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The Infodemic: Trump Assertion About COVID-19 Lethality is Misleading

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Fake news about the coronavirus can do real harm. is spotlighting fact-checks from other reliable sources here​.Daily DebunkClaim: COVID-19 is “in most populations far less lethal” than the flu.Verdict: MisleadingRead the full story at: FactCheck.orgSocial Media DisinfoScreenshotCirculating on social media: Claim that three children have died from wearing face masks in Germany.Verdict: FalseRead the full story at: Reuters Factual Reads on CoronavirusCovid: What would happen if Trump became too ill to be president?
He’s now returned to the White House and is determined to continue campaigning, but questions remain over his health and what would happen if he becomes too unwell to carry out his duties as president.
— BBC, October 6.

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