Agreement. And not far away, industry representatives from all three nations sat waiting and hoping to influence the talks.

After two days of meetings, lobbyists admitted privately that they remained mostly in the dark, swapping rumors about dates and times of future meetings but unsure what progress was being made in the first round of discussions. The meetings were largely expected to be procedural, with little discussion on substance in the early days.

The decision to renegotiate NAFTA has largely been driven by politics, chiefly U.S. President Donald Trump, who earlier this year threatened to withdraw entirely.

Business, on the other hand, has largely praised the agreement and hopes to persuade all three governments to make minimal changes to the pact.

More than $1 trillion in trade

U.S.-Canada-Mexico trade has quadrupled since NAFTA took effect in 1994, surpassing $1 trillion in 2015.

“We’re all in the same boat,” said Flavio Volpe, president of the Canada’s Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association. “In the end we all serve primarily the U.S. consumer. So if you’re going to raise the cost structure, or if you’re going to change the dynamic flow of goods or people in those three countries, you’re really hurting the cost to market for the U.S. customer.”

The U.S. had an autos and auto parts trade deficit of $74 billion with Mexico last year, without which, there would have been a U.S. trade surplus

The United States had a much smaller $5.6 billion automotive trade deficit with Canada last year, but autos was the still a major component of an $11.8 billion overall U.S. goods trade deficit with Canada last year. But including services trade, the United States ran an overall surplus with Canada.

Volpe’s counterparts from the United States and Mexico were also on hand, with hopes of presenting a united front not to see a disruption to the auto industry.

Matt Blunt, president of the American Automotive Policy Council, which represents General Motors, Ford and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, stopped by the talks hotel to chat with negotiators, answer questions and “glean information” about U.S. negotiating objectives.

However, he said insights into the talks were hard to come by, as negotiating teams had not yet revealed details of their proposals to each other.

“There are a lot of poker-faces around here,” he said.

Lobbyists always nearby

He wasn’t the only American lobbyist floating in and out of the hotel. Some held lunch meetings in the hotel restaurants and then returned to their downtown offices. From mining, to textiles to dairy farmers, various groups held sideline meetings.

About 100 business representatives from Mexican companies waited in a meeting room to see if there were any questions negotiators might have for them. And Canadian industry groups mostly worked on their own.

For the most part, the business groups presented a united front.

Juan Pablo Castanon, president of the Mexican business group Consejo Coordinador Empresarial, said his group has been working with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for three years. After the November U.S. elections, they began working to tout the benefits of NAFTA.

“The level of contact and communication is intense and one of collaboration,” Castanon said.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the largest business lobby in Washington that represents companies big and small across the country, confirmed they plan to attend all the sessions, where they expect to hold sideline meetings with other business groups and government officials. The Chamber may also hold sideline events or briefings during future discussions.

Even industry groups who weren’t in agreement with their North American counterparts found other stakeholders to discuss common ground.

The Canadian Dairy Farmers are at odds with their American counterparts, but still found a chance to talk, said the Canadian group’s spokeswoman Isabelle Bouchard.

“To have discussions with counterparts within our own industry and even different industries who are in similar situations than us, it’s important, and we have seen though past trade negotiations how important it is,” Bouchard said.


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Auto Groups Side with Canada, Mexico on NAFTA Origin Rules

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Auto industry groups from Canada, Mexico and the United States are pushing back against the Trump administration’s demand for higher U.S. automotive content in a modernized North American Free Trade Agreement.

At talks underway this week in Washington, automaker and parts groups from all three countries were urging negotiators against tighter rules of origin, said Eduardo Solis, president of the Mexican Automotive Industry Association.

But U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer confirmed the industry’s fears that the administration of President Donald Trump was seeking major changes to these rules to try to reduce the U.S. trade deficit with Mexico.

“Rules of origin, particularly on autos and auto parts, must require higher NAFTA content and substantial U.S. content. Country of origin should be verified, not ‘deemed,’” Lighthizer said on Wednesday in opening remarks.

Fiat Chrysler, Ford, GM represented

Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo and Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland both said they were not in favor of specific national rules of origin within NAFTA — a position that the industry agrees with.

“We certainly think a U.S.-specific requirement would greatly complicate the ability of companies, particularly small- and medium-size enterprises, to take advantage of the benefits of NAFTA,” said Matt Blunt, president of the American Automotive Policy Council.

The trade group represents Detroit automakers General Motors, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler.

His comments were echoed by Flavio Volpe, president of Canada’s Automotive Parts Manufacturers Association.

“Anytime you say this list or a part of this list has to come from one specific country you’re going to hurt all three countries,” he said.

Deficits can’t continue to grow

The United States had an autos and auto parts trade deficits of $74 billion with Mexico and $5.6 billion with Canada, both major components of overall U.S. goods trade deficits with its North American neighbors — deficits that Lighthizer said could no longer continue.

Lighthizer’s mention of tightening verification requirements is a reference to expanding the parts tracing list, which is used to determine whether companies meet the 62.5 percent North American content requirement for autos and 60 percent for components.

Devised in the early 1990s, the tracing list covers almost none of the sophisticated electronics found in today’s cars and trucks, most of which come from Asia. Putting these on the tracing list could force suppliers to source these components from North America or pay tariffs on them.

Software content a new issue

Volpe said any changes to this must also capture the North American system design work and software content for these components that is not currently included.

“A car today probably has 25 to 30 percent advanced electronics, software content in it. In 1994, it had zero or 1 percent,” Volpe said. “Could you address the tracing to help you get to NAFTA compliance level by capturing some of the work that’s being done in Silicon Valley or Waterloo, Canada? Yes.”

John Bozzella CEO of the Association of Global Automakers, which represents international-brand carmakers, said NAFTA has allowed a major expansion of auto exports, with more than 1 million more vehicles built annually in the United States than in 1993.

“Negotiators should be mindful of this success as they work to modernize the agreement,” Bozzella said, whose organization represents international brand carmakers with U.S. plants, including Toyota, Honda and BMW.


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US VP Pence: US Wants Increased Trade with Latin America

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U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Thursday that Washington wants more trade and investment with Latin America, pushing back against perceptions in the region that the Trump administration has an isolationist agenda.

Speaking during a visit to the Panama Canal at the end of a Latin American tour, Pence said the United States was seeking to keep the spirit of the original North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in the pact now being renegotiated in Washington.

Pence said he wanted a NAFTA deal that was a “win, win, win” for the United States, Mexico and Canada, taking a more conciliatory tone than U.S. negotiators who have warned the deal needed a major overhaul to favor U.S. workers.

Pence later reiterated the United States’ concerns about the tense political situation in Venezuela, but took a more measured approach than U.S. President Donald Trump.

Last week, Trump said the United States had “many options for Venezuela including a possible military option if necessary.”

Pence said on Thursday that Venezuela was becoming a dictatorship and that the United States would not stand by while it was destroyed.

He said he was sure the United States, with its allies in Latin America, would find a peaceful solution to the situation in Venezuela.

Panama’s President Juan Carlos Varela voiced concern over Venezuela and said that Panama would in the coming days announce measures against it, including immigration actions, to pressure Caracas into restoring democratic order.

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