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Month: February 2023

Ghana’s Farmers Switch to Crops Requiring Less Russian Fertilizer

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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a year ago saw a dramatic rise in the price of fertilizer for importers like Ghana, where farmers are struggling to cope.  Ghana’s economic problems have made imports even more expensive, forcing farmers to switch to different crops and ultimately, reduce production.  Kent Mensah reports from Akatsi, Ghana.

Camera: Nneka Chile

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ЗМІ: у британському реєстрі офшорних власників нерухомості є дані наближених до Путіна олігархів РФ

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Великобританія зажадала від усіх бенефіціарних власників нерухомості зареєструватись у реєстрі до 31 січня 2023 року. Не всі олігархи РФ це зробили, кажуть журналісти

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Міністри фінансів G7 вирішили збільшити фінансову підтримку України

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Міністри також підтвердили «рішучу підтримку тісної взаємодії МВФ з Україною та привітали досягнутий прогрес у завершенні перегляду в рамках програми МВФ»

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Categories: Новини, Світ

US Nominates Ajay Banga for World Bank President

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The United States is nominating former Mastercard CEO Ajay Banga to lead the World Bank, President Joe Biden announced on Thursday, crediting him with critical experience on global challenges including climate change.

The news comes days after Trump appointee David Malpass announced plans to step down in June from his role leading the 189-nation poverty reduction agency. His five-year term was due to expire in April 2024.

Addressing the impacts of climate change at the multilateral bank is a priority for the U.S. And leading climate figures have urged the Biden administration to use Malpass’ early departure as an opening to overhaul the powerful financial institution, which has been increasingly criticized as hostile to less-wealthy nations and efforts to address climate change.

Malpass ran into criticism last year for seeming, in comments at a conference, to cast doubt on the science that says the burning of fossil fuels causes global warming. He later apologized and said he had misspoken, noting that the bank routinely relies on climate science.

Banga, currently vice chairman at private equity firm General Atlantic, has more than 30 years of business experience, having served in various roles at Mastercard and the boards of the American Red Cross, Kraft Foods and Dow Inc. He is the first Indian-born nominee to the World Bank president role.

“Ajay is uniquely equipped to lead the World Bank at this critical moment in history,” Biden said in a statement, adding that Banga “has critical experience mobilizing public-private resources to tackle the most urgent challenges of our time, including climate change.”

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said in a statement that Banga’s experience “will help him achieve the World Bank’s objectives of eliminating extreme poverty and expanding shared prosperity while pursuing the changes needed to effectively evolve the institution,” which include meeting “ambitious goals for climate adaptation and emissions reduction.”

Biden’s climate envoy, John Kerry, said on Twitter that Banga was “the right choice.”

“He can help put in place new policies that help deploy the large sums of money necessary to reduce global emissions and help developing and vulnerable countries adapt, build resilience, and mitigate the impact of greenhouse gases,” Kerry tweeted.

The United States has traditionally picked the World Bank chief. The head of its sister agency, the International Monetary Fund, has traditionally come from Europe. But critics have called for an end to that arrangement and for developing countries to gain a bigger voice in the two organizations.

The World Bank has promised to conduct “an open, merit-based and transparent selection process″ and said it would accept nominations through March 29.

Eric LeCompte, executive director of the anti-poverty coalition Jubilee USA Network, said the United States was “looking to nominate people that will be supported by the developing world” and that it was “incredibly relevant” that Banga was born in India. “They want to be able to appoint people who have experience and roots with other economies,” LeCompte said.

“I can’t think of a more intense time for a person to be coming into this job,” said Clemence Landers, policy fellow at the Center for Global Development, a Washington think tank.

The bank is under pressure to expand its mandate — an effort that likely would require the next president to convince donor countries to provide more money.

Critics say the bank should be doing more to help poor countries finance projects to combat and prepare for climate change without saddling them with heavy debt burdens. And Landers said it needs to do a better job at tackling problems that cross borders such as providing pandemic surveillance and backing broad vaccination programs.

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На сході Таджикистану стався потужний землетрус, даних про постраждалих поки немає

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За даними Геологічної служби США, землетрус магнітудою 6,8 стався близько 5:37 ранку за місцевим часом. Китайські ЗМІ повідомляють, що магнітуда землетрусу становила 7,2

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Більше ядерної зброї, гіперзвукових ракет та підводних човнів – Путін дав обіцянки у день «захисника вітчизни»

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Путін подякував військовим, які воюють проти України – захищають, за його словами, «наших людей на наших історичних територіях»

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Categories: Новини, Світ

«Ескалація зусиль із підриву Молдовської держави» – ISW про скасування Путіним указу від 2012 року

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«Відкликання указу 2012 року не вказує на те, що Путін має намір напасти на Молдову – на це йому бракує військового потенціалу – хоча це вказує на ескалацію його постійних зусиль з підриву Молдовської держави»

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Міжнародний суд у Гаазі вимагає від Баку розблокувати Лачинський коридор

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Засідання суду в Гаазі було присвячене позову Вірменії щодо застосування забезпечувального заходу проти Азербайджану та аналогічному позову Азербайджану проти Вірменії

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Pakistan to Cut Government Expenses by 15% in Austerity Drive 

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Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has asked his ministers and advisers to fly economy class, forgo luxury cars and their salaries as part of an austerity drive that will save the government $766 million a year.

The belt tightening comes as Islamabad — which is facing a balance of payment crisis — thrashes out a deal with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to secure funds worth $1 billion which have been pending since late last year over policy issues.

Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves have fallen below a three-week import cover and the expenditure cuts announced on Wednesday are part of an effort to stave off an economic meltdown.

“These austerity measures will save us 200 billion rupees annually,” Sharif told a news conference in Islamabad.

“These measures are need of the hour, and these savings no matter if that’s one penny is very significant,” he said, terming it a sacrifice for the poor who wouldn’t afford food on the table or medicines in the face of consistently high inflation, which touched 27.5% in January.

Sharif said all federal ministries and government offices have been directed to reduce expenditure by 15% and that he had asked his ministers and advisers to forgo salaries, allowances, luxury cars, foreign trips and business class travel.

The ministers agreed to the measures voluntarily, he said, adding all Cabinet members will surrender their salaries and perks, and they will pay all of their utility bills from their pockets.

Armed forces have given a positive response to cut non-combat expenditures, Sharif said without elaborating.

Other steps include a complete ban on the purchase of luxury items or vehicles for all government-run entities and no administrative unit like a new district or town will be created for two years.

All luxury vehicles will be withdrawn from the ministers, advisers and bureaucrats, who would travel abroad only if inevitable and that too in economy class.

The South Asian nation hopes to secure funds from the IMF soon, Sharif said, adding the stringent measures were part of the requirements the lender had asked Pakistan to fulfill before finalizing a deal.

Talks between Pakistan and the IMF are due to conclude this week, officials say.

Before the talks the IMF had asked Pakistan to take a host of prior actions, which included withdrawal of subsidies, hiking energy tariffs, raising extra revenues and arranging external financing.

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У Росії по радіо оголосили повітряну тривогу – МНС заявило про злам

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Із повідомлень у регіональних ЗМІ Росії випливає, що оголошення повітряної тривоги чули у містах Бєлгородської, Московської, Нижньогородської, Тюменської областей, Ставропілля, в Татарстані й Башкортостані

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Categories: Новини, Світ

ООН збирає засідання. Київ і союзники розраховують на широку підтримку «мирної» резолюції

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Голосування за проєкт резолюції, яку внесли приблизно 60 країн, має відбутися після закриття дебатів, очікується, що це станеться вже 23 лютого

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Categories: Новини, Світ

Британія сподівається, що Путін перегляне рішення призупинити участь Росії в ядерній угоді

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Міністерство закордонних справ Росії 21 лютого заявило, що рішення про призупинення участі в договорі про скорочення стратегічних наступальних озброєнь, про яке російський лідер оголосив під час виступу перед Федеральними зборами, може бути переглянуте

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Categories: Новини, Світ