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Month: July 2017

Кількість загиблих у ДТП в Татарстані зросла до 14

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До 14 зросла кількість загиблих у дорожньо-транспортній пригоді в російському регіоні Татарстан. Серед загиблих – двоє дітей, інформує міністерство охорони здоров’я Татарстану.

За попередніми даними слідства, автобус зіштовхнувся з вантажівкою КамАЗ, що рухалася в попутному напрямку, водій автобуса міг бути засліплений фарами зустрічних машин.

Трагедія з автобусом, що рухався за маршрутом Самара – Іжевськ, сталася близько 4:00 за московським часом (збігається з київським) неподалік від міста Заїнськ.

У результаті зіткнення автобус перекинувся і загорівся. Загиблі і постраждалі є пасажирами та екіпажем автобуса.

За фактом ДТП порушена кримінальна справа.

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Qatar’s Stock Market Falls as Neighbors’ Demands Unmet

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Qatar’s stock market fell sharply Sunday as a deadline for Doha to accept a series of political demands by four Arab states was expected to expire later in the day with no sign of a resolution.

The Qatari stock index sank as much as 3.1 percent in thin trading, bringing its losses to 11.9 percent since June 5, when Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt cut diplomatic and trade ties, accusing Doha of backing militants.

Stocks tumbled across the board Sunday, with 41 lower and only one higher. Qatar National Bank, the largest listed lender in the Gulf, lost 3.1 percent.

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Categories: Економіка

У Дамаску кілька людей загинули внаслідок вибуху, здійсненого смертником

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У східному районі столиці Сирії, Дамаска, кілька людей загинули й поранені 2 липня в результаті теракту, здійсненого смертником. Про це повідомляє сирійське державне телебачення.

У повідомленні говориться, що 2 липня вранці сили безпеки виявили трьох самогубців, двоє з яких здійснили вибухи при в’їзді в місто.

Третій зловмисник зміг проникнути в Дамаск і підірвав себе після того, як його оточили, що призвело до загибелі і поранення кількох людей.

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Samsung Recycles, Sells Galaxy Note 7 in South Korea

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Samsung Electronics said Sunday its recalled Galaxy Note 7 phones will be recycled and sold starting this week in South Korea. 


The Galaxy Note FE phone, using unused parts in the recalled Note 7 smartphones, will go on sale in South Korea Friday at 700,000 won ($611), about three quarters of its original price. 


The company said the supply will be limited to 400,000 units. Overseas sales plans will be determined later, it said in a statement. 


Samsung said the Note FE has “perfect safety.”

Black eye for Samsung


The original Note 7 was one of the biggest black eyes in Samsung’s history. When it was launched in August 2016, the Note 7 was Samsung’s answer to Apple’s upcoming iPhone. It was also one of the most expensive Samsung phones with the price starting at $850. 


But after reports emerged that its batteries were prone to overheat and catch fire, Samsung recalled the phone in less than a month of its launch and released another one with replaced batteries. But the second batch also tended to overheat, prompting Samsung to discontinue the Note 7. 


The debacle dealt a blow to Samsung’s corporate image. Aviation authorities around the world banned the pricy phone on flights and photos of scorched Note 7s circulated on social media. Samsung spent billions of dollars to recall the Note 7 and fix its damaged brand. 


Earlier this year, the company released the investigation results and blamed flaws in design and production of batteries supplied by two battery makers.

Environmentalists urged reuse of parts


After Samsung recalled millions of Note 7 phones, environmental activists have pressured the South Korean tech giant to reuse the electronics parts to reduce waste. Samsung said the Note FE is part of its efforts to minimize waste.


The Note FE, short for “Fan Edition,” features the screen measuring 5.7 inches (14.48 centimeters) diagonally and the stylus pen.

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Росія: Путін підписав закон про блокування «сайтів-дзеркал»

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Президент Росії Володимир Путін підписав закон про блокування так званих «дзеркал» піратських сайтів. Текст документа розміщений на порталі правової інформації.

Законопроект запроваджує поняття «копії», під яким мається на увазі сайт, схожий з заблокованим. Запит про блокування «дзеркала» зможуть направляти не тільки державні органи, а й правовласники. Згідно із законопроектом, пошукові системи будуть зобов’язані видаляти піратські сайти.

У попередній версії законопроекту, схваленої урядом, йшлося про досудове блокування «сайтів-дзеркал». З фінальної версії цю норму виключили.

Державна дума Росії ухвалила цей закон 23 червня, а 28 червня його схвалила Рада Федерації.

Антипіратський закон діє у Росії з 2013 року. За два роки чинності набули поправки про довічне блокування сайтів за повторне порушення закону.

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Катар вчергове відкидає вимоги сусідніх арабських країн

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У Катарі заявляють, що не бояться військових дій за відмову прийняти список вимог кількох арабських країн, які перервали дипломатичні відносини з Дохою.

Під час візиту до Риму голова МЗС Катару Мохаммед бін Абдулрахман ас-Сані вчергове відкинув ці вимоги, назвавши їх порушенням катарського суверенітету. При цьому він наголосив, що Доха готова обговорювати ці питання зі своїми сусідами у регіоні.

«Цей список вимог відкинутий, він не буде прийнятим. Ми хочемо діалогу, але на відповідних умовах», – зазначив голова МЗС Катару.

Він додав, що Доха не закриватиме турецької військової бази на своїй території чи телеканалу «Аль-Джазіра».

Уряди США, Саудівська Аравія, Єгипет і Бахрейн 22 червня склали список з 13 вимог до Катару, один з пунктів – закриття телекомпанії «Аль-Джазіра», на розгляд цих вимог дали 10 днів. Термін збігає 3 липня.

Напруження у відносинах між країнами Перської затоки й іншими партнерами США в арабському світі зросло раніше цього місяця, коли Бахрейн, Саудівська Аравія, ОАЕ та Єгипет розірвали відносини з Катаром через підозру в підтримці ним екстремізму. Ці звинувачення Катар відкидає.

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У Лондоні протестували за відставку кабінету Терези Мей

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У Лондоні кілька тисяч людей провели марш проти політики консервативного кабінету прем’єра Терези Мей. Лунали вимоги про відставку уряду.

Демонстранти зібралися біля штаб-квартири BBC. У руках вони несли плакати із закликами відмовитися від політики скорочення державних витрат – починаючи зі сфери охорони здоров’я і закінчуючи поліцією.

Потім учасники ходи дійшли до Парламентської площі, де перед ними виступив лідер опозиційних лейбористів Джеремі Корбін, який назвав урядову програму особливо жорстокою щодо найбідніших верств населення.

Акція протесту була організована профспілками.

29 червня кабінету Терези Мей винесли вотум довіри Палати громад. Цього консерватори домоглися завдяки угоді з юніоністами, які обіцяли їм підтримку у парламенті в обмін на фінансову допомогу Північній Ірландії. Тереза Мей була змушена піти на це, оскільки на дочасних виборах 8 червня її партія втратила більшість у Палаті громад.

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US Warns Nuclear, Energy Firms of Hacking Campaign

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The U.S government warned industrial firms this week about a hacking campaign targeting the nuclear and energy sectors, the latest event to highlight the power industry’s vulnerability to cyberattacks.

Since at least May, hackers used tainted “phishing” emails to “harvest credentials” so they could gain access to networks of their targets, according to a joint report from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The report provided to the industrial firms was reviewed by Reuters Friday. While disclosing attacks, and warning that in some cases hackers succeeded in compromising the networks of their targets, it did not identify any specific victims.

Industry looking into intrusions

“Historically, cyber actors have strategically targeted the energy sector with various goals ranging from cyber espionage to the ability to disrupt energy systems in the event of a hostile conflict,” the report said.

Homeland Security and FBI officials could not be reached for comment on the report, which was dated June 28. The report was released during a week of heavy hacking activity.

A virus dubbed “NotPetya” attacked Tuesday, spreading from initial infections in Ukraine to businesses around the globe. It encrypted data on infected machines, rendering them inoperable and disrupting activity at ports, law firms and factories.

On Tuesday the energy-industry news site E&E News reported that U.S. investigators were looking into cyber intrusions this year at multiple nuclear power generators.

Reuters has not confirmed details of the E&E News report, which said there was no evidence safety systems had been compromised at affected plants.

Worry since 2016

Industrial firms, including power providers and other utilities, have been particularly worried about the potential for destructive cyber attacks since December 2016, when hackers cut electricity in Ukraine.

U.S. nuclear power generators PSEG, SCANA Corp and Entergy Corp said they were not affected by the recent cyberattacks. SCANA’s V.C. Summer nuclear plant in South Carolina shut down Thursday because of a problem with a valve in the non-nuclear portion of the plant, a spokesman said.

Another nuclear power generator, Dominion Energy, said it does not comment on cyber security.

Two cyber security firms said June 12 that they had identified the malicious software used in the Ukraine attack, which they dubbed Industroyer, warning that it could be easily modified to attack utilities in the United States and Europe.

Industroyer is the second piece of malware uncovered to date that is capable of disrupting industrial processes without the need for hackers to manually intervene.

The first, Stuxnet, was discovered in 2010 and is widely believed by security researchers to have been used by the United States and Israel to attack Iran’s nuclear program.

The U.S. government report said attackers conducted reconnaissance to gain information about the individuals whose computers they sought to infect so that they create “decoy documents” on topics of interest to their targets.

In an analysis, it described 11 files used in the attacks, including malware downloaders and tools that allow the hackers to take remote control of victims’ computers and travel across their networks.

Chevron Corp, Exxon Mobil Corp and ConocoPhillips, the three largest U.S. oil producers, declined to comment on their network security.

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India Launches New Economic Era With Sales Tax Reform

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India early on Saturday introduced its biggest tax reform in the 70 years since independence from British colonial rule.

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) replaces more than a dozen federal and state levies and unifying a $2 trillion economy and 1.3 billion people into one of the world’s biggest common markets.

The measure is expected to make it easier to do business by simplifying the tax structure and ensuring greater compliance, boosting Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s economic credentials before a planned re-election bid in 2019.

At a midnight ceremony in parliament’s central hall Modi and President Pranab Mukherjee together launched the new tax by pressing a button.

“With GST, the dream of ‘One India, Great India’ will come true,” Modi said.

For the first midnight ceremony in the central hall in two decades, Modi was joined by his cabinet colleagues, India’s central bank chief, a former prime minister and major company executives including Ratan Tata.

The launch, however, was boycotted by several opposition parties including the Congress Party, which first proposed the tax reform before it fell from power three years ago.

Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh – the architect of India’s economic reforms – also gave it a miss.

Complex Structure

It has taken 14 years for the new sales tax to come into being. But horse trading to get recalcitrant Indian states on board has left Asia’s third-largest economy with a complex tax structure.

In contrast to simpler sales taxes in other countries, India’s GST has four rates and numerous exemptions.

The official schedule of rates runs to 213 pages and has undergone repeated changes, some taking place as late as on Friday evening.

Many businesses are nervous about how the changes will unfold, with smaller ones saying they will get hit by higher tax rates.

Adding to the complexity, businesses with pan-India operations face filing over 1,000 digital returns a year.

While higher tax rates for services and non-food items are expected to fuel price pressures, compliance is feared to be a major challenge in a country where many entrepreneurs are not computer literate and rely on handwritten ledgers.

“We have jumped into a river but don’t know its depth,” said A. Subba Rao, an executive director at power firm CLP India.

‘One Tax, One Market, One Nation’

Poor implementation would deal a blow to an economy that is still recovering from Modi’s decision late last year to outlaw 86 percent of the currency in circulation.

In a bid to mitigate the impact on the farm sector, the GST rates for tractors and fertilizer were slashed on Friday to 18 percent and 5 percent, respectively.

HSBC estimates the reform, despite its flaws, could add 0.4 percentage points to economic growth.

An end of tax arbitrage under the GST is estimated to save companies $14 billion in reduced logistics costs and efficiency gains.

As the GST is a value added tax, firms will have an incentive to comply in order to avail credit for taxes already paid. This should widen the tax net, shoring up public finances.

“The old India was economically fragmented,” Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said. “The new India will create one tax, one market for one nation.”

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Companies Still Hobbled from Fearsome Cyberattack

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Many businesses still struggled Friday to recover hopelessly scrambled computer networks, collateral damage from a massive cyberattack that targeted Ukraine three days ago.

The Heritage Valley Health System couldn’t offer lab and diagnostic imaging services at 14 community and neighborhood offices in western Pennsylvania. DLA Piper, a London-based law firm with offices in 40 countries, said on its website that email systems were down; a receptionist said email hadn’t been restored by the close of business day.

Dave Kennedy, a former Marine cyberwarrior who is now CEO of the security company TrustedSec, said one U.S. company he is helping is rebuilding its entire network of more than 5,000 computers.


“It hit everything, their backups, servers, their workstations, everything,” he said. “Everything was just nuked and wiped.”

Kennedy added, “Some of these companies are actually using pieces of paper to write down credit card numbers. It’s crazy.”

Some attacks are unreported

The cyber attack that began Tuesday brought even some Fortune 1000 companies to their knees, experts say. Kennedy said a lot more “isn’t being reported by companies who don’t want to say that they are hit.”

The malware, which security experts are calling NotPetya, was unleashed through Ukraine tax software, called MeDoc. Customers’ networks became infected downloading automatic updates from its maker’s website. Many customers are multinationals with offices in the eastern European nation.

The malware spread so quickly, worming its way automatically through interconnected private networks, as to be nearly unstoppable. What saved the world from digital mayhem, experts say, was its limited business-to-business connectivity with Ukrainian enterprises, the intended target.


Had those direct connections been extensive — on the level of a major industrial nation — “you are talking about a catastrophic failure of all of our systems and environments across the globe. I mean it could have been absolutely terrifying,” Kennedy said.

Microsoft said NotPetya hit companies in at least 64 nations, including Russia, Germany and the United States. Victims include drug giant Merck & Co. and the shipping company FedEx’s TNT subsidiary. Trade in FedEx stock was temporarily halted Wednesday.

Danish shipping giant still struggling

One major victim, Danish shipping giant A.P. Maersk-Moller, said Friday that its cargo terminals and port operations were “now running close to normal again.” It said operations had been restored in Spain, Morocco, India, Brazil, Argentina and Lima, Peru, but problems lingered in Rotterdam, the Netherlands; Elizabeth, New Jersey; and Los Angeles.

An employee at an international transit company at Lima’s port of Callao told The Associated Press that Maersk employees’ telephone system and email had been knocked out by the virus — so they were “stuck using their personal cellphones.” The employee spoke on condition of anonymity because he’s not authorized to speak to reporters.

Back in Ukraine, the pain continued. Officials assured the public that the outbreak was under control, and service has been restored to cash machines and at the airport.

But some bank branches remain closed as information-technology professionals scrambled to rebuild networks from scratch. One government employee told the AP she was still relying on her iPhone because her office’s computers were “collapsed.” She, too, was not authorized to talk to journalists.

 Security researchers now concur that while NotPetya was wrapped in the guise of extortionate “ransomware” — which encrypts files and demands payment — it was really designed to exact maximum destruction and disruption, with Ukraine the clear target.

FBI joins investigation

Computers were disabled there at banks, government agencies, energy companies, supermarkets, railways and telecommunications providers.


Ukraine’s government said Thursday that the FBI and Britain’s National Crime Agency were assisting in its investigation of the malware.

Suspicion for the attack immediately fell on hackers affiliated with Russia, though there is no evidence tying Vladimir Putin’s government to the attack.

Relations between Russia and Ukraine have been tense since Moscow annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine in 2014. Pro-Russian fighters still battle the government in eastern Ukraine.

U.S. intelligence agencies declined to comment about who might be responsible for the attack. The White House did not immediately respond to questions seeking its reaction to the attack.

Russian hackers blamed before


Experts have blamed pro-Russian hackers for major cyberattacks on the Ukrainian power grid in 2015 and 2016, assaults that have turned the eastern European nation into the world’s leading cyber warfare testing ground.


A disruptive attack on the nation’s voting system ahead of 2014 national elections is also attributed to Russia.

Robert M. Lee, CEO of Dragos Inc. and an expert on cyberattacks on infrastructure including Ukraine’s power grid, said the rules of cyber espionage appear to be changing, with sophisticated actors — state-sponsored or not — violating what had been established norms of avoiding collateral damage.

Besides NotPetya, he pointed to the May ransomware dubbed “WannaCry,” a major cyberassault that some experts have blamed on North Korea.

“I think it’s absolutely reprehensive if we do not have national-level leaders come out and make very clear statements,”  he said, “that this is not activity that can be condoned.”


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