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У Таджикистані двох опозиціонерів засудили на 30 і 20 років за ґратами

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«Група 24» була заснована бізнесменом Умаралі Куватовим, який був убитий у Туреччині в 2015 році. Вона активно критикувала уряд Таджикистану та виступала за демократичні реформи

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Ізраїль офіційно підтвердив убивство очільника угруповання «Хамас» Сінвара

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Сінвар став політичним лідером «Хамасу» на початку серпня. Він замінив на посаді Ісмаїла Ханію, якого було вбито наприкінці липня в результаті удару по резиденції в Тегерані, де він перебував

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Germany outlines measures to strengthen domestic wind industry

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Germany plans to introduce measures aimed at boosting its domestic wind industry, the economy ministry said on Thursday, amid concerns from European governments and companies over Chinese firms gaining momentum on the continent.

The measures will focus on improving cybersecurity, reducing dependency for critical components like permanent magnets, and ensuring fair competition in global markets, the ministry said following a meeting with unnamed European wind turbine manufacturers and suppliers in Berlin, without giving further details or a time frame.

China accounts for about 60% of global rare earth mine production, but its share jumps to 90% of processed rare earths and magnet output.

“We must continue improving conditions to keep this industry competitive and ensure future value creation within Germany and Europe. These measures are a crucial step,” Economy Minister Robert Habeck said in a statement.

The plan will also address securing financing for increased production and adjusting public funding mechanisms to prevent market distortion.

The ministry did not immediately respond to a request for further details.  

Tensions are high between Beijing and the European Union, the world’s two largest wind markets. The European Commission launched an investigation in April into whether Chinese companies are benefiting from unfair subsidies.

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European Central Bank cuts main interest rate a quarter-point to 3.25% as inflation fades

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The European Central Bank, which sets interest rates for the 20 countries that use the euro currency, cut borrowing costs once again on Thursday after figures showed inflation across the bloc falling to its lowest level in more than three years and economic growth waning. 

The bank’s rate-setting council lowered its benchmark rate from 3.5% to 3.25% at a meeting in Llubljana, Slovenia, rather than its usual Frankfurt, Germany, headquarters. 

The rate cut is its third since June and shows optimism among rate-setters over the path of inflation. Inflation sank to 1.8% in September, the first time in three years that it has been below the ECB’s target rate of 2%. 

Inflation has been falling more than anticipated — in September, it was down at 1.8%, the first time it has been below the ECB’s target of 2% in more than three years — and analysts think the bank will lower rates in December, too. Mounting evidence that the eurozone is barely growing — just 0.3% in the second-quarter — has only accentuated the view that ECB President Christine Lagarde will not seek to dislodge that expectation. 

“The trends in the real economy and inflation support the case for lower rates,” said Holger Schmieding, chief economist at Berenberg Bank. 

One reason why inflation has fallen around the world is that central banks dramatically increased borrowing costs from near zero during the coronavirus pandemic when prices started to shoot up, first as a result of supply chain issues built up and then because of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine which pushed up energy costs. 

The ECB, which was created in 1999 when the euro currency was born, started raising interest rates in the summer of 2021, taking them up to a record high of 4% in Sept. 2023 to get a grip on inflation by making it more expensive for businesses and consumers to borrow, but that has come at a cost by weighing on growth. 

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Gaza unemployment surges to 80% as economy collapses, UN agency says

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ZURICH — Unemployment in Gaza has soared to nearly 80% since the Israel-Hamas war erupted, with the devastated enclave’s economy in almost total collapse, the International Labour Organization said Thursday.

Economic output has shrunk by 85% since the conflict with Israel began a year ago, plunging almost the entire 2.3 million population into poverty, the United Nations agency said.

The conflict has caused “unprecedented and wide-ranging devastation on the labour market and the wider economy across the Occupied Palestinian Territory,” the ILO said, referring to Gaza and the West Bank.

In the West Bank, the unemployment rate averaged 34.9% between October 2023 and the end of September 2024, while its economy has contracted by 21.7% compared with the previous 12 months, the ILO said.

Before the crisis, the unemployment rate in Gaza was 45.3% and 14% in the West Bank, according to the Geneva-based organization.

Gazans either lost their jobs entirely or picked up informal and irregular work “primarily centred on the provision of essential goods and services,” the ILO said.

Israel launched its offensive after Hamas-led gunmen attacked on October 7, killing some 1,200 people and taking around 250 hostage, according to Israeli tallies.

Israel’s campaign in response has killed more than 42,000 people, according to Gaza’s health authorities.

Two-thirds of Gaza’s pre-war structures — more than 163,000 buildings — have been damaged or flattened, according to U.N. satellite data.

Israel says its operations are aimed at rooting out Hamas militants hiding in tunnels and among Gaza’s civilian population.

The crisis has spilled into the West Bank, where Israeli barriers to movement of persons and goods, coupled with broader trade restrictions and supply-chain disruptions, have severely impacted the economy, the ILO said.

Israel says its actions in the West Bank have been necessary to counter Iranian-backed militant groups and to prevent harm to Israeli civilians.

“The impact of the war in the Gaza Strip has taken a toll far beyond loss of life, desperate humanitarian conditions and physical destruction,” said ILO regional director for Arab states Ruba Jaradat.

“It has fundamentally altered the socio-economic landscape of Gaza, while also severely impacting the West Bank’s economy and labour market. The impact will be felt for generations to come.”

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Серба, який приховав звинувачення у воєнних злочинах, засудили до ув’язнення і наступної депортації зі США

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Хорватський суд установив, що під час нападу етнічних сербів на місто Петриня в Хорватії 16 вересня 1991 року Югослав Відич відрізав руку мирному жителю Стієпану Комесу і залишив його стікати кров’ю

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Російського тренера Черчесова оштрафували за жарт про казахську мову

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На пресконференції після матчу Ліги націй 13 жовтня Черчесову поставили запитання казахською мовою. Він звернув увагу, що журналіст був одягнений у форму французького клубу «Парі Сен-Жермен» і запитав у відповідь: «Ти французькою зараз говориш?»

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КНДР стверджує, що цього тижня її армію поповнили 1,4 мільйона осіб

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Заява Північної Кореї про те, що понад мільйон молодих людей зараховується до Корейської народної армії лише за два дні, оприлюднена в час, коли напруженість на Корейському півострові зростає

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Росіянин Черчесов, який тренує футбольну збірну Казахстану, пожартував про казахську мову

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Коли журналіст Бекасил Сейїтхан поставив тренеру запитання казахською мовою, Станіслав Черчесов відповів: «Ти зараз зі мною розмовляєш французькою?»

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